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Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2011, 20:34
by gerry
Thinkpad T60p. I can only get one video resolution, 1680x1050. This is because this computer is using the radeon driver, but actually needs radeonhd (as far as I can find out). Any one know where to get it?

Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2011, 20:37
by 8-bit
I just updated my frugal slacko 5.3 install to slacko 5.3.1.
The update went fine and the reboot caused no problems.


I then figured I would try booting with pfix=ram and creating a encrypted save file.

What I saw that was different was that I saw the word Pausing a number of times, before it was once, and it loaded my existing pupsave file.
That is not supposed to happen when booting with a pfix=ram parameter.

I renamed my existing pupsave file so it would not be picked up and tried again with pfix=ram.

This time, it loaded like a fresh boot with no pupsave.
I set up, selected reboot, and chose to make a encrypted pupsave in my subdirectory.

I got a message that the file was being created, but no message that my settings were being saved.
Also, on rebooting, no encrypted pupsave file existed.

This is a major problem and needs verification of both not using an existing pupsave when the pfix=ram parameter is given and also the problem of a encrypted pupsave file not being created when chosen.

I do not know how much was changed with this update, but I am going back to the original slacko 5.3 main.

Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2011, 20:47
by 01micko
gerry wrote:Thinkpad T60p. I can only get one video resolution, 1680x1050. This is because this computer is using the radeon driver, but actually needs radeonhd (as far as I can find out). Any one know where to get it?
gerry, this is direct from slackware ... i486-2.txz

Let me know if it works

Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2011, 21:26
by bigpup
This is a major problem and needs verification of both not using an existing pupsave when the pfix=ram parameter is given
The proper command is puppy pfix=ram
By chance the problem?

Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2011, 21:33
by bigpup
gerry wrote:Thinkpad T60p. I can only get one video resolution, 1680x1050. This is because this computer is using the radeon driver, but actually needs radeonhd (as far as I can find out). Any one know where to get it?
What resolution do you want?
How are you trying to change it?
Could you run this command in the console and post its output.


Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2011, 22:17
by 8-bit
The case where you do not use puppy with the parameter is in a temporary edit of the menu.lst entry of the kernel line.
I realize that puppy pfix=ram should be used when booting from CD.

When I reverted to the original puppy_slack_5.3.sfs file and added the patch to it using SFSedit, and rebooted, all was right with the world and I could make a encrypted pupsave file with my settings saved.
As a matter of fact, that encrypted file is in use as I type this.

If you have the time and inclination, try my test for yourself.

Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2011, 22:30
by gerry
I don't know how to post the result.

But to answer your questions:

Present resolution is 1680x1050

Range is from 1680x1050 down to 640x480

I'm trying to change it using xorgwizard. How else to do it. Never occurred to me that xorgwizard wouldn't do it. I'll have a look at xorg.conf.

I'd like to try 1280x800

Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2011, 22:34
by 01micko

I gather you did a cheat frugal? Did you swap the initrd.gz too? I can not reproduce your problem. I have no problem with heavy or light encryption on 3 machines.

Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2011, 22:44
by gerry
@bigpup- Thanks for the kick- I've done it, modified /etc/X11/xorg.conf

I just assumed that if xorgwizard couldn't do it, then it was impossible.


Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2011, 01:16
by 8-bit
I did swap out both the initrd.gz and the slacko SFS file before booting.
But I will try it again without a pupsave in a fresh directory to make sure that the existing pupsave did not mess things up.


It must have been the slacosave file that I already had that messed things up.
I created a new frugal install and this time, everything worked.
So I would call it a false alarm.
Sorry if I alarmed anyone.

Slacko Puppy 5.3

Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2011, 03:30
by Billtoo
I did a manual frugal install of the iso to my acer laptop.
I copied my save file from my emachines laptop to the directory.
I used SNS to set up the wireless network connection.

Thu 17 Nov 2011 Operating System: Slacko Puppy- Linux
0.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Manhattan [Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series]
oem: ATI ATOMBIOS product: PARK 01.00

X Server: Xorg Driver: radeon
X.Org version: 1.9.5
dimensions: 1600x900 pixels (423x238 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes

direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.4
OpenGL vendor string: Mesa Project
OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 7.10.2

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 430
Core 0: 1199 1: 1199 2: 1199 3: 1199 MHz
# glxgears
2559 frames in 5.0 seconds = 511.772 FPS
2526 frames in 5.0 seconds = 505.118 FPS
2601 frames in 5.0 seconds = 520.079 FPS

Ethernet controller Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM57780 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe
Network controller Atheros Communications Inc. AR928X Wireless Network Adapter

It's working well.

Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2011, 03:57
by jim3630
Delta patch applied to 5.3Main then installed a frugal manually to ext4 pfix=ram on Pentium M Dell latitude D610.

mesa downloaded from slickpet. gears shows jerking halting even in small size window. although, it will play a movie. phony gz on report.


after couple reboots gears is not as jerky. pic is small then expanded full screen.

Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2011, 10:51
by 01micko
8-bit wrote:I just updated my frugal slacko 5.3 install to slacko 5.3.1.
The update went fine and the reboot caused no problems.


I then figured I would try booting with pfix=ram and creating a encrypted save file.

What I saw that was different was that I saw the word Pausing a number of times, before it was once, and it loaded my existing pupsave file.
That is not supposed to happen when booting with a pfix=ram parameter.

I renamed my existing pupsave file so it would not be picked up and tried again with pfix=ram.

This time, it loaded like a fresh boot with no pupsave.
I set up, selected reboot, and chose to make a encrypted pupsave in my subdirectory.

I got a message that the file was being created, but no message that my settings were being saved.
Also, on rebooting, no encrypted pupsave file existed.

This is a major problem and needs verification of both not using an existing pupsave when the pfix=ram parameter is given and also the problem of a encrypted pupsave file not being created when chosen.

I do not know how much was changed with this update, but I am going back to the original slacko 5.3 main.
Ok, so this is basically sorted, but I did have a minor glitch myself, rather annoying. I upgraded a frugal on sda6. All went fine but on reboot I got the "PAUSING" messages then a list of all the slackosaves on sda6! (About 10 in my case). That's not supposed to happen. The work-around was to add pdev1=sda6 on the kernel line.

The reason it happens is that in the upgrade something gets lost in the translation, somewhere. The evidence of this is in /etc/rc.d/PUPSTATE.

The PDEV1 variable is empty..

Code: Select all

should be

Code: Select all

.. also the DEV1FS var is missing. With the pdev1=sda6 on the kernel line (in menu.lst) the PDEV1 var returns.

Manually inserting the PDEV var does not work.(as I didn't think it would, the problem occurs earlier and the value is the result)


Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2011, 11:27
by 01micko
I also missed grub4dos-config update (1.7.1), will be in.

Also, the update of the internet connection wizard with the hostname box was missed, fixed.

We need some packages folks. I am onto openshot and samba (hopefully, with gcmartin's help)
Openshot 1.4 does run from the slacky repo, misses deps though, notably python, anything with a .csh extension in /etc/profile.d needs deleting, fix will be to pet up openshot and remove those in the, better idea, I'll patch petget to remove them.. rm -f /etc/profile.d/*.csh

We probably need some updated music apps, maybe aqualung, deadbeef , .. some one want to package blender? Anyone try gtk-recordmydesktop?.. it's in Slacky repo, needs python, which often isn't listed as a dep as it's in the devx, but probably needs python modules too, such as py-gtk, py-cairo etc, when you run it and get errors check them, they are useful :wink:

Anyone? :) (how can you resist that smiley eh?)

Shooting for 5.3.1 on Sunday/Monday

Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2011, 17:01
by zigbert
01micko wrote:Shooting for 5.3.1 on Sunday/Monday
I see you got Pmusic (hopefully 2.2.2), but please also include pfilesearch 1.28 which makes Pmusic work better.

Thank you

Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2011, 18:14
by bigpup
8-bit wrote:bigpup,
The case where you do not use puppy with the parameter is in a temporary edit of the menu.lst entry of the kernel line.
I realize that puppy pfix=ram should be used when booting from CD.
I figured you knew what you were doing, but not knowing how you booted, I would mention the obvious. It is never the easy answer! :wink:

I have seen times when install programs seem to be seeing old deleted files and using them. Or, somehow the old deleted files cause corruption of a similar named file when installing. Deleting a file only deletes the name, but the data is still there, just not identified. The data should be able to be written over. Key word should.

I also remember a story I read, of an interview, with one of the people who are credited with inventing the modern computer.
They asked, "Why have a reset switch?"
The answer, "That was the easy fix when the thing looked up all the time".

Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2011, 18:37
by enhu
finally after 2 RC :D works great in my computer now.

Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2011, 18:38
by Iguleder
Here's an improved screenshot taking GUI. :)

This one shows a progress bar and works with either rgbPaint, mtPaint or scrot.

Code: Select all


# the base arguments for Yad
YAD_BASE_ARGS="--title=Screenshot --window-icon=/usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/x24.png --image=/usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/x24.png"

# the maximum time to wait before the screenshot is taken

# the default time to wait before the screenshot is taken

# the minimum number of seconds to wait that requires a progress bar

# let the user choose the number of seconds to wait before the screenshot is taken
seconds="$(yad $YAD_BASE_ARGS --scale --value=$DEFAULT_PAUSE --max-value=$MAX_PAUSE --mark='10 seconds:10' --mark='30 seconds:30' --mark='1 minute:60' --mark='2 minutes:120' --text='Choose the number of seconds to wait before the screenshot is taken.')"
[ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 0

# pause for the chosen interval
if [ $MIN_BAR_SECONDS -le $seconds ]
	(for i in `seq $seconds`
		echo "$i * 100 / $seconds" | bc
		sleep 1
	done) | yad $YAD_BASE_ARGS --text="Pausing for $seconds seconds ... " --progress --auto-close
	sleep $seconds

# check whether mtPaint or rgbPaint is present
for i in mtpaint rgbpaint
	if [ -n "$(which $i)" ]
		$i -s &
		exit 0

# otherwise, try scrot
if [ -n "$(which scrot)" ]
	file="$(mktemp -u).png"
	scrot -q 100 $file
	defaultimageeditor $file
	rm -f $file
	exit 0
	yad $YAD_BASE_ARGS --button=gtk-ok:0 --text="Error: could not capture the screen; install either mtPaint, rgbPaint or scrot."

Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2011, 18:44
by enhu
what bothers me is that this pop up that usually happens to sites that has ssl :D

i guess its about the can i let it not pop out?

Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2011, 19:05
by bigpup
enhu wrote:what bothers me is that this pop up that usually happens to sites that has ssl :D

i guess its about the can i let it not pop out?
This is one solution.
Dave, just so you know, I've figured out my problem with the expired or not yet valid security certificates: the date on my computer was set wrong and it thought I was years in the past! Once I fixed the date and time, all of these problems vanished.
In your picture it does say current time is 06/01/2004 05:24 AM.