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Posted: Mon 12 Jul 2010, 22:07
by Roy

Just a shot in the dark here, but does this link help?


Posted: Tue 13 Jul 2010, 11:53
by DaveS
Roy wrote:DaveS,

Just a shot in the dark here, but does this link help?

'fraid not Roy. That thread describes what SHOULD happen. Here, the drivers are unpacked, but then deleted before I can select one. They should not be deleted before the browser closes.

Posted: Tue 13 Jul 2010, 11:54
by Iguleder
Maybe Opera daemonizes so the script proceeds to the next line. I'll try to write a wrapper for Opera in /usr/bin/opera what runs Opera and waits :)

Xorg Wizard bug in klp-004

Posted: Wed 14 Jul 2010, 12:00
by superchook
This computer has a seventeen inch LCD screen which apparently returns the string CMV 17" as its model name. In the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file generated by the wizard the following line in the Section "Monitor" prevents X from starting.

ModelName "CMV 17" AD"

I always have to edit this line to

ModelName "CMV 17 AD"

In klp-004 I select Xorg in the first screen of the Puppy Video Wizard and highlight 1280x1024x24 before entering <Test_X_NOW>
This immediately returns:
Report on X test:
Resolution: x pixels
Horizontal frequency: KHz
Refresh frequency: Hz
Video driver: ati

If you are reading.....

Tab to <Tweak> then ENTER
<Tweak_xorg.conf> Enter
<OK> Enter
does _not_ bring up xorg.conf in an editor but instead takes you back back to:

Okay, just about to take the plunge......

The only solution is to _not_ <Test_X_NOW> but to try Xorg without testing first. The wizard then drops you to the command line after displaying the line:

If X failed to start, type "xorgwizard" to setup X

at the prompt enter

e3ne /etc/X11/xorg.conf

and edit the line

ModelName "CMV 17" AD"

to become

ModelName "CMV 17 AD"

ave and exit the editor. At the prompt enter

xwin jwm

and you arrive at the desktop.

Posted from klp-004

Posted: Thu 15 Jul 2010, 06:54
by James C
Did a fresh frugal install of KLP-004 on my old P3 test box.Everything appears to be working correctly out of the complaints here. :)

Looking forward to 005.............................

Posted: Thu 15 Jul 2010, 07:03
by Iguleder
005 is pushed back, I'm having some problems here ... time to format my whole drive and clean up the mess. Looking good so far, but there are 3 annoying problems to get rid of:
- The help page doesn't open unless Opera is already running, Opera starts the speed dial thing instead of opening it.
- CUPS is too used to PuppyBrowser, gotta make some Opera bash launcher that waits until Opera closes, because Opera daemonizes or does something quirky so the CUPS shell script goes on instead of waiting for Opera to end. I was thinking of some script that starts Opera, then it checks whether Opera is running once per second and exists if it isn't. That's the only solution I can think of.
- In the latest Woof, there's no automatic wired internet connection as in 004. Barry mentioned that somewhere as an issue he's trying to figure out. I also had a corrupt /etc/resolv.conf in one of the 005 builds, so I rebuilt it from the 4.3.1 ISO and things seem fine, except the missing automatic connection.

The difference from 004 is pretty much cosmetic, except some removed stuff that reduce the ISO size by less than 1 MB :)

I'll upload a delta from 004 to 005 for those who want it, that should be useful.

superchook: that's the 4.3.1 xorg. KLP is built directly from the 4.3.1 ISO to make sure they're 100% compatible.

Posted: Thu 15 Jul 2010, 08:10
by DaveS
Iguleder wrote:I was thinking of some script that starts Opera, then it checks whether Opera is running once per second and exists if it isn't. That's the only solution I can think of.
I remember Ttuuxxx having this problem with a 4.3 re-spin using Firefox. I think the way he solved it was to set the script to end after the printer drivers had been generated, then have a separate menu button to delete them again after the printer was set up. Might be worth dropping him a PM?

Posted: Fri 16 Jul 2010, 15:32
by Iguleder
Solved both the help icon and CUPS problems with a simple launcher.

Code: Select all


# an Opera launcher, waits for Opera to end, then closes

/root/.local/bin/opera "$@"

while true; do

  sleep 1
  if [ "`ps | grep /root/.local/lib/opera/opera`" = "" ]; then

005 is almost ready, all issues fixed, all features added ... just needs some polish :lol:

Posted: Fri 16 Jul 2010, 16:26
by DaveS

Posted: Sat 17 Jul 2010, 04:26
by James C
Updated my frugal install to KLP 005 w/ a new save file.Looks nice.Works good. :)

Posted: Sat 17 Jul 2010, 22:57
by musher0
Hello, Iguleder

I just discovered your derivative. Congratulations ! :D KLP is very pleasant to work with. Many thanks for providing a ready-made access to upgraded programs, especially including the new Opera, with the time-tested Puppy 4.31 structure.

All the best,

Posted: Sun 18 Jul 2010, 01:50
by sinc
I feel like i'm cheating on ttuuxxx but i really like klp so far. i've used it for a couple of days and am very pleased. i'm just gonna start with one idea, i know its been implemented before but a gui to change the clock from 24 hr to 12 hr would be recommended. i know how to do it manually but for those that don't that would be nice.

alright, alright... 2 other minor things that don't really matter at all (i told you I am very pleased with your product). your aesthetics are very nice in general maybe change the puppy picture on the Menu button. And, I've never understood this, shouldn't "calc" on the desktop be called "spreadsheet".

I know I'm being picky about things I can change myself, just ideas, thats all. Thanks again I am very satisfied with the way KLP works

Posted: Sun 18 Jul 2010, 05:43
by Iguleder
musher0 wrote:KLP is very pleasant to work with.
Great honor to receive that reply from you, musher. Thank you!
sinc wrote:a gui to change the clock from 24 hr to 12 hr would be recommended.
Gimme a PET (or a bunch of files), I'll add it. I like that idea :)
sinc wrote:the puppy picture on the Menu button.
In fact, I changed it once, but the problem is that other stuff need that icon and it makes no sense to put something else there. I mean, the "wizard wizard" uses it too ... so it's kinda weird. I think I'll try to edit the base jwmrc and change it to some other image (menubutton.xpm or something). I can also write some gtkdialog GUI to change it, maybe I can even add it to the jwm configuration thingy :)
sinc wrote: And, I've never understood this, shouldn't "calc" on the desktop be called "spreadsheet".
Hehe, you're right, I think so too. I've noticed many icon themes use a calculator icon for gnumeric, maybe the name "calc" is too confusing, even for developers :P

I'll try to change it to "spreadsheet", sometimes justice and common sense beat the Puppy tradition :wink:
sinc wrote:just ideas, thats all.
Ideas, imho, are one of the things that push Puppy forward. Thanks for sharing yours.

EDIT: two problems:
1) Need a good menu button. Hard to find 16x16 graphics these days ... can anyone upload menu buttons from 2.14x, dpup ... ? Let's steal one.
2) Not enough space for the long "spreadsheet". Need some other word or a way to make the icons more spacy. Also, I think I could move the icon, but that would be confusing for pretty much anyone used to Puppy.

Posted: Sun 18 Jul 2010, 05:55
by DaveS
For the menu button icon, I always change /root/.jwmrc-tray/ menu button line to read:

Code: Select all

<TrayButton label="Menu" icon="shutdown24.png">root:3</TrayButton>
I think it looks much better this way, maybe more 'mature', and does not break anything.

Posted: Sun 18 Jul 2010, 07:18
by DaveS
Errrr......... cant add printer. Same problem, drivers composed, then deleted before I can select them. Frugal install, 'save' file.

Posted: Sun 18 Jul 2010, 09:25
by Iguleder

I guess we'll need ttuuxxx's modified CUPS wizard.

Posted: Sun 18 Jul 2010, 09:37
by DaveS
I will try to figure out how it is done in Quirky and Luci. they dont seem to need to compose the drivers.
Everything else is working great. The touchpad configure program (flsynclient) is fine and gives sensible defaults, no sign of the dreaded 'clickfinger' parameter found in Quirky and Luci :)
Maybe we should experiment with updating CUPS..........

Posted: Sun 18 Jul 2010, 10:17
by Iguleder
I made some experimental replacement for cups_shell. Try this and tell me what you think. If it doesn't work I'll try to upgrade CUPS.

It doesn't delete the drivers no matter what: you must click the deletion button for that.

The wizard is a modified version of ttuxxx's 2.14x CUPS wizard. Just extract this to /.

EDIT: a new one, much better.

EDIT 2: OMG, I just found out that my Opera launcher was not included in 005. That's weird.

Posted: Sun 18 Jul 2010, 11:58
by DaveS
Iguleder wrote:I made some experimental replacement for cups_shell. Try this and tell me what you think.
Perfect :) Simplifies the process so much.............

Posted: Sun 18 Jul 2010, 13:55
by sinc
I guess it won't work but here's a 16x16 of the puppylogo from barry's website. ... 2385494842

well heres a thread about changing the clock format in puppy 4 but for some reason I can't seem to make it work. maybe someone else can see whats necessary to make these scripts work.

Thank you for addressing the items I bought up, they really seem silly, they are such small things. Two other things if I may, a small default powerpoint reader would be great. many emails come in ppt format and I can't open them without open office. I don't feel editing is important, for that I could just use open office and be happy but just the default ability to read a ppt file would be nice. And secondly (this is probably not the thread for this b/c its the case in all the new puppies but) the master volume control does not control the volume if a headset is plugged in. I use my stereo through my computer and being able to change the volume is really a pain since I have to go into the menu and open zmixer to adjust the volume.