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micro plugins and configuration quickswitches

Posted: Fri 24 Jan 2020, 07:51
by Puppus Dogfellow

new commands are mbs1, mbs2, mbs3 to swap between the three default choices (mbs1 restores your originals). here's the pinstall/explanation:

Code: Select all

cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json /root/.config/micro/bindings.json-00
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json /root/.config/micro/settings.json-00
#cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json-11 /root/.config/micro/settings.json
#cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json-11 /root/.config/micro/bindings.json
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json-12 /root/.config/micro/bindings.json
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json-12 /root/.config/micro/settings.json
#activates set ..-12 by default, but your originals are the basis for the quickswitches (pet before this in bb insta-spin) and can be reactivated by mbs0 in a terminal. the set marked -11 is mbs1 and the default set is backed up as mbs2 (mbs = Micro's Bindings, Settings)
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json-00 /root/.config/micro/bindings.json
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json /root/.config/micro/settings.json-00
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mbs0
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json-11 /root/.config/micro/bindings.json
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json-11 /root/.config/micro/settings.json
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mbs1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json-12 /root/.config/micro/bindings.json
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json-12 /root/.config/micro/settings.json
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mbs2
chmod 755/root/my-applications/bin/mbs2
#after running, run CtrlE > reload in micro. mbs1 (micro keyboard configuration 1) is your originals, 2 is a custom set without messing with multicursor functions, 3 uses those functions to replace some of the selection and navigation shortcuts that don't work/would otherwise be missing. short cuts/ changes from the original file or from 2 to 3 are :
#"CtrlW": "ShellMode",  
#"AltW": "PreviousSplit",  
#"Alt-e": "NextSplit",
#"CtrlH": "HSplit",
#"Alt-v": "VSplit",
#"Alt-x": "SelectToStart",
#"Alt-c": "CursorStart",
#"Alt-n": "CursorEnd",
#"Alt-m": "SelectToEnd",
#"Alt-p": "PastePrimary",
#"Alt-f": "SelectWordRight",
#"Alt-b": "SelectWordLeft",
#^ for forward and back
#"Alt-a": "SelectLeft",
#"Alt-s": "SelectRight",
#//tmux conflict --scroll back
#"F5": "SelectUp",
#"F6": "SelectDown",
#"F7": "SelectRight",
#"F8": "SaveAll",
#"F9": "SaveAs",
#"F10": "QuitAll",
#"F11": "DeleteWordLeft",
#"F12": "DeleteWordRight",
#//  //   "F10": "DeleteWordRight",
#"Alt-t": "command-edit:tabswitch "
#//  "F7": "Find",
#//"Alt-n": "SpawnMultiCursor",
#//"Alt-m": "SpawnMultiCursorSelect",
#//"Alt-p": "RemoveMultiCursor",
#//"Alt-c": "RemoveAllMultiCursors",
#//"Alt-x": "SkipMultiCursor",
#//function keys plus original additions/changes to default
#// Integration with file managers
#//"CtrlF1": "SelectToStart",
#//"CtrlF2": "SelectUp",
#//"CtrlF3": "SelectDown",
#//"CtrlF4": "SelectToEnd",
#"F1": "SelectToStart",
#"F2": "SelectUp",
#"F3": "SelectDown",
#"F4": "SelectToEnd",
#keybindings 12 gives more of the navigation and selection controls back to the keyboard but you lose some multi cursor functions
#settings 12 has undo history enabled but is otherwise the same as 11
#delete word left delete word right have been move to f11 and f12
#shell mode and close all have been changed to ctrlw and f10 from f7 and f6. ctrlw, ctrle are shellmode, command mode
#the rationale behind the new xcnm combo is spatial mostly.  alt plus c=cursor (start, since that was a missing keyboard shortcut), and on the inside of the same row n for (cursor to) end. one over on either side of those is select to start/end.
#settings 11 is same as last micro config containing pet i offered
#settings 12 has unlimited undo (save undo history. set option is the ctrlE toggle way of changing the file)
#micro in terminal to launch--desktop file for further discussion (though which terminal, launching what files to start, tmuxed or no, etc)
#also updates mmv
#getmicro in terminal if you don't have it installed will download it for you and set permissions
#--puppus dogfellow, 1/23/20

#(in short, not being able to bounce around in or highlight the document through the keyboard is somewhat annoying and is supposed to work with no fiddling around but doesn't, at least through the majority of terminal/pup/tmux combos i've tried it out in)
here's another version of the quickswitches from ... 38#1048638,
templates/examples of configuration quickswitches
set for 6 jwm variations, 3 for micro text editor (back up your defaults/import and store your mods)
(a post in the mcc thread):
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:ease of configuration is one of the joys of puppy, but it's also a way to mess up your system. script below makes copies of your jwm configuration in folders that each contain an import script--when you get a configuration or variation you like, go to one of the folders and click that to repopulate the switch with the new files. set for six jwm and three micro, but you can swap out the paths, files, and icon (names) below before you run it to incorporate whatever you find yourself tinkering with most. quickswitch-jm:

Code: Select all

#examples of configuration quickswitches (add flexibility to your setups and safety to your experiments)
mkdir -p /root/.config/micro/conf1
mkdir -p /root/.config/micro/conf2
mkdir -p /root/.config/micro/conf3
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json /root/.config/micro/conf1/settings.json
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json /root/.config/micro/conf1/bindings.json
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/conf1/settings.json /root/.config/micro/settings.json 
cp -f /root/.config/micro/conf1/bindings.json /root/.config/micro/bindings.json
' > /root/.config/micro/mcon1
chmod 755 /root/.config/micro/mcon1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/conf2/settings.json /root/.config/micro/settings.json 
cp -f /root/.config/micro/conf2/bindings.json /root/.config/micro/bindings.json
' > /root/.config/micro/mcon2
chmod 755 /root/.config/micro/mcon2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/conf3/settings.json /root/.config/micro/settings.json 
cp -f /root/.config/micro/conf3/bindings.json /root/.config/micro/bindings.json
' > /root/.config/micro/mcon3
chmod 755 /root/.config/micro/mcon3
#unlike the version in, this set up isn't on PATH. work from the configuration directories themselves 
#and/or substitute /root/.config/micro/ for /root/my-applications/bin/ in the mcon scripts above. the ones below assume you're in the directory and have fiddled around with the configs to sufficient satisfaction that you'd want to be able to switch or revert to what you'd done to them. use this template to set other configs to come to you for easy modding
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json ./
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json ./
' > /root/.config/micro/conf1/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.config/micro/conf1/importcurrent
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json ./
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json ./
' > /root/.config/micro/conf2/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.config/micro/conf2/importcurrent
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.config/micro/settings.json ./
cp -f /root/.config/micro/bindings.json ./
' > /root/.config/micro/conf3/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.config/micro/conf3/importcurrent
#this section is three backups/switches for your micro editor configs
#using the mcc icon/label maker for the desktop files and menu entries (thanks again technosaurus for txt2xpm)
echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=micro editor mconfiguration switcher
GenericName=mconfig swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/mcon1.desktop
echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=micro editor mconfiguration switcher
GenericName=mconfig swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/mcon2.desktop
echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=micro editor mconfiguration switcher
GenericName=mconfig swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/mcon3.desktop

mkdir -p /root/.jwm/cona/
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal ./
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc ./
' > /root/.jwm/cona/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/cona/importcurrent
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/cona/jwmrc-personal
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /root/.jwm/cona/_root_.jwmrc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/cona/_root_.jwmrc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
cp -f /root/.jwm/cona/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal 
jwm -restart
' > /root/.jwm/jwmca
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/jwmca
mkdir -p /root/.jwm/conb/
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal ./
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc ./
' > /root/.jwm/conb/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/conb/importcurrent
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/conb/jwmrc-personal
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /root/.jwm/conb/_root_.jwmrc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/conb/_root_.jwmrc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
cp -f /root/.jwm/conb/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal 
jwm -restart
' > /root/.jwm/jwmcb
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/jwmcb
mkdir -p /root/.jwm/conc/
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal ./
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc ./
' > /root/.jwm/conc/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/conc/importcurrent
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/conc/jwmrc-personal
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /root/.jwm/conc/_root_.jwmrc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/conc/_root_.jwmrc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
cp -f /root/.jwm/conc/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal 
jwm -restart
' > /root/.jwm/jwmcc
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/jwmcc
mkdir -p /root/.jwm/cond/
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal ./
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc ./
' > /root/.jwm/cond/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/cond/importcurrent
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/cond/jwmrc-personal
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /root/.jwm/cond/_root_.jwmrc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/cond/_root_.jwmrc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
cp -f /root/.jwm/cond/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal 
jwm -restart
' > /root/.jwm/jwmcd
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/jwmcd
mkdir -p /root/.jwm/cone/
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal ./
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc ./
' > /root/.jwm/cone/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/cone/importcurrent
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/cone/jwmrc-personal
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /root/.jwm/cone/_root_.jwmrc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/cone/_root_.jwmrc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
cp -f /root/.jwm/cone/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal 
jwm -restart
' > /root/.jwm/jwmce
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/jwmce
mkdir -p /root/.jwm/conf/
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal ./
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc ./
' > /root/.jwm/conf/importcurrent
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/conf/importcurrent
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/conf/jwmrc-personal
cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /root/.jwm/conf/_root_.jwmrc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cp -f /root/.jwm/conf/_root_.jwmrc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
cp -f /root/.jwm/conf/jwmrc-personal /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal 
jwm -restart
' > /root/.jwm/jwmcf
chmod 755 /root/.jwm/jwmcf
0txpm "JWM-A" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/0tjwmc.xpm
1txpm "JWM-B" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/1tjwmc.xpm
2txpm "JWM-C" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/2tjwmc.xpm
3txpm "JWM-D" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/3tjwmc.xpm
4txpm "JWM-E" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/4tjwmc.xpm
5txpm "JWM-F" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/5tjwmc.xpm
6txpm "MiCon1" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/6tMiCon.xpm
7txpm "MiCon2" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/7tMiCon.xpm
8txpm "MiCon3" >/root/puppy-reference/pixmaps/8tMiCon.xpm

echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=your jwm settings pre-nwp
GenericName=config swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/jwmca.desktop

echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=your jwm settings pre-nwp
GenericName=config swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/jwmcb.desktop
echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=your jwm settings pre-nwp
GenericName=config swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/jwmcc.desktop
echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=your jwm settings pre-nwp
GenericName=config swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/jwmcd.desktop
echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=your jwm settings pre-nwp
GenericName=config swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/jwmce.desktop
echo $'[Desktop Entry]
Comment=your jwm settings pre-nwp
GenericName=config swapper
' > /usr/share/applications/jwmcf.desktop
jwm -restart
most programs seem to keep their configurations in /root/.config or in /opt, but pfind can help you find where a given program scatters its files (pfind>search system files). backups clobber the experimental live version of whatever you're working on, but the affected program usually would need to be restarted or reloaded for change to take effect. template i used for the desktop files puts the entries in desktop and utility--swap the line to mimic a location/entry of your choice by copying the Categories= line from the .desktop files in /usr/share/applications.

--chose one each to represent the default set of color combos, but it seems the reference screen shot and all others from that service are gone, so...i guess that's something else to do.

anyway, enjoy/hope someone finds it useful/helpful
been working taking the spin to bionic (my machine running 6t4 is dead, a 32 bit laptop also recently died, i replaced them with two 64 bit desktops, both now running nwp'd pups. here's the work shop folder: ... sp=sharing, and by nwp'd i mean has the nwp installed.

so it's six micro configs and another 6 jwm swaps, plus better keyboard control in micro.



libre office update for 64 bit, f12 fix for previous post,

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2020, 09:14
by Puppus Dogfellow
here's a libreoffice update for 64 bit and a quick fix for a problem i forgot to address in the from the previous post (release f12 from jwm). last bit is how to get custom icons for the tabs used by the browser based word processors and how to change the names displayed in the tab (which would otherwise likely be different from the name you're saving it under/thinking of it as). middle bit releases f12 from jwm so micro can use the key.

for 64bit:
from ... 65#1049365

LibreOffice-6.4.0_64_en-US_xz.sfs (293MB):

LibreOffice-6.4.0_64_en-US_xz.sfs (255MB):

whether you choose the sfs or pet, you may need to install the .desktops pet for menu entries and non generic desktop icons:
for 32 and 64 bit:

for all 1:

F12 and Alt+F1 activate the root3/right click/main menu in most if not all jwm based puppies, and none of my tweaks have messed with those two shortcuts (even though i use alt+3 on my setups for it--alt+0-9 access the ten default jwm menus) until the last micro plugins/configs pet used F12 for delete word right. to allow micro to use that keycut, choose/terminal-dump one of the following options:

Code: Select all

#comment out:
sed -i 's/<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/<!--<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key> -->/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
sed -i 's/<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/<!--<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key> -->/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
#move to alt+__:
sed -i 's/<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/<Key mask="A" key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
sed -i 's/<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/<Key mask="A" key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
sed -i 's/<Key mask="A" key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
sed -i 's/<Key mask="A" key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
sed -i 's/<!--<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key> -->/<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
sed -i 's/<!--<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key> -->/<Key key="F12">root:3<\/Key>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
for all 2:

from pupli repo/word processing and related/nwp+vtg/ico/ico-title-adjust:
browser based word processor and spinoffs use a generic tab icon unless you add a version of the following code to the head area in the html files (viewable in box1 tab or a text editor but not in default):

Code: Select all

<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico">     
 <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="file:///[cus]()/mc/bwp1/()[cus].ico">

adjust to suit your choices and paths/addresses.

from ... te#4888458

jpegs and pngs converted with:

while in the head area, you can change the name of the tab by swapping out the text between the <title>tags</title>
(above example would give you a tab that's named "tags" regardless of the name you saved the file under.)

--p.dogfellow, 12/19


edit 2/20: the ico format apparently also works in .desktop files and with rox's right click file association function (tested in bionic64)

at the very least, the custom icons make it easier to identify your files when you have the tabs pinned.


--p. dogfellow

xpcat, lpxcat, lpxcatg, xpcatg

Posted: Sun 16 Feb 2020, 05:33
by Puppus Dogfellow
four new utility scripts for two of the spins' utilities. collect all the data on your xpads or lpx notes and combine them in a document opened in geany or micro. launcher codes are only for geany (lpxcatg, xpcatg) but all four can be called from a terminal (xpcat and lpxcat rely on micro, which is terminal based. t will get you to the terminal from the launcher, sk will get you sakura if you have it installed).

Code: Select all

#cat lpx and xpad (4 for terminal, two for launcher)
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#lpxcat --cat lpx default set 1-25
cd /nwp/notes
cat ./n/* ./n/o/* ./n/o/t/* ./n/o/t/e/* ./n/o/t/e/s/* | micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/lpxcat
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/lpxcat
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#xpcat --cat xpad "content" files
cat /root/.config/xpad/con* | micro
' > /root/my-applications/bin/xpcat
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/xpcat
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#xpcatg --cat xpad "content" files --geany 
cat /root/.config/xpad/con* > /tmp/xpcat; geany /tmp/xpcat
' > /root/my-applications/bin/xpcatg
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/lpxcatg
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#lpxcat --cat lpx default 1-25 --geany 
cd /nwp/notes
cat ./n/* ./n/o/* ./n/o/t/* ./n/o/t/e/* ./n/o/t/e/s/* > /tmp/lpxcat1; geany /tmp/lpxcat1
' > /root/my-applications/bin/lpxcatg
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/lpxcatg
#cat lpx and xpad with geany--for nwp/pwn launcher
echo $'#!/bin/sh
#xpcatg --cat xpad "content" files --geany version
cat /root/.config/xpad/con* > /tmp/xpcat; geany /tmp/xpcat
' > /nwp/xpcatg
chmod 755 /nwp/xpcatg
echo $'#!/bin/sh
cd /nwp/notes
cat ./n/* ./n/o/* ./n/o/t/* ./n/o/t/e/* ./n/o/t/e/s/* > /tmp/lpxcat1; geany /tmp/lpxcat1
' > /nwp/lpxcatg
chmod 755 /nwp/lpxcatg

browser and word processor updates

Posted: Sun 29 Mar 2020, 01:31
by Puppus Dogfellow
firefox pets are below the (spin specific and not automatically installed) fix for the root1 (left click/alt+1) menus' firefox entries (dump into a terminal):

Code: Select all

sed -i 's/>firefox</>apulse \/opt\/firefox\/firefox</g' /nwp/root3/10/root1menu
sed -i 's/>firefox</>apulse \/opt\/firefox\/firefox</g' /nwp/root3/9/root1menu
sed -i 's/\/opt\/firefox\/firefox/apulse \/opt\/firefox\/firefox/g' /nwp/root3/9/root1menu
sed -i 's/\/mnt\/sda1\/firefox\/firefox/apulse \/opt\/firefox\/firefox/g' /nwp/root3/9/root1menu
sed -i 's/\/opt\/firefox\/firefox/apulse \/opt\/firefox\/firefox/g' /nwp/root3/10/root1menu
sed -i 's/\/mnt\/sda1\/firefox\/firefox/apulse \/opt\/firefox\/firefox/g' /nwp/root3/10/root1menu
jwm -restart
and here are the pets to go with it:

you may need to install libgtk3 to run firefox. it should be built in to most of the spins here, but you can use the ppm or Pkg - CLI package manager to download one appropriate for you system. i'd been using the one linked earlier in the thread ( ... 433#901433) from precise/p6 through xenial, but that link's from 2016 and i'd check for something more recent first (also this bit of the post is a plug for sc0ttman's PKG--install it if you haven't already)


here's the libre office update:
from 642-64 sfs and 2 pets (one at a higher compression rate)
Subject description: new desktop file fix ( ... 26#1053726):
Puppus Dogfellow 250 mb
MD5: f491ea8aa4982a37059732aafe3ad506
SHA1: 6c53edcfaf190b1a3ab3d234a28a6994b129e8b5
SHA256: 22fbb68352fecef3909700b32f48dd91d00d741d3ee0158ef55e773d4b27b8e5
CRC32: 3fd6f6fc 177 mb

MD5: 130f3498e1b30a9df658227770edbcd2
SHA1: b3d7bca2828cac7a84b1d13fae6624d3cbe7b76a
SHA256: 2fb7fb103f2a806f7d9ab4ae6c9fd1f4e320475225ebb8b37301514c236f1f96
CRC32: 7c7bfb70

MD5: 86b1e3bb022bf9cd683eecbd618e9510
SHA1: be3193b099c817b6b3dbf557fb57ec597d2a5e75
SHA256: f585e0cc9c18af5c561db4dc41f3bdbf1ba1d578b428d331238288e17e1231af
CRC32: 2644e2f0


the smaller pet is the same but with the desktop file fix included (which no longer seems to work--it gets overwritten by the end of installation) and a higher compression ratio. the new fix for the desktop files (until the next version when i'll probably just add it as a pinstall script) is to dump the following into a terminal:

Code: Select all

sed -i 's/BuildingBlock.svg/\/usr\/share\/icons\/hicolor\/48x48\/apps\/libreoffice6.4-base.svg/' /usr/share/applications/libreoffice6.4-base.desktop
sed -i 's/BuildingBlock.svg/\/usr\/share\/icons\/hicolor\/48x48\/apps\/libreoffice6.4-calc.svg/' /usr/share/applications/libreoffice6.4-calc.desktop
sed -i 's/BuildingBlock.svg/\/usr\/share\/icons\/hicolor\/48x48\/apps\/libreoffice6.4-draw.svg/' /usr/share/applications/libreoffice6.4-draw.desktop
sed -i 's/BuildingBlock.svg/\/usr\/share\/icons\/hicolor\/48x48\/apps\/libreoffice6.4-impress.svg/' /usr/share/applications/libreoffice6.4-impress.desktop
sed -i 's/BuildingBlock.svg/\/usr\/share\/icons\/hicolor\/48x48\/apps\/libreoffice6.4-math.svg/' /usr/share/applications/libreoffice6.4-math.desktop
sed -i 's/BuildingBlock.svg/\/usr\/share\/icons\/hicolor\/48x48\/apps\/libreoffice6.4-startcenter.svg/' /usr/share/applications/libreoffice6.4-startcenter.desktop
sed -i 's/BuildingBlock.svg/\/usr\/share\/icons\/hicolor\/48x48\/apps\/libreoffice6.4-writer.svg/' /usr/share/applications/libreoffice6.4-writer.desktop


unlike the firefox menu fix, the libre office desktop fix is unlikely to be a one time only sort of affair, unless i start repackaging the LO pets at a higher compression and make the code above the pinstall script. since it seems to me the gz compressed pets install faster, i'd like to just keep to the way i've been doing them and use this as an opportunity to give a little pointer on a use for launcher. i'm going to take a bit of useful code and make it into a launcher shortcut:

shift plus spacebar -- launcher pops up
ll --gets you leafpad launcher
(type a name for the file- something short--this is all about convenience. i'll choose lodesk--libre office desktop fix)
scz -- print out the shebang that makes code into possibly clickable scripts
copy and paste the code chunk above into the file below the shebang and save the file
shift plus spacebar -- launcher pops up
ch -- get to the permissions launcher
enter the name of the file you just made

that's it. next time you do "lodesk" in the launcher, your messed up desktop files from your last libre office installation will be fixed (of a known problem/"problem")

customize batch launching and send and resize files from the launcher.



fzf fuzzy file finder, a few helper scripts and some praise,

Posted: Thu 09 Apr 2020, 03:54
by Puppus Dogfellow
here's a 32 bit package: fzf_0.17.5-2_i386.deb
64 bit packages: fzf

pupli repo/Utilities Tools System Libs/fzf/links and notes:
fuzzy file finder website:

packages are from ... ection=all

disco (19.04) (utils): general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder [universe]
0.17.5-2: amd64 arm64 armhf i386 ppc64el s390x
eoan (19.10) (utils): general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder [universe]
0.18.0-2: amd64 arm64 armhf i386 ppc64el s390x
focal (utils): general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder [universe]
0.20.0-1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el s390x


i've only started playing around with this utility, but it's really impressive. it indexes a few hundred thousand or so files in the amount of time it was taking me to look through the previews of just a few.

here's a little set of helper scripts and a help file centered around what's impressed me so far (copy-paste the green text into a terminal to use):

Code: Select all

echo "
echo \"
#----     Token Match type Description    
###     sbtrkt fuzzy-match Items that match sbtrkt    
###     'wild exact-match (quoted) Items that include wild  
###     ^music prefix-exact-match Items that start with music    
###     .mp3$ suffix-exact-match Items that end with .mp3     
###     !fire inverse-exact-match Items that do not include fire   
###     !^music inverse-prefix-exact-match Items that do not start with music   
###     !.mp3$ inverse-suffix-exact-match Items that do not end with .mp3
ubuntu fzf packages:
#help for these shortcut scripts:

#fz = fzf with multi tagging (tab bar) previewing the entire document
#fz1 = same as above but only first 500 lines previewed
#default behavior is to print  out the paths of the files selected (the program is a file finder). if the command has an m in it, the file(s) are opened in micro rather than just having their paths displayed. the g files use geany, the gi files use geany opening a new window, and the b version opens beaver as the editor of choice.
#fz -h displays this help message.
#i didn't make a preset for leafpad, but you can make your own with editorchoice \"\$(fzf or wrapper/preset)\".
#^the code part of the line above is coming out invisible in the terminal, so here's a link to here: 
#pupli repo/Utilities Tools System Libs/fzf/links and notes:
#convention used here is first preview choice (all or up to 500), then decide if you want the paths displayed or the document(s) opened.
# e.g./includes: fz, fz1, fzg, fz1g, fzm, fz1m, fzb, fz1b, fzgi, fz1gi.
# m, b, g, or gi in the name opens the selected files in an editor rather than just displaying the paths after you enter your selections

--puppus dogfellow, april 2020

" > /root/my-applications/bin/fz-h
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/fz-h

echo $'#!/bin/sh
fzf -m --preview \'head -500 {}\' --preview-window wrap
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro \"$(fzf -m --preview \'head -500 {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz1m
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro \"$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzm
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/fzm /root/my-applications/bin/fz /root/my-applications/bin/fz1m /root/my-applications/bin/fz1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany \"$(fzf -m --preview \'head -500 {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz1g
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany \"$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzg
echo $'#!/bin/sh
beaver \"$(fzf -m --preview \'head -500 {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz1b
echo $'#!/bin/sh
beaver \"$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/fzg /root/my-applications/bin/fz1b /root/my-applications/bin/fz1g /root/my-applications/bin/fzb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i \"$(fzf -m --preview \'head -500 {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz1gi
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i \"$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzgi
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/fzgi /root/my-applications/bin/fz1gi

i have the version for dingo (or whatever ubuntu's d series animal was) running fine in xenial 32 and would be surprised if you couldn't use it back at least as far as precise (which seems to predate the existence of the utility). it instantly responds to your input and filters the files in one part of the screen while it previews in another part. check out the author's site above to learn more.

also, here's the batch launcher for beaver i meant to include a few posts ago:

Code: Select all

echo $'
# d2b
beaver "$@"/*
' > /root/my-applications/bin/d2bb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/d2bb

i'll include these little scripts in the next nwp, but fzf's site says they update frequently so it's probably better get fzf itself through an updated PKG, your package manager(PPM), or the fzf site directly to check out the latest releases and info. (i'm pretty sure the for ermine would run in bionic, and i know the one from dingo runs in xenial).



(update: code can now handle spaces in file names, and it appears the ermine version works fine in beaver)

short version: it finds your files through the terminal and can be set to give you a preview. it's configurable and blazingly fast, and although a cli app, it's surprisingly user friendly.

an updates and recs pet ( mmv, fzf, ag,

Posted: Sun 19 Apr 2020, 07:06
by Puppus Dogfellow
edit: i left one of the updated packages out of the pet so here's he corrected version:

(use the one above)
root# tree -s
├── [ 134] pet.specs
├── [ 3062]
├── [ 4096] root
│   ├── [ 4096] my-applications
│   │   └── [ 4096] bin
│   │   ├── [ 34] fzffp
│   │   ├── [ 1859] fz-h
│   │   ├── [ 1493] giffer
│   │   ├── [ 84417] mmv
│   │   └── [ 10466] spetget
│   └── [ 4096] puppy-reference
│   └── [ 4096] mini-icons
├── [ 4096] tmp
│   ├── [ 7572]
│   ├── [ 11036]
│   ├── [ 19568]
│   ├── [ 884768] fzf_0.18.0-2_i386.deb
│   ├── [ 954428] fzf_0.20.0-1_amd64.deb
│   ├── [ 8276]
│   ├── [ 5488]
│   ├── [ 39536] silversearcher-ag_2.1.0-1_amd64.deb
│   └── [ 40832] silversearcher-ag_2.1.0-1_i386.deb
└── [ 4096] usr
└── [ 4096] share
└── [ 4096] applications

9 directories, 16 files

Code: Select all

echo $'#!/bin/sh
mpv "$(fzf -m)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzmpv
echo $'#!/bin/sh
deadbeef "$(fzf -m)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzdeadb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
vlc "$(fzf -m)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzvlc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
libreoffice6.4 "$(fzf -m)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzlo
echo $'#!/bin/sh
libreoffice6.4 --writer "$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzlop
echo $'#!/bin/sh
leafpad "$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzlea
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rox "$(fzf -m)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzrx
chmod 755  /root/my-applications/bin/fzlea /root/my-applications/bin/fzlop /root/my-applications/bin/fzlo /root/my-applications/bin/fzvlc /root/my-applications/bin/fzmpv /root/my-applications/bin/fzdeadb /root/my-applications/bin/fzrx
echo $'#!/bin/sh
fzf -m --preview \'head -500 {}\' --preview-window wrap
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro \"$(fzf -m --preview \'head -500 {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz1m
echo $'#!/bin/sh
micro \"$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzm
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/fzm /root/my-applications/bin/fz /root/my-applications/bin/fz1m /root/my-applications/bin/fz1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany \"$(fzf -m --preview \'head -500 {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz1g
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany \"$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzg
echo $'#!/bin/sh
beaver \"$(fzf -m --preview \'head -500 {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz1b
echo $'#!/bin/sh
beaver \"$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzb
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/fzg /root/my-applications/bin/fz1b /root/my-applications/bin/fz1g /root/my-applications/bin/fzb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i \"$(fzf -m --preview \'head -500 {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz1gi
echo $'#!/bin/sh
geany -i \"$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzgi
echo $'#!/bin/sh
leafpad \"$(fzf -m --preview \'head -500 {}\' --preview-window wrap)\"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fz1lea
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/fzgi /root/my-applications/bin/fz1gi /root/my-applications/bin/fz1lea
ln -s /root/my-applications/bin/spetget /root/.config/
spetget /tmp/
spetget /tmp/
spetget /tmp/
spetget /tmp/
spetget /tmp/
petget /tmp/fzf_0.18.0-2_i386.deb 
petget /tmp/fzf_0.20.0-1_amd64.deb 
petget /tmp/silversearcher-ag_2.1.0-1_amd64.deb 
petget /tmp/silversearcher-ag_2.1.0-1_i386.deb
sleep 5
jwm -restart


pupli repo/word processing and related/nwp+vtg/recs and notes/


i frequently load up pets with petget calling extra pets from /tmp as an easy way to update things and incorporate update pets into the main package. nico7 made a version of petget that i renamed spetget (silent petget)--it allows things that don't need your okay to be installed as if you had gone through the effort of disassembling them and adding their pieces back into some aggregate pet (and possibly having to mess around with the pets' pinstall scripts). nico posted three scripts ( Petget-Tools: ... 07#1035007), but so far i've only used and renamed ""). so that's one rec.

the multimedia pets are tiny and are all made by plnej:

fftag 1.5a
ffplay-gtk 1.2
ffmerge 0.2a


mmv is MochiMoppel's Viewer (renamed to go with the desktop files and shortcuts i already have for it). you can find that here (4/20/20 version is current as of writing):


pet will install mochi's and j's stuff without asking your approval (should work on all pups). silver searcher and fzf are architecture dependent--say yes to the two that fit and no to the two that don't. fzf is under a meg, silver-searcher is under 50k. there are helper scripts for fzf, and a general overview of the rest of the pet (before it was in pet form) can be found at pupli repo/Utilities Tools System Libs/fzf/links and notes and a post from the nwp thread that quotes it and maybe adds a bit more,
some helper scripts for a recommended utility (fzf)
plus something i forgot from earlier (directory batch launch with beaver (d2bb)) ( ... 93#1055393):

fuzzy file finder website:

edit 4/9/2020: fixed the above script so it can handle spaces in file names. tested briefly and found eoan version of fzf seems to work fine in bionicpup64.

snippet suggested above for leafpad also works as a finder/launcher for libreoffice, vlc, and deadbeef (and i'm sure more but this is what i just tried out). i'll make a terminal dump version a little later, but here's the basic command for the little scripts/shortcuts:

Code: Select all

vlc "$(fzf -m)"
libreoffice6.4 "$(fzf -m)"
deadbeef "$(fzf -m)"
libreoffice6.4 --writer "$(fzf -m --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window wrap)"
i left in a preview template/example, but for non text files i'm not sure how much help the preview pane is (mostly looks like squiggles and gibberish to me, with some recognizable characters and shapes thrown in every once in a while).

here are the terminal dump in versions of the above (plus leafpad, rox and mpv)

Code: Select all

echo $'#!/bin/sh
mpv "$(fzf -m)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzmpv
echo $'#!/bin/sh
deadbeef "$(fzf -m)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzdeadb
echo $'#!/bin/sh
vlc "$(fzf -m)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzvlc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
libreoffice6.4 "$(fzf -m)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzlo
echo $'#!/bin/sh
libreoffice6.4 --writer "$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzlop
echo $'#!/bin/sh
leafpad "$(fzf -m --preview \'cat {}\' --preview-window wrap)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzlea
echo $'#!/bin/sh
rox "$(fzf -m)"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/fzrx
chmod 755  /root/my-applications/bin/fzlea /root/my-applications/bin/fzlop /root/my-applications/bin/fzlo /root/my-applications/bin/fzvlc /root/my-applications/bin/fzmpv /root/my-applications/bin/fzdeadb /root/my-applications/bin/fzrx

terminal launching codes are the names, which are formed by fz+part of the second program's name. new ones from this batch are

fzlea - fuzzy filtering to leafpad (preview enabled)
fzlop - fuzzy filtering to libre office (preview enabled)
fzlo - fuzzy filtering to libre office
fzvlc - fuzzy filtering to vlc
fzmpv - fuzzy filtering to mpv
fzdeadb - fuzzy filtering to deadbeef
fzrx - fuzzy filtering to rox-filer
[plus now
fz1lea -fzf w/ 500 line preview to leafpad,
fzffp --fzf to ffplay-gtk]
so that's pretty much the pet. fzf plus ag is a real alternative to recoll when it comes to looking through text files, but not for those that are compressed and in containers (odt, docx,..). you could probably look through rtf files but i haven't tried. preview preset for libreoffice should probably be removed. if you've got tons of odt/docx and don't want to index them with something like recoll, make plain text backups and use fzf plus ag (silversearcher gets called by "ag") to rifle through them.

anyway, i tried the most recent 32/64 bit versions of fzf and silversearcher-ag in bionic64 and xenial 32 and they work fine. the newest 32s should work in pups at least as far back as precise.


forgot to explain what giffer is. see ... 27#1044027

for more, but short version is it can make cuts and loops and save them as gifs or movies. l starts and ends the loop. g for gif of it, h for movie. use ffmerge by plinej with it and you have an ultra tiny cut, paste, and splice suite for multimedia files.
(no user interface for giffer beyond mpv itself. script and configuration file available in the above link (or you can take the pet apart. thanks to fabrice_035 for the giffer heads up)).

edit 4/18:

plinej updated two of the apps so i'm going to reup the pet as recs -01 and rename this file to match (and include it as a link/comment in the pet's so that it has some sort of built in documentation). think it will likely still include the useless libreoffice preview settings--treat them as practice templates and change what they do.


--- 1958k

reupped with an fzf preset for plinej's ffplay-gtk (fzffp in terminal) and leafpad, 500 line preview (fzleap)
ffplay updated to 1.2, spetget symlinked to /root/.config/ so you can use it through the right click menu.

still has the useless libreoffice with preview presets


update gives you a mini cutting, looping, splicing, and annotating studio for multimedia files, adds some fzf helpers and shortcuts to the previous effort, and gives you the option to install the latest fzf and silversearcher-ag (latest 32 bit versions should work at least as far back as precise (though only testes as far back as xenial). 64 bit versions tested in bionic).

make plain text backups of your odt's, docx's and the like, use fzf and ag to view and find them, and you have a tiny search utility that's nearly as fast as recoll but doesn't need to build giant (or any) databases (recoll is included in these spins, but it's nice to have another tool for the job, especially if you need to look through something not already archived).

(checked since i first made this post and you get formatting code, but rtf files can indeed be previewed with fzf, so leaving that preset for libreoffice makes a justifiable amount of sense, i guess/i have no plans to remove it).

audio-video pets by jpline included in the pet are also mirrored in the multimedia section of my repo: pupli repo/audio, graphics, video, studio, QT/


here's the corrected pet (1967k)



large and small word processor updates

Posted: Fri 15 May 2020, 04:34
by Puppus Dogfellow
from LibreOffice 6.4.3-64 pet (177MB) and sfs (215MB) ( ... 40#1056040):
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:LibreOffice-6.4.3_64_en-US_xz.sfs

LibreOffice-6.4.3_64_en-US_xz.sfs (215MB)
MD5: 08cb3b9cc9f1bdbbf553897970b09f21
SHA1: 84de6f52daa1b640e7a2101ac3557c18dfbc613f
SHA256: a646349941a9ad4f8588b1f392aec9c00fad2427bd926277af896fde26ab5f45
CRC32: 967afe99 (177MB)
SHA1: b6cd41aba0c9989b08e7e306a2afb07f33db942f
SHA256: d33e77dd040ec24fc779def6d50fd3a62852e8e89d6a95bc4205b979fdcbb47d
CRC32: 5bb72948
the pet includes the desktop icon fix from a couple of posts back


on the other side of the word processing spectrum, here's a little tip/update for the browser based word processors

from the Make Concurrent copies thread
Re: usability tip/update for the word processor plugin(s) ( ... 13#1058113):
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:from
a small restructuring and some added functions
Subject description: (it's now also a tiny browser based word processor (complete with keyboard tweaker)) ( ... 915#965915):

[...]seems saving to pdf works in mozilla based browsers after all, and i need to take back some of my hedging on its usability as a word processor--it will save the changes you make in the editable tab if you save it as a pdf through the print dialog, but the same file downloaded through the same interface doesn't show your changes if you save it as an html file.

(both functions work as expected in chromium based browsers, and either can use bookmarking to return to previous work. drag and drop the file to an open browser; use the rox new templates to start a project wherever you like.)

--p. dogfellow, 8/22/17

edit: save as webpage complete as opposed to html only and the mozlilla based family works fine. saving as plain text also works through the ctrl+s function and file menu.

sorry for all the unnecessary drama--it works, it's a word processor.


works in android and windows as well, but i now recommend webpage complete regardless of browser if you want to continue to edit the file and reliably save your changes. something seems to have changed in the last few months and the html only option no longer does anything useful in any browser (beyond download a copy of the template). adjust in page layout view to choose what headers and footers appear (date, path of the file, page numbers, etc).

tested in firefox, midori, palemoon, vivaldi, chrome, chromium, edge, explorer, and some of these same in android (after some fiddling with permissions through a file browser, iirc.)

