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Posted: Sun 23 Dec 2007, 22:52
by Trobin
Slackware comes with emacspeak as part of the base suystem. They also have a UMSDOS miniversion called zipspaeak. Won't work on a NTFS partition.

Posted: Mon 24 Dec 2007, 01:11
by ttuuxxx
I Found this web browser for the blind, it works by voice.
here's the link
Merry Christmas & Happy New Years

just in time

Posted: Mon 24 Dec 2007, 02:23
by raffy
From the site :
eGuideDog Browser 0.57 December 23, 2007
Just in time for Christmas! :D

Posted: Mon 24 Dec 2007, 04:37
by Trobin
I don't suppose some one could make a dotpup out of it.

Looks likere it could be run using Festival, which I've gotten to work in OneBone.

Posted: Mon 24 Dec 2007, 05:46
by muggins

I tried making a .pet but, as it's perl based, "make install" leads to it going off to cpan & doing who knows what! Also, in your commandline puppy, will perl be available?

It would be good if someone else, that knows perl, can make a package, but otherwise, it does have links to other potentially useful CLI programs.

Posted: Mon 24 Dec 2007, 06:03
by Trobin
Thanks for making the attempt.

OneBone-210-elinks does have perl.

Posted: Tue 25 Dec 2007, 19:20
by Trobin
Okay, I need a translator. Someone who can read and understand perl.

What I am trying to do is get e-guidedog-Festival working in Puppy 21Rv1.01. perl Makefile.PL worked fine. make test gave the following result:
t/festival........Can't exec "fesival": No such file or directory at t/festival.t line 6.

# Failed test 'Festival TTS has been installed'
# in t/festival.t at line 6.
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.
Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/1 tests, 0.00% okay
all skipped: some functions are hiddened
all skipped: Test::Pod 1.14 required for testing POD
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
t/festival.t 1 256 1 1 100.00% 1
2 tests skipped.
Failed 1/5 test scripts, 80.00% okay. 1/5 subtests failed, 80.00% okay.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255
What is happening. I gather that it cannot find a file, fesival in the T directory. I thought that festival.t was what was needed altered the program a little and the result was the same, except it could not find the festival program.

Posted: Thu 27 Dec 2007, 04:01
by Trobin
I don't know what is happening, but somewhere long the line i srewed up. I think it was when I tried to do it in Puppy 301. Royally srewed up the pup_save file. So badly that I had to erase it and start over again. Probably should have left this up to a professional. Well in for a pound, in all the way.

I started over fresh. Pristine new copy of Puppy 214R v1.01 set up, running from live cd and saving a file to the hard drive.
Downloaded and installed Festival.pup
Downloaded and tried to get e-guidedog-0.577.tar.gz, but this time I couldn't get as far as I did.
Downloaded and installed Magnifier 3.3 from ... p?search_id=1441869457&t=14794
It worls well enough. It would work better though if I could click on something without losng he mgnifier. It's not unliveable because it lleaves a little rectangle in the task br, which is okay, but if one was visually impaiured, it could get lost in the clutter.

Posted: Sun 30 Dec 2007, 06:29
by Trobin
Has anyone managed to get a screen reader working with Puppy kinux/

Posted: Sun 30 Dec 2007, 19:23
by Trobin
Screader is the only screen reader that I've managd to get installed, or at least the progrm finishes by saying that Screader has been installed. I gather that the command to execute screader is screader. It does have the 'gear' icon hat I normally associate with an executible file in linux, or at least the Puppy version. However, when I click on it I get the following message:

failed to execute child process /root/screader/screader (No such file or directory)

I tried running in a terminal window and got a similar message.

I tried changing the permissions to make it a-x (Make file executable/searchable). It might have worked. I don't know. What I do know is that when I tried clicking on the screader gear icon, in /roots/screader, getting the same message as above.

Any ideas?

Posted: Mon 31 Dec 2007, 01:00
by muggins

try downloading one of these compiled debian screader .debs, then copying across the extracted /etc & /usr directories.

Posted: Mon 31 Dec 2007, 03:45
by Trobin
Thank you.


Posted: Mon 31 Dec 2007, 06:03
by raffy
Just to cheer everyone following this thread, let me say that a group of college students in Manila is currently working on desktop application for the visually impaired (hopefully) using Puppy Linux. I have lectured to them a week ago about Puppy Linux, and informed them about this discussion. Hence, many eyes (and a few no eyes :) ) from Manila are watching this discussion intently.

Happy New Year!!!

Posted: Mon 31 Dec 2007, 06:35
by muggins
Hi raffy,

Yes it would be good if they could generate some fresh ideas. I'm actually quite surprised at the lack of available resources in this area.

Posted: Tue 01 Jan 2008, 00:16
by Trobin
Emacspeak apparently works better with Flite instead of Festival. However, it appears to need eflite to act as an interface between emacspeak and Flite

The page also has a patch that makes Flite 1.3, the version in the pet file, work with Alsa insted of OSS.

For what it's worth, it's there. I've yet to hear a peep out of the thing.

Posted: Tue 01 Jan 2008, 03:23
by muggins
I've uploaded an espeak .pet here:

It can read text files, in a stilted, staccato, voice, by entering:

espeak -f Path_to_text_file/File_name.txt

Posted: Tue 01 Jan 2008, 05:53
by djringjr

Have your students - especially the "no eyes" ones write down what they need to have. Particularly ask them if my idea for a command line driven distro with uniform key bindings and a hirearchy structure (press 1 to send mail, press 2 to read mail... etc.) will work for them.

If any use Emacspeak - ask them if they think this is too difficult. It can always be provifded from the command line - it is very powerful but difficult for people who forget the key chords. If an X interface - which you could navigate with up/down arrow cursor, it could be under "advanced".

Best to all - and happy 2008.



Posted: Tue 01 Jan 2008, 08:24
by Trobin
A lot of stuff about Emacspeak can be found here


Posted: Wed 02 Jan 2008, 16:29
by mcewanw
djringjr wrote:Hello Eric - and others,

I'm using 3.01 right now. It would be amazing if someone could do the command line puppy with speech - that would mean that even a 486 with small ram could get on internet, read mail using a text or even telnet etc. If your blackness blind, you don't need an X server.


I've written a small demo app called "wiakspeak" which uses cvoicecontrol and espeak to interpret voice-commands and speak back. I put a small gtkdialog GUI with buttons on it as an alternative to the voice-commands, but that can be cut out and the whole thing just used from the commandline.

I discussed it briefly on this thread: ... 428#164428

You can download it from:

You also need to download wiak to use wiakspeak. Please read the provided wiakspeakreadme.txt file carefully before use. Wiakspeak is just a simple demonstration of what is possible. Could easily be expanded though.

Any application written in the form of a wiakapp can be controlled by voice in this manner; the design of wiakapps separates the user interface from the main program functions - that's why it is so easy to put a voice-controlled frontend onto them straight away without much work at all. Wiakapps are not at all difficult to write, though you do need to understand programming of course. Working through the WIAKtutorial, which is a very simple programming exercise, is the best way to learn how to write a wiakapp:

Posted: Sat 05 Jan 2008, 08:48
by Trobin
Avery basic version of Speak-Pup has come into existance, kicking and screaming. It really doesn't do very mch at the moment. It doesn't even speak. At least not yet.

(Forgive my rambling)

Essentially it is Puppy-OneBone-210-Elinks with a menu. A menu that will talk as soon as I can download a version of festival.pup that won't give an error message when I try to install it. I would very much like to use espeak because I think the quality of the voice is much better. However, I have yet to discover how to install a .pet file in a command line Puppy.

The menu is as follows:
let "loop=0"
while test $loop == 0
echo "Please choose the letter of the game you want to run and enter"
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo "a. Check your email"
talk "Check your email'
echo "b. Text Editor"
talk "text editor"
echo "c. Text-mode internet browser"
Type " Text mode internet browser"
echo "d. IRC Chat"
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo "q. quit"
echo "choice?"
read choice

case $choice in q)
let "loop=1"
case $choice in a)
talk "You are starting up elmo for your email!"
case $choice in b)
talk "You are starting up your text editor!"
case $choice in c)
talk "You are starting up elinks for your browsing!"
case $choice in d)
echo "You are starting up IRC on dalnet!"
/usr/bin/pregnant dogX
Once i get a working Festival.pup installed, the menu options will be read out to me. When I make a selection, the selection will be read out to me, hopefully I would, if I actually were blind, rech out and make changes if I had made a mistake.

Changes that I would like
--use espeak for the sound
--find and install a better test editor than MP. Not that I have anything mucach against MP, but editors that allow the lines of keep going to the left bothe me. I want to be able to read what I wrote without scrolling continuously to the left. A personal foible but there it is.
--I need a screen reader to use. Can WIAK be used to create one?
--I've been playing a bit with the WIAK system and, at least right now, don't see a voice controlled puppy as being impossible.