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Re: Newyearspup 02 Micro, Mini, Midi, and Maxi RC7

Posted: Tue 10 Mar 2009, 21:28
by MU
tlchost wrote:I installed Realplayer11, which Firefox calls with no problem. What file has the setting that allows Opera to do the same?
I am not certain.
look in /root/.mozilla/plugins/, if it has a symlink to realplayer.

Try to copy it to:


Posted: Tue 10 Mar 2009, 23:30
by tlchost
MU wrote:For Opera I always use the slackware version.
Slackware 11.0, 12.0, 12.1
Thanks Mark...worked like a charm


DRI disabled in Mini, is Radeon AGP supported?

Posted: Wed 11 Mar 2009, 04:00
by tazoc
Hi Mark,
I'm testing Mini RC7. My box can't seem to enable DRI:

Code: Select all

(--) RADEON(0): Chipset: "ATI Radeon 9200SE 5964 (AGP)" (ChipID = 0x5964)
(--) RADEON(0): Linear framebuffer at 0x00000000c8000000
(II) RADEON(0): AGP card detected
(II) Loading sub module "int10"
(II) LoadModule: "int10"

(II) Loading /usr/X11R7/lib/xorg/modules//
(II) Module int10: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
	compiled for 1.5.2, module version = 1.0.0
	ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 4.1
(II) RADEON(0): initializing int10
(II) RADEON(0): Primary V_BIOS segment is: 0xc000
(II) RADEON(0): Legacy BIOS detected
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device or address)
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device or address)
drmOpenDevice: Open failed
[drm] failed to load kernel module "radeon"
(EE) RADEON(0): [dri] RADEONDRIGetVersion failed to open the DRM
[dri] Disabling DRI.
Is this an unsupported card or am I missing something? I also have a Radeon 9600 AGP on another box--haven't tried it yet. Both cards can enable DRI in Puppy 4.1.2.

Posted: Wed 11 Mar 2009, 07:18
by MU
please type these 2 commands:

modprobe drm
modprobe radeon

If you get an error here:
# modprobe drm
FATAL: Error inserting drm (/lib/modules/ Invalid module format
then delete
And rename

Then restart X or better reboot.

I get the wrong module format error here, while the renamed one works.
It seems, wow forgot to rename it after experiments with the new mesa?


Posted: Wed 11 Mar 2009, 10:23
by Frila
MU wrote:uploaded rc7

In rc6, there STILL was a wrong
And maybe some other wrong libs.

As a consequence, xorg was not usable on my notebook with SIS graficschip.
I now replaced again several libs, and now it works.
So if your graficscard did not work with Midi in rc6, it now might work.

Concerning SIS poweroff:
I looked at NOP, and it runs "acpi=force" from isolinux.cfg.
So I added this, too. Like this such Computers should power down, if run from CD.
I hope, this has no bad sideeffect on other computers, but until now, from what I had read, this usually is ok.

The weather-applet is included again, but must be activated explicitly in the desktop-options.
Also the deskicons themselves must be activated there, so the desktop looks less "overfilled" at startup.

I added the missing lib for E17.
I added missing GPG binaries, that caused an error starting Sylpheed.
Replaced Puppy Package Manager with localized version (french).

I spent hours, to check remastering.
Still broken: you can not use remastered DVDs for multisession.
After you saved the first session, Puppy hangs at startup at "setting up the layered filesystem". I found no solution yet :(

Concerning multisession with the original Iso - it works here:
I burned it with "Burniso2CD".
Saving sessions worked fine, but I got an error "Rock ridge" when I tried to save the 4th session.
After a reboot, I could continue to save sessions, though. I created more than 10.

I then burned a second DVD with pburn.
Here I could save 8 sessions without any error.

Googling for "Rock ridge" brought no help.
This error seems to be given for a wide variety of errors.
This can be filesystem charset errors, errors on the DVD, or others.
As I got this error only once, I just can suspect, that it was something related to writing speed or a bad media.

I however could NOT save a session, if I removed the DVD temporarily, to burn another one with pburn. This resulted in a seek error.
But pburn in general is problematic with my Phillips burner, I usually reboot, after I burned a DVD.

Have you finished rc7 MAXI? I'm not able to find it ... If ready, where have you uploaded it?

Sorry for this simple question but I can't find rc7 :oops:


Posted: Wed 11 Mar 2009, 10:33
by MUguest

Posted: Wed 11 Mar 2009, 11:36
by Frila
Ok. Thanks. Now I know. By some reason I can't log in with Firefox, I get authorization error (no log in window) but with Opera it works fine.


SOLVED: DRI for Radeon in Newyearspup

Posted: Wed 11 Mar 2009, 18:23
by tazoc
MU wrote:please type these 2 commands:

modprobe drm
modprobe radeon

If you get an error here:
# modprobe drm
FATAL: Error inserting drm (/lib/modules/ Invalid module format
then delete
And rename

Then restart X or better reboot.
Thanks, Mark. That worked, DRI is now enabled for me.

Difficulties with Google Earth

Posted: Thu 12 Mar 2009, 15:24
by Frila
GE doesn't work well for me. After starting up GE is fighting with conky and desklets which should be on the top. The window flickers and conky tries to take command but is pushed back by GE and so it continues...

The font is also too big and can't be changed.

Using ATI Catalyst. Same effect with or without Compiz enabled.


With RC7 it doesn't start at all. Hangs in init stage. Have to force it to close :( .

Conky rc7

Posted: Fri 13 Mar 2009, 00:06
by playdayz
It's no big deal, but I thought you might like to know. On rc7 maxi it appears that Conky is only showing 2 of 4 cores on the desktop and only one core depending on the window manager.

You might be interested in what I am trying here Mark. I built a quad core machine with 4GB ram and it occurred to me that I could fit a really big puppy in that ram. I thought of it because even Windows XP64 was not as responsive a desktop as Puppy! Also it appeals to me to run the entire OS in ram and it also seems to me no reason not to regard the productivity software (openoffice, gimp, scribus) as components of the OS.

Right now it is running nicely with the fglrx driver and compiz; I should say, very nicely.

One problem I had with testing this a week ago was that after playing around and creating a save file and then deleting everything, then windows wouldn't boot and I had to repair the mbr; luckily that did it. However I won't use a NTFS drive again for the save file--I will use either usb or multisession.

thanks for this.

<add>I can't find the way to get out of Icewm running by itself--no logout on the menu. If I CTRL-Alt-BS and xorgwizard it somehow craters the fglrx driver--which by the way runs nicely on this 3850 unless I run xorgwizard. With the fglrx driver I get about 48-50 fps and with the xorg radeon driver I get about 26-28. Compiz fusion doesn't seem to work with the xorg radeon driver--just blank screen.

I'm just reporting here, certainly not expecting you to solve my problems, NYP is working well for my needs. It is installed on a usb stick now, writing directly to the ext2 filesystem--therefore I do not have a pup_save, however Conky is reporting that my pup_save is 41%???

What I would like to do eventually is to create a 1GB pup_save file *in a ram disk* and run off that, saving it when I shut down. It might be volatile but I would like to see how its performance would be--if anyone would be interested who can figure out how. There was some discussion once and I *think* the conclusion was that it had not been done but probably could be.

<add2> Ah-ha, The way to do what I want is Multisession DVD with pfix=copy. Slow boot because of the copy but everything including the file system in ram. responsive as all get out. Couldn't test the save since I had only DVD+R.

FGLRX driver. Catalyst CC runs but doesn't change the resolution. Menu -> Preferences -> Monitor Setting does change the resolution, then followed by Reload desktop.

Remove desktop icons

Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2009, 12:31
by Frila
How do I remove desktop icons? When I do it with "Manage Desktop Icons" they are back after reboot :o
Have tried other ways also (directly with PCMan) but they are always back.
Adding Icons works.

Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2009, 14:34
by MU
you can rightclick them, this opens a menu with an option to delete.

If it still does not work, this must be a bug in setting up the layers.
Try to rename the folder /rootDesktop to /root/Desktop-test.
Then create an empty folder /rootDesktop.

Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2009, 19:52
by Frila
MU wrote:you can rightclick them, this opens a menu with an option to delete.

If it still does not work, this must be a bug in setting up the layers.
Try to rename the folder /rootDesktop to /root/Desktop-test.
Then create an empty folder /rootDesktop.
I have renamed the directories according to you suggestions but after reboot /root/Desktop is filled with all original icons except the one I tested to create myself. :shock: .

Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2009, 22:27
by MU

you also have the problem, that you must run xorgwizard at each startup, right?

So your settings are not saved correctly.
A similar issue was reported in the german board.

Bendie had chosen "save to partition" when he was asked to save his settings.
The problem was solved, when he chose "save to a file".

Maybe this is the same issue for you?
It might be a driver related issue using the "aufs" driver. Former versions of Puppy used "unionfs" instead, but it had severe bugs.
Barry wrote, that the disadvantage of Aufs is, that under certain conditions, it does not work correct. Maybe saving to a partition is such a condition.

I then should remove the option to save to a partition, as I don't know, how it could be solved correctly.

Alternatively you could try to run Puppy with the option "layerfs=unionfs".
Do you use Grub to boot Puppy?
Or if you boot from a USB-Stick, edit isolinux.cfg like this:

Code: Select all

append initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=cd acpi=force layerfs=unionfs
I can tell you more details, if I know exactly, how you run NYP.
But in general, I would not recommend to go back to unionfs again.
Using a savefile instead of a savepartition is the best solution.


Words of Praise

Posted: Mon 16 Mar 2009, 23:26
by playdayz
This is the most responsive desktop I have ever had. It's a fast new computer, but I tried Windows XP64 and I was surprised and disappointed how slow the desktop still was. Not now though, with NYP rc7. The smp kernel helps I'm sure--one advantage of NYP.

I run NYP maxi pfix=copy (in 4GB) along with a pup_sav.2fs on an ext3 hard disk and a swap file.

Another advantage of NYP is that it finds my Radeon HD 3850 and installs the ATI Catalyst proprietary drivers, which work fine and give me 48 fps in atiinspect. xorgwizard will also install the xorg radeon driver, which gives me 28 fps but which does not seem to run Compiz. The ATI Catalyst Control Center runs but it will not change resolution so I use Monitor Settings (lxrandr) to change resolution and vertical frequency. (For comparison, 4.1.2 will only give me the vesa driver, which is fine with an lcd monitor but not so good with a crt because of the 60 HZ refresh--and it won't run Compiz of course.) The ati driver also does not remember the resolution so I have to change that with every startup. It boots to the last window manager but at 1600x1200. I use Monitor Settings to change and then I have to Reload Desktop. No worries.

Running from ram, OpenOffice finally starts up with some alacrity; its slowness has always bugged me. If OpenOffice is fast enough, then you know that all other programs are almost instantaneous.

The Icewm desktop is close enough to the beloved jwm desktop. My wife gets a big kick out of Compiz. The lxde desktops are also quite nice.

I like to update some of my programs, so i can do that with Firefox, for instance, and OpenOffice; just delete the old and paste in the new and when my pup_sav starts getting full I can then just remaster and burn a new boot disk.

IMO, NYP gives Puppy an entry in the "big linux" sweepstakes and in fact, primarily because it runs from ram, it works for me better than any of the other big linux distros. (I still use 4.1.2 and 4.2 rc3 on my old thinkpad laptop.) Puppy was number 9 on Distrowatch yesterday and with 4.2 about to debut and NYP covering the big linux niche I would say Puppy should be fun to watch for the next six months and farther.

Things aren't perfect, there are some programs that won't run with Compiz, and some that don't run from different menus and desktops, but I am sure those can be found and fixed--gives us something to do, eh?

Thanks Mark. I hope you stay with this after the release, and update and refine, because as of now, it is my desktop linux.

Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009, 11:46
by Frila
MU wrote:Frila,

you also have the problem, that you must run xorgwizard at each startup, right?

So your settings are not saved correctly.
A similar issue was reported in the german board.

Bendie had chosen "save to partition" when he was asked to save his settings.
The problem was solved, when he chose "save to a file".

Maybe this is the same issue for you?
It might be a driver related issue using the "aufs" driver. Former versions of Puppy used "unionfs" instead, but it had severe bugs.
Barry wrote, that the disadvantage of Aufs is, that under certain conditions, it does not work correct. Maybe saving to a partition is such a condition.

I then should remove the option to save to a partition, as I don't know, how it could be solved correctly.

Alternatively you could try to run Puppy with the option "layerfs=unionfs".
Do you use Grub to boot Puppy?
Or if you boot from a USB-Stick, edit isolinux.cfg like this:

Code: Select all

append initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=cd acpi=force layerfs=unionfs
I can tell you more details, if I know exactly, how you run NYP.
But in general, I would not recommend to go back to unionfs again.
Using a savefile instead of a savepartition is the best solution.

Hi again!

I have now started from scratch with rc7 from USB.
Followoed setup steps exactly, created new .2fs file (save as file) and rebooted.

Xorgwizard starts again (as earlier)
I deleted some desktop icons and moved around gtk clock, saved network password and added icons to wbar.

Rebooted again.
- Xorgwizard starts... --- not ok
- Desktop icons back --- not ok
- gtk clock in correct place --- ok
- network password still there --- ok
- new wbar icons on correct places --- ok

I can't see that I have made any errors, just followed setup instructions.

A peculiar thing is if I run NYP from the laptop where ATI Catalyst is installed there is no xorgwizard starting after boot up??
But, desktop icons can't be removed...

So, can you draw any conclusions from the above described phenomena?

Btw. I can't do append initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=cd acpi=force layerfs=unionfs.

append does not exist as command and I can't find isolinux.cfg on my stick :(



Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009, 20:56
by playdayz
Is this to say remastering is broken in general?
I spent hours, to check remastering.
Still broken: you can not use remastered DVDs for multisession.
After you saved the first session, Puppy hangs at startup at "setting up the layered filesystem". I found no solution yet Sad
I got this error on startup with a remastered cd and have not been able to make a successful remaster--perhaps because of the large filesystem??? Should I be able to remaster to a cd or dvd if I am *not* trying to use multisession (the pup_sav.2fs is on an ext3 formatted hard drive).


Re: Remastering?

Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009, 22:28
by tlchost
playdayz wrote:Is this to say remastering is broken in general?
Appears that way...while you can remaster a LiveDVD....that multi-session DVD will NOT allow you save on the DVD or on a file.

I gave up and created a bootable USB copy of the distro and then made all my additions/changes.

Hopefully the problem will be fixed...Mark's done a nice job with NewYearsPup.


Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2009, 11:37
by tlchost
MU wrote:uploaded rc7
I spent hours, to check remastering.
Still broken: you can not use remastered DVDs for multisession.
After you saved the first session, Puppy hangs at startup at "setting up the layered filesystem". I found no solution yet :(
Wonder if there's been any progress?

Puppy 4.2 RC3 has Remaster Express....I wonder if this might solve the problem....or if there is simply a problem in 4.1 that affects all remastering scripts?


Posted: Sun 22 Mar 2009, 12:35
by MU
I will try remaster express on my own.
This week I will be busy with my final java project, to finish my java course.
The crisis now has affected the IT business, the company where I was offered to work last month, not longer can employ new people.

As I got no job yet, it looks like I will have sufficient time in april then, to look at the remaining issues in NYP.
