Putting laptop on suspend instead of having to shut down

Booting, installing, newbie

#31 Post by gcmartin »

pemasu wrote:Gcmartin. That icon on the lower left which has standby and suspend options comes from Radky's great PupShudown application which is possible to download as independent pet from Additional Software section.

I think that one puppy user even made modified version which had those options rised to the main menu.
Still a very good inclusion you made to all of the SNOW/ICE/POLAR family.

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#32 Post by pemasu »

Well. I would say that those suspend to ram and hibernate to disk works with most laptops and with many netbooks also in Snow Puppy and Ice Puppy. It is more about is your computer acpi compliant.

The power button enabled shutdown is mediated with acpid application. there are several acpid pets around, made by Patriot and Shinobar.

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#33 Post by n0ukf »

zippytex wrote:I Did As You Said....and........
I opened the console window and typed
acpitool(space)-s and it worked!!!!! :lol:
I then pressed the power button and I was back!!!

THANK YOU!!!!! It is so nice of you to help!
Same here. Now is there some way to get the lid switch on my Asus Eee 900 to suspend it like Xandros did instead of opening a console and type the command? What about getting the power switch to shut down (other than the press-and-hold hard shut down)?
gcmartin wrote:Very Nice, Pemasu.

Doesn't work....
  • Hitting keyboard keys
  • Opening or closing cover
What works? Hitting power-button!
Hope this helps
What are those screenshots from?

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#34 Post by sfeeley »

instead of opening a console and type the command?
1) install acpitool from the packagemanager or a forum pet
2)go to root. right click --> create new file . I named mine suspend
3) open the new file as a text. type
acpitool -s
and save
4) right click on your file and set permissions as executable

now if you click that file, your computer should suspend.

added tweaks:
5) drag that file to your desktop. Now you have a desktop button.
6) search the web and find an icon that you like. save to root.
7) go to your desktop. right click --> set icon. now drag icon to the box

now you have a nice button on your desktop that puts your computer to sleep.

sorry I don't know how to make the powerbutton function this way. I like having it do a hard shutoff, as a last ditch anyways. Maybe others will have suggestions

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