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Posted: Sun 27 Apr 2008, 00:38
by Eyes-Only
Hi Chii, and welcome to the Puppy Kennels! :)

This is really odd and perplexing what you've brought up here because by default one is automatically logged in as "Root" in Puppy, which means the user has full-control of his/her computer. This is one of THE main reasons why I adore Puppy so much after nearly 20 years of total control of my machines. (What a shock the first time a computer told me I couldn't do something! It nearly flew out the window beside me! :evil: )

One thing, however Chii, and that is that Puppy DOES allow for a "standard user" whose name is "spot". I can't exactly recall how it's done but I believe you logout and on the command line (out of GUI/desktop that is) login as Puppyuser "spot" and then restart the GUI. Did you happen to do anything at all line that along the way as an experiment and forget to log back in as Root? I'm wondering if that may make a difference here?

The only other thing I could think of is this: And that is if your NTFS drive needs defragging---Linux will permit you to mount that filesystem as "Read Only" so that you can at least see pics and read files, but it will forbid working with files, saving to the drive, and other actions.

So try and see whether you're able to SAVE a file to your NTFS partition (and make sure it's really there). If it won't then chances are you may just need a defrag of the NTFS system.

That's the biggest problem working with NTFS is that M$ refuses to share with anyone how it really works so the code in Linux to work with it is mostly reverse engineering and a lot of guesswork hence why it's so flakey trying to interface with it from what I understand anyway. Too bad, eh? :(

I hope this has helped until someone with more knowledge than myself happens by!



Posted: Sun 27 Apr 2008, 04:59
by Chii
Aw thankyou! I'm so happy to be here ^^

I tried the defrag but to no avail, however i did get it working somehow. See, I went into pup mounter and unmounted and remounted it. It worked great!

However!! If i mount it by double clicking My Computer in Gnome, it does not permit me to write to it! Is this a gnome bug? If not, how can I make it so it doesnt happen?


Posted: Mon 28 Apr 2008, 00:28
by wow
Chii wrote:I only have one problem at the moment: It will not let me edit files on an ntfs system. Is there a way I can remedy this? (It says i dont have the permissions and I can't really change 'em)
If pmount can mount it read/write you can search the line which mounts ntfs partitions in pmount's code and add its mount options to gnome-mount (right clic on the drive icon >Properties>Drive>Settings>Mount Options)

Posted: Wed 30 Apr 2008, 01:04
by wow
@Chii: Forget what I said about pmount code, the problem is caused by HotPup when it adds an NTFS partition to /etc/fstab like this: "/dev/<device> ntfs default 0 0". It can be mounted read/write if you replace "ntfs" with "ntfs-3g" or if you remove that NTFS partition from /etc/fstab.
To solve this you can write an small script to replace that "ntfs" string or remove every ntfs partition, then add it as a "New Startup Program"(System>Preferences>Sessions).
Example script:

Code: Select all

#Remove every line containing "ntfs" from "/etc/fstab":
mv -f $FILE $FILE.bak
grep -viw ntfs $FILE.bak > $FILE

Posted: Wed 30 Apr 2008, 08:23
by HairyWill
good catch wow, that works for me
looking at /etc/HotPup/add_device_to_fstab in dingo beta 2 I see

Code: Select all

fsfunc() { # supplied with a line of text, sets FSTYPE
case "$@" in 
#	*iso9660*) FSTYPE="iso9660" ; return 0;;
	*Ext3*) FSTYPE="ext3" ; return 0;;
	*Ext2*) FSTYPE="ext2" ; return 0;;
	*NTFS*) FSTYPE="ntfs" ; return 0;; ## needs my modified "mount"
are we using dougal's modified mount, there is nothing in the comments at the top that indicate so. I wonder if setting
avoids the problem or maybe there should be an exception in the code that makes the fstab entry so that it handles ntfs differently?

What do you think?

Posted: Fri 02 May 2008, 01:33
by wow
@HairyWill: Sorry, I'm not the right one to answer your questions. I don't have/need any ntfs partition (I created an small partition just to check this problem). Also I don't use ROX, HotPup, JWM but who cares :)
are we using dougal's modified mount, there is nothing in the comments at the top that indicate so.
Seems not, Have you tried to install the original Hotpup package? Maybe this could fix the problem.
I wonder if setting
avoids the problem or maybe there should be an exception in the code that makes the fstab entry so that it handles ntfs differently?
Ok, I tried that and works well except for an small warning every time I mounted the ntfs partition with ROX.
I made this partition for testing purposes, so there are no problem if it gets corrupted. So I worked with it (copying, deleting, packing, extracting many files) and nothing wrong had happen yet.

Posted: Fri 02 May 2008, 17:00
by changturkey
Any chance of 2.22 coming out any time soon?

Posted: Wed 07 May 2008, 00:28
by MU
wow wrote: Ok, I tried that and works well except for an small warning every time I mounted the ntfs partition with ROX.
I use this /bin/mount in Muppy 0083b (Puppy 3): ... ch&id=6845

Found it via search.

Had to modify one line to avoid the error-message in Hotpup around line 40:


Code: Select all

  mount-FULL $@ 

Code: Select all

  # MU added  2>/dev/null to avoid error-messages in HotPup using ntfs-3g from mai, 06, 2008
  mount-FULL $@ 2>/dev/null
I use the new ntfs-3g driver released yesterday.


Any alternate download for this sfs file?

Posted: Wed 14 May 2008, 09:17
by charbaby66

Posted: Mon 19 May 2008, 10:37
by legendofthor
I am unable to download the sfs file from - used the link which didnt work then did a filefront search which netted nothing..
Is there another site which this sfs has been posted to?

Posted: Mon 19 May 2008, 10:52
by MU
I just can find this older one:

Posted: Tue 20 May 2008, 09:02
by legendofthor
thank you

Posted: Sat 24 May 2008, 03:40
by legendofthor
Project One:
To install the gnome sfs file onto the HD
Loaded Dingo as a fresh install
extracted gnome sfs onto the HD
xwin gnome-session
appeared to work well
Project Two:
To get Gnucash to work on this version of Puppy
Already tried version1.9.8. tgz2pet then install - and used gslapt to get all dependencies (wow i read somewhere that it was a dependency hell) - thought id's try an older version as newer version require newer versions of gnome to work - however i think it doesnt matter
unfortunately i dont have the know-how to get the program to work -
gnucash-bin.c is suppose to be the entry program but puppy doesnt know (and neither do i) what program is needed to run this
I think it's a C source code - opened it in text-editor and it says
* gnucash-bin.c -- The program entry point for Gnucash.
any suggestion? or should i try a newer version of Gnucash?

Posted: Sat 24 May 2008, 04:05
by legendofthor
just found gnucash_214.sfs even though i have heard there are problems with it - it may be a starting point
although if the above questions could be answered would be really appreciated

Posted: Sat 24 May 2008, 22:38
by Eyes-Only
Sorry Martin I don't know anything about gnu-cash so I can't help you. :( I'm just writing to say that I'm completely amazed that you were able to get Gnome running on a full hard drive install of Puppy 4.0 like that! :shock: To install ANY programme manually requires a lot of bravado and patience to place the files in the proper place, etc., and then HOPE everything will work out. But to do it with a complete desktop environment of the size of Gnome? As brave as I am and the few years as I've been doing this---that's something I'd still only think about doing!

Wow... :shock: I'm still in shock thinking someone actually attempted and successfully completed a hard drive install. If Wow was reading this (Wow?) I'd ask him to make a .pet install of this for we who have hard drive installs. hehe!

Curious about one thing though: Did you still have to add hal and haldaemon to the userlist via the terminal as Wow suggested doing when installing the .sfs as a plugin?

I hope you get help soon with the Gnu-Cash my fellow Puppian Friend! Good luck!

Amicalement/In Friendship,


Posted: Sun 25 May 2008, 21:55
by ArthurDent
... the link to th sfs is down, looks like i'm sticking with XFCE for now ...

missing link

Posted: Fri 13 Jun 2008, 13:23
by pdrito

any ?

Please upload the link of gnome 2.20.3 sfs again, because the one posted is missing.


Posted: Fri 13 Jun 2008, 18:20
by Eyes-Only
Sorry that I can't help guys---I got the file from Wow and where he'd parked it at that link. As to where Wow is now I haven't a clue and I have nowhere to "park" the file myself.

I'm sorry that I'm unable to help out in this situation my fellow Puppian friends. :( All I can say is that hopefully Wow will return from wherever he's went and resupply the gnome.sfs file. It would be a real shame to see such a tremendous and important amount of work lost by the wayside, especially one which is so very valuable for our beloved distro!



Posted: Sat 14 Jun 2008, 15:49
by wow
Re uploaded...

Posted: Sat 14 Jun 2008, 16:52
by Eyes-Only
Hey Wow! Thanks my fellow Puppian Friend! As you can see, many have been asking for this! :) That's what you call "a job well-done" mate. :)

I still wished I could get a remaster done of this as I think it would make a great side project but I always stumble when it comes to that part of doing the "/root" and "/etc" directories. Ah well... as I say in French, "Rien est parfait!... sauf moi!" ;) hehe!

Good to see you again Wow. Don't be such a stranger, eh? We miss your compiles!

