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Re: slimpup 3.8

Posted: Wed 22 May 2013, 01:21
by sheepy
vflower wrote:A very Great job to include my favourite Google Chrome browser. I really hope that all the other puppy derivatives can do the same, that is, include both Firefox as well as Google Chrome these 2 browsers as the default. You know internet connection and browsing is the most important activities nowadays.
Thank you! I find Chrome and Firefox to each serve specific purposes better than each other. In my opinion, they are very complimentary.
sunsnoel wrote:Joined just to say thank you. I really enjoy slimpup. It just works.....
Thank you so much for your support, sunsnoel! :D
musher0 wrote:Hi, sheepy.

I just created a new pet for pekwm-0.16. I'm itching to test it on your slimpup, but would it be heresy to do so? Another way of saying this: would the slimpup structure be "allergic" to another wm, especially a close "cousin" like pekwm?

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Hmmm, that's an interesting question. It should work properly if there are no dependency issues. In fact, it should actually be easier to get going than in other puppies because the rox pinboard has been removed from .xinitrc, leaving Openbox to single-handedly draw the desktop. If you installed PekWM, exited X, and restarted X using it instead of Openbox, that should work. I would edit the configs for your PekWM menu before exiting X though, so it wouldn't be funky when you start it up. :P

Posted: Wed 22 May 2013, 17:00
by musher0
Hi, sheepy.

Reporting success using pekwm-0.1.16_git on SlimPup ! :)
Only stumble was making some executables executable... (mea culpa as packager).
Menu creation went without a glitch with the built-in pekwm menu builder.

Aside from that, well, you can't change the backdrop in SlimPup, can you?

BFN. Have a great day!

Posted: Thu 23 May 2013, 03:49
by sheepy
musher0 wrote:Hi, sheepy.

Reporting success using pekwm-0.1.16_git on SlimPup ! :)
Only stumble was making some executables executable... (mea culpa as packager).
Menu creation went without a glitch with the built-in pekwm menu builder.

Aside from that, well, you can't change the backdrop in SlimPup, can you?

BFN. Have a great day!
Awesome! :D
The backdrop? Like the wallpaper? It can be done with the included wallpaper manager, Nitrogen.

Posted: Thu 23 May 2013, 08:11
by musher0
HI, Sheepy.

Nitrogen, eh? Ok then. Some of the programs you offer in SlimPup are entirely new to me, which makes it all the more interesting.

I almost forgot: SlimPup can be localized. The latest French localization package by esmourguit works fine on it. I thought I'd mention it, in case other Francophones want to give SlimPup a try.



Posted: Mon 15 Jul 2013, 03:47
by partsman
Hi Sheepy
Wonderful job :wink: hope you continue to keep it up ! :D
very very nice :wink: thank you !

Posted: Mon 30 Dec 2013, 04:58
by sparkie
I know this is a bit down the road from the original post but I have just gotten my internet back up after moving last year. I'm trying to catch up on things in Puppyville, a few deriv's and such, and have been checking out SlimPup today.

I used Yumi to make a USB boot via Syslinux. I have done this on several Puppies so far and things work great. However, this is the first time that I have not been able to do a save file at reboot. It goes through the usual procedure until the "yes,save file/change folder/don't save" choice. When I choose "save" it goes to a blank screen that reads "session not saved" and then reboots the computer. I am trying to save this on my second hard drive, which I usually do. Would it make any difference if I burnt SlimPup on a cd, booted up and installed it to my USB stick?

One other thing...I probably should know this by now...where does an app go when I minimize it? Can't see it as there is no bar for it to display on.

All-in-all, I really like this over the others I have checked out recently. I did have high hopes with MacPup 550 but got lots of problems. I have been using SnowPuppy 020 for the past year now but I think your SlimPup may be my next user!

what if i don't have middle-click mouse?

Posted: Sat 04 Jan 2014, 16:57
by user31651
Hi Sheepy,

Your SlimPup is great. Thanks a lot for it.

One question is how to show all opened windows if i don't have a mouse with middle button or if i just use the touchpad ?

I am a newbie... so.. sorry for this trivial question.

Re: SlimPup 3.8

Posted: Sun 05 Jan 2014, 00:44
by user31651
sheepy wrote:Download: ... o/download
Project Homepage:

New Software
  • Google Chrome 24.0.1312.56
    wifite script
Bug Fixes
  • Text color in Rox being white instead of black by default
Other Changes
  • Added Pmount to main menu
Please report any bugs or questions here. Thank you :)
Hi Sheepy
Here is what i did to add a network printer:
I ping my HP LaserJet 5000n printer, and it is ok. 0% packet loss.
Then, right-click -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Hardware tab -> Printer setup
then the CUPS 1.4.3 at localhost:631 prompted out.
then i clicked the Administration tab on the webpage, it returned 404 Not Found
then i went previous page.
then i clicked the "Adding Printers and Classes" links; it also returned 404 Not Found
The printer is at my bedroom and not directly connected to any pc on my home network

what shall i do to make this work ? thank you !

Nice looking but Issues with Wifi

Posted: Sun 05 Jan 2014, 20:32
by slavvo67
Hi Sheepy,

This looks like a pretty nice distro but I have 1 issue and one additional thought:

I am having trouble connecting to WiFi with a Netgear N-150 USB so I couldn't really get the full effect of the distro.

I noticed you have 3 web browsers which probably take up some valuable space. Can I suggest you only having one as default and providing the others as add-on pets?

Best regards,


The menu, please

Posted: Tue 01 Apr 2014, 00:47
by Pelo
The menu, please... could you list the menu because link is garbled or is towards a japanese or chinese language. Before downloading 400 mb, just to get an idea. Many thanks, sir.

Posted: Wed 02 Apr 2014, 04:23
by Mike7
Hi, all.

Can someone tell me what the wireless network tool is in SlimPup and if it will connect to WEP-protected wi-fi as well as WAP-protected wi-fi?

I have Puppeee-4.4 on an Asus eeePC 1000HA, and Pwireless2 will not take WEP passwords, so I'm looking for another Puppy distro to replace it with.



Posted: Sat 21 Jun 2014, 02:25
by sheepy
Mike7 wrote:Hi, all.

Can someone tell me what the wireless network tool is in SlimPup and if it will connect to WEP-protected wi-fi as well as WAP-protected wi-fi?

I have Puppeee-4.4 on an Asus eeePC 1000HA, and Pwireless2 will not take WEP passwords, so I'm looking for another Puppy distro to replace it with.


Yes, it does support WEP. I bet Puppeee could do it if you input the password differently.
To use WEP on Puppy, you usually have to input the password in HEX (not ASCII) or type "s:" before the password.

Posted: Sun 22 Jun 2014, 17:08
by Mike7
Hi, Sheepy.

Pwireless2 in Puppeee won't accept any passwords. I've tried using HEX but it didn't help. I'll try putting the s in front, but I doubt it will make any difference. There's just something wrong with this version of Pwireless2. Plus I think it was written before the WPA2 encryption protocol that's become standard for wi-fi, so it isn't much use any more.



Posted: Thu 25 Dec 2014, 01:36
by Diego7
new user here on an EeePC, running live from usb.

1) I've added the battery monitor script, but my desktop BATT monitor still appears blank, however, when I look in System Information I can see detailed battery properties (including a percentage remaining charge).

2) I'm finding the window minimize, maximize, close buttons far too small

3) I downloaded pupclockset .pet and installed it, however, when I select the change clock format option in the control panel nothing happens. I'm not sure how to get pupclockset to work.

4) I'd like to change the touchpad setting to mirror the default ones on precise puppy, but I'm unable to change the acceleration to .0362 (it maxes out at a lesser value)

5) When minimizing apps there is no taskbar so they disappear. I see alt-tab works to navigate, but is there another way to access these apps?

6) At the end of my sessions, I see they are being saved automatically. However, I was wondering how I can save separate sessions with different filenames. Also, if given the choice, how do I know how much space to tell the session saver to use (I guess 512mb is recommended there).

THANK YOU - despite these newb issues, I really like the simplicity of this OS

what about the menu ? 3.5 had clementine,

Posted: Sat 27 Feb 2016, 10:43
by Pelo
what about the menu ? 3.5 had clementine, that was a an information...
Why slimpup so big...367.64 Mb, i will never know...
SlimPup is a puplet of Puppy Linux. It's designed to be very slim, clean, minimalistic, and easy on the eyes