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Mounting the VirtualBox host file system ...

Posted: Tue 01 Dec 2009, 18:52
by JohnSnyder
How do I get the VirtualBox host file system to automatically mount at startup? Into which startup file do I place the mounting instructions?

[Later...Perusal of the Internet resulted in finding a suggestion to place the mount command in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file. Guess what! It works!]

vbox 3.1

Posted: Sat 05 Dec 2009, 23:49
by gray
Updated to Virtualbox 3.1 - see main post

errorcode: missing?

Posted: Sun 13 Dec 2009, 10:48
by pavl
Hi all!

Using Puppy 4.3.1 I am trying to install Virtual Box the way Gray descibes.

After installing the menulink is there, but it's not working. When starting from a terminal the reply is:

VirtualBox: supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain: dlopen ("opt/VirtalBox/",) failed: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I read that I should change the rights to /opt/VirtualBox and so I did. But to no avail and I cannot find another solution online.

Does any of you have an idea?

Thanks in advance,



Posted: Mon 14 Dec 2009, 04:08
by gray
Looks like the latest version of Vbox has a new dependency - OpenGL. Didn't spot that as I already have the nvidia drivers (& hence OpenGL) already installed. If you have an nvidia graphics card install the nvidia drivers. Alternatively install the following pet for the mesa GL libs. ...


Posted: Mon 14 Dec 2009, 08:15
by pavl
Did the trick!

Thanks Gray!

Posted: Thu 17 Dec 2009, 22:26
by Mixael
I am very grateful for your work on the VirtualBox pet. I'm using Puppy as the host machine, and created a DOS virtual with it. I was able to setup DOS 6.22, along with a DOS application program I wanted to run. Everything works including the application program until I decide to use the serial port for the application program which is required for it to do its job. That's when the virtual machine won't start unless I disable the comm port in the VirtualBox settings. In searching the various sites, seems like I'm not the only one with serial port issues on VirtualBox (although others with problems are usually USB/Serial adapters). I'm hoping you might have some ideas; here's where I'm at:

Checking that the port is OK from the Puppy side:

Code: Select all

dmesg | grep ttyS0
serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3F8 (irq=4) is a 16550A
00:09: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3F8 (irq=4) is a 16550A
Settings for VirtualBox Serial Port:

Code: Select all

When I try to start the DOS virtual machine, i get

Code: Select all

Failed to open host device
Unknown errorcreating VM(VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND).
Under the error code details:

Code: Select all

Result Code:NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)
Component: Console
Interface: |Console{  lot of numbers here which I haven't typed in }
It may have had no impact in Puppy's single user setup, but based on some posts I read I even tried adding a group named vboxusers, and then manually edited the file /etc/group to add the user root in the line that was appended to the end of the file after I'd added the group. The line looked like:

Code: Select all

I also executed the command

Code: Select all

chmod a+rw /dev/vboxdrv
I rebooted, tried starting the DOS virtual machine again, but got the same error. Any ideas?

Missing File on

Posted: Fri 08 Jan 2010, 15:54
by TheAsterisk!
Both of the PETs for version 3.1.0 are available, but the link to the compressed guest additions ISO returns a 404 error, as does trying to get at it by navigating in from and .asia. :(

@gray: Why don't you just link to the ISOs here, buried in the VirtualBox site? I'd think that's easier than compressing 'em and hosting them yourself.

These VirtualBox PETs you package up so nicely are wonderful, by the way. Thanks for the time spent!

Posted: Tue 12 Jan 2010, 16:22
by Mixael
I think I've figured out the serial port issue when using VirtualBox serial ports on a Puppy host. I'll confirm it after I test the actual application, but the VirtualBox client I have running DOS/WFW will now start up when I enable the serial port. After much unneccessary reading about pipes, dev/ttyS0, mkfifo, and socat it turned out all I needed was one command issued BEFORE the VirtualBox application is started (not just the client in VirtualBox). I've appended the following line to the file /etc/rc.d/rc.local to ensure it is executed on bootup.

Code: Select all

setserial /dev/ttyS0

Posted: Wed 13 Jan 2010, 21:27
by Mixael
The serial port does indeed function with that change. I've documented the entire process to setup a DOS/WFW client at

Posted: Wed 17 Feb 2010, 00:34
by davidwillis
I am trying to install 3.1.4 and I get this

Very nicely done..

Posted: Mon 05 Apr 2010, 17:11
by Revolverve
Thanks , a real time saver for me ,installation is faster for M$ $ht OS...I was keeping a Vi$ta partition on my laptop,well , 2 partitions...for convenience 2 or 3 time a year...even thru those very few needs , I manage to got it corrupted!!!!!
Grrrr...I will now flush those...half relief...

Was a long time since I have installed Virtualbox ,it support 3d acceleration now
or a kind of .. anyway..I dont play game.

Would have love to find a sfs for 431...if possible... but the pet roll fine!!!

Thanks again..
Virtualbox rock!!!!
Puppy rock!!!!

Posted: Mon 19 Apr 2010, 12:02
by volkanos666
I install Virtual Box on my 1000ha for running WinXP, all work fine but I don't have keyboard on full screen (any keys works).

Any have idea??

Posted: Tue 29 Jun 2010, 18:04
by cosworth88
excuseme i can't download becouse i haven't got user and password...
someone could help me please??

Posted: Wed 30 Jun 2010, 12:51
by TheAsterisk!
cosworth88 wrote:excuseme i can't download becouse i haven't got user and password...
someone could help me please??
When in doubt with Puppy Linux sites, use "p u p p y" and "l i n u x" as your username and password, minus the quotes and the spaces.

Additionally, a couple of the previously posted links seem to be dead, so just go to and select the most recent version listed there (which I think would be 3.1.4).

Posted: Wed 30 Jun 2010, 18:08
by cosworth88
thanks for the password!
when i try to start the virtual box i receive an error message

Code: Select all

RTR3Init failed with rc=-1912 (rc=-1912)

The VirtualBox kernel modules do not match this version of VirtualBox. The installation of VirtualBox was apparently not successful. Executing

'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'

may correct this. Make sure that you do not mix the OSE version and the PUEL version of VirtualBox.
what i have to do?? i'm using lucid puppy
someone could help me please? ;(

Posted: Thu 01 Jul 2010, 05:13
by TheAsterisk!
cosworth88 wrote:thanks for the password!
when i try to start the virtual box i receive an error message

Code: Select all

RTR3Init failed with rc=-1912 (rc=-1912)

The VirtualBox kernel modules do not match this version of VirtualBox. The installation of VirtualBox was apparently not successful. Executing

'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'

may correct this. Make sure that you do not mix the OSE version and the PUEL version of VirtualBox.
what i have to do?? i'm using lucid puppy
someone could help me please? ;(
That's most likely because the VirtualBox packages in this thread are built for Puppy 431 and its kernel version Lucid Puppy (500 or 501) uses a newer kernel, so it can't use these particular packages.
I'll look around a bit, and see if there's already a package for Lucid Puppy or not, and then I'll edit this post accordingly.

EDIT: Well, I can't find a package for Lupu, but if you want there is one for Lighthouse Pup 500. It has the same kernel version as Lupu, but is an Spup (I think), so I don't know if the package would work with Lupu, but it definitely works with LightousePup (as intended). Just something to consider.
There was mention in one of the main Lupu threads that a VBox package might be developed. I've no idea when that'll happen, though.
Otherwise, Oracle distributes a *.run installer for VBox that you can try out. It's over here.

Posted: Thu 01 Jul 2010, 05:15
by TheAsterisk!
Sorry. Accidentally double-posted.

Posted: Thu 01 Jul 2010, 07:33
by gronos04
You will need the correct devx and kernel sources for your puppy version.
For lupu there is no kernel sources at this point.
There is a "wary kernel sources" for the same kernel but there is a disparity in the gcc version that it was compiled on and it doesn't work with VBox in lupu.
So if you would like to run VBox then you will need to choose another puppy version.
Download the latest .run version from VBox
Load devx
Load kernel souces for your kernel
to find kernel version, in terminal [ uname -r ]
SDL pet
QT pet ...
in terminal [ adduser -D -H vboxusers ]
run the
That should do it.
Good luck

Posted: Thu 01 Jul 2010, 13:46
by TheAsterisk!
gronos04 wrote:You will need the correct devx and kernel sources for your puppy version.
For lupu there is no kernel sources at this point.
No, there is a kernel source SFS for Lucid Puppy. It's right here.
Download the latest .run version from VBox
Load devx
Load kernel souces for your kernel
to find kernel version, in terminal [ uname -r ]
SDL pet
QT pet ...
in terminal [ adduser -D -H vboxusers ]
run the
That should do it.
Good luck
Point is, the packages in this thread still won't work, as they were made on and for Puppy 430 and 431 with kernel

Posted: Thu 01 Jul 2010, 16:37
by gronos04
That was the one I was referring to.
The VBox install log is helpful.
Go vanilla and get it working might be a good approach. Then go back and have another go on lupu.