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Posted: Sat 04 May 2013, 15:38
by don570
Someone tried to install the tablet computer ???
If you're having trouble then use 'nox' option at bootup,
which stands for 'no Xwindows'

Then launch 'xorgwizard-cli' and try 'xvesa' driver

user: root
password: woofwoof


Posted: Sun 05 May 2013, 01:12
by linux28
don570 wrote:
Someone tried to install the tablet computer ???
If you're having trouble then use 'nox' option at bootup,
which stands for 'no Xwindows'

Then launch 'xorgwizard-cli' and try 'xvesa' driver

user: root
password: woofwoof

as well as support for the Pixel's touchscreen

Posted: Sun 05 May 2013, 08:24
by technosaurus
omg it takes forever to package a pet now

/usr/bin/new2dir has a function called fixfilelistfunc

always called as
fixfilelistfunc "$ONEFILE"

it can be sped up significantly by replacing those with something along the lines of:

Code: Select all

sed -i "/$ONEFILE/d" /tmp/${EXE_PKGNAME}.files
or changing that function to do the same rather than doing 2 consecutive reads and writes (really slow for large file lists in packages with a lot of resources)
Note: You may need to quote it differently, I haven't tested it yet, but wanted to post it before I forget.

Posted: Mon 06 May 2013, 12:50
by 01micko
technosaurus wrote:omg it takes forever to package a pet now

/usr/bin/new2dir has a function called fixfilelistfunc

always called as
fixfilelistfunc "$ONEFILE"

it can be sped up significantly by replacing those with something along the lines of:

Code: Select all

sed -i "/$ONEFILE/d" /tmp/${EXE_PKGNAME}.files
or changing that function to do the same rather than doing 2 consecutive reads and writes (really slow for large file lists in packages with a lot of resources)
Note: You may need to quote it differently, I haven't tested it yet, but wanted to post it before I forget.
Well you are dead right about new2dir being as slow as a wet week (try vlc :roll: ). I saw your suggestions in the other thread and cool as they are I reckon installwatch can be completely ditched in favour of shinobar's find "MILESTONE" method. It's simple and works. See his nvidia installer for more info.

a report, one of a kind ....

Posted: Mon 06 May 2013, 19:51
by rasul
your distro is so cool :) I'm using it as my only operating system. Very good indeed but only let me report some minor problems that i have or have had:
1. Saving the session using the "save" icon on the desktop takes a very long time to save the session, indeed I shut down to make sure it has saved the changes, but when shutting down it says the session has been already saved.
2. Trying to either do a frugal and full install failed, so I produced a folder in my HDD as the frugal folder for Raring and copied all the files from my flash drive (bootable into Raring) into that folder because furgal install couldn't do that. Then using Grub4Dos did the last part and the frugal instal this way worked fine.
3. There seems to be a problem with sound here. Opening a program that has a builtin sound playback gives the following warning when starts to run: "The audio playback device does not work. Falling back to default". Similarly, VirualBox gives the following warning when it starts and has no sound as a consequence: "No audio device could be opened. Selecting the NULL audio backend with the consequence that no sound is audible. Error ID: HostAudioNotResponding".

Meanwhile, is there a way to resize the icons on the desktop?

Thanks, best regard

Posted: Mon 06 May 2013, 22:02
by don570

1. Saving the session using the "save" icon on the desktop takes a very long time to save the session, indeed I shut down to make sure it has saved the changes, but when shutting down it says the session has been already saved.
The first time you quit and reboot you will get an opportunity to save
your data and settings.

After that the pupsave file is automatically updated on-the-fly.
So there is nothing to worry about and no need to keep clicking on
'Save' icon.

2. Trying to either do a frugal and full install failed

Frugal installs are quickly created by dragging 3 (or sometimes 4) files
into a newly created folder. I personally do my dragging from
the downloaded ISO which I have opened in the desktop.

The grub4dos program is a good way to update
your grub's 'menu.lst'

A full install must be made with Barry Kauler's installer program
which is available from Start Menu. You just need a partition
that is formatted previously to ext2 ext3 or ext4 format
and have the ISO available to be used by program.

For sound type 'retrovol' in terminal and try various settings.

Also try installing audacious audio player and audacity sound editor
and see if they play a file.


Posted: Tue 07 May 2013, 04:06
by musher0
pemasu wrote:(...)
About abiword. I wont use my time to improve it. I don't use it. For me it is Libre Office sfs. Period. I just use brilliant get libre office pet and update my version at infrequent intervals. I include abiword so that people don't have to ask how to get in to the build. But if someone wants to improve its abilities with packages and extra features...go ahead. I am willing to include them. (...)
Hi, pemasu.

Please find here -- -- a link to the abiword-2.9.2 plugins. I repackaged them for RaringPup from the original for Ubuntu-13 (aka Raring Ringtail), which I found here
-- ... /download/ --.

I understand that abiword is somewhat of a stopgap if one relies on LibreOffice for writing and other professional work. I am myself a regular user of OpenOffice.

However, abiword can still be useful for quick work, and the light user or occasional writer might as well have a fuller abiword package to enhance his/her overall experience.

It should be noted that these plugins greatly augment the importation and reading capacity of abiword, with only approx. 4.5 Mb overhead, instead of the hundreds of Mb required to do much of the same with the OpenOffice | LibreOffice packages.

Finally, people should bear in mind that these abiword-2.9.2 plugins were tested as working under RaringPup, but remain untested in other Puppies.

Best regards to you and to RaringPup users generally.


Posted: Tue 07 May 2013, 04:56
by pemasu
Thank you musher0. Will include your provided abiword plugins.

Posted: Tue 07 May 2013, 14:51
by rasul
don570 wrote:
1. Saving the session using the "save" icon on the desktop takes a very long time to save the session, indeed I shut down to make sure it has saved the changes, but when shutting down it says the session has been already saved.
The first time you quit and reboot you will get an opportunity to save
your data and settings.

After that the pupsave file is automatically updated on-the-fly.
So there is nothing to worry about and no need to keep clicking on
'Save' icon.
Actually I know this, but I try to keep backup of my works and it very frequently happens that I change something and am afraid to loose it or break it again before my next reboot, and neither like to reboot at the time, so I prefer to use that "save" icon. After all, those who have designed that capability were thinking different than you ;) ! It was working on Raring but then I upgraded my save-file to 3.8.7 and now it doesn't work. The yellow message that says the request to save the current session is queued doesn't disappear and notification that saving is under performance is not shown as well. However, as once I told you seemingly it really saves as once I rebooted and it said it has been already saved! Maybe a bug due to save file upgrade?
don570 wrote:

Frugal installs are quickly created by dragging 3 (or sometimes 4) files
into a newly created folder. I personally do my dragging from
the downloaded ISO which I have opened in the desktop.

The grub4dos program is a good way to update
your grub's 'menu.lst'

A full install must be made with Barry Kauler's installer program
which is available from Start Menu. You just need a partition
that is formatted previously to ext2 ext3 or ext4 format
and have the ISO available to be used by program.
Yes, but I meant frugal/full installation through the Puppy Universal Installer. Both failed for me after upgrade to 3.8.7 and I had checked that in only about frugal installation that it worked but somewhat buggy, if I'm not wrong.

don570 wrote:
None worked but thanks for introducing to me the retrovol, my speaker's sound was low and I didn't know I can increase it that much! Oh, let me add that Raring plays every format of audio and video file that i have, cool, it only gives error for that single application with an embedding player (the application still plays sound with gnome-mplayer but some facilities of its own player is missing then) and my guest virtual distro also has no sound, this one is somewhat a nail in the shoes.

Posted: Tue 07 May 2013, 16:35
by musher0
pemasu wrote:Thank you musher0. Will include your provided abiword plugins.
It's nothing at all! My pleasure! :)

Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 01:39
by linux28
pemasu wrote:Thank you musher0. Will include your provided abiword plugins.


Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 01:41
by linux28
wait aufs 3.9 version
How much longer?

Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 04:56
by 01micko

Code: Select all

Cloning into 'aufs3-9-git080513'...
Note: checking out 'origin/aufs3.9'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b new_branch_name

HEAD is now at e160336... aufs3.9 20130506
..and 3.9.1 is released less than an hour ago...

Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 06:20
by linux28
01micko wrote:

Code: Select all

Cloning into 'aufs3-9-git080513'...
Note: checking out 'origin/aufs3.9'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b new_branch_name

HEAD is now at e160336... aufs3.9 20130506
..and 3.9.1 is released less than an hour ago...
wait Upup Raring 3.9.1

Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 21:48
by artsown
For the record, a simple remaster worked perfectly. I deleted the seamonkey folder,
and installed Firefox 20. Installed Sylpheed 3.3 from the repo. Also have Pan and
Xfreecell installed (from Lucid pets). It also has gnome-mplayer 1.08. The remaster is
over 5 meg smaller than the original.


Posted: Thu 09 May 2013, 06:28
by Sage
...a simple remaster worked perfectly. I deleted the seamonkey folder,
and installed Firefox 20. Installed Sylpheed 3.3 from the repo. Also have Pan and
Xfreecell installed (from Lucid pets). It also has gnome-mplayer 1.08. The remaster is
over 5 meg smaller than the original.
This is most illuminating.
Have you tried the same with Opera and Claws? Have you advised BK? Tried any other combinations? Midori may be worth watching to see if they make good on promised radical improvements. Maybe this can be done without bloat, but the runes are oblique.

Posted: Thu 09 May 2013, 08:54
by pemasu
I spend now some time with Dpup Wheezy. I noticed 01micko post about kernel 3.9.1 and aufs3.9 existence. Too shame. My 3D printer didnt manage to clone me yet alive. Our street is though crowded by my plastic clones. But they dont know how to work with 2 Puppies at the same time.

But....there is new Barry`s Precise Puppy with non-PAE kernel available. It should give people some interest and need for feedback also....

Posted: Thu 09 May 2013, 15:48
by James C
pemasu wrote: But....there is new Barry`s Precise Puppy with non-PAE kernel available. It should give people some interest and need for feedback also....
Read here...

Seems solid so far.

Posted: Thu 09 May 2013, 23:19
by don570
If you're adventurous you can run this uninstall script the usual way.
(Remove fake .gz extension)

Code: Select all

This will remove most of pemasu's right clicks.

Install your favorite apps like gimp, libreoffice, FBReader, audacity

Then you can add my pet package if you wish.


Posted: Fri 10 May 2013, 02:33
by tlchost
pemasu wrote: But....there is new Barry`s Precise Puppy with non-PAE kernel available. It should give people some interest and need for feedback also....
Just tried it...and like everyone of Barry's Precise Distros, it fails to recognize my sound chip.....yes Raring if you adopt it, please handle the audio as you have been.

