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Posted: Sun 20 Nov 2011, 18:09
by enhu
the PPM is empty, i tried to update but seem empty still, where can i download more programs to install?

Posted: Sun 20 Nov 2011, 20:38
by Iguleder
You can get more packages at or simply compile your own (which is always preferred).

And PPM shouldn't be empty once you update it.

Posted: Mon 21 Nov 2011, 03:01
by Lobster
I'm also working on revival of my own distro (Calf GNU/Linux), under a different name. I'm currently rewriting it and I want to write some T2-like infrastructure for cross-compilation of the entire distro, from source.

I'm getting two ARM chips soon and I want to be able to develop for them. They're extremely weak (300-400 MHz) and I want to build a truly minimalistic distro with TinyX11.
It is a great plan. :D
If it is efficient on the underpowered it will fly on more recent CPU. 8)
Puppy can run well on many older systems. It is only right that 64 bit and touch screen, as well as the zipit messengers you are getting; are potential resources.
I hope you will also be Puppy Pi'ing (PARM) style in the new year . . . :)

When the MIPS style 'Dragon chip' comes in tablet form we should have new throwaway devices (eventually biodegradable)

Good luck with Moo or whatever Calf2 is called 8)

Posted: Wed 30 Nov 2011, 22:03
by Iguleder
I found some nice packages that I want to include in the next version (or a new puplet):
- mplayer2, it's 2/3 the size of MPlayer, with libav compiled statically into it (which replace the MPlayer package's FFmpeg)
- Links, a very lightweight browser - it's good enough as a HTML viewer
- cwm, my new favorite window manager 8)
- Feh, a smaller package
- muPDF, a ~5 MB PDF viewer that is way faster than any Poppler-based alternative (e.g Zathura, ePDFView)
- A new, smaller rxvt-unicode package with some bug fixes
- The Terminus font! :D

Posted: Wed 30 Nov 2011, 23:15
by pacer106
Sounds like you have been very busy as usual iguleder. Hope the new puplet is as fun to check out as your latest puplets have been :) I will be looking forward to seeing it & doin some artwork for it if needed.

Posted: Thu 01 Dec 2011, 09:16
by Iguleder
Good news, my port of the latest cwm from OpenBSD to GNU/Linux is ready - I uploaded it to the PETs forum. :)

drag and drop

Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2011, 14:49
by yr1945
how can i change the pinboard to allow dragging and dropping icons to the desktop... or, are changes to something other than the pinboard required?

i like to have my "personal folder" on the desktop... that's all...basically, i use the right click menu button to access apps, etc.

i do not use wbar and, thus, have deleted it...

thank you...

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 21:39
by morgonzola
hey there this puplet is pretty great! I was looking for a suitable replacement for pupeee in my life and i think we have a winner.

however couple of small little issues with it

1.For some reason on my asus 1005hab the stock network thing never works? so i always just install frisbee which works just fine.

2.It took a little noodling to get the xorg set up right. For some reason it always just cut off the sides way too much but i went through and found a res that works i just forgot the exact res i picked :oops:

3. For some reason i can not configure the touchpad? it works just fine and you can do tapping instead of clicking (which is odd) but when i try to use the flsynclient it tells me that there is no synaptics driver loaded. i am at a loss on how to deal with this one any suggestions would be great.

otherwise, everything else works like a charm! great puplet!

Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2011, 01:52
by gunner4
Hello! I would like some help for my only problem with this excellent puplet.
I installed Guy Dog 5.0.1. through the windows installer method that I saw in this forum, and then installed kde trinity.

My problem is that the system keeps asking for Rox (It says "not installed") when I mount a disk or when I open a file from a browser, which gets a bit frustrating. I tried all the Rox pets I could find but to no avail.

Can anyone please give me instructions on how to set konqueror as default, or link me a working rox pet? Thank you very much!

Posted: Thu 15 Dec 2011, 09:14
by Iguleder
Just delete /usr/bin/rox and make a symlink to your favorite file manager.

drag and drop

Posted: Thu 15 Dec 2011, 11:42
by yr1945
ah ha... re: my question above... i figured it out... just go to terminal and input rox -p=default... now, i have my "personal folder" on my desktop... i deleted wbar... and, i just use right click for menu...

by the way... this is a great OS... exceptionally fast and very stable...

thanks Iguleder...

drag and drop

Posted: Thu 15 Dec 2011, 12:45
by yr1945
oops... i spoke too soon... when i reboot, the pinboard no longer works and i am back to the original desktop with no drag and drop... i'll keep seeking answers until i find a way to make my pinboard work...

Posted: Thu 15 Dec 2011, 13:32
by Iguleder
Create a file under /root/Startup and make it executable:

Code: Select all

rox -p /path/to/pinboard

drag and drop

Posted: Thu 15 Dec 2011, 19:54
by yr1945
Iguleder, mission accomplished... your hard work, long hours and support of various puppy projects is very much appreciated...

Closed source Nvidia drivers

Posted: Fri 16 Dec 2011, 22:58
by Hesse James
Hi Iguleder
I recently installed the Nvidia driver (285.05) on a frugal installation of Guy Dog 5.0.1
Afterwards the system font was enlarged dramatically so that this installation was unuseable. All attempts to decrease the font were unsuccessful. Do you have an idea how to workaround ?
Thanks in advance.

Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2011, 16:22
by Iguleder
Try to put "xft.dpi: 96" in ~/.Xresources. I think the driver reports the wrong DPI and you can force it this way.

Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2011, 16:37
by Jim1911
Is there a later release? I've been running 002 with your KDE3 Trinity, however, I've been unable to install pet files.


Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2011, 17:09
by pacer106
Is there a later release?
There is no newer release of Guy Dog yet. I believe there might be eventually but for now Iguleder I believe is reviving calf linux I believe it is called. It is his own creation from a little while back.

Guy Dog is on a back burner for now I think. Iguleder of course will be able to tell you more accurate info on Guy Dog im sure.

Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2011, 18:23
by Iguleder
003 is kind of frozen, since I'm very very busy these days. I'm working on many FOSS projects in parallel and I find it hard to work on a puplet with all this mess.

However, I'm working on a nice concept that could evolve into the second generation of Guy Dog. It's a very innovative concept - a mix n' match Puppy with dynamically-loadable SFSs that implement parts of it: each category of applications is contained in a separate SFS.

Also, another nice feature is the user of Xvfb instead of Xorg - it's a framebuffer-based X server that is much smaller, but lacks the hardware acceleration provided by the latter. I want to apply this philosophy in the graphics area too - each user installs a SFS with the right GPU drivers. I'm currently examining its dependencies and compatibility.

By the way, to install PET packages, run "petget /path/to/pet" to install a package. It will complain about a missing directory - just create it.

Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2011, 19:31
by Jim1911
Iguleder wrote: By the way, to install PET packages, run "petget /path/to/pet" to install a package. It will complain about a missing directory - just create it.
Thanks for update. That install pet procedure doesn't work for me so I'll just wait until next release.
