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Posted: Sat 30 Jan 2010, 21:59
by gerry
Just tried spup451 on my Acer Aspire One again, using live usb. TOP shows that spup is using 27% of 1GB of ram- ie 269MB. Wow! Normal Puppies use a great deal less than that. What's it doing with it?


Posted: Sun 31 Jan 2010, 01:14
by James C
Htop is showing Spup 451 using 58 mb of ram on my frugal install.
I'd be using swap if I had your results..... :lol:
Actually, the percentage is about the same, in the neighborhood of 25%.

Posted: Mon 01 Feb 2010, 13:17
by gerry
I tried installing Patriot's pet, as dalderton suggested- still can't connect to localhost:631. Anyone actually tried this??


Posted: Mon 08 Mar 2010, 23:09
by nooby
I fail to find the download. The upload site says to contact the owner and ask him to upload it again. Gopsil mirror fails too.

does Asia or Canada have it?

Are there any other mirror for it?

Posted: Tue 09 Mar 2010, 08:10
by 01micko

Gposil's site is down for the moment, he has had some issues I won't get into...

As far as Filefactory goes.. eek. I don't like it much though I have used it... I think if no one downloads the file within a month of the latest download they delete it.. :(

So, out of luck for spup at the moment.

Ok, nooby, I found sup-451.iso and am uploading to will be there soon, I will edit this post when it's up.



Here it is..
Hopefully md5sum matches plaguedogs' one in main post or mine a few posts down on first page. There was some issue with this. But iso worked fine.

REMEMBER... use wget to download from


Posted: Tue 09 Mar 2010, 16:31
by nooby
I found this Slackware derivate too.

Slaxer_Pup 4.12 solid and stable ... &start=435 not same I guess. The first use Slackware 12? and the Slax is well Slax but maybe related somewhat? So I guess me test both.

thanks for the link.

Spup was not so well working on my desktop computer. I had to use vesa and it did not do streaming radio.

Posted: Mon 22 Mar 2010, 04:46
by plaguedogs
sorry guys i have been out in the bush for most of the winter, ill try to get a new iso up as soon as i can. my work season ends in exactly one week. then i go to edmonton to get a new truck, come back up north for a day to load up some of my things, then a 14 hour drive home, and ill be back in the civilized world. give me 2 weeks and ill have something updated


Posted: Mon 22 Mar 2010, 12:30
by Flash
Shouldn't this thread be in the Puppy Derivatives section? I'll move it there if it should.

Posted: Tue 23 Mar 2010, 08:11
by gerry
@Flash- this section is for upup, dpup, tpup, spup and so on, surely? I think that some subsections might be useful, though.

EDIT: Of course, in best Puppy tradition, there will be several of each.....


Posted: Tue 23 Mar 2010, 09:29
by Béèm
I can agree with gerry.
Subsections would give a more structured overview of the development going on for the different types. (dpup, upup......)