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Posted: Mon 03 Nov 2008, 15:40
by dinky
Success!!!! Ripple is born. I'm typing this from my eeepc, on a build of puppy 4.1 with the scripts for Ripple layered over the top. Still things to sort out for a final release, but for now it seems quite stable.... move over eeetiger! (edit: previous release I made for the eeepc)

Wow compiled the latest Cairo Dock, 1.6.3, which has support for xdg menus built in. I still need to hack the menus, but MU's gnome-puppy menus work really well. The analogue clock, system tray, battery monitor, and menu icon are all sitting on the compiz-fusion widget layer, able to be brought over the top of any window by pressing F9. Very similar to the OSX dashboard. The dockbar autohides, and has a selection of applets and launchers to add not only eye candy, but functionality as well. All the widgets are provided by Cairo-dock, gdesklets isn't needed, and will be available as an optional install.

One of the best things is that Rox seems to be working happily with this. I had to untick the boxes in Rox's configuration settings first, but now that's done there appear to be no conflicts. I'm stil using Rox's trash icon, as well as the drive icon support on the desktop. Other than that, not much is needed...

Sorry for no screenshots, but it's late and I need to get some sleep. I'l post more in the next few days. The next step is to remaster what I've done, then post some test isos here. After that I can start work on a rebuild from unleashed, possibly using the development version of Puppy 4.2. The main issue is not having the scripts yet from tombh... are you still reading this tom? I'll tae you up on your offer of updated compiz-fusion scripts, because without them Project Ripple isn't going very far. Works beautifully on the eeepc... but I can't see myself suggesting to buy one for everyone that likes this project. Cheers folks, will post more soon.

Posted: Mon 03 Nov 2008, 15:58
by dinky
Here are the screenshots. Would anybody like to make a wiki page?


Posted: Mon 03 Nov 2008, 17:53
by jtouso
Hi, Dinky
Whwn a beta to download and test?

Posted: Mon 03 Nov 2008, 22:58
by dinky
Soon. I still have to make one as an iso, when I have time. Last night was epic. Look for it here over the next few days or so.

Posted: Wed 05 Nov 2008, 00:17
by dinky
Hi folks, test iso now available, get it here:

Still uploading, check back in an hour if it's not there. I haven't tried booting it from the cd, but extracting the files and running from a usb already running eeetiger. Stripped out eeetiger's files and dropped these in, works beautifully on the eeepc 700. Have not tried it on anything else, and would appreciate your feedback.

WARNING! This is customised to run on the eeepc 700, and will not work out of the box on anything else. Until we get the compiz scripts from tombh, or hack them out of wNOP, I'm unable to provide anything else. It shouldn't be hard to reconfigure this for your own box though, assuming it can run compiz-fusion. As this is a simple remaster of Puppy 4.1, JWM is included by default, though it won't start unless you tell it to. To start, type:

Code: Select all

xwin jwm

in the console to load X. My guess is at start up it will load with cairo-dock not supporting compositing (black background), and no window manager. Ctrl+alt+backspace will get you out of X, type the above code to get in under JWM. You'll then need to follow tombh's thread about getting compiz up and running, which is here:

Code: Select all
Don't worry about the window manager bit, you don't need it.

Once configured, exit X again (ctrl+alt+backspace), and type

Code: Select all

xwin ripple
to restart X, hopefully with compiz-fusion running. Welcome to Ripple!!!

This is the first test run, not even a first real release yet. Very functional, once a few bugs are ironed out I'll make a rebuild from unleashed. Once we get the compiz-fusion scripts running on bootup, we'll be ready for the first release, based on puppy 4.1.1. All the best folks, let me know how you go!

Posted: Wed 05 Nov 2008, 05:06
by aarf

Md5sum for Ripple Beta iso

Posted: Wed 05 Nov 2008, 05:10
by dinky

Md5sum: dbc37e65c0b4f7ea3ef0a8300d8d1c97 ripple_beta_1.iso

Posted: Wed 05 Nov 2008, 05:38
by aarf
ok got it down successfully. will take look later.

Posted: Mon 10 Nov 2008, 20:45
by flipper9
Sorry for being a newb, but how do I install this? I tried using unetbootin, but kept running into issues where I had to run the Puppy Video Wizard, and couldn't get the video or universal installer to run correctly. Is there an easier way to install so no configuration is necessary?

I am using an ASUS eee pc 700 (2gb Surf)

Thanks for all the hard work! :)

Posted: Mon 10 Nov 2008, 21:08
by cb88
have any ideas about this on NOP 4.1? ... 501#247501

I thought you guys might see the post over there but guess not getting this error:
compiz: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I've got the nvidia blob working and eveything else is good to go... on NOP 4.1
Linux puppypc #1 Tue Aug 26 10:45:53 GMT-8 2008 i686 GNU/Linux

am i missing some .pet?

installed the and ccsm as well

now im getting that error Confused
this seems to be the current compiz discussion thread anyway

Posted: Mon 10 Nov 2008, 21:32
by dinky
Hi folks, firstly, flipper9, thanks for your interest, and for having a go. I'm working on the next beta release now, with an updated script for the xorgwizard. Currently if you run the xorgwizard you'll need to hack the /etc/X11/xorg.conf script, as it's not configured automatically. I'm working on a fix for this now, with a complete rebuild from unleashed. Almost there. You should have an easier time with that beta, check back here in a day or so.

Thanks for your persistence. I did see your post in the compiz-fusion thread, but haven't been able to reply yet. I'm pretty sure you're missing another package, have you installed xorg_xorg_dri-full yet? Basically the puppy 4 series doesn't support dri, and you'll need to install the full pet to get compiz-fusion running. I'm working on a rebuild where I'm hoping to be able to install a few less xorg packages, but I'm not there yet. It's about 20mb, but should fix your problems. Get it from ibiblio, or find the link from tombh's compiz-fusion thread.

Depending on your graphics card, you'll also need to hack your xorg.conf file (mentioned above), and your /etc/profile file. Here's tombh's compiz thread. Make sure you read ALL the instructions, because they are there!!! Good luck. Let us know how you go. Cheers!

Posted: Mon 10 Nov 2008, 22:06
by cb88
@dinky im used to the other hacks... but forgot about 4.0 not haveing all the dri now that I think about it it may have been the mesa dri .pet I installed and not the full dri one

thnks... to report back soon LOL hopefully with ROX desktop working

Posted: Mon 10 Nov 2008, 22:10
by dinky
Great, let us know. Does NOP 4.1 use Rox, or Xfce? I've already got the full xorg packages installed in the last beta for Ripple... will be releasing a rebuild from unleashed soon. Cheers.

Posted: Wed 12 Nov 2008, 00:02
by cb88
well rox is kinda working.... panel check and sys tray check wallpaper check rox-session check (actually im using compiz for the wallpaper atm..)

only deal breaker right now is that the XDG menus don't work i guess that is because puppy still isn't compliant to the standard

so for now im still running xfce4-panel in my startup script
which i have named compiz-xfce contents look something like this:
rox -S &
xfce4-panel &
compiz-manager or that line to start compiz which i havn't memorised

the last command may not be backgrounded or it will kill x as soon as it starts

Posted: Wed 12 Nov 2008, 02:05
by dinky
I'm a bit confused matey, are you using the development version of Ripple, NOP, or something else? This thread is for the development of Ripple... unless you're working from the iso I posted, or actively on the Ripple project, it's probably a better idea for you to post in either NOP or Compiz-fusion. Please keep posting, but lets save this thread for Ripple development. Cheers!
~dinky :)

Posted: Wed 12 Nov 2008, 04:23
by cb88
I didn't realise there was a ripple ISO already O.o sorry for getting off topic here :x

heh... and to top that off forgot to save my session last night and now have to reinstall everything and emrald is seg faulting

oh where is the link to the ISO anyway? I'd be more than happy to test... even if chances are my HW is pretty well supported already

Posted: Wed 12 Nov 2008, 11:12
by dinky
The links a bit hard to find right now, I'll create another thread for releases soon. You can get it here:

Let me know what you think. You'll likely hav to jugglle this around a bit, no scripts automatically configuring anything at this point, that's the next iso, will be out in a few days. Cheers.

Posted: Wed 12 Nov 2008, 17:38
by cb88
Im gonna be really short on time for the rest of the well so that is just as well... btw why is it so huge?

puppy + xfce + drivers should at worst come out to 85 + 15 + 20 and 10 for the rest or about 130mb

heh... that was on of my peeves about Mathpup... ended up larger than i would have liked

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 01:51
by technosaurus
241MB does seem a little big and it seems you did a lot of hard work with source ...Just wondered are you:
  • removing the DEV, NLS and DOC .pets from the final build
6a.In Step-3: choose option 3
  • stripping the binaries in your packages

Code: Select all

find . | xargs file | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded
  • delete unneeded files (documentation, unused sounds, images, translations from /usr/share/locale)
  • uncompress all archives (such as man pages)... Squash/AUFS works better

Code: Select all

find ./usr/man/ -type l -name "*.gz" | xargs -r gunzip -f
find ./usr/man/ ! -type l -name "*.gz" | xargs -r gunzip
Of course none of this is absolutely necessary just good practice

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 02:18
by dinky
Thanks for that, but it's not the final size. Lol. I'm glad Ripple is developing this much interest, but the iso I posted was just a test iso really, nothing more. It's just a remaster of puppy 4.1, (including all my development files) and was never intended to be a release. The beta release I'm working on is 145Mb, and I may consider making a smaller one that's sub-100... still working out what's needed. For now I'm including Firefox 3 and a patched version of mplayer for compiz-fusion with the full set of codecs. This adds about 20Mb to the final iso, but in my opinion is worth it. Other possibilities are including netsurf (500kb?) instead of Firefox by default, and Mplayer with only the basic codec set... though as far as I'm concerned there's not much point to this. Anyway, in the next couple days I'll post the beta release version.. still sorting out a few bugs. Thanks for the notes on size, I might have a go with some of the above scripts... cheers.