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june 6th, 1944 : american soldiers in Normandy

Posted: Mon 08 May 2017, 17:24
by Pelo
june 6th, american soldiers in Normandy to get german army destroyed.
I will use Patriot-os next month... It's a very nice Puppy... Built in Canada .


Posted: Mon 22 May 2017, 13:46
by grimoire
my desktop

Posted: Tue 18 Jul 2017, 17:46
by jss83
Here are mine, currently using Xenialpup (with minor troubles) & Tahrpup 6.0.6. :D

Sorry for imgur, the attachment is big.

Dug up an old USB stick

Posted: Wed 30 Aug 2017, 14:00
by Volhout
Made this years ago, PUPPEEE,

but when I booted, I was again impressed by this look. ... sp=sharing

Just wanted to share it with you


Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2018, 14:40
by musher0
Hello all.

I thought I would revive this nice thread about our favorite distro for the occasion!

pekwm-0.1.18rc1 has an entirely new outfit, available from here.

The scrot below represents the lad wearing DAX's SettingSun theme, reworked.

It is running on xenialPup-7.5.

The task and tray bar at the bottom is bmpanel2, with Light-T theme.

Just above, xload, with pekwm's no decor in "autoproperties" file.

At the top, two Conky panels.

In the middle, the pekwm menu and window list.

The backdrop is the well-known Elegance.jpg background, but in reverse, which gives
us nice copper tones.


Posted: Sat 17 Mar 2018, 22:15
by nilsonmorales
x-tahr and retrosmart iconpack

Posted: Sun 18 Mar 2018, 13:02
by matchpoint
:idea: One for that JohnyWhy cat.


Late build Chromium, PKT_OS.

My Xenialpup64 7.5

Posted: Sun 12 Aug 2018, 15:07
by koulaxizis





Posted: Thu 04 Oct 2018, 09:59
by Mike Walsh
Here's a re-work on an old favourite, Slacko 560:-


Short, full-screen 'cast' using Will McEwan's (mcewanw) 'Wex (with scrox)', then turned into a GIF using fredx181's 'GIF-creator''s you can see gKrellM doing it's thing, and my wee puppy romping endlessly across the desktop!

Mainly tidying-up (redesigned utility 'boxes', to group things together); re-colouring backgrounds in the 'utility area' to the right of the screen; adding some 'pin-striping' (Mooi's 'PhotoScape', running under WINE, coming into its own here).....and cutting down a bit on the number of icons showing on the desktop (although still far too many for some of you!)

I've switched away from using Gnubiff as an email 'notifier', and now use a slightly older version of Thunderbird with the FireTray extension (hence the T-Bird icon in the system tray). Changes to a number (1,2,3, whatever) when new messages arrive, and the T-Bird desktop reminder shows up for around 15 seconds. (Gnubiff's okay, but the on-screen 'applet' is kinda large.....and has to be incorporated into the overall desktop layout.)

Unfortunately, FireTray only works with T-Bird up to around version 50.....won't work with the newest T-Bird 60. 45.8 is plenty 'new' enough for me.

(I do wish some of you would stop using these monster, ultra-high res displays. The post above this is making mine 3 times wider than my screen.....) :roll:

Piccies/vids, GIFs, etc., really do need to be re-sized to the 700px (or thereabouts) that fit the 'normal' forum layout, y'know!

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Thu 04 Oct 2018, 10:31
by Mike Walsh

Posted: Thu 04 Oct 2018, 19:32
by greengeek
Hi Mike - that's really impressive. Reminiscent of a 747 cockpit!

Posted: Thu 04 Oct 2018, 20:26
by Mike Walsh
greengeek wrote:Hi Mike - that's really impressive. Reminiscent of a 747 cockpit!
Glad you like it, GG.

Now you know what I do with all my spare time...! :lol:

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Mon 15 Oct 2018, 23:17
by takenp
Mainly tidying-up (redesigned utility 'boxes', to group things together)
Mike, what's the utility? How did you manage to group icons into boxes on the desktop as I know only KDE widget can? )

Or it is just an illusion? Some trick with background image?

Posted: Tue 16 Oct 2018, 10:29
by Mike Walsh
@ takenp:-

Ah, there's no utility in use here, I'm sorry to say. Every single bit of this background was created manually, from scratch......with lots & lots of 're-takes' to get everything spot-on. The 'outline boxes' are my version of a 'dock', that's all.

I use Mooitech's 'PhotoScape' ( from here ), running under WINE - it's a Windoze-only program, unfortunately. Also, it's a bit un-predictable; the function that permits drawing the outline 'boxes' with round corners works with some combinations of Pup and WINE, but not with others.

The background itself came from either a Google or a DuckDuckGo search - can't remember which, but I like modern totally abstract images a lot - followed by cropping and re-sizing. PhotoScape was then used to alter the hue, brightness, saturation, contrast & sharpness, before finally commencing to add the boxes, text & GIF 'window'. The outlining was then manually added to the boxes afterwards.

I've been using PhotoScape virtually since it was first released back in 2007, and got so handy with it under Win XP that I was curious to see if it would run under WINE in Linux, when I switched to Puppy around 4 years ago. Thankfully, it's one of the relatively small handful of Windows apps that function perfectly.....most of the time!

The 'running dog' on the desktop was added using fredx181's 'Gifondesktop' utility. The post for that is buried somewhere in one of Fred's 'Dog' threads (which I cannot find for looking!), but it involves installing 3 or 4 packages. To make things easier for others, I combined all the packages into one, and made it into an 'all-in-one'. You can find that at my G-Drive:- ... sp=sharing

Fred always provides plenty of built-in info with his apps, so it's easy enough to get going......though it does involve manual positioning, using x and y co-ordinates.


There's a fair bit of work involved, but it doesn't take me that long because I'm so used to PhotoScape. Also, it's very much 'custom-made' of course; what suits me wouldn't necessarily work for anyone else.....

mike. :wink:

Posted: Tue 16 Oct 2018, 12:31
by rufwoof
My daily boot is OpenBSD (-current ... so the very latest updates and chromium version etc.), primarily just base + mc (as the file manager and text editor) + chromium. Chromium is pledged and unveiled (better than being sandboxed) within OpenBSD, so using chrome to watch videos (mp4's) view PDF's ...etc. is also encompassed within that. Base OBSD also includes a secure web server which is handy for sharing files with others.

As such my system boots into X (running as user) and automatically loads up Chrome, so in effect chrome is my desktop. My default/start chrome tab shows the time/date in the tab title and its content is my bookmarks (I don't bother with storing bookmarks in the browsers bookmarks tool, just manually maintain my own list in that html file). When a html page is in effect your desktop you could be very creative with that (animated gifs, movies ...etc.) - I'm nowhere as creative or colour coordinated as Mike however so mine is messy.

More usually I have both mc and chrome maximised and just alt-tab between them. I run mc within tmux so I can also have multiple tabs.

clickable thumbnail (for larger view of image)
The above image shows tmux/mc in a reduced window on top of chrome, just for the sake of the picture (as I said that's normally maximised). I leave a 1 pixel gap (I'm using cwm as the window manager) at the top of screen so I can left/right mouse click the desktop (that shows a list of open windows/available programs). Exec key + type first 2 or 3 letters of a program name is usually enough to focus down to a single program name, and then press Enter to launch that program.

I use a html/javascript files for additional calculator and text editor functions (so they also run within Chrome). I don't bother with installing Libre nowadays, except if I really have to. I just bash in text into a text editor, display and spell check that using chrome, then add in html tags to format it into a html web page (layout) and use chrome to print that html to PDF.

Takes 5 minutes to install OBSD freshly, another 5 minutes to configure it to my preferred configuration. Strip out the manuals etc. and its really light, lighter than many later versions of Puppies. I don't run root at all within X, for admin tasks I ctrl-alt-F1 to a console (also running tmux and mc) root session. I store docs/data under root and just feed those into/out of user's sight on a as-needed basis (such as for editing within a gui session). I do have a Puppy style version (ram, optional save or not ...etc.) that uses jwm/rox ...etc. ... but consider that to be relatively bloated for my needs.

Chromes media player (mp4's etc.) isn't as nice as the likes of mpv or vlc, but it is more secure. The quality is still good enough for my needs (mostly just have a 1 hour long video (music) track playing through my headphones whilst I generally surf around - lately more often one of Miss Monique's techno tracks such as

In addition to that I have a FatDog LiveDVD boot choice, and I also keep the latest EasyOS on a MMC/SD.

Posted: Tue 16 Oct 2018, 15:29
by takenp
Hi Mike!

Big thx for the comprehensive reply. BTW dont you know
that Adobe Photoshop ( not only it but the whole CS2) is almost free and can be downloaded right from their site.

This Photoshop itself runs flawlessly under wine so I use it to have some basics with my younger son.

here is the link:

There is also great simple free app called CorelXara but you probably know about it. I put sfs or link here in Visual branch of the forum year or two ago. It is astonishing!

At the end --> Thx for the pet
Will try it asap! Have a good puppy on board!

Posted: Wed 17 Oct 2018, 12:46
by Mike Walsh
@ takenp:-

Oh, I know all about Photoshop CS2, mate! See here:-

I like to think it was the first fully comprehensive guide for Puppians on just how to accomplish this feat.....

Mike. :wink:

fbbox + XFCE all together

Posted: Wed 24 Oct 2018, 15:06
by pp4mnklinux

Puppy Desktop

Posted: Mon 08 Apr 2019, 19:56
by Liver
I'm somewhat new to Puppy Linux, and I finally decided to get BionicPup64 on my HDD. Here's what my desktop looks like now.

Posted: Thu 11 Apr 2019, 01:30
by tallboy
Welcome to the forum, Liver. :D You seem to have adapted to Puppy very fast!