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Posted: Mon 09 Mar 2009, 01:02
by dinky
I think the issue is with the atom card, or more specifically whatever part of that is handling the graphics. We need to update to xorg 7.4, as 7.3 doesn't work with this chipset. So we've been told anyway. There's some more information on this a few posts ago on this forum, I haven't had the time yet to follow this up. I don't think you'll be able to get Ripple to work until we do this. Will post more when we know it. Cheers.


Posted: Wed 11 Mar 2009, 07:31
by dinky
I'd like to build the next version of Ripple from woof, using the Ubuntu repos for the build. One of the advantages of this is that the version of Ubuntu this is based on is Intrepid, which uses Xorg 7.4 by default. Hopefully this will solve our problems with the atom chipset cards for the netbook computers.

I was playing around with the ubuntu puppy iso the other night, and couldn't figure for the life of me what needs to happen to enable dri support... until rolf messaged me saying that dri i enabled by default, and pointed me to the line where it's disabled in Will have a look later, and see what I come up with.

Woof is still very much in Alpha, but advancing very rapidly, my hope is that by the time I get my stuff together to make a build, woof will be ready for it. So I'm about to make a build from woof stripped of as much unnecessary puppy stuff as necessary, then to see how we can get compiz-fusion going on top of that. I'll post up the changes to the package I've made, the xorg file, and the iso later. For now I've got a very chatty 2 and a half year old needing a run in the park. Cheers,


Posted: Wed 11 Mar 2009, 10:13
by dinky
2 year old asleep (or at least in bed), here are the changes I'm making to the DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS-ubuntu file, that dictates what packages are downloaded and installed. I haven't added anything at this point, only cut out unneeded extras. Partly because I don't need them, partly to see if I can actually do it... the next step will be adding in the extras we want... firefox, vlc, etc.

You can find the file here (marked DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS-ubuntuEDIT):

It's the same as the original script from woof alpha2, though for the packages I won't include, I've marked them

Code: Select all

and for the packages not puppy default I'll include, they are

Code: Select all

It would be great for some knowledgeable people to have a look at the xorg packages that are being installed, and see if they've any clues re getting compiz-fusion to work. I'll post up an iso built from this tomorrow.

The vanilla (virgin?) xorg.conf0 file straight from the intrepid puppy iso that barry built is here:

I've also created a pet package for tombh's wNOPinspect script, now appropriately titled rippleinspect. The file to download is

Testing now, and it's working, but does funky things when compiz-fusion is running. Can you take a look at this tom? I can't work out if it should be running like this, or doing something else. Haven't tested it when compiz-fusion isn't working yet. The idea iis if you can't get compiz-fusion running, run

Code: Select all

from a terminal, and attach the output with your next post.

Ok, think that's everything. have at it folks.


Posted: Fri 20 Mar 2009, 20:19
by aarf
if we're going woof and ubuntu. we might also want to go to
When projects share free software code they share its bugs. Inevitably, the same bug is reported and discussed in different places.

Launchpad brings the discussion to you: on one page you can see how the bug affects different communities, whether they're tracking the bug in Launchpad, Bugzilla, Trac, Sourceforge, or elsewhere. You can even share a comment history across project-boundaries, bringing everyone together to find a fix.
from Canonical Ltd. although it does concern me having all this stuff in just one place.

Posted: Fri 20 Mar 2009, 21:50
by dinky
That's a great idea. I think though, using both Ubuntu and Puppy together means we have options... for instance, the printing support truly sucks in Intrepid, and is buggy. Recently I've downgraded my desktop system to Hardy Heron, the previous, and long term service release. If we use the puppy printing package however, we'll be fine...

I agree though, whatever distro we use, be it Arch, Ubuntu, Slackware, or Puppy, will have it's unique set of bugs to deal with. Part and parcel of any project.

Still trying to sort out this xorg hurdle. I'm not wanting to build another release of Ripple until this is fixed. I've been hoping Woof will become mature enough for the next build, but it's not there yet. We might have to look at other ways of getting xorg working with 7.4 until woof is ready. Anyway, Barry said the next release of woof, alpha 3, is due out Monday or Tuesday, with lots of fixes and changes. I'm out the door to a gig shortly, but will hopefully have some time Sunday to look at all this. If anyone is able to magically put together an xorg package for 7.4 with the current kernel of Ripple, I can work on the next build, and save woof for another release. Otherwise, will be a bit longer while I sort this out. Would be great to have some more people testing the latest version of Ripple, specifically running the rippleinspect pet I posted on the forums here when it's not working properly. The link again is here:

Latest iso (06-5) is here: ... /test_iso/

Posted: Fri 20 Mar 2009, 22:48
by aarf
admittedly only had a quick look myself but of interest is that most of the big names are already among the 10000+ projects
formation about the bugs, translations and code associated with each of them.
Distribution Domain
Fluxbuntu: The Lightweight, Productive, Agile OS
nUbuntu - Network Ubuntu
zSeries Ubuntu
ALT Linux
Arch Linux
Baltix GNU/Linux
Bayanihan GNU/Linux
BOSS: Bharat Operating System Solutions
Debian GNU/Linux *
The Fink Project
Gentoo Linux *
Kairos Linux
Kiwi Linux
Linux From Scratch
Mandriva Linux
Nexenta Operating System
PLD Linux Distribution
Red Flag's MID distribution
Suse Linux
Tilix Linux

also mentioned else where are mysql, kde,.....

if nothing else it looks like an excellent place to have for advertising ripples/puppys existence.

Posted: Fri 20 Mar 2009, 23:07
by aarf
Still trying to sort out this xorg hurdle
maybe be there is something among the

1 → 20 of 1980 pages matching "compriz-fusion xorg" ... rch=Search

Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2009, 00:40
by tempestuous
Hey dinky, I haven't been following your threads closely so I could be off-track, but I take it you're trying to get DRI working with the Intel graphics chip which is associated with the Atom CPU?

I recently found this link ... _Rendering
and maybe there you will find the "magic setting" for xorg.conf which will get it working -

Code: Select all

Section "ServerFlags"
       Option  "AIGLX"         "true"

Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2009, 09:40
by dinky
@ tempestuous
Maybe. It's hard for me to know, as I'm less knowledgeable in this area than others. If anyone gets a chance, give tempestuous's suggestion a try, then get back to us. I've been reading some other forum threads though, and it seems a concensus that xorg 7.3 won't work for these later cards... thus my thoughts about upgrading to 7.4. We might have better luck then.

That launchpad bug site looks interesting, when we get the next stable release of Ripple out there, I'd love to link into it. Had a look at that other page with the ompiz-fusion bugs... not sure where to start. Did some more specific searches and couldn't ome up with anything. Will keep trying for the latest xorg for now, let me know if anyone comes u with other suggestions.


Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2009, 21:40
by Jim1911
We might have to look at other ways of getting xorg working with 7.4 until woof is ready.
You may want to take a look at what WOW and Mu have done with 7.4.


Posted: Sat 21 Mar 2009, 23:51
by aarf
yes jim we've been there and MU has visited. my impression is still that it is the combo of new kernel and xorg update that is an important part of the solution, however i myself have never opened an xorg.config file in my whole entire life. :? :lol:

i also see it as having a shot with WOW-MUs .iso as base, or joining together with his project, or waiting till woof is finished and ready. but for me i am fine using ripple as is as my primary boot because ripple works fine on my hardware. however i wont even consider up grading to an atom until this is sorted. and just about all new netbooks are atoms these days but even newer processors than atom are within view and rapidly becoming large.

Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2009, 04:13
by dinky
Thanks Jim, definitely looking at that. I gotta agree with aarf though... Ripple works fine for me, and until that changes I'm less motivated than I could be to find a solution. Sorry. If I was using a netbook with a later processor I would have found an answer by now.

I like the work that MU and Wow are doing, but not enough to use it as my sole system. for me, Ripple wins hands down. And while blending the projects does have potential, the original point of Ripple still hasn't changes... to use compiz-fusion as the sole winows manager. LXDE is impressive... but for this projet I'm not that interested in it... possible short sightedness on my part.

SO much the same as aarf... Happy with Ripple and my netbok for now. Also really happy to work with people who have netbooks Ripple can't currently support, who are willing to help me code a new Ripple that will work with them. So far I've got lots of encouragement, but no solid support with creating something new... it will have to wait.

Anyway, on the bright side, woof looks really promising, with the Ubuntu version already supporting wireless and most eeepc functions out of the box. Alpha 3 will be out in a few days, and I intend to play around with that then. Is anyone running Intrepid Ibis? I've downgraded to Hardy Heron with my main Desktop ubuntu system, and would love to be able to get some package information without having to install Intrepid again. Anyone able to work with me on this?

Followed the above threads about wow's xorg... and we should be able to rebuild Ripple from it to get it to work with the more recent atom chipsets... at least... we'll have xorg 7.4, if that's the problem. Is anyone able to test Mu's new years pup, or wow's unnamed pupplet with their atom based netbook to see if we're right?

Anyway, getting a list of things together again that needs to be done, if you're keen to help let me know and we can speed things up a bit.


Posted: Thu 26 Mar 2009, 23:24
by bones01
Hi Dinky,

I've been out of the loop for a few months now and am trying to catch up with all that has happened. You've obviously been very busy with Ripple. Before I download it (have moved out of the city and now have a slower speed :x ), can you let me know if WINE is included in Ripple? Also, if I'm planning to use Open Office 3, do I need a specific .sfs for Ripple?
Finally, the laptop I now have won't use xorg, so I probably lose out on the wonders of compiz fusion. (CF won't work with either Tiger or wNOP) Does that change the functionality of Ripple?

Posted: Mon 30 Mar 2009, 22:03
by rhadon
Hi bones01,

till dinky answers (havn't seen him in this forum for several days) maybe I may try to answer your questions.

Wine isn't included in Ripple but as I remember it works. I played around about some month ago with a .pet and only 1 from 3 programs worked.I don't think it was caused by Ripple.

With OpenOffice you have two choices:
You install a tar.gz file which dinky offers in his first post in this thread (Ripple packages) or you use a .sfs file. I use OpenOffice-30RC2.sfs with no problems (not Ripple specific).

Your last question about the functionality of Ripple without Compiz Fusion is the hardest one to answer so here is only my own opinion: Ripple without CF is not Ripple. I love the way using CF instead of JWM or IceWM or something else. Ripple with JWM instead of CF is more like Puppy 4.12. I don't see a great difference.

The best advice I can give you is trying to get xorg working. :wink:

Hope this helps.

Edit: Even xorg works, CF doesn't work with all grafic cards. :cry:

And the next Ripple Developer is...

Posted: Tue 31 Mar 2009, 10:32
by dinky
Hi folks. Rhadon is spot on... the only thing I'd add is that wine support is great for some programs, not so great for other. Give it a go, and see if you can search the forums, both here and elsewhere. Also, read the Ripple wiki, it's got info about installing openoffice with the tar file I provided.

Right, so onto the next bit. It's been fun, but I'm leaving Puppy Linux and the development of Ripple to others. Due to other commitments in my life, I'm no longer able to continue developing in any form. I've switched full time to Ubuntu, and am loving it. Very solid distro, with everything I need and more. Puppy's a great project, and a developers dream, however my dreams are taking me in different directions now.

I applaud everyone working within the Puppy Linux community, and wish you all well in the future. I'll be moving all the Ripple stuff to one of the puppy servers in the future, and will list the changes in the first post on this forum. Meanwhile, if anyone wants to take over with Ripple, please be my guest. Everything I've done is in the latest iso, or on this forum. If you want to keep ripple going, and are missing any development files you think I'll have, let me know and I'll post them up for you. I'll be deleting most of them over the next week though to free up space... so contact me soon if you want them. I will be checking these forums very infrequently from now on, so if you want to reach me email me at:

Once again, thanks for everyone, especially rhadon and aarf for helping me make this project so great! All the best guys, feel free to drop me a line sometime.


Posted: Tue 31 Mar 2009, 11:53
by Aitch
Well good luck in the future, dinky, & thanks for your efforts

I enjoyed reading your threads, & I'm sure you've left loads of people very happy with Ripplified PCs

Aitch :)

Posted: Tue 31 Mar 2009, 12:46
by meridian_blue
Cheers Dinky...

There appears to be a live e17/compiz "ecomorph" now...

Would this be feasable in Puppy?

Posted: Tue 31 Mar 2009, 16:12
by MU
Hi Dinky,

I wish you all the best for your future.
It was a great pleasure for me, to write with you here, and share ideas.
You solutions for compiz encouraged me, to try it on my own, too :)

Have a good time, and all the best for your young family!


Posted: Tue 31 Mar 2009, 19:17
by rhadon
Hi dinky,

these are really bad news. :cry:

I will miss your posts and the contact with you. It's a great pity that the development of Ripple will stop now.

Anyway, life goes on 8) (and maybe you find the way back one day? :wink: ).

Also from me: my best wishes for you and your family.


Re: And the next Ripple Developer is...

Posted: Thu 09 Apr 2009, 08:28
by ragaman
dinky wrote:Hi folks. Rhadon is spot on... the only thing I'd add is that wine support is great for some programs, not so great for other. Give it a go, and see if you can search the forums, both here and elsewhere. Also, read the Ripple wiki, it's got info about installing openoffice with the tar file I provided.

Right, so onto the next bit. It's been fun, but I'm leaving Puppy Linux and the development of Ripple to others. Due to other commitments in my life, I'm no longer able to continue developing in any form. I've switched full time to Ubuntu, and am loving it. Very solid distro, with everything I need and more. Puppy's a great project, and a developers dream, however my dreams are taking me in different directions now.

I applaud everyone working within the Puppy Linux community, and wish you all well in the future. I'll be moving all the Ripple stuff to one of the puppy servers in the future, and will list the changes in the first post on this forum. Meanwhile, if anyone wants to take over with Ripple, please be my guest. Everything I've done is in the latest iso, or on this forum. If you want to keep ripple going, and are missing any development files you think I'll have, let me know and I'll post them up for you. I'll be deleting most of them over the next week though to free up space... so contact me soon if you want them. I will be checking these forums very infrequently from now on, so if you want to reach me email me at:

Once again, thanks for everyone, especially rhadon and aarf for helping me make this project so great! All the best guys, feel free to drop me a line sometime.

This is getting scary. I was happily using WNOP when tombh announced he was going away. Then now, just as I was putting Ripple through its paces tombh abandons it. Twice orphaned.