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Posted: Mon 24 Jun 2013, 21:29
by SFR
Ah, it's the old problem with decimal separator. :roll:
And again I forgot about it, sorry. :oops:
bc uses only dot, but printf (bash builtin) distinguishes between dot and comma, accordingly to country settings.
Try this, /usr/bin/printf seems to behave better:

Code: Select all

"$Size01" "$LOC317     ($(/usr/bin/printf '%.2f' $(bc -l <<< "$Size01/1024")) $LOC322)" \

Posted: Mon 24 Jun 2013, 21:53
by ASRI éducation
SFR wrote:

Code: Select all

"$Size01" "$LOC317     ($(/usr/bin/printf '%.2f' $(bc -l <<< "$Size01/1024")) $LOC322)" \
Yes !!!

Code: Select all

#### Main GUI
echo "Main GUI"
Xdialog --title "$AppTitle $AppVersion" --left --wrap --help "$HelpMsg"  \
--menu "$LOC250" 0 85 9 \
"$Size01" "$LOC317     ($(/usr/bin/printf '%.2f' $(bc -l <<< "$Size01/1024")) $LOC322)" \
"$Size02" "$LOC317     ($(/usr/bin/printf '%.2f' $(bc -l <<< "$Size02/1024")) $LOC322)" \
"$Size03" "$LOC317     ($(/usr/bin/printf '%.2f' $(bc -l <<< "$Size03/1024")) $LOC322)" \
"$Size04" "$LOC317     ($(/usr/bin/printf '%.2f' $(bc -l <<< "$Size04/1024")) $LOC322)" \
"$Size05" "$LOC317     ($(/usr/bin/printf '%.2f' $(bc -l <<< "$Size05/1024")) $LOC322)" \
"$Size06" "$LOC317     ($(/usr/bin/printf '%.2f' $(bc -l <<< "$Size06/1024")) $LOC322)" \
"$Size07" "$LOC317     ($(/usr/bin/printf '%.2f' $(bc -l <<< "$Size07/1024")) $LOC322)" \
"$Size08" "$LOC317     ($(/usr/bin/printf '%.2f' $(bc -l <<< "$Size08/1024")) $LOC322)"  2> /tmp/reply2
Thank for your help, I will soon be able to offer a version 0.1.3.
Before that, the file location 'en' must be validated.

ça usine, forte activité sur Puppy cet été !

Posted: Tue 25 Jun 2013, 10:00
by Pelo
Taille maximum utilisable : le système sait combien d'espace disponible reste sur la partition choisie. Si on met plus que ce que l'on a, il serait bien qu'il le dise de suite. Is'nt it ?

Bla bla : sur les clés USBs, il m'est arrivé de créer une sauvegarde trop grosse pour ce qu'il me restait de place. Bien sûr, on devrait vérifier avant, mais on ne pense pas à tout.
Pendant que vous battez le fer, il serait sans doute possible d'y adjoindre un garde-fou, si vous savez faire, ce dont je ne doute point. Merci messieurs.

Je suis content de la voie prise par nos puppistophiles en ce moment.

Posted: Tue 25 Jun 2013, 19:54
by SFR
ASRI, we got a problem...

I just found out, doing something else, that although /usr/bin/printf works ok in Lupu, but not in Slacko.
The one from Lupu turned out to be a coreutils (full) version, whereas in Slacko it's a part of busybox and it behaves in the same, nasty way as bash builtin.

Perhaps it'd be better to resign from bc and use, for instance, dc, which respects regional settings and therefore always cooperates fine with printf:

Code: Select all

"$Size01" "$LOC317     ($(printf '%.2f' $(dc $Size01 1024 / p)) $LOC322)" \
The above works for me in Slacko & Lupu with both dot & comma as decimal separator.


Posted: Tue 25 Jun 2013, 23:53
by don570
Barry Kauler updated his version of bc about half a year ago.

Did Slacko not do the same??

When I checked bc a couple of years ago I found that
multiplication and division could only be done in a particular way
because of old version of bc.

Check Advanced bash manual for examples. ... e532eefe31

Posted: Wed 26 Jun 2013, 13:34
by SFR
don570 wrote:Barry Kauler updated his version of bc about half a year ago.

Did Slacko not do the same??
I just checked and both Slacko-5.5 and Precise-5.6 have the very same version of 'bc':

Code: Select all

# bc --version
bc 1.06.95
Copyright 1991-1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
It seems to be the latest available release:


Re: ça usine, forte activité sur Puppy cet été !

Posted: Wed 26 Jun 2013, 16:13
by ASRI éducation
Pelo wrote:Taille maximum utilisable : le système sait combien d'espace disponible reste sur la partition choisie. Si on met plus que ce que l'on a, il serait bien qu'il le dise de suite. Is'nt it ?
Ce sera intégré dans la prochaine version.


Posted: Wed 26 Jun 2013, 23:17
by ASRI éducation
- best display size in GB (SFR)
- added test free space on host partition
- change translation (use gettext method)

Posted: Wed 26 Jun 2013, 23:21
by don570
line 59 of version 0.1.2 needs to be changed to restrict the width of
Xdialog infobox


Code: Select all

--infobox "$LOC200" 0 0 60000

Code: Select all

--infobox "$LOC200" 0 100 60000

Posted: Wed 26 Jun 2013, 23:28
by ASRI éducation
don570 wrote:line 59 of version 0.1.2 needs to be changed to restrict the width of
Xdialog infobox


Code: Select all

--infobox "$LOC200" 0 0 60000

Code: Select all

--infobox "$LOC200" 0 100 60000
Thank you for the info.
This will be done as soon as the next version.

Posted: Thu 27 Jun 2013, 19:43
by ASRI éducation

Message for users/translators/contributors/developers.

"Before proposing other local (currently only English is available), I would get the approval of the english version (native version).
If you are ok to test, it will be appreciated.

free space available on the disk

Posted: Fri 28 Jun 2013, 06:44
by Pelo
Would it be possible to inform of free space available on the disk, here sdb1, to make the increase fitting in the free space available ?
USB sticks are quite tiny.
From my own i have 2 Gb free on SDB1, and 57MB still available in the save file. The information to add in the xdialog is that there is 2 GB free for increasing. ASRI will add it (promised).
Au revoir.

Re: free space available on the disk

Posted: Fri 28 Jun 2013, 17:23
by ASRI éducation
Pelo wrote:Would it be possible to inform of free space available on the disk, here sdb1, to make the increase fitting in the free space available ?
USB sticks are quite tiny.
From my own i have 2 Gb free on SDB1, and 57MB still available in the save file. The information to add in the xdialog is that there is 2 GB free for increasing. ASRI will add it (promised).
Salut à toi Pelo !
Je réponds en français, car en anglais ma réponse risque d'être approximative.

Si j'ai bien compris, tu demandes s'il est possible d'indiquer l'espace disponible sur la partition d'accueil.
Si c'est ça, c'est déjà fait et normalement ça fonctionne (j'avoue ne pas avoir testé avec un périphérique USB, mais normalement cela n'est pas différent d'un ddur classique.

Si tu me demandes de n'afficher dans le GUI principal que la liste des tailles disponibles, j'avoue que j'y ai pensé mais que je ne me suis pas lancé dans cette aventure. Cela doit être possible, mais ça ne va pas être simple. Néanmoins, je suis ok pour essayer (je vais commencer dès ce soir).


Posted: Wed 03 Jul 2013, 01:59
by ASRI éducation
- fix infobox size (Don570)
- added local fr
- main gui : added information 'compatible sizes'

10 sur 10 : parfait

Posted: Wed 03 Jul 2013, 14:47
by Pelo
impeccable, on sait de combien on peut agrandir. mci coop. je suis sur mon balcon.a+ chers puppistophyles. wonderful, free size is known, we can adjust resizing consequently. ASri is not the teacher but the Master.

Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2013, 16:09
by Argolance
Thank you: this is a nice job! :D



Posted: Tue 09 Jul 2013, 23:02
by ASRI éducation
I am looking for translators.
Currently, the script is proposed only with language en-fr (gettext method).

Resize Pupsave : en français, avec espace restant disponible

Posted: Mon 16 Jun 2014, 14:28
by Pelo
La version de ASRi francisée qui indique la taille restant disponible pour augmenter mes sauvegardes (tonneaux, image JejY) : J'avais oublié. Je remonte le post en surface, car toujours valide, mais bien plus, toujours utile.

Spanish locales

Posted: Tue 17 Jun 2014, 00:12
by nilsonmorales
Good work!!