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Posted: Sun 11 Jan 2015, 03:25
by SnoopPup
It's weird because my phone shows Serial# as 0000000000, which is usually the decimal of the 8 digit hex I think. I thought I needed the ESN to activate this phone, but now I can't even find it.

EDIT: Scratch that. GSM uses IMEI and CDMA uses ESN/MEID I guess.

Posted: Sun 11 Jan 2015, 04:26
by SnoopPup
So using lsusb I can duplicate the variance in Device ID by switching from PDA (e) to MODEM (d) which are options in Phone Utils (#*7284#).

Posted: Sun 11 Jan 2015, 05:30
by SnoopPup
So I went back to Slacko 5.7 as it seemed like I made more progress there.

I can now proceed to where I get the screen reporting AndroidAndroid with the "d" Device ID variance. It appears that MTPdetect will only recognize the "d" which represents the MODEM setting as opposed to the "e" which represents PDA. lsusb will easily detect either setting, but MTPdetect only recognizes it as MODEM even though it can only detect phone when set as PDA, which should show an "e" at the end of the Device ID.
Still puzzled why the Device ID would not be constant, regardless of PDA/MODEM setting, but that appears to be the case.

So I think MTPdetect is seeing my phone as a MODEM with no files to be mounted.

Samsung has issues with this PDA/MODEM protocol or whatever it is. It is necessary in Samsung Kies to switch from PDA to MODEM and back to PDA to connect to KIES on this particular phone. Somebody randomly figured that out and it is on the net. It is also necessary for me to toggle this to shut off USB Mass Storage so that MTP will be active or dominant. There is very little info on net about PDA/MODEM, little that I could find anyway.

I also note that lsusb detects and reports either "download mode" for MODEM "d" setting or "debugging mode" for PDA "e" selection.

I'm starting to fully appreciate why OpenSource is vital. Samsung could open the books on the various bizarre stuff they do. Not a lot different between Samsung and Microsoft. Next phone will be as Open Source as possible and probably not a Samsung. Like all the code and protocols used and embedded in hardware should be free and open. Then 8)

Could still be the cable though, but I still doubt it. :shock:

Posted: Sun 11 Jan 2015, 05:47
by SnoopPup
ANd lsusb reports my phone differently in Slacko 5.7 compared to tahrpup, very differently. I don't even unplug phone, move or touch it, but the 2 versions reports are not nearly the same. Must be the kernel?

Posted: Sun 11 Jan 2015, 05:56
by SnoopPup
One more thing.

I noticed that 1 dependency is missing after installing MTPdetect -exper-noarch: qt. Jus the letters q and t. Not sure what that is or how to fix it or if it's a problem. That's in Slacko 5.7 with mtplib 1.0.3 utilities installed as well.

Back to tahrpup to see if it's the same...

Posted: Sun 11 Jan 2015, 22:47
by Karl Godt
I could not get anything to work !

Android-4.2.2 Archos 79 Cobalt tablet .

What was wrong ?

go-mtpfs calls fusermount, which calls mount -f to expect returnvalue 0 from /bin/mount .

/bin/mount wrapper called mount-FULL $@ which always return non-zero ( wrong fs options or already mounted ) .

My own hung while testing if directory exists .

BIG trouble was that /mnt was not accessible by ROX-Filer as long as fusermount stalled waiting for mount to finish .

What I did :
created a /bin/ as :

Code: Select all

exit 0
created a /bin/mountMTP as :

Code: Select all


. /etc/rc.d/f4puppy5

_pidof go-mtpfs && _exit 3 "go-mtpfs already running -- use umountMTP"

test -L /bin/mount    || _exit 4 "/bin/mount needs to be a link"
test -e /bin/mountBAK || cp -a /bin/mount /bin/mountBAK

test -e /bin/ || {
echo 'exit 0' >/bin/ || _exit 41 "Could not create /bin/ wrapper"
chmod $VERB +x /bin/ || _exit 42 "Could not set /bin/ executable"

OLD_MOUNT=`realpath /bin/mount`
# REM: Needs here in case of early exit
#      link /bin/mount does exit if fails
which go-mtpfs >>$OUT || _exit 6 "go-mtpfs not found in PATH"

ln $VERB -sf /bin/mount || _exit 5 "Could not create link /bin/mount ->"

test -e "$MOUNT_POINT" || mkdir -p "$MOUNT_POINT"


sleep 5

ln $VERB -sf "$OLD_MOUNT" /bin/mount
_pidof go-mtpfs && exit 0 || exit 1

# TODO: Handle GetStorageInfo 10001: SessionNotOpen
#       app. when mtpdevice switches into lower-power-mode
created a /bin/umountMTP as :

Code: Select all


. /etc/rc.d/f4puppy5


grep -w "$MOUNT_POINT" /proc/mounts || _exit 3 "'$MOUNT_POINT' not mounted"

fusermount -uz "$MOUNT_POINT"
Note : mount -f is fake mount, so would not do anything . So exit 0 is all it needs .
Note : Since I had troubles with /mnt/ I use /mntf/ to be able to access /mnt/ if troubles with fuse arise .

Basically the mountMTP creates /bin/ and links and re-links /bin/mount to and back to OLD_MOUNT .

Rename /bin/mount to /bin/mountORIG and link mountORIG to /bin/mount, before using the scripts .

fusermount is v2.7.0 and Puppies are 4.3 and 4.3.1 .

Note : libusb-1.0 is needed, had no luck with but with .

Note : No udev rule needed ( calls pupcamera ) .
Note : dmesg is unreliable if polluted by buggy drivers ( mei.ko ) .

Media Transfer Protocol MTP (SOLVED)

Posted: Fri 17 Jul 2015, 10:22
by michaellowe
Hi can8v

Firstly thank you for creating this, mounted my rooted google nexus 5 phone (rooted with the hammerhead purity exploit form xda devs) just fine in lucid puppy 525 using the commands you specified:

cd /mnt
go-mtpfs MTPdevice

However when it came to copying files over to an external hdd I get this error

2015/07/16 11:08:31 Unimplemented opcode INTERRUPT
2015/07/16 11:08:31 writer: Write/Writev failed, err: 2=no such file or directory. opcode: INTERRUPT

the files that i copied over did actually copy but when I checked properties it shows size as 0
having said that after noticing the error message I went back to browse the rest of the contents of my phone and guess what the files I just tried to copy plus all my .apks are the only files showing up on the device every other directory showing up as "empty"

what is happening here? during the file copy process did the device unmout or something? strange that apks and the files I just tried to copy are the only ones showing up form a 16GB device

would love to know what is going on here as my excitement and joy at discovering a mounting solution for my android phone was very quickly dashed when this occurred :-( may have to just return to using the remote desktop solution seems quick enough if not faster?

Let me know what you think of this and if you require any other information thank you

Posted: Fri 17 Jul 2015, 10:40
by michaellowe
SnoopPup wrote:One more thing.

I noticed that 1 dependency is missing after installing MTPdetect -exper-noarch: qt. Jus the letters q and t. Not sure what that is or how to fix it or if it's a problem. That's in Slacko 5.7 with mtplib 1.0.3 utilities installed as well.

Back to tahrpup to see if it's the same...
I may be wrong but as far as I recall qt "

is a cross-platform application framework that is widely used for developing application software with a graphical user interface (GUI) (in which cases Qt4 is classified as a widget toolkit), and also used for developing non-GUI programs such as command-line tools and consoles for servers. One of the major users of Qt is KDE4"

just use your ppm or whatever package manager you have to download a pet of qt or compile it from source, have often found that compiling is the most relaible way of building/installing things for my specific system that way I dont have to chase after missing deps and libs, i can compile them at the time.
It is quite complex but if you do it methodically it can be done and you have to excercise much patience! the wait is worth the reward.

just google qt source tarball.gz and you should get a download page on sourceforge or something?

extra reading: http://www.linuxfromscr ... x/qt4.html

the fact that there is qt5 can complicate things you have to somehow find out which one you need, again another reason to compile as the terminal will return error messages to help you configure things correctly for your system or kernel version. Good luck and I'm sorry I could not be more elaborate with my explanantion, perhaps one of the gurus here in puppy land could help further??? cheers

Posted: Fri 17 Jul 2015, 12:17
by Semme
Michael, seeing as the MTP cat hasn't posted in over a year, try one of the file explorer apps.

file explorer apps?

Posted: Fri 17 Jul 2015, 14:03
by michaellowe
Semme wrote:Michael, seeing as the MTP cat hasn't posted in over a year, try one of the file explorer apps.
Hi Semme thanks for reply, could you possibly name some good reliable examples of file explorer apps sutable for lucid puppy 525? my ppm is broken so Id like to just either download a source tarball or if you know of someone who has a repo somewhere online with pets or sfs?
Thanks in advance

Posted: Fri 17 Jul 2015, 14:51
by Burn_IT

and X-Plore under Android

Posted: Fri 17 Jul 2015, 22:38
by Semme
Here's X-plore.

This one'll show you a lot too >> ES File Explorer.

Posted: Fri 17 Jul 2015, 23:52
by Semme
Hey Michael, wouldn't you like to fix that PPM of yours?

You running frugal or full install?

If full, you have the disk?

Posted: Sat 18 Jul 2015, 04:47
by greengeek
Is there any way to add apps to Android other than going through the Google app store? I would rather have an offline "executable" or portable app.

Posted: Sat 18 Jul 2015, 12:33
by Semme
"Is there any way.." is surely a query deserving *IT'S OWN* new topic.

Posted: Sat 18 Jul 2015, 12:48
by Burn_IT
Indeed it is.
And yes there is.

wouldnt you like to fix that PPM of yours?

Posted: Sat 18 Jul 2015, 21:15
by michaellowe
Semme wrote:Hey Michael, wouldn't you like to fix that PPM of yours?

You running frugal or full install?

If full, you have the disk?

Posted: Sat 18 Jul 2015, 21:21
by Semme
Then try this.

Posted: Sat 18 Jul 2015, 21:25
by greengeek
Semme wrote:"Is there any way.." is surely a query deserving *IT'S OWN* new topic.
Ok. New topic regarding "non-GooglePlayStore" methods for adding file explorers and other functionality to Android devices here

Posted: Mon 11 Jan 2016, 14:30
by nubc
Can someone verify that go-mtpfs will work with Marshmallow? After mounting in Slacko 6.3.0, I do not see data.