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Posted: Tue 05 Nov 2013, 02:10
by playdayz
From the above I assume its best to leave 12.16 for now.
Good decision I would say keniv. I found that Google has ceased supporting Chrome for Ubnuntu 10.04 (upon which Lucid is based).

Posted: Tue 05 Nov 2013, 04:01
by musher0
Sorry to burst the bubble, guys:

no need for a pet. This is a ubuntu-compatible Puppy, remember? :)
The user can download and install opera 12.16 directly to /mnt/home with
a link to it in /usr/bin.

Download from here: ... 0_i386.deb

Put something like this in /usr/bin and make it executable:

Code: Select all

# /usr/bin/opera(.sh)
cd /mnt/home/opera-12.16-1860.i386.linux
and use a desktop file like this:

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
# @@{_SUFFIX}
GenericName=Web Browser with E-mail Client
GenericName[fr]=Navigateur web avec client de courriel
Comment=Fast and secure web browser and Internet suite
Comment[fr]=Progiciel Internet avec navigateur web rapide et sûr
# /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/opera-browser.png
# opera@@{SUFFIX}-browser
# @@{PREFIX}/bin/opera@@{SUFFIX}
# @@{PREFIX}/bin/opera@@{SUFFIX} %U
I've been using the 12.16 for months without any problems.

Best regards. BFN.


Posted: Tue 05 Nov 2013, 04:53
by playdayz
muhser0. That is the way it is supposed to work., as you describe.. Except for having to create the text files and mount the deb into /mnt/home, which some people prefer not to do. I installed the deb file conventionally and like OscarTalks I got a steadily increasing /root/.opera/logs directory; in my case it increased about 350K every time I opened and closed Opera. I was opening it in a terminal with the command opera and closing with the top-right corner X

Opera crash logs

Posted: Tue 05 Nov 2013, 13:20
by sheldonisaac
playdayz wrote:muhser0. That is the way it is supposed to work., as you describe.. Except for having to create the text files and mount the deb into /mnt/home, which some people prefer not to do. I installed the deb file conventionally and like OscarTalks I got a steadily increasing /root/.opera/logs directory; in my case it increased about 350K every time I opened and closed Opera. I was opening it in a terminal with the command opera and closing with the top-right corner X
musher0, playdayz, and other experts:
I think this creation of Opera crash logs in Lucid Puppy has been going on for a long time, partly because it's been mentioned on this forum several times.

It was said by someone that no actual malfunction of Opera was observed, and he thought to simply delete those files.

I've been using the Opera .sfs , loaded when Puppy starts.

I just made a in /usr/bin:

Code: Select all

/opt/opera/bin/opera &&
rm /root/.opera/logs/*
Seems to work OK.

What does it mean
OPERA-CRASHLOG V1 desktop 12.16 1860 unix Linux-i386
/opt/opera/lib/opera/pluginwrapper/operapluginwrapper-native got signal SIGSEGV at address B6D15A8E
I believe people have asked questions about it on Opera forums?

I haven't yet tried musher0's approach; I have never installed from Debian, being an ordinary user who only knows about clicking on .pet files.
What does it mean to "install the deb file conventionally"?


Here's a hit from Googling for "operapluginwrapper-native got signal SIGSEGV at address" ... artidx=100

Posted: Tue 05 Nov 2013, 14:41
by musher0
Hello, SheldonIsaac.

Thanks for the handy "vacuum cleaner" script! :)

I'll let playdayz explain what he means by "conventially installing".

As for me, this is how I do it:

* I download the opera *.deb archive (from URL mentioned above) to
_ /mnt/home

* I unpack it with pupzip (aka xarchive)
_ You should now have an opera folder with the version number and
_ another number in the name of the folder, all in one go, without spaces.

* I enter this folder

* I make the executable files opera and install executable!

> Now, if you click on the "install" file, it will integrate opera with
_ your Puppy system, at /usr/lib/opera and /usr/share/opera, etc.
_ and it will create the personal opera files at /root/.opera

> If you simply click on "opera", opera will not integrate in the Puppy.
_ It will use the files where they are, at /mnt/home/opera-tralala-tralala
_ Instead of creating /root/.opera, it will create a personal profile folder
_ at /mnt/home/opera-tralala-tralala/profile. The size of your personal
_ pupsave file will not be affected, even with the log files piling up.

> You'll still want to use your "vacuum cleaner" script on those log
_ files, but given they are located outside your pupsave file, they'll
_ only slow down the launch of your opera, not eat up any of your
_ Puppy space.

So, click on that "opera" file! Not on "install"!

Other benefits:
* you can use the same opera version and profile with other Puppies. You
_ configure your opera browser once, and that's it.

* you can copy your previous configuration files for opera (*.dat, *.ini
_ and *.adr) in your profile folder. (Careful here: config files for last and
_ before-last versions are usually ok.) This can save you perhaps an hour
_ every time a new opera version is published.

If the above is not clear, get back to me. (Or even at me!) :D

Bye for now.


Posted: Tue 05 Nov 2013, 15:04
by keniv
and mount the deb into /mnt/home, which some people prefer not to do.
I take it that some consider this a bad idea. Could somebody please explain why.

After getting another 30 crash reports I have decided to use sheldonisaacs solution and delete them at startup. This seems the only way to get a version of Opera to work with 5286 right now.

Sheldonisaac and musherO

Do either of you have flashplayer working? If so can you tell me how its done. Also I have searched for an sfs version of 12.16 but have not found one. If you know were to get this could you point me in the right direction.



opera stuff

Posted: Tue 05 Nov 2013, 15:49
by sheldonisaac
keniv wrote:
and mount the deb into /mnt/home, which some people prefer not to do.
I take it that some consider this a bad idea. Could somebody please explain why.

After getting another 30 crash reports I have decided to use sheldonisaacs solution and delete them at startup. This seems the only way to get a version of Opera to work with 5286 right now.

Sheldonisaac and musherO

Do either of you have flashplayer working? If so can you tell me how its done. Also I have searched for an sfs version of 12.16 but have not found one. If you know were to get this could you point me in the right direction.


Gentlemen, I have done nothing but Puppy stuff since I woke up today; I feel that I should take time for other things.
was linked from terryphi's post in the addl software/browser thread;I'll try later to edit this to tell the specific page

Maybe it's not the pet or the sfs version which causes problems, but rather a problem within the opera itself? please excuse my clumsy terminology.

Flashplayer is working, though it's always been a pain.
I'll get back to you.
EDIT ... 58&t=84267

In rerwin's new Lucid Puppy, there's a
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17418724 2013-05-23 21:31 /initrd/mnt/dev_ro2/

If I copy (or move?) it into

Opera will find it and play, for example,
a Youtube video such as

Posted: Tue 05 Nov 2013, 20:27
by keniv
Hi Sheldonisaacs

Thanks for all your work on my behalf and the links. I am now running Opera from opera-12.16-1860.i386.opt.sfs with your solution to the crash reports problem. However, I still can't get flashplayer to work. I have now tried,, and without luck. I have checked /initrd/mnt/dev_ro2/ in 5286 but there is no there. In fact there is nothing. I have checked opera-settings-preferences-content-plugin options-change path. There were two possible paths. One /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ contained and the other /opt/opera/lib/opera contained nothing. I tried placing at the end of both paths This did not work. I unchecked the /opt/opera/lib/opera path and left /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ as the only path to Did not work either. Even although opera knows the path to it does not seem to find it. I am at a bit of a loss as to what to do now. Do you happen to know the version of flashplayer you are using?

Thanks again,


flashplayer / opera problems

Posted: Tue 05 Nov 2013, 21:24
by sheldonisaac
keniv wrote:I still can't get flashplayer to work. I have now tried,, and without luck. I have checked /initrd/mnt/dev_ro2/ in 5286 but there is no there. In fact there is nothing. I have checked opera-settings-preferences-content-plugin options-change path. There were two possible paths. One /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ contained and the other /opt/opera/lib/opera contained nothing. I tried placing at the end of both paths This did not work. I unchecked the /opt/opera/lib/opera path and left /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ as the only path to Did not work either. Even although opera knows the path to it does not seem to find it. I am at a bit of a loss as to what to do now. Do you happen to know the version of flashplayer you are using?
Ken, maybe I was wrong about there being a in
/initrd/mnt/dev_ro2/ in 5286.

Many times, some flashplayer files seemed "not to work" even though they were in "the right place". Maybe compiled or whatever in a different version of Puppy. ???

Hopefully more expert people will help with this problem.


Code: Select all

~> find / -name libflash*.so

~> ls -l /initrd/mnt/dev_save/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17418724 2013-05-23 21:31 /initrd/mnt/dev_save/
Description: Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202

I again copied it into /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ , and the video played, after I restarted the X server.

Posted: Tue 05 Nov 2013, 22:32
by keniv
Hi Sheldonisaacs

Here is the out put I get with the pet installed.

Code: Select all

# find / -name libflash*.so
# ls -l /initrd/pup_rw/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 17422820 2013-08-20 17:09 /initrd/pup_rw/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
If I uninstall the pet no is found so I assume /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ is the same file as the one in /initrd/pup_rw/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ However, I don't know enough about this stuff to get any further without help.
I did try an even older flashplayer pet (10.0.5) but again got nowhere.

Thanks again for your help,


Posted: Wed 06 Nov 2013, 02:08
by musher0
Hello, keniv.

I have the flashplayer plugin at:
Using it, I can hear/see any youtube video.

The gecko-mediaplayer and java plugins are also there.

You can find out which plugins are active in your opera browser, and in
which folder they are located, by clicking: Tools -> Advanced -> Plugins.

If your flashplayer plugin seems to not be working, try a lower version.
Then, reboot. If I remember correctly, just closing and re-starting opera
is not enough, for some reason.

Also, remove any duplicate plugins that may be in /usr/lib/opera/plugins
or elsewhere. Opera gets confused if there are plugins scattered here
and there, and loads none.

Best regards.


Posted: Wed 06 Nov 2013, 15:32
by bigpup
Any chance of Playdayz putting some info about the Lupu update in the first post of this topic?

Maybe time to start new topic for Lupu

Posted: Wed 06 Nov 2013, 18:57
by OscarTalks
keniv wrote:Do you have flashplayer working? If so can you tell me how its done. Also I have searched for an sfs version of 12.16 but have not found one. If you know were to get this could you point me in the right direction.
Hello keniv (and anyone else interested)

I did a test in Lucid Plus 528-005 with Opera 12.16 and Flash Player works OK for me so I wonder if something has got corrupted in your particular system. You can easily test this by booting with pfix=ram and just installing those two packages.

I tried my Flash Player and .pets and both worked on YouTube and other websites needing Flash. These install in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins and Opera is finding it in there OK.

The problem of the crash text files remains, but if you are keen to run Opera in Lucid then you should do the workaround of adding the line to the script at /usr/bin/opera to delete those files at each startup. Not ideal, but at least it stops the accumulation.

Poster Terryphi produces .sfs packages of Opera so I only ever posted .pet packages and I took mine down from the forum after BarryK posted a .pet of Opera 12.16 to the ibiblio repo, so you can always try that one.

I still have Opera 12.16 (with NLS included) as .pet and .sfs packages in my Yandex Disk and my Flash Players are there too as well as still being available from the forum.

Posted: Wed 06 Nov 2013, 21:10
by keniv
I have tried a number of things to get flashplayer working. I looked at my original system running 528 with some updates that Playdayz provided but before 528.005. This has Opera 11.50 from a pet with flash This works well with a working flashplayer. However, 11.50 will not work with 5286 with corruption of dialogue boxes. I have attached the contents of opera-settings-preferences-content-advanced-plugins options. With 12.16 this only shows flashplayer as 10.3.r183 and nothing else.
I used "load on the fly" to unload the 12.16 sfs. I also uninstalled the flashplayer pet. I the moved .opera out of the savefile to the hd. I then reloaded 12.16 sfs after rebooting. Opening opera produced a new clean .opera in the savefile. I installed the same flashplayer pet as the one that I know works will 528 (see above). I checked that there were no duplicate entries of flashplayer and that there was only one path to flashplayer. I rebooted then opened opera and attempted to play a bit of flash (the weather forecast) on the BBC weather site. Did not work. Does not even seem to attempt to play this. As this is the main reason I want flash to work I am a bit non-plussed. As you can see from my earlier posts I have tried a number of versions of flash but none work. This is also the case with the updated 528.005. I will try the pfix=ram in 5286 with only opera and flash installed and see what happens. I have tried Firefox, Seamonkey and Chrome in the past and have thought of swapping to get round these problems but I prefer Opera.

Thanks again for the help,


Posted: Wed 06 Nov 2013, 23:41
by keniv
I have now tried the pfix=ram suggestion in 5286 with only opera 12.16 and flash installed. I installed flash first. Tried to play flash first without a savefile and then with a savefile. Both gave the same outcome as before. I have also rechecked the md5 checksum for the 5286 iso and this is OK. As opera 11.50 works in 528 using flash on this machine it seems unlikely that this is a hardware issue. I am at a loss as to where to go from here.



Posted: Thu 07 Nov 2013, 02:00
by OscarTalks

Are you talking about the website ?

I just tested rerwin's latest lupu (20131028). Booted the fresh live CD with pfix=ram. Installed Opera 12.16 .pet and Flash Player .pet (also tested

My packages are in here:-

Went to the BBC weather page and the Flash videos are playing for me without any problems.

Sorry but I am baffled as I am unable to reproduce any problem with Flash in Opera. Could it be some issue with your graphics card perhaps? That is the only idea that springs to mind and I have no idea how to investigate further.

Posted: Thu 07 Nov 2013, 03:44
by rerwin
bigpup wrote:Any chance of Playdayz putting some info about the Lupu update in the first post of this topic?

Maybe time to start new topic for Lupu
That is the plan. Playdayz has offered a link to a new thread, which I plan to start after my next uploaded version.

The delay, now, is to complete an upgraded pfbpanel. Radky and I are working it over, to kill bugs, shrink the window and add some of the Stu90 plugins that also need some work.

Posted: Thu 07 Nov 2013, 06:24
by bigpup

This Flash problem you are having is caused by Firefox and their desire to take over the browser world. They have secretly paid Flash developers to block its ability to work on anything but Firefox.
Microsoft did the same thing for Internet Explorer, but Firefox made a deal to not tell the world that Microsoft used Firefox and simply changed the name to Explorer.

Here to make you feel good.

I too can not reproduce your problem. Opera and Flash work fine for me.

This is going to be something simple and easy to fix after you have pulled out all of your hair and stopped throwing the computer out the window.

First step for this kind of problem is start at beginning.
(You may have done this, but with computers you never know).

Do a completely fresh new install of Lupu
Install one program at a time and test each one completely.
Always make sure you are at a good working known condition before doing next step.

Hopefully that simple little unseen reason will show its self and we can all slap our foreheads. :wink:

At any point in this process, if something pops up please tell us :!: :!:

I used the Flash Player you can get by using the program menu->Internet->Getflash install FlashPlayer

Graphics card driver could be an issue.
Are you using a Hardware specific driver?

Posted: Thu 07 Nov 2013, 06:52
by bigpup

Again, thank you very much for what you are trying to do. Nice to see you got Playdayz helping!!!

Not trying to push you.
Just wanted to suggest a way to make it a little more obvious that there was a Lupu It is a little hard to find, with your post several pages back in this topic.
Figured a link in the first post, would help people find it for testing.

Posted: Thu 07 Nov 2013, 07:16
by James C
No problems with flash here....... frugal install of Lucid with Flash 10.3.r183 (newest that will work on this old Athlon XP box).

Remember, testing is fun..... :lol: