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Kernel panic crash

Posted: Fri 02 Nov 2012, 20:27
by otropogo
Have just downloaded, md5summed, burned, verified, and booted ISpup-Q120.

My first try was with default settings, the second with:

puppy acpi=off

and logging level 7

The system crashed with the following message:
performing 'switch_root' to the layered filesystem...Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init.

Pid: 1, comm: switch_root Not tainted #1

Call trace:

[<c12992347>]? panic+0x38/0xdd
[<c1028313>]? do_exit+0x5a/0x573
[<c12888ce>]? complete_and_exit+0x0/0x16
[<129b425>]? syscall_call+0x7/0x6

Xorgwizard problems in ISpup

Posted: Fri 02 Nov 2012, 23:56
by otropogo
While setting up a flash install (as previously posted, I couldn't get the ISpup LiveCd to load at all), I had the most incredible problems setting up my display with Xorgwizard. And the longer I worked on it, the worse it got!

Because I have a two monitor setup, in which one monitor is much more limited in capabability, I know exactly the settings I need to display on both of them legibly. It's 1280x1024@60Hz, period.

Whether I choose to let it guess the resolution and colour depth, or try to choose it myself from list, the result is always the same - both monitors are unable to display anything.

At the next step, after hiting the magic keystrokes to abort the setting, I get to tweak the refresh rate between 60, 72, and 85Hz, but no matter how many times I choose 60, Xorgwizard always switches it to 85Hz.

I've had this problem before, and I can usually fix it by accepting some crummy configuration that will let me navigate the desktop on at least one monitor. That lets me get to the resolution menu of xvideo, where finally, I get the option of 1280x1024@60, and fix the display.

But with ISpup, after saving this configuration in the 2fs file to the usb card, and rebooting, I got the xorgwizard again! Iyt was only after the second save that I could load a desktop.

defective xorgwizard, disappearing firefox, no hdd load

Posted: Sat 03 Nov 2012, 06:11
by otropogo
Went several more rounds with ISpup. I found a 256MB CF card and was able to install ISpup to it, albeit with some difficulty.

Bootflash gave conflicting popups, one in red said it couldn't open the iso file, the other, in orange said to wait, it was copying it. After a few long waits that got nowhere, I copied the files manually. The only thing Bootflash did was to make the card bootable.

Next came the xorgwizard ordeal, worse than last time. I made the mistake of telling it I had a Radeon card, and immediately both my screens dimmed so I couldn't see anything. I was able to brighten one just enough to navigate at maximum brightness. The other was useless.

It did reboot and reload though, and I tried using the gamma control to brighten things. But that was hideous. So finally I found a 2fs file from my previous attempts, copied it to the flash card, and rebooted to a readable screen on both monitors. I've never had this much trouble with xorg before.

Unfortunately, my repeated efforts to boot using the sfs and 2fs files on the hard drive failed, always with the same kernel panic, kill init message as before. I had copied the sfs file and the 2fs files to a directory called ISpup on disk0, and the loader was able to find them alright, either by changing config.sys pmedia=usbflash to =atahd, or by using the puppy pdev1=sda1 argument at bootup.

The loader then shows me the 2fs files, and when I choose one, it starts to load and crashes.

I've compared the contents of the ISpup folder with that of the pupave folder I use to load lupu, and all the same files are there. So ISpup's failure to load from the hard drive remains a mystery.

Update: my install of Quirky to USB-flash did mysteriously after several successful reboots. No idea why or how. Maybe the card is faulty, although Windows couldn't find anything wrong.

I haven't been able to replicate my one successful install, even with a 500MB card that accepts and runs lupu without issues.

Can't reliably boot Quirky-120

Posted: Sun 04 Nov 2012, 02:10
by otropogo
Have now tried to install Quirky a dozen times to USBflash, twice to LiveCD. I got one of the flash installs to boot a few times in a row, but only from the flash card, never from a save file on the hard drive.

I came back to the LiveCD, which previously crashed with a Kernel panic error, and by trying other boot options offered by the F2 key, managed to get it to crash with a bit already cleared error before the kernel panic instead.

There was also an promising one in which it upgraded from "version 119 to version 120" before crashing, and yet another one in which it tried to load the 2fs file on the hard drive, and gave a long optimistic message in red before finally crashing.

And all of the above from a CD burned and verified from an iso that passed the md5sum verification.

I give up. It looks from lack of traffic here as if Quirky-120 has been dead for quite a while anyway. I should have checked the dates first...

Posted: Sun 04 Nov 2012, 03:31
by TLM
Sorry you are having issues with ISpup. I honestly have no idea what is wrong. I abandoned ISpup quite some time ago to work on my new puplet, Diamond, which can also be found in the derivatives section. If there was anything particular you liked about ISpup, please let me know, and maybe you could just install Quirky NOP 120 (on which ISpup was based) and add the features to it. If it was a particular icon, wallpaper, or PET, let me know and i will upload what you want and provide a download link. Sorry i cannot be of more help.

Posted: Sun 04 Nov 2012, 04:31
by otropogo
TLM wrote:Hi,
Sorry you are having issues with ISpup. I honestly have no idea what is wrong. I abandoned ISpup quite some time ago to work on my new puplet, Diamond, which can also be found in the derivatives section. If there was anything particular you liked about ISpup, please let me know, and maybe you could just install Quirky NOP 120 (on which ISpup was based) and add the features to it. If it was a particular icon, wallpaper, or PET, let me know and i will upload what you want and provide a download link. Sorry i cannot be of more help.
Thanks for your reply.

As it happens, I've just now succeeded in reinstalling to usb and booting from flash again. I'm just about to try again to replicate my success with lupuplus in booting from flash using files on the hard drive. Will let you know how it goes.

As for the problems I've had, I think most of them are due to cumulative defects in Pmount, Universal installer, and bootflash installer, as well as xorgwizard. Maybe something about ISpup got them particularly on edge.

For instance, earlier this evening, I took a 2GB SD card, freshly formatted in Windows, and tried to do an install from the ISpup iso with Bootflash. The icon that appeared on the desktop under lupuplus said it was a 498.5 MB disk, Pmount said it was a 500MB disk, but had 101MB of free space! Bootflash showed it as having 489 MB.

I allowed Bootflash to do its thing, and rebooted, but the system didn't see anything to boot.

When I booted again with lupu, and tried the same thing again, the same SD card was now miraculously transformed into a 1.9GB disk. But it made no difference. I followed the procedure again, and it failed to boot just the same (BIOS saw nothing to boot, although it recognized it as a hard drive (Generic USB) in the hard drive settings, and it appeared as generic usb at the top of the boot priority list.

I finally got it to boot only by short circuiting the Bootflash procedure.

1. I let Bootflash "format" it and make it bootable

2. instead of allowing Bootflash to install Quirky from ISO,

3. I opened the ISO myself and copied the files from the ISO to the flash disk, then

4 edited isolinux.cfg to read

Code: Select all

and renamed it syslinux.cfg, then rebooted.

For reasons unknown (maybe just practice) I didn't have quite as hard a time with xorgwizard this time. I'm running ISpup with the 1600x1200 wallpaper right now.

Thanks for your offer of help. When I've had time to play with ISpup, I''ll certainly take you up on it.

Update: Success!
I copied intird.gz, vmlinuz, qrky-120.sfs and qrkysave.2fs from the flash card to the pupsaves folder in the root directory of my disk0,

then I edited syslinux.cfg changing

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

, and finally, I made a renamed copy of the 2fs file in the pupsaves folder, to give me the option to boot with no save file or with a bare bones configuration.

On reboot, the bootloader presented the three options, and successfully loaded the 2fs file from the hard drive.

A very good use for a 256MB CF card that isn't big or fast enough for much else any more, letting me save my burner for its main job.

Why ISpup won't boot from the LiveCD will have to remain a mystery, I guess. I've been using the same CD in the same burner to boot lupu 528 at least once a day for many months now without a problem.