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How French can change English to chinese

Posted: Tue 30 Aug 2016, 22:03
by Pelo
How French can change English to chinese ? Easy ! All languages are not available. Most of Puppy users learn English at school, so QtWeb has 'Anglicky' as default.
QtWeb was developed In Europe,and is as default in Hungarian Puppies as Slegopen (Version 3.8.4)

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2016, 14:52
by Mike Walsh
QtWeb 3.8.5 available from my MediaFire a/c, here:- ... 164#931164

I don't care what anybody says, this thing is so small it hardly takes up any space in the save-file.....and it's good enough to function as the main browser. It seems to function better installed as a .pet, anyway.

I've based it on Médor's just upgraded the binary itself. Runs nicely.

Mike. :wink:

Facebook, you-tube are very popular..

Posted: Wed 25 Apr 2018, 02:55
by hamoudoudou
Qt-Web has been included as default browser in many puppies... well, as soon as you are a normal user, Qt-Web quickly get you nervous... Facebook, you-tube are very popular.. but Qt-Web unable to go there.

Is it clever to provide low-cost browser in a Puppy if you must buy one to surf the web.. Palemoon is light and efficient.. Qt-Web is not friendly.
On fora, browser is essential part of an OS.. Why to spend time on icons, themes, bluetooth, Multimedia if you spoil your nice job by a low cost browser ! ISO is more than 300 mbs, with elinks qt Qt-Web as browser.. It looks likes a Mercedez benz delivered with a Renault 4 driving wheel..

Mediafire refuse QT-Web 3.8.5

Posted: Wed 25 Apr 2018, 04:05
by hamoudoudou
as an example Mediafire refuse QT-Web 3.8.5 (download Wine version mikeslr)