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Re: flsynclient not persistent on startup after save file made

Posted: Mon 23 Sep 2013, 16:12
by peebee
jeff757 wrote:I commented out lines 2&3 in load-touchpad-settings in the savefile. Shutdown the laptop, then restarted and everything from ~/.flsynclient appeared in the gui when I started Flsynclient from the menu.
I did the change suggested by Jeff, then did a RestartX followed by a rerun of Initial Settings - sadly did not make any difference on my laptop.

I then substituted the /usr/bin/flsynclient from Precise and found that the same message was produced as seen on lupu - I do not see this message on Precise or any other more recent Pups - I therefore think that it is the more recent xorg that fixes my problem, not flsynclient itself.


flsynclient not persistent on startup after save file made

Posted: Mon 23 Sep 2013, 16:49
by jeff757
Drive-by coffee break on the way to my next customer.

My apologies for not thanking peebee for the clue about modern pups, I looked at ~/Startup/load-touchpad-settings from my desktop live USB of Slacko 5.5.

Flsynclient in both and Slacko 5.5 is 0.6.

Not so quick test of my resquashed lupu-528.sfs led to a sfs not found on startup message,DUH. I realized I had named it wrong, renamed to lupu_528.sfs it worked.

On restart I only changed global font size, and a few settings in Menu -> Desktop -> Flsynclient, then shutdown and create new save file.

Restart of computer showed settings were retained.
The touchpad I am using shows up in HardInfo and Xorg as Alps,I will see if my Toshiba is different later.


Posted: Mon 23 Sep 2013, 18:20
by rerwin
jeff757 wrote:I commented out lines 2&3 in load-touchpad-settings in the savefile. Shutdown the laptop, then restarted and everything from ~/.flsynclient appeared in the gui when I started Flsynclient from the menu.
The load-touchpad-settings script:
  • #!/bin/bash
    [ -s "$HOME/.flSynclient" ] || exit
    grep -Ewq '(Elantech|Alps|Synaptics)' /proc/bus/input/devices || exit
    flsynclient -s
Your change makes flsynclient always run, which is not desired for systems without a touchpad. Your workaround tells me that one of those tests is failing. Assuming the first test is valid, the second must not be finding an indication of the touchpad in the /proc/bus/input/devices file. My eeePC netbook's file has these first 2 entries:

Code: Select all

I: Bus=0011 Vendor=0001 Product=0001 Version=ab41
N: Name="AT Translated Set 2 keyboard"
P: Phys=isa0060/serio0/input0
S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input0
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=kbd event0 
B: EV=120013
B: KEY=4 2000000 3803078 f800d001 feffffdf ffefffff ffffffff fffffffe
B: MSC=10
B: LED=7

I: Bus=0011 Vendor=0002 Product=0007 Version=01b1
N: Name="SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"
P: Phys=isa0060/serio1/input0
S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input1
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=mouse0 event1 
B: EV=b
B: KEY=6420 0 30000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B: ABS=2608000 11000003
What does yours show for the touchpad/mouse?

Although this does not help peebee, thank you for posting your information that should lead to a good fix for your issue, anyway.

Thanks for trying the experiment. BTW, what does your "devices" file say about the touchpad?

EDIT: I just now checked the precise pup version of load-touchpad-settings and see that it does not contain the 2 lines in question. I will take them out of lupu. as well. R

Smithy wrote:All the recent ones slackos, precises do not have the tap pad working.
You should be able to correct that by going to Menu > Setup > Mouse/keyboard Wizard > "Configure your touchpad" and change "Touchpad Mode" to "ON" the first time you boot to a new environment. That should persist from there on. R

Posted: Mon 23 Sep 2013, 19:02
by peebee
rerwin wrote:Peebee,
Thanks for trying the experiment. BTW, what does your "devices" file say about the touchpad?
Lupu on initial boot with no savefile or configuration says:

Code: Select all

I: Bus=0011 Vendor=0002 Product=0007 Version=01b1
N: Name="SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"
P: Phys=isa0060/serio4/input0
S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/i8042/serio4/input/input1
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=mouse0 event1 
B: EV=b
B: KEY=420 0 30000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B: ABS=11000003
Slacko for comparison after savefile creation says:

Code: Select all

I: Bus=0011 Vendor=0002 Product=0007 Version=01b1
N: Name="SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"
P: Phys=isa0060/serio4/input0
S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/i8042/serio4/input/input1
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=mouse0 event1 
B: EV=b
B: KEY=420 0 30000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B: ABS=11000003
i.e. same apart from extra line B: PROP=1 - whereas yours has the PROP lines....intriguing. Maybe it gets added during configuration??


Posted: Tue 24 Sep 2013, 03:33
by jeff757
Progress. This will be shorter than my first try which was typed on the Toshiba with my fix. but I tried posting with Dillo and lost it all.

Even though flsynclient is the same in both and Slacko 5.5,synclient is 1.2.2 vs. 1.6.2.

Long story short, put 1.6.2 into and all settings retained in Flsynclient GUI except touch sensitivity in General tab,36 dropped to 27.

On another note I didn't realize my wifi driver wasn't in , found out on trying SNS. I downloaded, install, reboot, setup Frisbee and had frequent xdialog messages of wlan0 down/reconnect even after using stay connected. I switched to SNS after using Disconnect from network in Frisbee. I don't know if trying Frisbee again with pfix=ram will work or not. That will be tomorrows test, time for bed.


Posted: Tue 24 Sep 2013, 11:37
by Volhout
Now that I have gotten this far, I am open to recommendations on the most important components to upgrade or add, to make Lucid Pup continue to be desirable. Keep in mind, though, that I do not have playdayz' skills at resolving issues with new items. So, we need to focus on components that are safe to add, or can easily be made so, and can be tested/verified by someone besides me. I plan to start with recent woof fixes to add to the ones I have already included.
Dear Rerwin: as a daily user of 528-4, my suggestions for a 528 upgrade would be:

- upgrade Python to the last 2 series (2.73 ?) and add Tkinter (tk-python).
Python is part of the devx, and that is where Tkinter would reside. Tkinter is a simple GUI builder. Alternate, have Tkinter in the PPM.

- 528 runs openbox. Contact one of the guys in "my puppy is more gorgeous" or "eye candy" thread to make a nice selection of wallpaper, icon set, and openbox theme, to have a professional appearance out of the box. Maybe add VICZM's Openbox Plus. It is not my intention to add CPU intense graphics packages, but just to have somebody with good feeling for eye candy look at the appearance. i.e. I personally like the iPAD2 icon theme, and use it on almost all my puppies. And that is a small change to make. And a new wallpaper .... also a small change.

This is openbox:

Also look at the menu structure in that picture. More levels, and less entries. Better for people that are new to puppy. The terminal could be a little less transparent though.

And this:
And this: ... h&id=55907
And this: ... h&id=50847
And this: ... h&id=49721
And this: ... h&id=43438

And this:Image
(Tinted Slacko)

- Add 01micko's (Sorry...Slacko's) desktop icon templates tool. I useually select to have only 5 icons, and the drive icons. But also the 0 icon selection is good since 528 have a full right-click menu.

- Cups can use an update. Since 528-5 so many new printers have been released.

- Unmounting by clicking on the disc icon on the desktop. Slacko and Precise have this, when you click on the top right corner of the drive icon, it unmounts. In 528 I have to right-click an select "unmount" in the list.

- a terminal program where I can "cut and paste" with the same shortcuts as I can in other programs (either ctrl-C, ctrl-X and ctrl-V, or rightclick copy and rightclick paste).

Posted: Tue 24 Sep 2013, 13:35
by recobayu
hi rerwin, maybe something like this: ... 922#724922
That is my openbox theme, gtktheme, and jwmtheme. you can modify that.

Posted: Wed 25 Sep 2013, 01:03
by rerwin
jeff757, Volhout, recobayu,
Thank you for all of your recommendations. When it comes to implementing items I consider to be matters of personal taste, I have to stand back because the theme/wallpaper business is beyond what I can handle. My goal is to bring lupu's components up to date where I can, but leave embellishments to others, probably to be made to later-model puppies.

I hope to "pick away" at some of the version upgrades for some components that do not get complicated. Putting synclient 1.6.2 into seems like that sort of thing. (BTW, jeff757, the driver you downloaded is already part the "plus" version of, along with many others.) Another might be "Unmounting by clicking on the disc icon on the desktop.", which I would like to see, myself, so will look into it.

Although I need to avoid getting into compiling applications, I am open to copying upgrades from other puppies as long as we can verify that no harm is done. I made an attempt to upgrade gparted but found it is too complex for my skills at this point. I tried 2 versions from precise pup, but they require several new dependencies that add to the risk of incompatibilities that I cannot address. And compiling it requires a special configuration definition and some tricks I do not know. So, I gave up on that.

If we are to upgrade some applications, I need someone with those skills to create current pet packages for them, as many have done in the past. Think of me as an integrator more than a developer (although I do a limited amount of that, too). The python and cups suggestions would be such candidates.

As for the "look-and-feel" suggestions, I would like to see an add-on package(s) to provide those components to those who need them. My plan is to start a new thread for when it is "done" that would include contributions of embellishment packages (or links to them), so users can customize lupu as much as they care to. I just have to stay out of it, other than to provide the thread.

Posted: Wed 25 Sep 2013, 02:24
by rcrsn51
Upgrading CUPS does not get you support for new printers. That comes from separate driver packages. The version of CUPS in Lupu is good enough.

eye candy

Posted: Wed 25 Sep 2013, 06:43
by Volhout
Dear Rerwin,

I understand the graphics stuff is the "topping" and definitely not your target. That is exactly why I suggested to contact someone else to take this burden off you.

They can start from 528-005, and simply hand you the delta's when done.
My estimate is that the name 528 (it is a legend !) is sufficient for graphics developers to get their attention.

It is a different matter if you "object against" the idea of making these changes. Let me (us) know.



P.S. rcrsn51: I didn't know that, good you corrected me and saved rerwin the hassle....

Posted: Thu 26 Sep 2013, 13:37
by rerwin
Thanks for understanding. Although I doubt we should embellish lupu itself, I favor working toward a separate SFS file containing all of the contributed images and themes. We might still put some of the related tools in lupu, unless it makes more sense to keep them in the new SFS file. I am willing to integrate the contributions into the SFS file and will check the above-mentioned components for that goal.

My "grand scheme" for that is creation of an ISO file containing lupuplus with zdrv and various SFS files, e.g., devx, libreoffice, jre (for libre), kernel source and this new SFS. That way users have all the components to build their specific configuration. I would like to enhance the puppy installer to offer to copy selected SFS files from the CD/ISO, to make that less daunting for new users. Does anyone know of such a tool already created somewhere?

Posted: Thu 26 Sep 2013, 21:11
by vicmz
A possible theme:


Wallpaper: puppysmile-inblue (logo by dejan555)
Openbox theme: Syscrash
Panels (taskbar below, launch icons above): Lxpanel ( no Wbar here 8) )
Icon set: Shining Stickers
GTK theme: E17-gray
Pointer theme: Polar-cursor

About multilingual support:
Something I strongly recommend is that you guys apply the scripts internationalized by rodin.s and port Momanager to Lupu so that langpacks can be made easily. The more languages, the more users. If you are sticking to FBpanel, a gettext version is available here along with some other gettexted apps. If there is something not gettexted yet, you can ask me, rodin.s, or L18L to gettext it. In case you decide to turn Lupu international, using the latest xorg wizard in woof is highly recommended, as translations don't fit in the screen in the current xorgwizard for Lupu.

Posted: Thu 26 Sep 2013, 21:21
by Puppyt
vicmz wrote:A possible theme:
Like like likelikelike :)
That's a great layout, vicmz - my desktop preference to a 'T' :)

test 528-6

Posted: Mon 30 Sep 2013, 15:38
by goolwa_pup
Hi all,

I have downloaded the new 5.8.6-6 iso and installed on my thinkpad T43 laptop and my quad core phenom desktop....seems to work very well on both....I have since remastered for both machines with latest thunderbird and firefox and some other stuff further personalising the iso by copying etc and root from the machine into the new remastered iso (during the remastering process) so that it boots all my settings into ram (my personal preference). So far all has been almost perfect on both machines.

Only problem (a problem I have had with many puppies) is Pnethood failing to connect to my wireless PVR easily. I found that Pnethood on slacko worked very well... I dont know if it has anything different in slacko or not but thats been my experience. The newer kernels dont like my realtek USB wireless dongle (8192cu module driver pet from tempestuous) and precise never seems to work for me, failing to boot I have always fallen back to lupu for these reasons.... So it was great to come to the forums and see lupu has been updated..

Many Thanks to rerwin and all contributors to this project......

In regards to theming.....I like wbar but found it a bit fickle and slow to load on boot..maybe its better now?...but I feel developers of this project deserve to uniquely stamp a new look and feel to the new lucid iso when you feel it is ready for release...Can it be called lupu 6.0 ?

FYI...My friend recently got a brand new dual core asus laptop and came over to show me and was very disappointed at the speed of his machine compared to puppy 5.2.8-6 on a single core 1.86mhz laptop that came from the ark..... :lol:

Keep up the good work


“Simplicity is a great virtue but it requires hard work to achieve it and education to appreciate it. And to make matters worse: complexity sells better.

Re: test 528-6

Posted: Mon 30 Sep 2013, 15:55
by rcrsn51
goolwa_pup wrote:Only problem (a problem I have had with many puppies) is Pnethood failing to connect to my wireless PVR easily. I found that Pnethood on slacko worked very well
Pnethood uses a network scanning tool call nbtscan. There have often been reports of Pnethood failing to identify certain devices like NAS server boxes. Your PVR probably falls in the same category.

IIRC, Slacko has an improved version of nbtscan, so that is probably why it works. Here are two things to try:

1. Get the copy of nbtscan out of Slacko and drop it into Lupu. But I have not tested this for compatibility.

2. Use YASSM instead of Pnethood. It uses a different scanning tool.

Re: test 528-6

Posted: Mon 30 Sep 2013, 17:51
by vicmz
goolwa_pup wrote: In regards to theming.....I like wbar but found it a bit fickle and slow to load on boot..maybe its better now?
With Lxpanel you can have something similar to Wbar but loading instantly, see my screenshots above.
goolwa_pup wrote:FYI...My friend recently got a brand new dual core asus laptop and came over to show me and was very disappointed at the speed of his machine compared to puppy 5.2.8-6 on a single core 1.86mhz laptop that came from the ark..... :lol:
I love it when we don't need to tell anything for them to understand why we like this OS. All they have to do is watch and compare. :lol:

Posted: Mon 30 Sep 2013, 20:48
by Bert
vicmz wrote:With Lxpanel you can have something similar to Wbar but loading instantly, see my screenshots above.
Exactly! One of the reasons I became a LXDE fan!
Lxpanel can look really plain and uninteresting, but with some simple tweaking, it comes alive, doing what you want it to do!

If anyone doubts the beauty of lxde, have a look at the Trisquel Mini! (just installed it some days ago)

Wonder when jejy69 will be back from swimming the Atlantic...Puppy needs more lx-goodness :wink:


Posted: Mon 30 Sep 2013, 23:38
by goolwa_pup
thanks rcrsn51

I will try the nbtscan file from slacko see if that helps with connecting to my PVR.....unfortunately yassm has a similar problem to pnethood for me.....

ahhh ok vicmz.....

I thought that was wbar in your images..maybe I should pay more attention to the text rather than look at images and assume.I blame tv brain rot.....if lxpanel loads quickly thats a better solution than wbar for me and will try it...I hated having my desktop up and running and waiting for wbar to load....but i liked it so i used it for a long time.....


Lucid Pup disk images updated to 20130930

Posted: Tue 01 Oct 2013, 01:13
by rerwin
I have uploaded a set of 4 ISO files labeled as 20130930. They are available at the link at the original download posting, which explains the updates: ... 108#726108

All are identical in function; but some include LibreOffice, either embedded or as an optional SFS file, along with Java Runtime. The file now called lupuplus includes separate SFS files for frugal installation, which leaves it possible to easily upgrade either by merely substituting later releases of those SFS files. BTW, lupu contains a utility that creates an SFS file for the latest release of LibreOffice, so users can stay current as needed.

I thank radky for providing versions of his 5 "Pup" programs tailored for lupu and for making many recommendations for other improvements. They constitute the bulk of the upgrade.

While remastering the image files, I discovered a "missing link". The /root and /etc files in the SFS files were not being copied into the new image! The files in those directories included in installed pet packages do get copied, but not those in SFS files. The simple and consistent solution is to provide ".files" files in /root/.packages similar to those created for pets, but only for /root and /etc. I hope to come up with an automated way of creating them, for inclusion in the SFS creation tools, so that they reside within the SFS file.

Posted: Tue 01 Oct 2013, 03:42
by bigpup
New upgrade for Grub4dos.
grub4dos v1.9