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#278 Post by 01micko »


NOTE Package has been updated, dependencies are included in package for luci-204. If you attempt to use in Puppy 5x you will need extra dependencies.

This is the full enchilada, so I wouldn't expect it in the main iso.. it won't support old machines anyway. It is compiled i686 to enable everything (except ffserver is disabled)

ffplay is enabled, it is the default ffmpeg player, pretty basic.

This supports webm, you can actually convert an mpeg4 or whatever to a webm file! Exciting stuff!

Ok, no more hoo har.. you want it.. right?

Here it is.

ffmpeg ...

checksum: cc8a32a9f3e127ee5961b097e67587bc

petspecs ... -0.6.specs

ONLY needed for Puppy 5x, plus this one here

dependencies, packaged as a pet ...

Please use only in Lucid based Puppies



For devs ... ... -0.6.specs
deps not included but are listed in petspecs, a useful resource.. but you'll have to find libvpx-dev, it's out there...


What do I do with it????

Well, you can convert videos to webm, download videos in webm format and watch them in ffplay. Ok, maybe not so exciting for some, but we now have the technology to ditch
embedded Flash videos on our websites.. and use html5 webm videos instead.. how cool is that?

You can download and watch this video with ffplay

Code: Select all

ffplay video.webm
This is a video I converted from mp4 to webm.


NOTE: Browser support for Webm is NOT dependant upon this package, you need a capable browser, Chromium-6 is best


I figured out how to use the <video> tag in html5, it's the same as <img> tag .. but there's probably more to it than that! :roll:

Here's a test page

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
  <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
this is a test video using html5, right click to play the video, you must use latest Chomium, or Firefox nightly build, or I think Opera-10.60 works<br>
Does it work for you?<br>
Report at <a
<video alt="" title="test video"

Cheers and enjoy 8)
screeny of the video playing in the browser, just for the nay sayers!
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#279 Post by Lobster »

Thanks mick
OK further to our conversation
I have uploaded the following code

If you are in Chrome (nightly webm enabled)
please report if it plays webm
it also uses flash or ogg

if webm is not supported
it will try to download the file rather than play it . . .


Code: Select all

<!-- Lobster modified from Kroc Camen of Camen Design -->
<video width="640" height="360" controls preload="none">
  <source src="big_buck_bunny.mp4"  type="video/mp4"  />
  <source src="big_buck_bunny.webm" type="video/webm" />
  <source src="big_buck_bunny.ogv"  type="video/ogg"  />
	<object width="640" height="384" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="__FLASH__.SWF">
		<param name="movie" value="__FLASH__.SWF" />
		<param name="flashvars" value="image=__POSTER__.JPG&file=big_buck_bunny.mp4" />
		<img src="__VIDEO__.JPG" width="640" height="360" alt="__TITLE__"
		     title="No video playback capabilities, please download the video below" />
<p>	<strong>Download Video:</strong>
	Closed Format:	 <a href="big_buck_bunny.mp4">"MP4"</a>
	Open Format:	 <a href="big_buck_bunny.ogv">"OGG"</a>
	New WebM Format: <a href="big_buck_bunny.webm">"WEBM"</a>
	You should see something - perhaps just a picture <br>
	If not supported, webm or other files will attempt <br>
	to download rather than play . . .
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#280 Post by tubeguy »

01micko wrote:tubeguy, do you know how to do this? Might be useful for your site. And the beauty is that if a user doesn't have webm capable kit/software then they can still watch the videos in Flashplayer.
I'm aware of it...thanks for thinking of me, but I'm still trying to figure out how to get the OO pet menus working. :oops:
[b]Tahr Pup 6 on desktop, Lucid 3HD on lappie[/b]


#281 Post by aarf »

@micko: put the webm pets into puppeeec6 and quirky120 , both show no video on the test page when viewed with opera10.60beta1.
thing s mp4 that played before in quirky now wont play in gnomeplayer. removed pets and mp4s play again.
no go for lupu117
also no go for in all of above
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#282 Post by 01micko »

hello aarf

I will be clear here. The browser is not dependant on ffmpeg. So even without the pets it *should* work, but in Opera it doesn't. Even their special web-m version ( ... ux.tar.bz2) fails, even on the webm pages in you-tube :(

Of course the pets are designed for Luci so I don't know if they would work in Puppeee or Quirky. What you can try, since you have the pets installed is downloading the file and use ffplay

Code: Select all

ffplay /path/to/file.webm
to play it locally.


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#283 Post by aarf »

lupu117 with webm pets:

Code: Select all

# ffplay big_buck_bunny.webm
ffplay: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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#284 Post by 01micko »

Seamonkey-2.1alpha bombs out too.

ok, thought I added that one, it is the main one!

Here's a pet
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#285 Post by aarf »

puppeeerc6 +webm pets using native chrome 5.0.375.55: plays image excellent, sound barely audible with fluctuating wave in out. no video

Code: Select all

# ffplay big_buck_bunny.webm
ffplay: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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#286 Post by 01micko »


Be aware that Lobster has a flash backup.. so it probably played in flashplayer,

When you install that lib, do an ldd on ffmpeg

Code: Select all

ldd /usr/bin/ffmpeg|grep 'not'
if nothing is returned you are good to go with ffplay, else let me know what else is missing.

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#287 Post by aarf »

01micko wrote:aarf

Be aware that Lobster has a flash backup.. so it probably played in flashplayer,

doesnt look like flash to me
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#288 Post by aarf »

puppeeerc6 +original 2 webM pets only

Code: Select all

# ldd /usr/bin/ffmpeg|grep 'not'
/usr/bin/ffmpeg: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.11' not found (required by /usr/lib/ => not found => not found => not found => not found
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#289 Post by Lobster »

the page is designed to 'play something' from a choice of 3 formats
It played nothing in the puppy browser - so the code is not perfect

Use the options at the bottom to see if it plays the webm (Chrome Nightly builds only at present) or mp4 or ogg :)

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#290 Post by 01micko »


Have a nice break. Best to stick with Lucid Puppies for this one I think. Probably best to uninstall ffmpeg and restore the original from /initrd/pup_ro2/usr/bin in Puppeee. Just leave the dependencies there, it may drag out some that are needed if you uninstall.

If you persevere with lupu-117 then , that is where you find all the Ubuntu libs.

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#291 Post by gerry »

@Playdayz- yes, symlink for printing to windows printer is ok- thanks.

One problem that I get with Firefox (and Seamonkey but not tried on this one) is that using the side scroll bar causes the display to break up into horizontal streaks. Happens on dpup as well as the ubuntu based puppies. Happens on both my Acer Aspire One, and my old 600MHz 256MB ram desktop. Chrome, Opera seem ok, I'll try Arora too.

EDIT: Can't find Arora at the moment, but using Midori now- it works ok. Seems it's the Mozilla browsers on debian/ubuntu based Puppies. I can't be the only user with this problem?


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#292 Post by nooby »

using the side scroll bar causes the display to break up into horizontal streaks.
Yes happen to me too but got incredibly less present when I got the right ??? nvidia driver to work. Now it only happens if I have very many tabs open and play video at same time. I have 3GB RAM so could be related to how much RAM one have?

It helped to scroll using the arrows and page down instead of using the scroll bar
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though

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#293 Post by playdayz »

Aisleriot, Avidemux, Blender, Fotoxx, Kino, Linux Multimedia System, Pdfedit, and Numlockx have been added to the PPM puppy-lucid repo. I have also fixed Skype. I think you will need to choose the ibiblio repo for a day or so.

You can choose to Update all the repos, but it takes so long to convert the ubuntu repos to puppy repos. An alternate method is to go to Download Puppy from the /usr/share/doc/home.htm screen and then go to the ibiblio repo with http and you can directly download Packages-puppy-lucid-official and place it into /root/.packages/

prehistoric, I am following your investigation. I just tried from scratch and got the error message, but I did lsmod in a terminal and the powernow_k8 module was running. It did not survive reboot though. I tried the older version 1.2 and it gave the same error message but also started the powernow_k8 module. This is a quadcore. What are you using to check temp btw?

I am pretty sure I do remember it running somewhere along the line--I think I even posted a message recommending it. Yes, and I would use Conky to check the cpu speed, which was 125000 just as it should be with power save working.

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Re: Doh! moment on customization

#294 Post by seaside »

abushcrafter wrote:
seaside wrote:Here's a script that I put together to test md5sums.

I use it on a right-click -file - open with -menu. Paste the md5sum in the box and it makes the comparison.
This is just about what I have wanted for some time.

However please could you add these features:
  1. Quits when Esc is pressed.
  2. When the splash "Checksum BAD!/ok" is shown. I could do with being able to press enter and and the program quits.
Thanks muchly for the work you have done :D.

The "Esc" key doesn't seem trappable in Gtkdialog.
Here's a less flashy, but perhaps more functional version that saves a stroke. Instead of "esc" a quick Alt-c or cancel and you're done. :D

Code: Select all

#!/bin/sh -a

checksum() {
   echo "$MDSUM  $1" >/tmp/mdsumtmp
   [ "`md5sum -c /tmp/mdsumtmp`" ] && echo "Md5sum OK" || echo "Md5sum BAD!"

GUI=$(cat <<EOV|sed "s/#.*//" # enable interpolation and comments
<window title="Check Md5sum">
                 <label>Md5sum digits:</label>
               <entry activates-default="true">
               <default>Paste Md5sum here</default>
            <button can-default="true" has-default="true">
               <input file>"/usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/archive24.png"</input>
               <label>Check Sum</label>
               #<action>checksum $1</action>
      <label>Result :</label>
     <input>checksum $1</input>
       <button cancel><action type="exit">QUIT</action>
CHOICES=`gtkdialog3 -p GUI`

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#295 Post by 01micko »

Hi all,

I have uppdated the ffmpeg-0.6 package here ... 349#428349

The information is a little more accurate too.

This package is probably only useful to web developers unless you download webm format videos and want to play them locally with ffplay.

TO DO: Mplayer support for webm... that would be more practical for everyday users, but I think it will depend on this package.



Playdayz: Thanks for all the new pets in the repo, it is starting to look like one now.

Another good addition could be sinobar's FF-convert-0.9 .. the small version. It can be used with the current ffmpeg and the new ffmpeg-0.6.
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#296 Post by prehistoric »

playdayz wrote:...
prehistoric, I am following your investigation. I just tried from scratch and got the error message, but I did lsmod in a terminal and the powernow_k8 module was running. It did not survive reboot though. I tried the older version 1.2 and it gave the same error message but also started the powernow_k8 module. This is a quadcore. What are you using to check temp btw?
I'm relying on the hwinfo sensors readout. This shows all the sensors, and there is a definite drop when powernow_k8 is running.
I am pretty sure I do remember it running somewhere along the line--I think I even posted a message recommending it. Yes, and I would use Conky to check the cpu speed, which was 125000 just as it should be with power save working.
I can now switch back and forth between Stardust13, where it definitely works on this dual-core machine, and luci204.

My last close approach to the bug ended with a "does not compute" when I compared scripts and found no difference. I don't know if it is the machine or operator who is dropping bits. The question in my mind now is why isn't the script in Startup being completed in luci204? All I see getting written is the "#!/bin/sh" line.

Afraid I got distracted by trivial non-computer concerns involving cars, houses, telephones, banks, frantic people and crises. (Fortunately, my own car, house and bank are separate from the latest crisis. I feel lucky to have escaped with a broken display on a netbook when I forgot I was wearing a wired headset and turned to answer the telephone. cf. dropping bits, above.)

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#297 Post by 01micko »


This is the Ubuntu Lucid package.

It required some minor hacking of the scripts to play nice in Puppy but will of course need testing over time, what better time than now with the end of financial year approaching.

There is also a script urging the user to create their main file in a subdir of root, as root is the default in a non-multiuser system. ... 19M



If you want the documentation then you can get it if you have the ubuntu repos enabled in PPM. The files needed are bigger than the program! Heavy dependencies.

If you can enjoy doing your accounts then... enjoy!

my real accounts.. $0.00
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