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1.1 is out

Posted: Thu 28 Oct 2010, 12:16
by l0wt3ch
Version 1.1 is out!

I've updated the first post in this thread.

Posted: Mon 01 Nov 2010, 09:42
by l0wt3ch
The new version comes with many new features, as outlined in the first post. It's still based on Lucid Puppy 511, but it's much more pleasing to the eye than 1.0.

The introductory video has also been updated.

Posted: Mon 01 Nov 2010, 17:04
by Sage
Unimpressed. Sound not working? Couldn't find a mixer, either. This looks like the recent early version Wary which had all the same defects. Start-up jumps in with the wrong resolution, and the myopic locale that assumes the world ends at NYC.
It really doesn't matter how many bells & whistles are incorporated if the basic polish and universality is missing. It is far too big - for all those Mbs, I would expect to be put on-line automatically, maybe with a 3D pole-dancer wallpaper. Might as well swap to Opera and Chrome/Iron, with Eudora now that tronkel has developed a .pet, although Firefox with Sylpheed shows a modicum of taste.
As such, I have to mark this one as 'Hmm. Getting there, but could do better'.

Posted: Mon 01 Nov 2010, 20:24
by nooby
So if one move the cursor using the mouse over the desktop then it say the name aloud like Browser Mail Trashbin?

I guess if I download and test it I can hear how the synt voice are. These are usually of very different quality.

Good that somebody think of those with such challenges.

I sometime go around my room with eyes shut to get a sense of how it is to be blind. I know how challenged one is if one fail to hear what people say and only see the lips moving and misunderstand again and again and people give up saying same things again and again.

Posted: Mon 01 Nov 2010, 22:33
by l0wt3ch
@nooby: No, it doesn't do that.

EDIT: I found this thread, and downloaded the pet, but it is no longer working. I sent HairyWill an IM - maybe he's got a fix?

@sage: If the audio doesn't work on your particular computer, send me the iso with a SASE, and I'll give you a full refund.


Posted: Tue 02 Nov 2010, 10:40
by P123
I have always had a problem with Puppy & the internal speakers in my laptop (Toshiba Satellite L30-101) so I had to plug in an external speaker in the headphone socket, but Fluppy 005 sorted it. Now with my new (to me) PC (HP Compaq dc7600 Small Form Factor) none of the Puppy audio drivers work without plugging in the external speakers. I do not have this problem with my main OS - Ubuntu. Therefore I am not worried about the text to speech programs.

However I have worn glasses since I was 12 (27 years ago). Because of the weight of my prescription I have too spend somedays without wearing them, so I like being able to see this website without a real magnifier glass.

One major improvement is that for the next version of this puplet could you use the network manager that Browser Linux & its derivates uses. Because Puppy would be so much easier to use if it recognized that my new (to me) PC could only use Ethernet & connected my automatically. This would in my mind bring Puppy alot closer to replacing other OS's such as Ubuntu.

Posted: Tue 02 Nov 2010, 22:18
by l0wt3ch
@ P123:

The only thing I have done pertaining to audio is install the speech synthesizer and voices, I haven't changed any alsa libs or any part of the built-in sound system. I know there's some issues with Lucid Puppy regarding multiple sound cards and stuff, but apparently using Audacious as your music player allows you to select which one you like. Hopefully these issues will be improved in 5.2.

As for the magnifying glass, I did some investigating into what the visually-impaired wanted in one. Having the zoom follow the cursor was the important thing, so I went with Gnome-mag as it was the only working magnifier that fit the bill. Personally, I think it works great.

Having the Internet start up automatically is something I want as well, so I'll see what I can do for the next release. :)

Thanks again for the feedback.

Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 12:42
by l0wt3ch

Sneekylinux's video

Posted: Mon 08 Nov 2010, 10:20
by P123
Have you seen Sneekylinux's video?

Posted: Mon 08 Nov 2010, 14:35
by l0wt3ch
Thanks P123. I hadn't!

To get the virtual keyboard to focus on a particular window, click "focus" and then click on that window. Not sure Sneeky knew that. :)

Posted: Mon 08 Nov 2010, 14:47
by P123
Well you both know more than me. :wink:

Posted: Tue 23 Nov 2010, 12:05
by l0wt3ch
EliteOS now has its own website!


Posted: Fri 26 Nov 2010, 22:53
by dogle
Said new website says
It's Linux, so there's no chance of viruses or malware
'no chance'? Hmm, revisit that?

Thanks anyway l0wt3ch. Perhaps you have been too kind in your gentle comments in this thread re. 'eldy'. This thread has prompted me to visit that site; I shall be less kind in my comments on that project:

Patronising, certainly

Vanity project; I would support the noble ambitions to the hilt but if they can't present a website in coherent English, BS alert. They appear to be silent as to the content/structure of the software.

The 'user manuals' (I looked at 2 languages before retreating in disgust) insist that you must have "Windows" on your computer, although the software is purportedly Linux and Mac friendly.

What a bummer! er, how disappointing, Vicar (POSMH! STINX!).

I guess this underlines the continuing burning need for software more friendly to the non-savvy, and I hope that EliteOS may play a part in this.

Posted: Sat 27 Nov 2010, 07:40
by tlchost
dogle wrote: Vanity project; I would support the noble ambitions to the hilt but if they can't present a website in coherent English, BS alert.
The developers are Italian....their primary language is not English.
The 'user manuals' (I looked at 2 languages before retreating in disgust) insist that you must have "Windows" on your computer, although the software is purportedly Linux and Mac friendly.
I believe the English help manual clearly states that the software will run under Linux...but perhaps in your disgust you overlooked a few words.

Posted: Sun 28 Nov 2010, 08:53
by l0wt3ch
Rather than go with software that looks like it was designed for a four-year-old, complete with blue elephants, why not find a way to deliver a complete OS that anyone would like, and provide ready tools for accessibility?

Posted: Sun 28 Nov 2010, 08:54
by l0wt3ch
On the advice of a couple people on here, I installed Eldy as an application, but most features were broken, including the web browser. Pretty useless. So I contacted the developers, who told me to use Ubuntu.

Which is fine, as I didn't really want to include it in the first place.

Posted: Sun 28 Nov 2010, 21:15
by dogle
(Please forgive thread drift but re. Eldy -
I believe the English help manual clearly states that the software will run under Linux...but perhaps in your disgust you overlooked a few words.
Thom, no, the English/Limey/Greek/Swedish versions of the 'Eldy User's Manual' insist that "If you want to use eldy on you(r) pc, it has to: ... have Windows ...". p2 q.v.; no subsequent qualification.

I did, in my disgust, overlook the name of that guy DaCosta! ;-)
He, having done such admirable work in fixing a Puppy version, I would have though to be well placed (if the Eldy Hauptkommandantur is worth a light) to kick ass hard and swiftly to have that disgusting - nay, abominable! - untruth excised.

Some time ago ttuuxxx very kindly posted a quick synopsis of the salient issues which emerged when he was teaching seniors. Thom, if you can ever spare the time to share your more extensive experience in that field - perhaps in another thread - and your feedback on the value of Eldy/EliteOS/et al in that situation, it would be much appreciated.)

Posted: Sun 28 Nov 2010, 21:44
by tlchost
dogle wrote:(Please forgive thread drift but re. Eldy -
I believe the English help manual clearly states that the software will run under Linux...but perhaps in your disgust you overlooked a few words.
Thom, no, the English/Limey/Greek/Swedish versions of the 'Eldy User's Manual' insist that "If you want to use eldy on you(r) pc, it has to: ... have Windows ...". p2 q.v.; no subsequent qualification.
Ah....the English, English Manual, not the US English manual, I stand corrected.
I did, in my disgust, overlook the name of that guy DaCosta! ;-)
Don't recognize that name.

My testing of Eldy leads me to belive that is it works well in Windows, and is constantly being improved. I do know it has a very large user base in Italy, with a healthy number of users in England....There is a well supported Linux version(Although I do not know the flavor) there, with a smaller base of Windows users.

As far as I know, no one has managed to get Eldy working in Puppy. I made an effort. I suspect there is some "working at cross purposes" between Puppy, Java and Eldy.

Since a large number of Eldy systems are installed and supported by volunteers(other than a paid situation in England), I suspect that not a lot of effort will be devoted to supporting it where the OS and the App don't work together. I know I won't install Eldy in Puppy and either give it to seniors or teach a class using it...the combination simply does not work.
Thom, if you can ever spare the time to share your more extensive experience in that field - perhaps in another thread - and your feedback on the value of Eldy/EliteOS/et al in that situation, it would be much appreciated.)
I'll pass...I have no interest is dealing with comments about an application that looks like it was designed by four year olds and cracks about elephants. The snide comments about something that does work, and is accepted by seniors put me off big time.

Since Eldy doesn't seem to work in Puppy, this forum is not appropriate. As far as seniors using Elite OS, I can't add anything to the discussion, since I don't use it, and would not introduce it to beginning computer users.


Posted: Mon 29 Nov 2010, 05:14
by l0wt3ch
tlchost wrote:I have no interest is dealing with comments about an application that looks like it was designed by four year olds and cracks about elephants.
For four-year-olds, Thom. Not by four-year-olds.

Posted: Mon 29 Nov 2010, 05:54
by tlchost
l0wt3ch wrote:
tlchost wrote:I have no interest is dealing with comments about an application that looks like it was designed by four year olds and cracks about elephants.
For four-year-olds, Thom. Not by four-year-olds.
Oh, sorry for the mis-read....I'll share your observation with some of the seniors in my classes....I'm sure they will appreciate your wit.
