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Posted: Tue 28 Jul 2015, 10:03
by mikeb
The best distro is the one you make yourself.... :)

Some videos are ok to watch while downloading but some are not...I believe its to do with the location of the mov atom/index ... mp4 which is common has it at the end by default which is no good for streaming which is why its the most popular streaming format lol.

I have a tiny bash script with gui for using dropbox...their software is almost unusable now on our setups....and the web interface too.

In a world hell bent on complication and confusion its good to take a simple approach

mike a script for playing youtube videos on older pups

Posted: Tue 28 Jul 2015, 14:53
by TecnoGuy458
mikeb wrote:The best distro is the one you make yourself.... :)

Some videos are ok to watch while downloading but some are not...I believe its to do with the location of the mov atom/index ... mp4 which is common has it at the end by default which is no good for streaming which is why its the most popular streaming format lol.

I have a tiny bash script with gui for using dropbox...their software is almost unusable now on our setups....and the web interface too.

In a world hell bent on complication and confusion its good to take a simple approach

mike i have just posted a revamped version of GTKplayYT (its version 2.0) among its new features is the ability to choose the format! i was able to use a $VALUE linked to a format entry-box on both the extension of the temporary video file that is deleted at the end of and the youtube-dl -f value

please see the forum topic for the .PET package and updates:

Posted: Tue 28 Jul 2015, 15:25
by jplt
Hello all ,

i don't that is off this topic but i have make ayoutube-dl gui too you can find it here

and a very anhanced one in the french corner of the forum not translated here

How to download smtube and smplayer

Posted: Wed 05 Aug 2015, 18:12
by sindi
How do I download ninotix's files? If I click on download I get a 297K .gz file not the smtube pet. Using Slacko's default Firefox.

I first tried a slightly later version of smtube that required and also libphonon.

Will smtube work (1) without smplayer and (2) on a p3?
gtk-youtube-viewer worked nicely on a 500Mhz laptop.

I gave up collecting dependencies for minitube.

Netflix requires a recent Chrome which won't work on a P3.

Posted: Wed 05 Aug 2015, 21:49
by Semme
Yet another, MAJOR garbage storage site.. Do you not see the dwnld icon?

If your dwnld turns up a gz, rename it pet and install!

And you quit MT? Good --JUNK!

Yep! Attitude Wednesday..

smplayer/smtube working without sound in tahr

Posted: Wed 05 Aug 2015, 22:27
by sindi
The 297K gz file appeared to be too small to work.
It was listed as being several MB.

I needed three packages and several unpackaging programs.

Quickpet smplayer downloaded and installed

qt 4-4.80 pet - unpackaged with tar -zxvf

I had an smtube already in /usr/bin, maybe it came
with smplayer, but it was too old to work with youtube.

A 15.15.17 smtube pet I found refused to install, possibly because of
how it is compressed - see below).

Downloaded the smtube 15.15.17 deb package from the smtube site.

the deb file would not unpackage with dpkg-deb
(I had run into that with minitube - the package
had been compressed with xz that time).

I presumed it would also not install either.

I used ar -x (from basiclinux busybox, along with its required lib)
and got a data.tar.lzma which I unpacked somehow with unlzma
to get a data.tar which I unpacked with tar -xvf.

I copied over a small smtube binary to /usr/bin and threw
out the rest (icons, docs).

ldd smtube revealed was missing.
I copied cp -a libphonon.* to /usr/lib (from where I
had unpacked it in /opt/qt4). Did not need anything
else from this rather large qt pet.

"smtube" now loads suggestions. If I type "smtube -v"
hoping for the version it gives me a search dialog
without all the unwanted suggestions/thumbnails.
Have not read instructions - maybe smtube subject or URL.

I started playing one video - sound was way out of sync so
I stopped it and changed from default 720p to 360p
(suitable for my 1GHz laptop, sometimes 480p works too).
I restarted the video and there was no longer sound.
Tried other videos, exited and restarted smplayer/smtube.
Still no sound.

Mplayer internet radio works. Opera youtube works. With sound.

This is Tahr 6.02 with 6.03 update. Inspiron 8100 Pentium 3.

I did not try rebooting.

On both P3s, f for fullscreen sort of works. On the DELL 8100
it enlarged smplayer to full screen and removed the controls,
then toggled back the controls but kept it full screen.

In XP on a T23 thinkpad, F toggles controls on and off and also
changes the shape of the image - wider, higher, through several
different shapes, all of which have heads and feet cut off.
That is a very screwy French-keyboard computer where Slacko
viewnior cannot find any images (icons, backgrounds). I will
try smtube in linux on it. Also the keyboard mapping is very
strange (not very similar to the French markings on it) and
onscreen keyboard is mapped the same. Attempting to fast
forward triggers sound loops.

Have only tried Tahr, not Precise, Slacko, etc.

Any ideas how to fix the sound? I also posted to smplayer forum.

Posted: Wed 05 Aug 2015, 22:31
by Semme
Sindi, forget this app and try GTK_Play-YT instead.

Smplayer/SMtube working with Precise 5.7.1 retro

Posted: Thu 06 Aug 2015, 03:32
by sindi
Semme wrote:Sindi, forget this app and try GTK_Play-YT instead.

Re: Smplayer/SMtube working with Precise 5.7.1 retro

Posted: Thu 06 Aug 2015, 03:46
by sindi
sindi wrote:
Semme wrote:Sindi, forget this app and try GTK_Play-YT instead.
It appears that you need to type in the URL to play a video with that player. Same as for using youtube-dl directly.
I want a Youtube search engine. This setup is for 10 year olds with little patience.

Precise works (I copied over smtube and smplayer, and put the required qt libs on the path in /etc/profile and also three icu libraries that Precise needs). Lupu may also work.
Smplayer requires also /usr/local/ssl/cacert.pem.
It played sound the first time then no sound.
I changed the settings of smtube to use mplayer instead.
Sound now works, as does f and q.
No need for cacert.pem.

The required libraries total about 35MB.
SMtube is about 350K, SMPlayer 3MB.

smplayer.ini prevents sound working with smplayer

Posted: Thu 06 Aug 2015, 14:00
by sindi
Using the smplayer from Tahr quickpet and the latest smtube from their site, I lose sound after the first video (or if I stop it) until I delete /root/.config/smplayer/smplayer.ini

Maybe it can be edited back to some default.

I reported this at the smplayer forum. A newer smplayer may have fixed the problem. Tahr's smplayer package also appears to have an out of date (useless therefore) smtube.

mplayer (change View/Settings to put it at the top) works fine instead of smplayer. f and q also work. Page Up forwards without problems.

Same results in Tahr, Precise and Lupu. (I may have added mplayer to one or more of them). The latter two need the icu libraries as well as qt libraries for smplayer.

cacert.pem is also useful in lynx (no more questions about ssl).

Posted: Thu 06 Aug 2015, 14:09
by 666philb
here's an updated recipe to build gtk-youtube-viewer on tahrpup

1. install the devx.sfs

2 vlc needs updating so open a terminal an paste in

Code: Select all

3. open the PPM, and type into the find box ....

and install them and all dependencies

4. open a terminal then highlite the following and paste it into the terminal with 'middle click' and press return

Code: Select all

cpan install Data::Dump XML::Fast HTML::Entities URI::Escape Text::CharWidth Term::UI Term::ReadLine Term::ANSIColor File::ShareDir IO::Socket::SSL Term::ReadLine::Gnu::XS Mozilla::CA JSON::XS HTTP::Request LWP::Protocol::https LWP::UserAgent::Cached
just click ok to any questions

5. grab the youtube-viewer tarball from here

6. unzip the package and navigate to the folder with the build file, right click in the window and choose 'window' then 'terminal here'

7. paste this into the terminal and press return

Code: Select all

perl Build.PL --installdirs vendor --gtk-youtube-viewer
./Build install --install_path script=/usr/bin
cp /usr/share/perl5/auto/share/dist/WWW-YoutubeViewer/gtk-youtube-viewer.desktop /usr/share/applications
cp /usr/share/perl5/auto/share/dist/WWW-YoutubeViewer/icons/gtk-youtube-viewer.png /usr/share/pixmaps
jwm -restart 

and that's it ... there's some of the missing icons here ... h&id=79253

Thanks for instructions for building gtk-youtube-viewer

Posted: Thu 06 Aug 2015, 16:24
by sindi
On my next computer (with enough free hard drive space) I will attempt to follow your very detailed instructions.
You must have spent days (months?) figuring this out. Any chance you could put together a package with all the
pieces for one or more puppies for those of us with less time and knowledge?

Can gtk-youtube-viewer be set to use mplayer instead of vlc?

smtube/mplayer will NOT work on my Thinkpad T23 Pentium III 1.13GHz (with French keyboard, which does not match what I
type in Puppy set to English), a few months newer than the Dell Inspiron 8100 where it DOES work. smtube loads and
displays a list of matching videos for my search but nothing happens when I click on a title. Mplayer itself works if I
download an mp4 with youtube-dl. Sound (intel) works in lupu 5.2.5 and wary 5.5 after you set the mixer not to mute it.
(Slacko has no sound, and the video is so messed up in various ways that I won't bother with it). I tried smtube in all
three, same results.

Youtube works in Opera with libflashplayer 10.3 if I run xorgwizard manually and select 24-bit color. 1024x768 works.
xrandr and the xorg setup program (based on xrandr) think I can display 1600x1200 - maybe externally. I can watch
at 240p with the sound not quite synchronized.

mplayer plays a downloaded/downloading file perfectly at 360p (probably even at 480p).

I copied the URL from the rxvt in which I started smtube, instead of a search engine.

My 10 year old neighbor watched me copy over several library files that I forgot, and then symlink them (why no ldconfig
in puppy?), and is excited about getting youtube watchable on old laptops again (266-866MHz, 160-512MB). He has been
giving my collection of them to his friends with wary, lupu, slacko, precise and tahr (only one had enough ram for
tahr). Along the way he tried Zorin (would not install) and other ubuntus (various problems with them) and tinycore and
basiclinux..... He is now a puppy devotee. He just ran off with my 866MHz DELL P3 (and was supposed to bring back the
netbook with puppeee - I operate a lending library of puppies), that has smplayer/smtube working in XP (not very well)
and we hope to put smtube on it. I added some puppy via a windows exe installer. (No CD or floppy drive, no USB boot).

How to add smtube to Tahrpup 6.0.2

Posted: Wed 12 Aug 2015, 20:25
by sindi
I just confirmed on a fresh Tahr installation that you need to:
(1)Install smplayer from Quickpet (or possibly just the libraries from that package that smtube requires if you will use mplayer instead)
(2)Delete smtube (which is too old to download from the latest youtube incarnation).
(3)Replace it with the latest smtube binary (from Ubuntu, or - chmod +x it after download)
(4)You also need and, which I got from two large deb and rpm packages. libphonon is at my site above but the other is 18MB
and my site is full to bursting. I symlinked to (in the Qt library package).
(5) You also need /usr/local/ssl/cacert.pem - at my site above.
Is there some place central I can post a package of all this (a tar.gz to unpack in /)?

Posted: Wed 12 Aug 2015, 20:34
by 666philb
hi sindi .. if you update tahrpup to the latest (both service packs and tahrpup updates) ... the smtube available in quickpet works

smtube works after Tahrpup update

Posted: Wed 12 Aug 2015, 21:39
by sindi
I thought I had already updated but I forgot you need to reboot twice before anything is actually saved.
I clicked update several times and may have gotten more than one update this time (tahrfix7).
smtube appeared on the list of Video pets and installed the latest version which works.

I still need all the other stuff for older pups (and many more libs as well).
I just fixed a former neighbor's 'very slow' XP computer by adding Puppy to it.
(XP automatic update trying to update, and two antivirus programs, made it unusable).


smplayer no sound, mplayer and vlc work, tarh 603

Posted: Mon 31 Aug 2015, 00:25
by sindi
I reinstalled smtube after updating Tahr with fix 7. Smplayer plays full-screen (F or Ctrl-C add or subtract controls
but do not produce a smaller less fuzzy screen) and have no sound. Mplayer and VLC have sound and they play at the expected
size (not full screen unless I ask for it). Maestro 3 sound on a 1GHz Inspiron 8100 Pentium III.

smtube for puppy 4

Posted: Sat 12 Sep 2015, 01:06
by sindi
I added all the required libs to Pulp Linux (puppy 4.1.2) which boots using 10MB RAM, but trying to run smtube or smplayer gives error message:
unresolved symbol: g_main_content_push_thread_default.

I also upgraded to glibc 2.11.

What other lib(s) should I update to fix this problem?

pulp plays videos downloaded with youtube-dl on a 233MHz laptop with 96MB RAM, at 240p.
I use mplayer in framebuffer mode (no X at all).

I want a youtube viewer for a 10 year old on a 475MHz with about 150MB usable RAM, which plays at 360p with the above combo but
the kid cannot handle searching for and typing in the URL. One laptop of this era has only 64MB (bad RAM slots).

I don't think Puppy 5 will fit into 150MB with smtube and mplayer both running.

I kill (with a script) all unneeded processes (cupsd, ROX, everything in the tray) which helps a lot.
Tahr is still using 376MB for X and one terminal with ssh. Wary-lupu-precise are slightly better.

Posted: Sat 12 Sep 2015, 01:57
by starhawk
You really ought to find a way to get computers that are a little more recent and a little less Cretaceous, you know that, right? :P

The problem is that you need to upgrade your version of GTK.

I can't really help you with that, except to say that upgrading it could easily break stuff -- Puppy relies a LOT on GTK stuff.

You might look here -->
Looks like there might be a few helpful bits there. (I don't know offhand if you'll need to boot into xwin for that page to come up, but as usual it's a safe assumption...)

Posted: Sat 25 Nov 2017, 23:28
by fatguy
hey I am having trouble installing this on current LOS.

I get a perl error in particular. ... 224#975224

is anyone out there? please help, I have to go or id write more, my baby is crying.

Dogs have Gtk-You Tube Viewer 3.1.5 included

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2018, 18:33
by hamoudoudou
Dogs have Gtk-You Tube Viewer 3.1.5 included