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Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 06:20
by Ted Dog
new nvidia pet works for me, found the help files for cut/paste keys (no insert key on my minikeyboard) but I think I can configure sven multimedia keyboard to create one.
Nice to see this server computer really run well, HD video playback is flawless now, sound works great, saw this has video capture support, will test my USB tuner now.
Thanks, haven't been this wowed by a linux release since I found puppy mltisession, before that first try using Knoppix livecd. This level of completeness and success is a rarity. :D

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 08:59
by LateAdopter
Hello kirk & jamesbond

Oops! I said that on b3 panning was working, but I was wrong. Apologies!

I have margins set, so it does pan, but the mouse cursor won't go into the right margin. I use it to centre 1920x1080 video on my 1600x1200 monitor. That worked when I tested it and I didn't notice the cursor.

There's no need to fix it for me, I'm quite happy with fd611


EDIT: I rechecked beta 1 and panning works correctly on that.

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 09:47
by nooby
Thanks for all the hard work you guys put into
solving the UEFI install thing.

So does this mean I can buy a Packard Bell or Toshiba
or HP Compaq Laptop Win 8 computer with UEFI and
then follow the instructions and that will dual boot with Win8 ?

That would be much appreciated if you can confirm
that it really work.

Oops hope somebody put the iso on a mirror because
that one is a very slow it takes 55 minutes now to dl

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 13:16
by JustGreg
I did an update install on the UEFI machine. It went very smoothly. I only had to copy the new initrd and vmlinuz over the beta3 version. No changes were required to refind.conf. It boot correctly.

I removed the loadmodule=radeon boot parameter and the radeon detection code worked. No problems with the X server start up.

I did the same for the USB flash drive install without any problems. I think I can retire my six year machine and start using this one for day to day use. Yes, I am using fatdog64 and FireFox to post this. Thank you, Kirk and Jamesbond 8)

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 13:27
by JustGreg
nooby wrote: So does this mean I can buy a Packard Bell or Toshiba
or HP Compaq Laptop Win 8 computer with UEFI and
then follow the instructions and that will dual boot with Win8 ?
I found with Win8 on the hard drive, it was possible to boot a CDROM and a USB Flash Drive with fatdog 64. I was never able to re-size the Win8 partition to create extra space for a Linux installation. One can boot another device.

I disliked Win8 so much that I just swapped out the Win8 hard drive for a blank solid state drive. I prepared the new hard drive first in an USB drive enclosure. I installed the new solid state drive and away I went.

Hopefully, someone can provide the instructions for re-sizing a Window$ 8 installation. I never could get information from the manufacturer or Micro$oft.

I hope this helps.

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 14:35
by kirk
I found with Win8 on the hard drive, it was possible to boot a CDROM and a USB Flash Drive with fatdog 64. I was never able to re-size the Win8 partition to create extra space for a Linux installation. One can boot another device.
I've done this on two Windows 8 computers, didn't have any problems. I did resize using Windows. It's just like older Windows version, just have to search around to find things. See: ... drive.html
So does this mean I can buy a Packard Bell or Toshiba
or HP Compaq Laptop Win 8 computer with UEFI and
then follow the instructions and that will dual boot with Win8 ?
No guarantees, some of the UEFI firmware is really bad. Though if you're willing to disable secure boot then it's probably close to 100%. And if you can switch to legacy (BIOS) mode then it's a sure thing as far as booting goes. Now whether or not the hardware is supported by the kernel, that's another story. I've tested on about 12 Windows 8 computers with secure boot on, out of those there was 2 that would not accept my keys. I've only did hard drive installs on two. Both work with secure boot on, though on one refind seems to only want to boot things that are on the same partition it's installed to which is probably a firmware problem as well, but grub2 doesn't have a problem.

Oops! I said that on b3 panning was working, but I was wrong. Apologies!
I forgot that I patched xorg-server-1.11.4 for panning. Then again you would think that it would have been fixed by 1.12.4. Try the pet here: ...

Let me know if it works. If it doesn't post your xrandr command. I've forgotten how to set it up.

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 14:58
by Ted Dog
nooby wrote:Thanks for all the hard work you guys put into
solving the UEFI install thing.

So does this mean I can buy a Packard Bell or Toshiba
or HP Compaq Laptop Win 8 computer with UEFI and
then follow the instructions and that will dual boot with Win8 ?

That would be much appreciated if you can confirm
that it really work.

Oops hope somebody put the iso on a mirror because
that one is a very slow it takes 55 minutes now to dl
Would love to get that speed took 6 hours plus for me. But I have third world internet speed here in deep rural Texas. :cry:

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 17:22
by pedro
kirk wrote:
I'm having problems with nvidia driver. When i install the 310.44 driver i get error messages and x does not start
I can't test the Nvidia package because I don't have a Nvidia card. So, it might be broke. Make sure you have the right one. Go to Nvidia's web site and make sure you need the 310.xx driver and not the 304.xx.

If anyone has tried this driver let us know.

EDIT: I'll rebuild the Nvidia pets tonight, I think I know what I did wrong. I'll edit this post after I re-upload.

EDIT2: I've rebuilt and re-uploaded the Nvidia pets.
I tryed your new 310.44 pet, x starts but there are still some problems, when i run glxgears or some games i get this error:
error while loading shared libraries: elf class:elfclass32
Maybe related to this problem, nvidia graphical configuration utility, nvidia-settings, cant display information about openGL in the system
Thanks for your help

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 17:37
by LateAdopter
Hello kirk
Let me know if it works. If it doesn't post your xrandr command. I've forgotten how to set it up.
Thanks for the pet, it works perfectly, Thank you.

I can't remember the xrandr commands either, and their documentation comes in various dialects of gibberish. But I made a 2-line script that I keep and don't have to remember how I invented it.

This is the line that works for the Xorg Radeon driver:

Code: Select all

xrandr --fb 1760x1200 --output DVI-0 --mode 1600x1200 --panning 1760x1200+0+0/1760x0+0+0/160/0/160/0
The reason it is 1760 and not 1920 is that the window manager allows VLC to create windows larger than the desktop, but only in the positive direction.
With the desktop set to 1760 I just have to move the mouse over to the right hand side and the window centres exactly.

Thanks again.

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 18:52
by Billtoo
kirk wrote:
I'm having problems with nvidia driver. When i install the 310.44 driver i get error messages and x does not start
I can't test the Nvidia package because I don't have a Nvidia card. So, it might be broke. Make sure you have the right one. Go to Nvidia's web site and make sure you need the 310.xx driver and not the 304.xx.

If anyone has tried this driver let us know.

EDIT: I'll rebuild the Nvidia pets tonight, I think I know what I did wrong. I'll edit this post after I re-upload.

EDIT2: I've rebuilt and re-uploaded the Nvidia pets.
I downloaded and compiled the proprietary driver for my GeForce 8600
GT card.
I had the devx and kernel source sfs loaded, it needed to reboot once
to remove the nouveau driver and then it compiled the file successfully.
I chose no to 32bit compatibility libs and yes to update the
xorg.conf, then xwin to get back to the desktop.

# glxgears
Running synchronized to the vertical refresh. The framerate should be
approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.
34061 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6812.124 FPS
34081 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6816.089 FPS
34972 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6994.302 FPS

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 18:58
by kirk
pedro, BillToo,

Yep, messed it up again. I looked at a couple of the binaries and they where 64bit, so I though all was good. Wrong. Anyway I just re-uploaded them again. I can't run the installer normally because I don't have the hardware. This time I told it to put all the 32bit lib in one file and that did it.

The Nvidia pets have been re-uploaded again.


Glad that works, I'll move that pet to the main repo.

Posted: Fri 19 Apr 2013, 14:50
by JustGreg
I am using the Wine1.5.4-i486.sfs and down loaded it from ibiblio. The control panel apply, SYS SFS Loader reports the Wine SFS is loaded. I keep getting file not found when I try to run winecfg or wine. The error message is: No such file or directory. It does not matter whether I use the console, urxvt, and go to /usr/bin. The ls command does show wine and winecfg being there. However, trying to run the files, one gets the error message of not found. The same thing happens in Rox filer. What am I doing wrong.

Posted: Fri 19 Apr 2013, 15:04
by rcrsn51
JustGreg wrote: What am I doing wrong.
That's a 32-bit app, so you also need the Fatdog 32-bit compatibility pack from here.

Posted: Fri 19 Apr 2013, 15:26
by picatrix
Thanks for the nvidia great on my hp 8730w laptop!

Great work!

Just an annoying problem:
when ac is disconnectet, the screen is full bright...when I plug the socket screen goes at minimum bright, it's almost impossible to work in normal light condition...

SOLVED: added pci=noapci to the kernel boot parameters!

Posted: Fri 19 Apr 2013, 16:06
by JustGreg
Thanks, rcrsn51! The 32 bit SFS solved the problem.

Posted: Fri 19 Apr 2013, 17:00
by kirk

It's best not to disable ACPI since it controls power usage and sometimes cooling. Though disabling it for just the pci bus probably won't do any harm.

The sven keyboard daemon calls a couple scripts to control the screen brightness. Unfortunately this varies a bit between computers. There's three things that can go wrong with this.

1) Sven isn't configured to use the correct keys for your computer.

2) The two scripts that Sven calls (/usr/bin/brightness-up and /usr/bin/brightness-down) could be using the wrong file in /sys

3) The two scripts that Sven calls (brightness-up and brightness-down) could be using too low of a value to increase or decrease the brightness. So it's actually working but it doesn't seem like it because you have to hit the key a hundred times.

So the first thing to do is open a terminal and type:

Code: Select all

# brightness-up
If it changes the screen brightness then it's probably problem 1). If you get an error about file not found , then it's probably problem 2). If it doesn't return an error, but nothing seems to happen, then it's probably problem 3).

The brightness-up script looks like this:

Code: Select all

CURRENT=$(cat /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/actual_brightness)
MAX=$(cat /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/max_brightness)
if [ "$CURRENT" -gt "$MAX" ]; then CURRENT=$MAX; fi
For problem 3) you'll want to change CURRENT + 1 to maybe CURRENT + 100 and try again. For problem 2) you'll need to replace /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/ with the correct path. You'll also need to make the corresponding changes to /usr/bin/brightness-down.

Posted: Fri 19 Apr 2013, 18:13
by picatrix

thank you very much for your kindness and your ability to share your knowledge!

Hopefully the problem was limited at point 1)...I defined brightness-up as Shift+F10 (down as Shift+F9), as Sven keyboard daemon doesn´t recognize the Fn key.

It seems all ok now, it also boots correctly (no hangs) with / without the ac plug in the socket!

All the best

Posted: Fri 19 Apr 2013, 19:25
by Jim1911
Kirk and James,

Thank you for this super distribution, it's the best yet. :D


Posted: Sat 20 Apr 2013, 02:22
by Ray MK
so far - as above - super good - many thanks

Posted: Sat 20 Apr 2013, 05:27
by Ted Dog
JustGreg wrote:Thanks, rcrsn51! The 32 bit SFS solved the problem.
Had the same issue but ... acko-1.sfs

does not connect just hangs

Code: Select all

Logging in as anonymous ...
Error in server response, closing control connection.

--2013-04-20 00:30:59--
  (try: 6) => `32bit-slacko-1.sfs'
Connecting to||:21... connected.
Logging in as anonymous ...
Error in server response, closing control connection.

--2013-04-20 00:31:20--
  (try: 7) => `32bit-slacko-1.sfs'
Connecting to||:21... connected.
Logging in as anonymous ...
Error in server response, closing control connection.

--2013-04-20 00:31:41--
  (try: 8) => `32bit-slacko-1.sfs'
Connecting to||:21... connected.
does it exist anywhere else?

FOUND: ... acko-1.sfs