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Posted: Fri 24 May 2013, 21:02
by oui
Hi gcmartin

your opinion
gcmartin wrote:In fact, with the cost of a stick of RAM today, used/new, we get the benefits that comes with RAM.
is not realist at all.

I have here only 5 type of PC's at home and no one can use the RAM stick of the other :roll:

even my Dell Optiplex SX270 can not use the stick of the burned Optiplex SX280 and also the contrary would not be possible. the plugs have other dimensions etc. If I will extend the memory of the (not burning :lol: ) older one I have to spend more money for a stick made by Dell, an American Cy I think, as to buy a complete other PC with more memory from a Chinese brand :lol: (but I have no room on my desk and in my environment for other PC than "book" PC's excepted laptop or new android solutions in coming, I have a laptop but I don't like to use it because of the poor resolution of the screen...).


there are billions of old PC in use in all the world

and Puppy is actually the main answer how to use them better!

if you are using Puppy with a modern top PC, it is good for Puppy :roll: but I really become a bad opinion of you as well as of the Linux movement :P ! if Linux is only good to run in form of Puppy (out the RAM to be performant), poor Linux...

I use Puppy because all my PC's are limited in RAM and processor power (I drive an old car, I have an old bike, my house, made of stones, will be in 7 years 100 years old but did never be broken under wind power. It seems that American people knows only an answer: develop more technical power, more short live machinery! we have a different vision of our world and environment!)

the billion of old PC's in the world are a step worse than my PC's...

and opinions as your opinion are the reason why the live time of PC's are as short. you only require more hardware instead to use the actual hardware correctly (or better if correctly is not possible any more)...
The size is of no concern of mine. The abiltiy of it to provide needed functionality and to do it rapidly is what I need most.
Puppy did offer in 20 Mb in 2003 more functionality and rapidly AND BUILT-IN SOLUTIONS than M$ deliver for a lot of money at the same time!

the actual Slitaz 4.0 offers today yet in 34 Mb probably more for modern hardware and can be extended for no cost!

did you already think about the matter that the most PC's (except playing stations and PC's used as playing stations) are used to enter 8 bit characters slowly using an old mechanical keyboard system :roll: and the power is only used to produce background pictures and trays and icon bars ?

kind regards

Posted: Fri 24 May 2013, 22:43
by gcmartin
@oui, Agreed. You echo exactly what I try to summarize. In a way, we are saying the same thing differently.

The other primary complaint that used to be echoed over the years is about download time increases. This has been seen across all of the distrowatch products over the years. That is an issue where size does/can bring a downside. Its is a hardship when there's not enough bandwidth, or time, or limited accounts or unreliable links or just bad downloads. I too have been hit where my download ended corrupted and having to do it again. Its a hardship that is endured across the Internet.

But, IMHO, we are free to select and choose the flavor that we think the developers have provided to meet our needs. Agreed.

Posted: Sat 25 May 2013, 00:43
by CLAM01
Puppy Linux, in the form it is, essentially, today, dates from the 2.x.x series, which began when? Late 2006, or early 2007? Counting the sizes of the preceding 1-series is disingenuos.

The 2-series puppies were "under 100mb", between 94mb and 98mb in basic form. Basic form 301 was 98mb to 101mb, as I recall. In those you had an abiword whose best feature was its automatic save-upon-crashing, because it crashed often. You also had a a seamonkey that would do all sorts then, but that few websites will talk to today. And, then, if you wanted any kind of multimedia you had to download 30 to 50 mb of Win-codecs and link them in, and download about the same of Windows fonts, if you wanted your Abiword .docs to render in Windows users' Microsoft Word and Office.

The 2-series was cranky and had to be cajoled to load on a number of machines. 301 was the first pretty much really plug and play puppy. There were few machines it would not load on, and few it would not run satisfactorily on, provided the processor had MMX, if it was a Pentium 1, or was a 2 (which meant it had MMX).

The 5-series puppies of today weigh in at 130 to 190 mb, don't need codecs and fonts added to play multimedia and communicate with the M$ enchained, and will still run on anything with an MMX processor, and reasonably well. I can run them on my 166 mhz P1mmx Dell Latitude cp laptop with 256mb of swap and 64mb of ram, though not as satisfactorily as before one memory bank went out, when it had 128 mb ram. Slower than 301 or 217, but those ran comparatively slow, too, back then. Amazingly slow, we notice, when we compare them to what we are used to with modern processors, memory and buss speeds of today.

When I customized my puppies back then the remasters came out about 300mb. Today my remasters, fitted to my needs, come out about 320mb. Most of the bulk seems to be libraries: When I've started with a bare-bones puppy and added libraries as demanded by my needed features, the bulk has come up to about my usual when starting with a standard puppy.

I run the 4 and 5 series puppies of today without swap, and on some machined without hard-drives, running them in ram (down to 512mb), from CDs or flash-drives, with added sfs files on the flash-drives.

I would argue that modern puppies are not fatter, they are better developed, with more muscle,more strength, more power and better coordination.

Multiple sfs files Puppies have used since way back, too, Note the Z-drive, to contain little used modules, as well as the usual optional programs one user may want to add and another not.