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Posted: Fri 15 Mar 2013, 23:15
by R-S-H
My wish list for the next Puppy is my wish list for the next Puppy is my wish list for the next Puppy is my wish list for the next Puppy is my wish ... ... ...


Posted: Mon 22 Apr 2013, 21:00
by bohocmasni
a wish list?

i wish puppy could handle slax's modules, could install and uninstall that fast (did you try it?). or: could be more than 5 sfs loaded in the same time

or: ppm could remove lots of pets with 1 click.

or: i wish some developer tools/toys could be packed in base sfs, like tcc or bacon and not in the one big sfs with kernel sources

Posted: Thu 30 May 2013, 05:35
by lvds
Wishes for next puppy release (from my users list ;-) )

- place jwm/rox into an external SFS file, so the desktop can easily be changed by another and builders can build alternate desktops much strongers. See this thread

- woof settings so builders can build a barebone easily. Because right now we all have hard time at removing packages and testing what dependencies are needed.

- gtkdialog for all the old scripts. See Carolina pupsaveconfig as an example

- Beware all puppy scripts can fit into a 1024x768 screen because right now many are not even readable. So if a user have a video driver problem and downgrade to 1024x768, at least he could setup his system again. (this have been a show stopper for _many_ people)

- Beware many alert popup have colors hardly readable on notebooks, like black on purple etc. Set a nice and good looking gtkdialog alert popups, all the same look and feel all over the puppy so it is easy to recognize.

- improve and simplify the video card selector with something like jockey on Ubuntu: if your video driver is there, go on with it. If your video driver is not there start with the best resolution useable, then launch later puppy-jockey to detect an additional driver on internet repository, then popup offer to download and install.

Many (many) thanks for your hard work, it is much (really much) appreciated ! :-)

WPA-PSK enabling, please.

Posted: Wed 24 Jul 2013, 01:42
by boof
please re-code iwlwifi.ucode to allow Intel 5100-1 device to use WPA-PSK encryption-it is capable in XPsp3. I do not know if NDISwrapper will enable the function. That, and RA2850 RTL9192SU devices similarly. Please advise.

broken links feedback

Posted: Sun 04 Aug 2013, 12:43
by xmf-149
i am new to linux and lupu and here is a report of what confused me. i fixed it now this is just so it can be changed in the official version
  • Startmount cannot be started from PupControl - it needs to be called with its full path /usr/local/Startmount/Startmount to function correctly. which startmount is /usr/bin/startmount which is a copy of Startmount but note that a symlink would not work either. it would be cleanest to comment line 349 in PupControl-bin and change the action path or a launch script could be made
  • quickpet links lupu_devx_528.sfs but the highest version available is lupu_devx_525.sfs
  • getflash doesnt work - the broken link to causes the error message "Unable to contact the server, please check your internet connection". there is a package flash_install-0.1 in PPM which succeeded; otherwise, changing the link to 11.2 fixed getflash and apparently 11.2 is the last version
  • pfbpanel line 1100 manually add glipper (checking for /root/.glipper_on) to keep the tray icon from disappearing - (too bad fbpanel needs to kill the processes)

Posted: Sun 04 Aug 2013, 16:22
by DM was on fire!
XMF, you're running an old version of Puppy. Precise 5.5's GetFlash functions fine.
It is the last version because Flash dropped support for Linux.

Hope that clears some things up.

Posted: Thu 08 Aug 2013, 21:41
by nubc
I'm seriously curious why VLC is not the default mediaplayer in Wary, Slacko, and Precise. Instead we get these clunky mplayer apps that have two simultaneous gui's by default until things get cleared up in Preferences. How much larger is VLC that versions can't adopt it as default player?

Posted: Fri 09 Aug 2013, 00:24
by smokey01
This is another reason I prefer Fatdog as VLC is the default.

Size is important but not as important as functionality.

Posted: Fri 09 Aug 2013, 08:25
by simargl

Posted: Fri 09 Aug 2013, 13:34
by Smithy
VLC version 1.1.7 pet works great with the portion of QT that is built in to Puppy, been using it as main media player for two years now.
Couldn't get the midifile plugin to work, but everything else I have thrown at it works.

Posted: Fri 09 Aug 2013, 15:56
by R-S-H
Smithy wrote:VLC version 1.1.7 pet works great with the portion of QT that is built in to Puppy, been using it as main media player for two years now.
Couldn't get the midifile plugin to work, but everything else I have thrown at it works.
Yes, I do use this VLC 1.1.7 also. It has been already available in LazY Puppy 528-4 and meanwhile I've set this as the default Video Player in my LazY Puppy (XineDVD and Gnome-MPlayer are removed). For Audio I do use the Aqualung Player because of its XML based music database.

Posted: Tue 19 Nov 2013, 12:59
by ThoriumBlvd
My wish-list is rather short

1.) make sure Puppies fit on a CD-R(W)
2.) Settle on one default Video and Audio, VLC for vids, I'm not sure what is the better Audio, I've only experienced alsa-mixers.
4.) Jeez, these browsers are getting bloated... any ideas? 120Mb mem at fresh start?


Posted: Tue 19 Nov 2013, 17:30
by gcmartin
ThoriumBlvd wrote:My wish-list is rather short ... Thorium
If I'm not mistaken, Puppy has already done this many times and those distro versions are already available.

I am not suggesting that Puppy LInux need not advance. Rather, that for older PCs and "CDs vs DVDs" Puppy has already addressed those needs.

The technology changes is what Barry had in mind when he began investigating RasPi and etc.

Most all x86 (especially 32bit x86) has already been done. PC manufacturers switched to x86 64bit PC/laptops/etc in 2006+. Several Puppy developers, for past several years, are now looking at 64bit x86.

ARM manufacturer are becoming 64bit. Handheld and video of processors have already started the 64bit migration as is already seen and will be seen, more, at 2014 CES.

With the older x86 technology, PUPPY LInux has done an incredibly great job of providing needed coverage and addressing fundamental needs.

I am hoping the next releases continue to do what some developers has been doing more and more of; namely, documenting what are the tested platforms and the minimum platforms their distro are targeted for as they bring forth newer distros addressing newer hardware needs that users and Linux industry presents. Thus, a user now see, on the front end, the base expected environment for the PUP as well as any dependencies and exceptions which usually accompany that Opening Post's documentation (you know, the open thread of the distro or packages).

This documentation, though very subtle and so very minor, is a real benefit to any community user/testers who come to Puppy Linux for a desktop/LAN/WAN solution.

Posted: Tue 04 Feb 2014, 15:00
by solo
I have a small, but in my view, important suggestion to make. I run PP 5.7.1., and when ever I load, or unload an SFS file, at the subsequent reboot, my desktop will be filled with all the icons of all default applications in their respective position like it was the first time I booted Puppy, but they are placed along with the icons I placed there myself, so it effectively becomes a messy affair.
Now, jpeps has made an terrific little utility for this which backs up and restores the desktop.

This has been a true lifesaver for me. What I want though, is for this procedure to take place automatically. The best thing of course is for this bug not to occur at all anymore, but if that turns out to be too complicated, then I want a smart Puppy which understands that under certain conditions a desktop restore at bootup is required.

Posted: Tue 04 Feb 2014, 16:46
by RSH

Code: Select all

if [ "$1" == "" -o "$1" == "-h" ]; then 
echo "USAGE: desk-restore [ -r -b ]  restore/backup"
The script is /usr/local/bin/desktop-restore and it has usage as shown above.

If you would use a small script this can be done easily.

Code: Select all

#!/bin/bash -a
# 2014-02-04 RSH for murga-forum

# Script existing?
if [ -f /usr/local/bin/desktop-restore ]; then
	# Backup Directory already existing?
	if [[ -d /root/.desktop && -f /root/.desktop/PuppyPin ]]; then
		# Restore
		exec /usr/local/bin/desktop-restore -r
		# Backup
		exec /usr/local/bin/desktop-restore -b


exit 0

# End 
This script should do the job.

Save the script with a unique name (in /usr/sbin or /usr/local/bin) and execute/call this script from somewhere in /usr/bin/xwin (make sure it is executed before X is starting) and change the following in script /usr/local/bin/desktop-restore at line 34

Code: Select all

  [ "$1" == "-r" ] && restore && restartwm

Code: Select all

  [ "$1" == "-r" ] && restore #&& restartwm
Should work, though I did not test it!


Posted: Tue 04 Feb 2014, 19:05
by solo
Thank you for your quick response RSH. You have to understand that I am relatively new at all this, so forgive me if I goof up here and there.
I tested the script with your suggestions, but unsuccesfully I'm afraid.

I called your script /usr/local/bin/autodesktop-restore.

In xwin, I called it like this:

$ /usr/local/bin/autodesktop-restore

I did this right before X is being started (#finally, start X..)
It does run. At least, I am not getting any messages suggesting otherwise. However, the icons keep appearing, and the desktop-restore script does not run with the line 34:

[ "$1" == "-r" ] && restore && restartwm

changed to:

[ "$1" == "-r" ] && restore #&& restartwm

So I had change that back to get my normal desktop back again. With desktop-restore back to its old self, the icons also keep appearing at reboot btw.

It's entirely possible that I have made some silly mistake along the way. Great to have your input though!

Posted: Tue 04 Feb 2014, 19:11
by RSH

Code: Select all

$ /usr/local/bin/autodesktop-restore
Is this the line as you have inserted it?

Why there is the $ in front of the line?

If I'm testing this with: $ nicoedit, nicoedit will NOT run!

By the way: there must be a line where it says 'created with pupmode=5' or similar to this. I would recommend to insert /usr/local/bin/autodesktop-restore before that line or somewhere when delayedrun is called.

Just to make sure not to copy/restore it too early inside of the xwin script.

Posted: Tue 04 Feb 2014, 20:24
by solo
RSH, I did as you suggested. Could not find any of the mentioned entries in my xwin, so I just placed /usr/local/bin/autodesktop-restore on the same spot I placed it before, and it works like a charm!

You have made me a very happy man, and I want to thank you very very much.

This is wonderful!

Posted: Sat 22 Mar 2014, 18:14
by as77
An indication of the release month and year should always be found in the ISO filename

I myself spent tens of hours trying randomly recommended Puppies in which the 3G modem was nor recognized

wish list from a brand new user

Posted: Mon 05 May 2014, 23:22
by mekalu2k4
----I am only 2 weeks user of Puppy-Slako-5.7.0------ previously using Win versions for several years. After 2 weeks of using it, my family decided to stay with puppy for at least next 3 years. No experiments, but keep using the system for our needs ---------

My wish list:

1. VLC should be made a standard component and get rid of present players - they are just not up to the mark (this point is already suggested by many users on this forum since from 2013?)

2. Add a new feature for 'Create Wi-Fi Hotspot' or 'Share your Internet Connection'. This is almost straight forward, even I could get it from reading some threads on this forum. But a simple icon/ or a button somewhere would be great.

3. Printer: I happened to experiment with Ubuntu last week. Adding (identification of) printer is very simple, I would say much better than Windows. CUPS in puppy is fine, but could not detect a few network printers on the network (we tried in my wife's office, where they have several network printers all over). Then CUPS is not really intuitive as Ubuntu at least as we felt.

4. IMP: There are several outdated packages for puppy all over. I would suggest maintain thread - with latest set somewhere, well tested etc. I had hell of a problem when was installing Thunderbird - too many package out there. I am not sure if this could impact some guys who were using older puppies?? If that is the case we need a page showing - ok - this version of puppy will run fine with these versions of apps... something like that.

5. One of my friend is suggesting - Windows is just one flavor, without variations though with a few versions. But linux has many flavors and very confusing to know what flavor offers what. New users have to read a lot. This approach offers freedom, but creates ocean of info absolutely impossible to understand before making decisions. It is just a stroke of luck for me to try Puppy, which worked very fine - as if it is made for my machine alone.

6. People generally compare any system with Win family, that is natural. But someone should sensitize wider public on the fact that all this puppy comes at no cost and of course with several other benefits. Most linux critics argue that it cannot meet executive or office desktop requirements. But in reality, people do face issues with either system.

On the minor points (my personal view, could be wrong): Desktops of older puppies are more appealing and useful than the new ones. Why the big clock and calender was removed? May be a standard package should be made available that provides different screens. I tried different existing desktop apps from the forum except one or two a majority of them are not that appealing. Even those one or two - adjusting them is an issue. But this is not essential at all, even if is done, it adds more to cosmetic side only.

On Libero office - the Writer (word component) is not showing the annotations inserted in 'docx' file on Win system. Only the base file shown. I am sure, it is not for puppy team to consider. But just to bring to your notice.

Open for comments....