DebianDog64 - 64 bit DebianDog-Jessie

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#261 Post by Belham »

Hi Fred and/or anyone that uses DD,

I've sort of a stupid question: in all this time I've used DD64 (I automatically always install ufw/gufw) I've never paid attention if there is already a firewall included in Debian Dogs? Is there?? I looked everywhere through the menu and start up services, couldn't find anything, so I assume there isn't one unless we install it. Correct?


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Re: firewall

#262 Post by rufwoof »

Belham wrote:Hi Fred and/or anyone that uses DD,

I've sort of a stupid question: in all this time I've used DD64 (I automatically always install ufw/gufw) I've never paid attention if there is already a firewall included in Debian Dogs? Is there?? I looked everywhere through the menu and start up services, couldn't find anything, so I assume there isn't one unless we install it. Correct? Thanks.
I don't think there is a firewall by default, you have to install it as you say (??? not 100% sure). Personally I don't bother as I sit behind a Virgin Media cable modem that has a firewall and behind that I'm hard wired into a router (Netgear) that also has a firewall and where wireless on that router is disabled (hard wired connections only). So a firewall would only be protecting against other family members ... easier for them to just walk across the room and turn the PC on to 'break-in'. If we connected direct to the main cable modem that also has wireless activated then I'd be more inclined to install a firewall on the PC's.

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#263 Post by mcewanw »

fredx181 wrote: Good luck with your program, don't get distracted by some "passenger" :wink:
Nearing completion actually. I "think" I have finished the hard stuff (required C code backend). Now working on gui, which is coming along fine, but boring work compared to mind-twisting C... Were it not for the kids suddenly being on school holiday here (for the next 2 weeks) I'd probably be able to make first release today or tomorrow. Certainly looks like it 'should' be finished within a week though (or I am guilty of extreme laziness, or something diabolical crops up unexpectedly in the code, which seems unlikely now...).

Of course, me posting anything on murga forum at the moment is just me lazily distracting myself from what I should be doing. Bye!

github mcewanw


#264 Post by learnhow2code »

fredx181 wrote:you mean for example when Stretch becomes stable to transform the official Debian Stetch live cd into DebianDog 'style' ?
Something like that would be great, I will think about it, although I'm not very optimistic that it can be scripted.
To make it work with several distros it will probably be a hit and miss thing.
i think its quite a viable idea, which can be done one of the following ways:

* the script is automated, but the output will need some coaxing
* the script is automated, but the input will need some coaxing
* the script is automated, but the script will need some tweaking/configuration/updating
* one or more of the above

in each case, the script saves lots of work. the better the script is, the more work it saves. the script still requires a person to run it and see what comes out, and possibly do more.


DebianDog installer

#265 Post by Belham »

Hi all,

Have a question about using DebianDog installer, wanting to install DD64 from its current running USB onto another bigger USB SATA HD enclosure partition. I am so used to running stuff off USB and/or SD cards, or either actually using a download ISO to install to a partition, that I've gone braindead just wanting to install DD64 here (booted the USB it is on as "Always Fresh, and there's no savefile and/or change folders/files to worry about).

On the DD installer that popped up, I selected my partition (it already been set up with Gpart, and formatted to Ext4...there are 5 other puppies on different partitions there :D ), so when I am looking at this DD installer, and I don't want to re-download the DD64 ISO to install it that way, exactly what do i choose under the "OR SELECT DIRECTORY" and the "DebianDog FOLDER" underneath oit?? The partition it will be on is currently under the control of Grub4Dos for this external SATA USB HD enclosure.

Sorry for going braindead today :roll:

(EDIT: Is it maybe the /live/image/live/ folder's contents to the partition? In other words, the empty base folder, the empty modules folder, the empty optional folder, the empty "rootcopy" folder, and then the meat & potatoes of the 01-filesystem.squashfs., the initd.img, the initrd1.xz, the jessie-x86_64.sgn and finally the vmlinuz1?

And then use which ones for entry into Grub4dos? vmlinuz1 and initrd.img only??) giving up and re-downloading the ISO. I tried copying th empty base, modules, optional and rootcopy folders straight to the partition, then also copied the jessie-x86_64.sgn, the 01-filesystem.squashfs, the initrd.img, the initrd1.xz, the vmlinuz1. I then entered in Grub4dos (for the partition that these are now on):

title DebianDog64 (sda4/boot)
UUID ######-######-######-#.....(I put the actual UUID)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz1 root=/dev/sda4 ro
initrd /boot/initrd1.xz

got nothing...then tried..

title DebianDog64 (sda4/boot)
UUID ######-######-######-#.....(I put the actual UUID)
kernel /vmlinuz1 root=/dev/sda4 ro
initrd /initrd1.xz more nothing except again, Error 22, saying no directory or files there Lastly, in desperation, tried to point to the squashfs (renamed it to .sfs ending)

title DebianDog64 (sda4/boot)
UUID ######-######-######-#.....(I put the actual UUID in)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz1 root=/dev/sda4 ro basesfs=local:/boot/01-filesystem.sfs
initrd /boot/initrd1.xz

...and again got more nothing except same error. I know I am screwing something up all around here, lol, but as I said, am too braindead to figure it out.

Oh well, soon as I get time this evening am going to re-get the ISO gownload so I can point the DebianDog installer to it and let it do it correctly


#266 Post by Belham »

Ok, something is not making sense:

On a separate, good functioning USB that has DebianDog64 DD on it working great (where it boots up fine in any mode you choose), I then booted it up to "Always Fresh" and used the included DebianDog64 installer to install a freshly downloaded ISO to a partition of another external USB that I have (a 160GB Sate drive) which has many other puppies and other Linux OSes on it.

This 160GB sata drive already has Fatdog64, Tahr64, Quirky 8.0, Slacko64, among other OSes, each on their own 10GB partitions, each booting greatly with grub4dos. The DebianDob64 install went to partition 4, everything went great, even decided to let reinstall Grub4dos and have that partition take over the Grub4dos work. I copied all my old grub4dos entries, put them in the new menu.lst on partition 4, and then booted up.

All of the different OSes bootup great, but when i try to boot any one of the debiandog64 entries, this is what I get after it spins up:


Here's an example of the exact message when trying to bootup, picking one at random, Debian-PorteusDog:

"Booting Debian-PorteusDog - Always Fresh sysvinit
setting root to (hd0,3)
Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
[Linux-bzImage, setup=0x4200, size=0x2f3b40]
initrd /live/initrd1.xz

Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format

PRess any key to continue..."
(which takes you back to the Grub4Dos boot screen, where all other Linux OSes will boot, but none of the Debain ones)

Below are a sampling of some of the grub4dos entries, all of them function except for the ones the DebianDog Installer actually installed. Not one of those will boot up and instead throws the error 13 mentioned above:

(plz note: all UUIDs are removed, there's no reason to post those)

title Fatdog64 (sda1/boot)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz rootfstype=ramfs basesfs=local:/boot/fd64.sfs
initrd /boot/initrd

title Quirky Xerus64 8.0 (sda5/xerus)
kernel /xerus/vmlinuz install_specs=UUID=:ext4:xerus
initrd /xerus/initrd.q

title Tahr64 6.0.5 CE (sda6/boot)
kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda6 ro
initrd /initrd.gz

title Manjaro 16.06.1 XFCE (sda17/boot)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-4.4-x86_64 root=/dev/sda17 rw
initrd /boot/initramfs-4.4-x86_64.img

title Debian-PorteusDog - changes to /live/ sysvinit
kernel /live/vmlinuz1 from=/ noauto changes=/live/
initrd /live/initrd1.xz

title Debian-PorteusDog - Always Fresh sysvinit
kernel /live/vmlinuz1 from=/ nomagic base_only norootcopy
initrd /live/initrd1.xz

title Debian-PorteusDog - Copy to RAM sysvinit
kernel /live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/ copy2ram
initrd /live/initrd1.xz

title DebianDog - live-boot-3 Persistence Changes sysvinit
kernel /live/vmlinuz1 boot=live persistence config quickreboot noeject autologin
initrd /live/initrd.img

title DebianDog - live-boot-3 (no persistence) sysvinit
kernel /live/vmlinuz1 boot=live config quickreboot noeject autologin
initrd /live/initrd.img

title DebianDog - live-boot-3 Copy to RAM sysvinit
kernel /live/vmlinuz1 boot=live toram=01-filesystem.squashfs
initrd /live/initrd.img

Can anyone provide any help?? Why would grub4dos, installed by the DebianDog64 installer itself, not make the correct grubdos entries to allow a person to boot any of the DD64 choices on its partition? And I know DD64's grub4dos install is acting correctly, because every other installed OS on this external USB Sata HD boots up fine using the grub4dos installed by DebianDog64. Yet, somehow, the entries it made for DebianDog64 itself, the grub4dos DD64 installed cannot boot them up, and instead throws that "Error 13" mentioned above. Crazy......!!!

Fred, what am I doing wrong???????[/u]


#267 Post by Belham »

Just wanted to give an update to this nightmare DD64 install to a partition (on an 160GB Sata enclosure USB) from a fully functioning DD64 USB stick, using the DD64 Install program:

I managed to get a bit passed the grub4dos problem (I don't know if this makes a difference or not, but the Grub4Dos that DD64 Installer tries to install is Version 1.7. I have Version 1.9.2.

Well, I have removed DD64's older grub4dos installer, and used Fatdog64 Grub4dos installer to put grub4dos back on the 160GB Sata USB drive to control all the partitions. As mentioned earlier, all the DD64 Installer's original entries for grub4dos do not work. They continually thrwo up Error 13 no matter what.

I then started playing around, I copied over from the original working DD64 USB all the files that were originally alongside the LIVE folder. Then, I got this entry (something the DD64 Grub4Dos installer doesn't even come up with) to go the farthest in trying to boot anything up from the parititon DD64 is instaled to:

UUID (the UUID number goes here)
kernel /ubnkern
initrd /ubninit

This entry will begin the boot process, many lines of boot screen pass, pages pass in fact, then it stops at the:
[143.840497] random: nonblocking pool is initialized. From there, it just sits forever........ If I hit enter repeatedly here, I can get a "(initramfs)" prompt, but am unsure what to do with it.

I know this 160GB is good, that there is nothing wrong with it, because I have ran checks on it before ever putting any of the other puppies and other Linux OSes on it.

Whatever is going on is because of some mixup in DebianDog64 Installer installing to a partition. This doesn't matter if you install from a live, fresh USB and/or a live freshly burned CD. DebianDog64 just refuses, on all my systems, to be put on a partition & have the user control whether it boots or not via Grub4dos.

If DebianDog64 is installed to its own USB and/or CD, then it works. But something is screwing up when you want to run it on a partition, and the same hard drive has other partitions that are loaded with other puppies and other Linux OSes (and they all work great with the grub4dos on it).

Guess I'll have to wait for Fred to see what the issue is here, and/or workaround. Until removing DD64 completely off both the USB it is on, and also reformating the partition it was installed on this new external USB drive. And for since I have downloaded DebianDog64 twice now, I know another download is not going to make a difference. So, will throw in the trash one of the Live Cds it is on, and keep the other one and await a response from Fred (or anyone) who can tell me what I am doing wrong by simply trying to install DebianDog64 from a Live CD/USB to a partition on another drive, with gurb4dos as the governor, and why every other Linux OS boots up and works, but DebianDob won't even bootup from that Ext4 formatted partition.

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#268 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Belham,

It seems to me that you did nothing wrong the last time, so I don't have an answer right now.
I'll try to reproduce (install to hdd, the same as you did) today or tomorrow, so I'll get back later.

What is the bootloader on your working DD64 USB install?

Edit: Oops, re-reading your post I see now that you used an external USB HD, I'm not sure I can find one at the moment, so it's gonna take more time for me to reproduce exactly the same.



#269 Post by Belham »

fredx181 wrote:Hi Belham,

It seems to me that you did nothing wrong the last time, so I don't have an answer right now.
I'll try to reproduce (install to hdd, the same as you did) today or tomorrow, so I'll get back later.

What is the bootloader on your working DD64 USB install?


Hi Fred!

I wiped/formatted the working USB to Ext4 on another Ubuntu 14.04.3 machine, then DD to copy DebianDog64 over to it, and everything works great. So i assume since I used Ubuntu 14.04.3, it would have grub2 on it. Yes?

Hey, seriously, you probably just got home from work. Don't worry about this until you actually have some real, free time, and not where you have to press for it. I actually am pretty angry at myself that I cannot figure this out....I mean, I'm no genius, but I know I must have messed something up. let me retrace my steps, using the freschly downloaded CD of DebianDog64, and see if i can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

The 160GB external Sata USB I am installing it to has the following on it:

-Quirky 8.0
(and the fifth quick running OS I want is your DebianDog64).

the other Linux OSes I have on this drive are:
--Peppermint 7
--Manjaro XFCE
--MX-15 KDE
--LinuxLite 3.0

And they all bootup great with the Grub4dos v1.9.2 that Fatdog64 installed for me when it was the first OS of any type to be put on this drive. So it's not like I don't know grub4dos a bit. There's just something I know I am doing wrong. I can get this DebianDog64 in the menu.lst grub4dos entry (listed afterwards) to almost go all the way in booting up but it stops on :

"....Begin: Running /scripts/local-bottom....done
Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom....mount: mounting /dev/on /root/dev failed : No such file or Directory
No init found. Try passing init= bootarg.
modprobe: module echi-orion not found in modules.dep
[12.414017] uhci_hcd: USB Universal Host Controller Interface Driver

BusyBox v1.22.1 (Debian 1:11.22.0-9+deb8u1) built-in shell (ash)
Enter "help" for a list of built-in commands

/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off

Here's the two grub4dos entry variations that produced the above and at least allowed me to get that far (the entries that the DebianDog64 installer originally made for Grub4dos would NOT even get past anything and they would immediately throw up Error 13 before any bootup attempting got underways):

(plz note that the following, this isn't the normal entries DD64 Installer installs to Grub4dos. I had to create playing around with these. At least the following two grub4dos entries I almost made it all the way through bootup)

title DebianDog64 (sda4/boot)
UUID ###--(left this out, no reason to post it)
kernel /ubnkern
initrd /ubninit

(used this one after copying eveyhting over from the /mnt/sda working DD64 USB drive)

title DebianDog64 (sda4/boot)
UUID ###--(left this out, no reason to post it)
kernel /ubnkern rootfstype=ramfs basesfs=local:/live/01-filesystem.sfs root=/dev/sda4
initrd /ubninit

(on this one I renamed the 01-filesystem-squashfs to 01-filesystem.sfs in the "LIVE" folder of the newly installed DD64 to the partition).

Doggone DD64 runs perfect off the working sole USB I've been using for a long time, and it also runs great from a Live CD. Bbut getting it to play nice with other Linux & Puppy OSes on a bigger USB external Sata drive when installed to a partition, well, it is driving me crazy. I think my machines are rising up and revolting!! :lol: [/b]

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#270 Post by fredx181 »

Hey Belham,
Hey, seriously, you probably just got home from work. Don't worry about this until you actually have some real, free time, and not where you have to press for it.
No worries, I like to know if there's some bug in the installer, never tried on external HD, only on internal or USB flash.
Posting now from DD64 frugal install on external HD, so *unfortunately* couldn't reproduce the error you got.
But at first it didn't work for me because I had a few menu.lst files on other/different partitions so found the wrong one (on sdb1).
Then deleted these, rebooted and it found the right one on sdb3, where I installed DD64, and booted fine.
Something you could check if this possibly is the case for you also and also check if the UUID is correct. by doing in terminal for 4th partition e.g.:

Code: Select all

blkid /dev/sdb4
title DebianDog64 (sda4/boot)
UUID ###--(left this out, no reason to post it)
kernel /ubnkern
initrd /ubninit
That looks like unetbootin install, maybe you previously used it?
Don't know much about it. Probably best to give up on trying to make it work that way.

In one of your previous posts you wrote some ways to try booting DD64 e.g:
title DebianDog64 (sda4/boot)
UUID ######-######-######-#.....(I put the actual UUID)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz1 root=/dev/sda4 ro
initrd /boot/initrd1.xz
That won't work because the files (and folders, e,g. base) need to be in folder named "live"
And also it won't work if you rename 01-filesystem.squashfs to 01-filesystem.sfs, just leave the.squashfs as it is.

These should work in menu.lst:
- If "live" folder is on root of partition: (make sure there's no other partition with "live" on the root)

Code: Select all

title Debian-PorteusDog  -  changes to /live/ sysvinit
 uuid <UUID>     ### (check if it corresponds with the actual UUID of the partition)
 kernel /live/vmlinuz1 from=/ noauto changes=/live/
 initrd /live/initrd1.xz
- If "live" folder is inside "boot" folder (when "boot' is on root of partition):

Code: Select all

title Debian-PorteusDog  -  changes to /boot/live/ sysvinit
 uuid <UUID>
 kernel /boot/live/vmlinuz1 from=/boot noauto changes=/boot/live/
 initrd /boot/live/initrd1.xz
Please also read here for "porteus-boot" options:

Hope you can make it work .

EDIT: Did a google search on "ERROR 13: INVALID OR UNSUPPORTED EXECUTABLE FORMAT" and most result are about Windows loading through grub.

I guess it's in your case about loading vmlinuz
From grub's web site:
13 : Invalid or unsupported executable format
This error is returned if the kernel image being loaded is not recognized as Multiboot or one of the supported native formats (Linux zImage or bzImage, FreeBSD, or NetBSD).

Last edited by fredx181 on Mon 11 Jul 2016, 23:24, edited 1 time in total.


#271 Post by Belham »

Hi Fred,

Well, just spent past two hours. let me walk you through the steps, I think something is wrong with the "DebianDog Full_Installer" (I repeated this behavior on 3 different machines, with different external Sata drives).

1) downloaded fresh copy of DebianDog64-Jessie-openbox-2016-03-20.iso from your new dropbox account.

2) Verified it with MD5 sum (have done this every time I have downloaded DebianDog now).

3) Put/burned the ISO on a new CD, then placed it in a machine/computer with no hard drives attached, but with 16GB of RAM. I let the CD boot up. It boots up fine, has a Live-running session going quickly.

4) I put a copy of the recently downloaded ISO in the downloads folder.

5) I click on "DebianDog Full-Installer"

6) I plug in any of the three external Sata hard drives I have at the moment (diff manufacturers, all split with partitions and governed by Grub4dos----bit this doesn't even matter because of DebainDog Full_Installer's beahvior)

7) So, DebianDog Full-Installer pops up. I click on an empty, already ext4 formatted 15GB partition.

8) I then click the "Select and ISO file" and point it towards the brand new ISO sitting in the downloads folder of this Live Running session. I clocik "Ok"

9) DebianDog Full Installer automatically takes me back to its first screen. I click "Install", and also make sure that "disable journaling..." and "Skip copying savefile and changes folder..." are both checked.

10)Disable Journal box pops up, says to wait

11) Next box is to select the bootloader (leave it marked on the circle for grub4dos: for ext2,3,4, vfat and ntfs, filesystems

12) Next screen that pops up is the "Grub4Dos Installer". Says "Also menu.lst will be generated. If it exists already, the entries will just be added at the bottom". Press OK to install. Press Cancel if you do not like to." I go ahead and let it install DebianDog install grub4dos again on its partition even though I already have Grub4dos installed on another partition (thanks to Fatdog64) that controls the whole drive. Before I shutdown, I'll just move all the grub4dos entries from the partition Fatdog put them on and let DebianDob's partition with Grub4dos control the whole drive.

13) DebianDog Installer installs grub4dos. Pops up the message about sda.63s if I want to restore the MBR in case something went wrong. No need for it.

14) DebianDog Installer then, within 15 seconds, pops up this message box:
"...File copy Failed! Note that any exisiting copy process will now be stopped but will take a minute or so since what is already in cache has to be copied out first."

Why this message even pops up is a wonder because my machines are sitting there with 8-16GB of free ram, and nothing else is running

Fred, this message occurs time and time and time again no matter how hard I try to use DebianDog Installer and install to any hard drive. As a matter of fact, I just tried to install to a brand new SD card (formatted to Ext4) use DebianDog Installer, and it put up the same failed message.

15) Soon as I click that fail message away, the DebianDog Installer pops back up and shows that the in the partition, which is now labelled as "boot" (I run gparted right now, and take the "boot" flag of the former Fatdog Partition, copy the menu.1st entries, and out them in the new "menu.lst' the DebianDog Installer made for me.

16) I reboot.

17) Up comes the grub4dos menu screen, with all of my Linux & Puppy OSes, plus the five new entries for DebianDog. No matter what grub4dos entry I choose, they all work---EXCEPT FOR GUESS WHAT?? Not one of the 5 new entries in grub4dos that the DebianDog Installer put there will boot. They don't make it even past the initial bootup process, as they causes all my machines to throw Error 13s and Error 22s......

18) It is hard to believe that the 5 other Pupply Linux partitions, even copied over to this new menu.1st and in its new DebianDog64 partition, boot up & run fantastically off this new menu.lst & grub4dos install.....or that all of my other Linux OSes that had their grub4dos entries copied here too, and they all boot up and run fantastically, how can they run great yet NOT ONE OF THE FIVE entries for DebianDog will bootup (can't even know if it will run because it won't even boot at all).

You should be able to replicate on any machine you have. I just don't think there's any way three different machines of mine (and using three different HD drives no less, plus a fourth USB, and a SD card)!!) are spitting out the same problem with DebianDog Installer and how it sets things up to a EXT4 partition. The DebianDog Installer is screwing something up...somebody else has had to run inot this issue trying to use the DebianDog installer to put it to a partition (with other partitions exisiting).

It's late. Going to go to bed. If you get a chance, Fred, would appreciate if you could look at this over the next two weeks. I think you'll reproduce the exact same problem I am having. In the meantime, if I want to use Debiandog, I'll plop in a Live CD or go get a single USB and/or SD card that the DebianDog Installer will happily make and they will work fine. It is just not possible to plop a freshly burned CD/DVD of DebainDog64 running live, and be able to use it to install it to any hard drive/usb/sd that already has multiple partitions running on it, with plenty of room to install DebinaDog64 too. It will fail every time, unfortunately.

**The constant error you will get when when following the above and then trying to boot on of the 5-6 new DebianDog entries is this:

"...setting root to (hd0,#) whatever number you have the partition, say, if it is partition four, the entry will say (hd0,3)
...Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
....[Linux-bzimage, setup=0x4200, size=0x2f3b40]
..initrd /live/initrd.img


..Press any key to continue

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#272 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Belham,

Too late here now and also I am confused, it's suddenly about full installer (I thought previously you were talking about frugal install).
Will read your post better tomorrow with a (hopefully :) ) clear head and test the full installer again (although I really wouldn't recommend a full install, it's losing the purpose of what's DD is made for).



#273 Post by Belham »

fredx181 wrote:Hi Belham,

Too late here now and also I am confused, it's suddenly about full installer (I thought previously you were talking about frugal install).
Will read your post better tomorrow with a (hopefully :) ) clear head and test the full installer again (although I really wouldn't recommend a full install, it's losing the purpose of what's DD is made for).


Hi Fred,

Apologies if i confused you about which type of install I was doing. The whole time I've been taking a freshly downloaded DD64 ISO, put on either a CD and/or USB, and trying to install DD64 to an existing pre-formatted, EXT 4 partition on various types of external drives (external USB Sata, SD, USB, etc) that all have other Puppies & Linux distros booting & running off their partitions. Each of these drives is always governed by Grub4dos v1.9.2 (the Grub4dosd the DebianDog Installer tries to put on these drives is v1.7, and this is ok too). The additional crazy problem also is, I am running into a brick wall even trying to get DD64 to "frugally" install to any of these HD's EXT4 clean partitions. It feels like voodoo, especially since if I "dd" the DD64 ISO to a USB or SD card, and it is there ALL BY ITSELF, it runs fantastic. Or if it is on a CD, it runs fantastic. But the moment I try to put DD64 either "frugally" or "Full" install to any device that has partitions (of which all are working great too), and that device is governed by any version of Grub4dos, DebianDog will cough up huge hairballs and refuse to boot in any form------even despite me MANUALLY copying over every required file/img/vmlinuz1 to that partition. DebianDog, in these instances, just tells me to go jump into a lake, for all it cares, because it is not going to run and/or bootup unless the the device it is on is ITS OWN, and it doesn't have to share it with any other operating system in the Linux, Windows, Apple or the Universe's Worlds :lol: :lol:

At this point, if you could just give me EXACT, specifically written out instructions how to get DD64 on a partition on a device that has other partitions & OSes, and I can have "Persistence", then by Heavens I would be over the moon with joy. And I am serious here. Frugal with Persistence on a partition, so I can update DD64 regularly & have those updates saved, plus it remembers my own settings/files/bookmarks (again, all on that partition).....seems like a dream that is not attainable right now. After 10+ years of using Linux, and 6+ years of dedicated Puppy & their iterations use, I have finally met my Puppy-distro match with the DD64 distro. I feel like Bas Rutten at the end of his very rare defeats, furstrated and in disbelief I cannot beat this thing...... :D :D

P.S. Remember, whenever you get time, please do not rush. I running DD64 off its own Live CD and/or its own USB, and it works great. But dang why can't it go on a partition, of any EXT 4 partitioned drive, no matter whether frugally or full?? At the very least,a frugal install should be exactly like its own Live Cd and/or USB. Really confused here.

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#274 Post by mcewanw »

Belham wrote: You should be able to replicate on any machine you have. I just don't think there's any way three different machines of mine (and using three different HD drives no less, plus a fourth USB, and a SD card)!!) are spitting out the same problem with DebianDog Installer and how it sets things up to a EXT4 partition. The DebianDog Installer is screwing something up...somebody else has had to run inot this issue trying to use the DebianDog installer to put it to a partition (with other partitions exisiting).
Hi Belham,

I'm also a bit confused with you talking about full-installer - also thought you were making the usual DD frugal installs using debiandog-installer (or whatever it is called - I'm on XenialDog at the moment).

Anyway, I have made several frugal installs of DD64 over the past few months - one currently sits on my current internal hard drive, in a different partition as it happens from several other frugal installs including Puppy Tahrpup, XenialPup, MIntPup and slitaz. No problem with the installs I have made, though I do tend to copy the live folder over manually, so that is a major difference of course. I've certainly made DD64 frugal install to both a USB flash stick and also SD card, both being split into various partitions with no trouble getting DD64 to boot alongside other frugal distributions. An extract from my current internal IDE hard drive installation menu.lst is as follows (all work fine). I have never used full-installs, so I can't comment about that, but I'll try using frugal debdog-installer to SD card again with DD64 and place something else like TahrPuppy on a second partition. However, won't be able to do that
for a few days at least cos very busy developing new program at the moment and have to prioritise that. Presumably, you will get things sorted out sooner anyway with Fred's help. Cheers, William

Code: Select all

# GvR Sept 30th 2004
   color black/cyan yellow/cyan

title PorteusDog Xenial32 openbox (sda7)
root (hd0,4)
kernel /xenial32/casper/vmlinuz noauto from=/xenial32/ changes=EXIT:/xenial32/casper/
initrd /xenial32/casper/initrd1.xz

title Puppy tahrpuppy
# on partition 7 of harddrive i.e. /dev/sda7, which is (hd0,6) in grub notation
   root (hd0,6)
   kernel /puppy/vmlinuz PMEDIA=idehd psubdir=puppy
   initrd /puppy/initrd.gz

title Mintpup - Porteus save on EXIT in directory /mintpup32/casper/changes 
root (hd0,4)
kernel /mintpup32/casper/vmlinuz noauto from=/mintpup32/ copy2ram changes=EXIT:/mintpup32/casper/
initrd /mintpup32/casper/initrd1.xz

title XenialPup
# on partition 5 of harddrive i.e. /dev/sda5, which is (hd0,4) in grub notation
   root (hd0,4)
   kernel /xenialpup/vmlinuz PMEDIA=idehd psubdir=xenialpup
   initrd /xenialpup/initrd.gz

title PorteusDog Xenial32test openbox (sda7)
root (hd0,4)
kernel /xenial32test/casper/vmlinuz noauto from=/xenial32test/ changes=EXIT:/xenial32test/casper/
initrd /xenial32test/casper/initrd1.xz

title SliTaz cooking
  kernel (hd0,4)/slitaz/bzImage64 rw root=/dev/null vga=normal
  initrd (hd0,4)/slitaz/rootfs.gz

title PorteusDog Jessie64b openbox (sda5)
root (hd0,4)
kernel /DDjessie64b/live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/DDjessie64b/ changes=EXIT:/DDjessie64b/live/
initrd /DDjessie64b/live/initrd1.xz

title Mint - Porteus save on EXIT in directory /mintpup32/casper/changes 
root (hd1,0)
kernel /mintpup32/casper/vmlinuz noauto from=/mintpup32/ changes=EXIT:/mintpup32/casper/
initrd /mintpup32/casper/initrd1.xz

title PorteusDog Jessie64  (sda5)
root (hd0,4)
kernel /DDjessie64/live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/DDjessie64/
initrd /DDjessie64/live/initrd1.xz

title Puppy tahrpuppy
# on partition 7 of harddrive i.e. /dev/sda7, which is (hd0,6) in grub notation
   root (hd0,6)
   kernel /puppy/vmlinuz PMEDIA=idehd psubdir=puppy
   initrd /puppy/initrd.gz

title LinuxMint1 in /vinux/casper on /dev/sda5 = hd0,4 save in casper-rw partition /dev/sda6
kernel /vinux/casper/vmlinuz.efi boot=casper config swapon ignore_uuid cdrom-detect/try-usb=true showmounts union=aufs live-media-path=vinux/casper/ persistent
initrd /vinux/casper/initrd.lz
github mcewanw

Posts: 3169
Joined: Thu 16 Aug 2007, 10:48

#275 Post by mcewanw »

If you do try again with frugal DD64 install and are thus using a menu.lst entry like one of the Jessie64 ones I give above and are also willing to try copying everything over manually... Then, I suggest trying to create it in a certain order as follows: make an empty live folder and into that copy vmlinuz first (and enter sync at the command prompt to make sure it is truly copied out of RAM onto the partition you want). Then copy initrd file over and sync again, then 01-filesystem.squashfs (sync again) and finally the rest. I say this, because I've had trouble with usb flash sticks if vmlinuz and initrd files are copied after the other stuff - the controller can't find them... but if I make sure vmlinux and then initrd is copied early then the controller finds them - that certainly is a bit of black magic, but I've proven the fact with some usb sticks to myself many times. By the way, the debiandog-installer (frugal) takes care to copy in that kind of order. Not saying this will solve your external usb hard drive problem, but it is the only weird issue I've come across myself, and it wasn't a fault of DD64 itself, rather the usb device limitations.

NOTE: If that still doesn't work for you, maybe you could try temporarily making a new Puppy frugal install into the partition you have set aside for DebianDog64 but copy vmlinuz and initrd LAST for that install (or at least after the main sfs file. Then see if grub4dos can find that Puppy vmlinuz and initrd. If that works then I'm stumped...

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#276 Post by mcewanw »

I should add, make sure you put the live folder as a subdirectory like I did with Jessie64 frugal installation (see my menu.lst), just in case you have a live folder somewhere else too and that is mistakenly being picked up.

github mcewanw


Success!! Thank you Fred & William

#277 Post by Belham »

hi Fred & William,

I just now re-read both of your comments, and thought: I HAVE to be doing something wrong.

So, I took to heart that doing a "full" install is a really dumb idea, since as you note, Fred, DD64 isn't made to run that way. NO more trying a "full" install, to anywhere. Then, William, after reading your comments---when doing a "frugal"---to go slow and copy stuff over one at a time, I thought, that's crazy, but wait, why not try it, you big dummy, because nothing you've been doing has worked. Some minutes ago I grabbed one of the partitioned Ext4 Sata drives (that has other Puppies on it), again re-formatted one of the partitions to EXT 4, plopped in the CD of the DD64 ISO, copied all the files on it to this new partition. But this time I did/copied everything in the "Live" folder slowly, one at a time.

Laughing at my foolishness & thinking this is insane, I then booted back out of the Puppy I was using (Tahr64), but made sure to again re-copy all 6 of the entries for DebianDog for the grub4dos for this Sata drive.

I fully expected to be disappointed again, but lo and behold, smack me over the head with a watermelon, DD64 booted right up like nothing was ever wrong. I stared in disbelief?! Am I losing my mind?? No, wait, it actually booted right up!! Holy mackeral!!

I honestly cannot believe that copying stuff out of the "Live" folder (on the CD of the ISO) slowly, one at a time, instead of just grabbing the whole "Live" folder from the ISO and copying it over to the partition, that this makes a difference. So, gracias, William, another trick learned in this odyssey of computers I've been on over the past 30 years . :D (I am now looking at my Sata HD USB enclosures and wondering if they cannot handle large file copying?? But this makes no sense because these enclosures handle huge video files, and have done so 100s of GBs at a time, never a problem)

Anyway, thank you both. And Fred, I just want to say I hope DD64 never goes away. It is just the funnest Puppy distro to use because of (like many others have noted) I can update it so unbelievably simple, and have the updates saved without me jumping through hoops to get stuff saved/updated like I do with most of the rest of the Puppy distros. It is basically exactly like using my beloved full Debian distro on my machines (now Debian Jessie 8.5). Additionally, DebianDog64 was the first Puppy-distro that I've ever booted up and sat there and looked at it thinking: "Damn, Fred put everything on it that I would, and set it up exactly like I would...and I mean everything, from clocks, to conky, to wbar, to the programs included, etc. And to make it so easy to remaster, well, it all is just great." :D (Though we gotta do something about Gnome Player...why that thing screws up syncing audio every once in awhile, across all the Linux OS Kingdom (and not just DD64 and/or Puppies), I'll never understand. VLC just always works, but I am the first to admit VLC is an install MBs hog, plus it is sometimes a RAM resource pig).

Thank you both again :)

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#278 Post by fredx181 »

Belham wrote: No, wait, it actually booted right up!! Holy mackeral!!
Ha! that's good news finally Belham! :)

As a matter of fact William included this 'trick' (one by one, first vmlinuz and initrd) already in debdog-install, but only for when choosing to install from 'Directory' and the problem appeared for him only when installing to sd-card (if I remember well, correct me if I'm wrong, William) EDIT: re-reading your post above, William, I see it was not only when installing to sd-card.
So it seems like it's best to edit to the code doing the same when installing from ISO for exceptional cases like yours.


Edit: @William, just curious, did you also get this error before you found out your workaround:

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#279 Post by mcewanw »

fredx181 wrote: So it seems like it's best to edit to the code doing the same when installing from ISO for exceptional cases like yours.


Edit: @William, just curious, did you also get this error before you found out your workaround:
Yes, would be best to copy in that special order when also installing from ISO - I didn't realise I hadn't done that.

As for ERROR 13, unfortunately I can't remember. If I ever get round to checking that sometime, I'll report back about it but not sure when that might be.


EDIT: By the way, Belham, your system is able to copy large files after booting, because the issue only arises with detecting vmlinuz at bootloading. Once vmlinuz is loaded it takes over finding files on the drive and does so without further limitations.
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Help! I need a BCM43142 driver for DD64

#280 Post by mjaksen »

Hi Fred and William,

I'm trying DebianDog64 for the first time (very nice!) and it recognizes my trackpad! But I have a Broadcom BCM43142 Wifi and DD doesn't see it. From everything I've read (and a helpful post in Additional Software/Drivers), I need broadcom-sta-dkms_6.30.223.248-3_all.deb (which I got). Assume I'm a complete idiot who's never built a kernel driver (because I AM a complete idiot who's never built a kernel driver) and please walk me through it. I've got the devx, but every other package I need has to be downloaded in Fatdog, so no apt-get for me. Sad

Unless of course you have a magic driver already packed up and raring to go.


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