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Posted: Tue 05 Apr 2011, 11:08
by abushcrafter
Xarchive supports loads archive formats. Look at it's wrappers. You can enable support of even more with my Improved Xarchive Wrappers.

Posted: Tue 05 Apr 2011, 12:40
by Sylvander
CatDude wrote:what is the error message in the bottom window :?:
When using gFTP...

Posted: Tue 05 Apr 2011, 13:34
by russoodle
Sylvander, I don't know what the problem is with that account, but for now i'm going to delete it and create another one for you....i couldn't log in to it via ftp either, although i could to the rest of my site. Sorry for all your hassles, it's not the usual thing.. :?

I'll PM you with the new details.

Edit: New account details sent via PM and, as CatDude expresses so eloquently below, fingers crossed this time! :D

Posted: Tue 05 Apr 2011, 13:41
by CatDude

Posted: Tue 05 Apr 2011, 15:13
by Sylvander
1. New account failed in both gFTP and FileZilla.
For report of failure:
gFTP: see screenshot 00.
FileZilla: see screenshot 01.

2. Took great care to get the input details correct.
Ctrl+c to copy from PM, and shift+inset to past into the correct windows.

Posted: Tue 05 Apr 2011, 17:41
by CatDude
Hello Sylvander

530 Login authentication failed
Indicates that your username or password is wrong,
try typing them in.


Posted: Tue 05 Apr 2011, 18:02
by Caneri
Hi All,

When I was doing the ftp thing there was a repeated error with cut and paste.
Sometimes an invisible space was created at the end of a cut line, thus messing up the login.

CatDude...agreed....type the login in without cut/paste...this solved many problems.


Posted: Tue 05 Apr 2011, 19:50
by Sylvander

1. Manually typed in the password to gFTP.
12 complex-characters.
Awkward to type.

2. Transfer completed to /.

Posted: Wed 06 Apr 2011, 07:49
by russoodle
Thanks Eric -- that consideration briefly crossed my mind but i dismissed it :oops:

And CatDude, thanks too for stepping in....i deserted the post last night in favour of my bed and i've been out all day today, so it's a relief to return to good news!

I'm as happy as you must be now, Sylvander :D
Thanks for uploading those....i can add a link on the site to the PETS directory now, which is:

Usual username of puppy and pawsword, linux is required for d/l.

Posted: Wed 06 Apr 2011, 08:21
by CatDude
Sylvander wrote:SUCCESS! :D 8)

1. Manually typed in the password to gFTP.
12 complex-characters.
Awkward to type.
Congratulations :)
Now, the question is,
did you add a Bookmark to save you typing it in again :?:

@ russoodle
No problem my dear.


Posted: Wed 06 Apr 2011, 10:00
by Sylvander
1. "did you add a Bookmark to save you typing it in again"
(a) I believe so.

(b) When I run gFTP...
The details of the connection are already in place, except no password.

(c) There is a bookmark [made by me] named russoodle, at the bottom of the list.
When I click on it, none of the details in the windows change, still no password.
And a line is added at the bottom that says:
Could not change local directory to /pub: No such file or directory
I don't understand what that is about. :?

(a) Having made a new russoodle_petfiles bookmark...
I shut down gFTP, then restarted it, clicked this bookmark...
And it automatically and successfully connected...
With no password displayed in its window.

(b) "Bookmarks->Edit Bookmarks->russoodle_petfiles->Properties" look OK.
e.g. Protocol: FTP is set.

(c) I deleted the russoodle bookmark.

3. Looks like I've gotten it right.
Does it seem so to you?

Posted: Wed 06 Apr 2011, 10:14
by CatDude
Hello Sylvander
Sylvander wrote:3. Looks like I've gotten it right.
Does it seem so to you?
Yeah, i think so.
Whenever i login to anywhere via a Bookmark, there is no change in any of the input fields (Host, Port, User or Pass)

So, as long as everything is working OK, i'd just be a happy bunny and leave things as they are. :wink:
  • EDIT:
    There is one more thing you could do.

    Go to: /root/.gftp
    and copy the bookmarks file somewhere safe (preferably outside of your pupsave)

    Then, if you happen to be multibooting various Puppies
    all you need to do in any of the others is start up gFTP (that will create the /root/.gftp directory) then close gFTP.

    Next just replace the /root/.gftp/bookmarks file with your backed-up copy.

    Now when you restart gFTP, you can simply use the Bookmark to login.
Hope that helps

Posted: Wed 21 Dec 2011, 14:02
by TheAsterisk!
I noticed you have "" listed as an orphaned package.

Unless someone else made a package with the same name, mine should still be available. The link in its thread still works, and you can get it straight from here if you want it.

Posted: Fri 13 Jul 2012, 00:24
by edoc
This PET was on your original list but is absent from the final location:

I cannot seem to find it anywhere.

Can we change the structure

Posted: Wed 02 Jan 2013, 15:52
by Pelo
2009 2010 2011 2012 everybody is dead and ppdb too

Re: Can we change the structure

Posted: Thu 03 Jan 2013, 01:11
by russoodle
Pelo wrote:2009 2010 2011 2012 everybody is dead and ppdb too
Hello Pelo....regarding the structure - what would you suggest?