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Posted: Sun 29 Jul 2012, 08:40
by raffy
nooby wrote:Alucinary do your know? Are you aware of that
you need a higher quality of SD card than one
usually buy in cheap stores?


Did not Barry write on his blog that he long for to
get his Mele 1000 to work and him a bit skeptical
to RPi? My poor reading read at his blog.
Using SAP6 alpha4 now and it works in my DVI-capable monitor at 1366x768 default resolution.

SD Card used is class 10 (Barry suggested the use of higher class of cards).

About Barry's comments, are you referring to the "Raspi Ki11er" discussion?

Posted: Sun 29 Jul 2012, 14:15
by nooby
Thanks Raffy

yes that thread and others like it.
Via APC and Mele 1000 and the MK802
and the Norwegian FXI something?
and the Korean thing too. Forgot name.

I like those of these that can give output
to VGA and that have LAN on the card
and not just Wifi and I love most that some
or all of them have Micro SD instead of standard.

I'm not against RPi at all. I love that the schools
can make use of it. But personally it force me
to abandon many very good LCD screens
that I ahve at home. Only one of them can take
HDMI and all the rest require VGA.

So to let 4 good LCD go to scrapbox that is not good at all.
Sure I have the money but it is not a good way to live that
resource greedy askingfor HDMI all the time when most
monitors are VGA

So I want puppy to exist for both RPi and for all the small
USB sticks and the small smart TV boards and sticks.

Posted: Sun 29 Jul 2012, 14:29
by 01micko
Well... nooby yes, you are off topic..

Raspi does have RCA output.. :)

I guess the designers figured the kids may not have modern telly sets, eh?

Sorry derailing the thread. Can't we have both? RPi and Via APC?
In progress AFAIK

Posted: Wed 01 Aug 2012, 00:23
by don570
Raspberry Pi people finally tell Android sandwich strategey


Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 07:54
by rhadon
About omxplayer:

It works only fine from console.
If you set run action from file manager, it also works, but there is no key control.

As a compromise, you can build a omxplayer.desktop file

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=omxplayer -o hdmi %f
and place it to ~/.config/

Now you can right clickt a movie, choose
Open With... and select omxplayer.desktop.

Working keys (at least for me):
(Space) also pause
(2) and (1) increase, decrease speed
(Arrow keys) skip

Found on the RasPi forum.


Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 20:03
by Flash

Posted: Mon 13 Aug 2012, 06:41
by antiloquax
I've compiled mit scheme on my Pi. This took a long time (>24 hours) and I had some help from the mit-scheme devel mailing group.

Mit-scheme is my preferred implementation of Scheme, so I thought it was worth taking the time to build it.

You can download a tar.gz of the binaries here:

Posted: Fri 24 Aug 2012, 19:09
by antiloquax
Here's a couple of other Scheme implementations. Gambit is quite a nice, friendly one.
These are not .pets, I'm afraid. They are .tar.gz archives.
I compiled them on Arch, so if anyone wants to give them a whirl on SAP, I'd appreciate it.


can it run world community grid?

Posted: Wed 10 Oct 2012, 15:30
by johnnyjimm
I am wondering if someone could run the BOINC manager from, and run the project "Say No to Schistosoma". It would be the only current application that can be run on the rpi, due to the rpi's memory limitations. I wish to know if it is possible, and if it is, I would like any information you may gather from it. Specifically, I would like to know the cpu temperature, ram usage, and time it takes to run 1 work unit.

Because the ram usage will be high, you may need to load only the minimum amount of puppy into ram. Please add in your post if this is the case.

Puppi on ArmV7 system

Posted: Tue 23 Oct 2012, 11:04
by svgt

on all my computers I can decide for myself, which systems are to be installed. Even on 15 years old machines I am able to install Linux or Windows. I may with Linux choose the language and keyboard layout. I can install most of current programs.
Only with my state-of-the-art and latest computer from 2010 I am not able to install another system. I can rarely add any application. Inside there is a modern SSD with 16GB. I may add a sdcard with 32GB. Nevertheless I may use only 128MB in total for application programs. It is a kind of Linux system, which is forbidding to me many actions, because I don't have root rights. This is Android 1.6 without AndroidMarket. Although this computer was sold from the biggest computer manufacturer HP: model HP Compaq Airlife 100. From HP homepage there is not a bit to download and requests are not answered.
For frequently sold smartphones the vendors deliver updated android versions. Otherwise there exists a worldwide hacker network, which offers upgraded Android versions.
With my computer there exists neither nor, because it was sold rarely only in Spanish speaking countries.
The computer owns a Snapdragon cpu QSD8250 from Qualcomm with 1GHz (similar to ARM Cortex A8). This is an Armv7 cpu type.

It would be beautiful, if a Puppy would run with this hardware. Do I have a chance?


Posted: Thu 25 Oct 2012, 08:10
by nooby
You know already but for those of us that don't
follow every move.

Today we have some really big news, which is going to mean a lot to many programmers in our community who have been asking about it ever since launch. This is one of those announcements that has been in the pipeline for quite some time, but we haven’t been able to talk about it until now.

As of right now, all of the VideoCore driver code which runs on the ARM is available under a FOSS license (3-Clause BSD to be precise). The source is available from our new userland repository on GitHub. If you’re not familiar with the status of open source drivers on ARM SoCs this announcement may not seem like such a big deal, but it does actually mean that the BCM2835 used in the Raspberry Pi is the first ARM-based multimedia SoC with fully-functional, vendor-provided (as opposed to partial, reverse engineered) fully open-source drivers, and that Broadcom is the first vendor to open their mobile GPU drivers up in this way. We at the Raspberry Pi Foundation hope to see others follow.

Posted: Thu 29 Nov 2012, 13:36
by antiloquax
It's not Puppy ... although I have used Rox!

I have made an image of a very simple installation of Arch with Scratch and Python3 + Pygame ready installed.

If you haven't tried Arch, this may help you see what performance benefits this distribution offers.

Download the .zip of the image here: - google drive
or here: on dropbox

The sha1sum is:
a8a44c145eabd8682f70d1a1f79c2e246dbb0ead arch.img

There are some instructions in this file:

I hope you find this useful!

Posted: Fri 30 Nov 2012, 20:03
by eowens2

I downloaded the zip => arch.img (sha1sum for the image was correct) for your minimal arch demo, and I must say it is FAST (I still think ARM Arch would provide the foundation for an excellent Puppy distro!), but I ran into a problem.

I added netsurf with "pacman -S netsurf", and it proceeded without error. But when I tried to run it from the command line I got "error while opening shared libraries: cannot open shared object file:No such file or directory". I ran a "find" command which also could not find it.

I also tried "pacman -S" which gave me a "target not found".

What else do I need to do to get netsurf up and going?

Posted: Sun 02 Dec 2012, 09:22
by antiloquax
Hi, thanks for trying it.
I think:
pacman -S lcms
Will do it .. I'll double check in a min.
To search the repo, you can type:
pacman -Ss search_string
pacman -Ss lcms
Should tell you what is available.

EDIT: I think that will sort it. I have updated the README.

Posted: Sun 02 Dec 2012, 17:12
by eowens2
Thanks antiloquax,

That 'pacman -S lcms' did the trick !

I am posting this from R_Pi/Arch-ARM/Netsurf.

Posted: Sun 02 Dec 2012, 17:22
by antiloquax
Great. :)

Posted: Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:24
by linux28
When the new version is released?

Posted: Sun 09 Jun 2019, 19:47
by recobayu ... sp=sharing
i compiled gtkdialog for debian stretch arm64 using anlinux, termux, and vncviewer on my android. i share to this thread, if anyone want to try it. thank you.

ohya, i think it is good to make puppy linux on android using this puppi based. the wikka link in first post is outdate

Posted: Mon 10 Jun 2019, 03:48
by Lobster
recobayu wrote: ohya, i think it is good to make puppy linux on android using this puppi based. the wikka link in first post is outdate

I have updated the links on the first post as our wikki is in the process of having a new kennel/housing at:
Updating the wiki software, at the present - June 10 019CE - is still taking place. May be a bit slow during this update :oops:
Thanks to Mick (0micko) for doing all the work (behind the scenes)
and hosting
Thanks for compiling. :D

I am hoping someone will compile a complete Puppy/Puppi woof-CE for the latest Raspberry pi 3 B+
which I have ready .... to install Puppi/Puppy

Here is a review of the RPI

Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2019, 17:03
by Lobster
Just when you thought it was all ready for our compilers ...
... along comes Raspberry Pi 4 :oops:

ah well :D

What hardware do I need to run RPi 4?
HDMI to Micro-HDMI cable or Micro HDMI to HDMI Adapter and HDMI cable
Power supply requires 5v USB 3 (reversible) with 3.5 watts when it’s idle and up to 7.6 watts when being taxed
Microsd card for Puppi (when available)
A case is worth the money - at present all sold out