Page 2 of 6

Posted: Tue 29 Jun 2010, 06:57
by Iguleder
I do.

(lol, I logged in immediately after you posted this) :P

I already had that idea in mind.

I'm currently trying to integrate Moo with Woof, find a way to auto-download Woof and steal the rootfs-skeleton thing from it. That can also solve the splash screen problem, because Woof generates it. The problem is applying the distro details ... the DISTRO_SPECS file is not enough.

If I get anything to work, I'll post it.

Also, I had a funny idea, a tool that gets a list of PETs and makes a Puppy from them. Just takes a pets list, then downloads them and Woof, trims the packages and viola, a new Puppy. Sort of a combination between Unleashed and Woof :lol:

Posted: Tue 29 Jun 2010, 07:05
by tubby
I certainly do, i was just waiting for you two devs to reach a level when you were reasonably happy with your efforts.
Keep on working on it please and it could be one of the best projects for woof builds.

Posted: Tue 29 Jun 2010, 07:27
by sc0ttman
tubby wrote:I certainly do, i was just waiting for you two devs to reach a level when you were reasonably happy with your efforts.
So far, I am very happy with Woofy (especially with lguleders additions), as it all works perfectly and is very simple to use...

I'm actually now using a 'woofylet' as my default OS.. Very happy with it.

I just wanna add a few features - without complicating the Woofy remaster process..
Woofy currently allows a '1 click' remaster - I'd like to keep this feature

This way, even new users can simply add packages and click 'Go'..

Changing the actual distro name is not that important to me - as it's pretty much hidden from the user, anyway..
I may leave it.. Changing wallpapers, gtk themes and splash images have more effect..

But adding a few bugfixes 'on the fly' would be nice.. I'll look into it..
I may need a list of bugfix suggestions (and help!) from people..

And I would love to let users choose a new splash screen, cos it makes a big difference to puplets...
I repeatedly find myself missing the files required to check it out... :shock:
But couldn't an image just be replaced?
tubby wrote:Keep on working on it please and it could be one of the best projects for woof builds.
Moo or Woofy?? Cos for Woofy, I'm not gonna add any features which will only work for Woof built puppies..
I want Woofy to be VERY simple to use...
So I need all features to work as expected, no matter what ISO is chosen.

Perhaps Moo will be more suited to more advanced users, who want to change specific 'Woof' features.

BTW, I don't mind the Moo stuff going here at all, but wonder if another thread may be better?
I think the scope of Moo will soon exceed my expertise (and therefore Woofy).. :wink:

Posted: Tue 29 Jun 2010, 07:44
by Iguleder
You're right, I'll open a new thread for Moo, sort of a "development version" of Woofy for more advanced users :P

This way you can work on Woofy and I on Moo in parallel, share ideas and features ... could be great. I find this quite fun, actually ... I'm looking forward to improve Woofy. Moo is just my "plaything" (quote of Barry :lol:), I just don't like working with alien code, so I wrote my own remaster tool from scratch to help you with Woofy, but now it's so fun I can't resist the urge to make it full-featured :)

By the way, I'm currently working on the skeleton updation code ... would you like me to write some code that makes a non-Woof Puppy a Woof-Puppy? I mean, puts all the Woof stuff, including the new PPM and all Puppy wizards?

I think it could be quite cool to have such a feature in Woofy.

Posted: Tue 29 Jun 2010, 09:31
by smokey01
Guys here are a few ideas for you to think about. You may have already implemented some of them.

The thing that I find really annoying is dependency control. Ok let me provide a working example.

I take a perfectly good distro and install a new software package. The files that are installed are stored in a package file so they can be uninstalled later with PPM if you decide to uninstall the package. The problem is some dependencies are required by a number of packages. Now PPM is smart enough not to delete all files automatically and you have to manually delete some if you want. Most of the time people don't bother in case they delete something required and break another package. I'm not sure how this is done but I guess it looks at the package install list.

Now what would be really nice is a way of checking to see if the dependency already exists. If it does do not install it again, maybe ask if it is a later version. If we had something like this then all packages could contain all dependencies and the missing dependency problem would disappear, unfortunately the packages will be bigger than necessary.

Another method might be to do a test install to see what dependencies are missing/required before installation. Sort of similar to check dependencies before installation instead of after.

One last thing. It would be nice to have a package list of all software in puppy that could be safely removed. This would allow you to make your own bare bones puppy then install what you like. This would be a great enhancement to woofy.

Just a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing

Posted: Tue 29 Jun 2010, 10:15
by Iguleder
I already have many fixes for Woofy, sc0ttman. Here's my 005.
- Use of mktemp for the creation of temporary files and working directories
- Much better error detection
- Way better validation of the selected options
- Clean up code in case the remastering fails

Now it's much better and safer. Also more user friendly, you should add those to Woofy.

The next Moo will have its own thread, since 006 is going to mess with Woof itself, not very useful for Woofy, although I'm pretty sure making Woofy apply all the Woof stuff to an Unleashed Puppy is a nice trick :wink:

Code: Select all

#!/bin/busybox ash

# Moo - a simple Puppy remaster tool
# Iguleder, June 2010, GPL, gl hf


# the puplet name, prefix and version
export pupletName=$DISTRO_NAME
export pupletPrefix=$DISTRO_FILE_PREFIX
export pupletVersion=$DISTRO_VERSION

# the ISO you wish to remaster
export originalIso="/path/to/iso"

# a directory with PETs to slipstream and an optional directory to copy over to the main SFS
export petsDirectory="/root/moo/pets"
export stuffDirectory="/root/moo/stuff"

# a working directory for all operations
export workingDirectory="/tmp"

# the directory for the remastered iso
export isoDirectory="/root"

# export all functions, credit goes to sc0ttman
set -a


  echo "Creating a mount point for the ISO"

  # a temporary mount point for the ISO
  export isoMountPoint=`mktemp -d -p /mnt`

  echo "Mounting the ISO"
  mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro "$originalIso" "$isoMountPoint"


  echo "Creating the ISO working directory"
  # a working directory for the extracted, remastered ISO
  export isoWorkingDirectory=`mktemp -d -p $workingDirectory`
  sfsFileName="$(basename `ls $isoMountPoint/*.sfs`)"
  echo "Extracting the ISO"
  for file in `ls $isoMountPoint/*`; do
    temp=`basename $file`

    if [ "$temp" != "$sfsFileName" ]; then

      echo "  $temp"
      cp $file "$isoWorkingDirectory"





  echo "Unmounting the ISO"
  umount -d "$isoMountPoint"

  echo "Removing the ISO mount point"
  rmdir "$isoMountPoint"



  echo "Creating the SFS working directory"
  # a working directory where the SFS is extracted, needs plenty of space
  export sfsWorkingDirectory=`mktemp -u -d -p $workingDirectory`

  echo "Extracting the Puppy SFS"
  unsquashfs -d $sfsWorkingDirectory "$isoMountPoint/$sfsFileName" > /dev/null 2>&1


# usage: add_pet /path/to/pet

  echo "Adding `basename $1`"
  echo "  Extracting"
  tar xzf $1 -C $petWorkingDirectory > /dev/null 2>&1
  echo "  Copying files to the SFS working directory"
  cp -r $petWorkingDirectory/*/* "$sfsWorkingDirectory"
  if [ -f "$sfsWorkingDirectory/" ]; then

    echo "  Executing"
    chroot "$sfsWorkingDirectory" bash   

    rm "$sfsWorkingDirectory/"

  echo "  Cleaning the PET working directory"
  rm -r $petWorkingDirectory/*


  if [ -d "$petsDirectory" ]; then
    echo "Creating the PET working directory"
    # a working directory for PETs
    export petWorkingDirectory=`mktemp -d -p $workingDirectory`

    for pet in `find $petsDirectory -name '*.pet'`; do

      add_pet `realpath $pet`


    echo "Deleting PET working directory"
    rmdir "$petWorkingDirectory"
    rm $sfsWorkingDirectory/*pet.specs



  if [ -d "$stuffDirectory" ]; then
    if [ "`ls $stuffDirectory`" != "" ]; then
      echo "Adding other stuff"
      cp -r $stuffDirectory/* "$sfsWorkingDirectory" 



  echo "Creating the remastered SFS"
  mksquashfs "$sfsWorkingDirectory" "$isoWorkingDirectory/$pupletPrefix-$pupletVersion.sfs"

  echo "Deleting the SFS working directory"
  rm -r "$sfsWorkingDirectory"



  cd "$isoWorkingDirectory"
  echo "Creating the ISO"
  mkisofs -D -R -o "$isoDirectory/$pupletPrefix-$pupletVersion.iso" -b isolinux.bin -c -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table "$isoWorkingDirectory"

  echo "Deleting the ISO working directory"
  rm -r "$isoWorkingDirectory"

  if [ -f $isoDirectory/$pupletPrefix-$pupletVersion.iso ]; then
    export flag=1


  cd $sfsWorkingDirectory

  echo "Doing all last-minute stuff"
  echo "  Setting the puplet name"
  sed s/DISTRO_NAME=\'$DISTRO_NAME\'/DISTRO_NAME=\'$pupletName\'/ etc/DISTRO_SPECS > etc/DISTRO_SPECS_temp

  echo "  Setting the puplet version"

  echo "  Setting the puplet file prefix"
  if [[ -d "$petsDirectory" || -d "$stuffDirecotry" ]]; then
    echo "  Running fixmenus"
    chroot . fixmenus > /dev/null 2>&1


# must run before create_sfs (!!!)

  echo "Remastering the initramfs"
  echo "  Creating the initramfs working directory"
  # a working directory for the initramfs
  export initramfsWorkingDirectory=`mktemp -d -p $workingDirectory`

  echo "  Moving over the initramfs"
  mv "$isoWorkingDirectory/initrd.gz" "$initramfsWorkingDirectory"
  cd "$initramfsWorkingDirectory"
  echo "  Extracting the initramfs"
  gunzip initrd.gz
  cpio -i < initrd
  rm initrd
  echo "  Writing the puplet information"
  cp "$sfsWorkingDirectory/etc/DISTRO_SPECS" .
  echo "  Creating the remastered initramfs"
  find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -9 > "$isoWorkingDirectory/initrd.gz"
  echo "Deleting the initramfs working directory"
  rm -r "$initramfsWorkingDirectory"


# a wrapper for everything

  if [ "`initial_checks`" = "passed" ]; then
    msgbox "Your puplet is $pupletName ${pupletVersion:0:1}.${pupletVersion:1:1}.${pupletVersion:2:1}; the remastered ISO will be $isoDirectory/$pupletPrefix-$pupletVersion.iso." "The remastering process will begin now. It may take time; you will see a message when it is over." "Press \"OK\" to continue."
    if [ "$(mount | grep "on $isoMountPoint")" != "" ]; then
      if [ "`ls $isoWorkingDirectory`" != "" ]; then
        if [ "`ls $sfsWorkingDirectory`" != "" ]; then
          if [ "$(mount | grep "on $isoMountPoint")" = "" ]; then
            if [ -f "$isoWorkingDirectory/initrd.gz" ]; then
              if [ -f "$isoWorkingDirectory/$pupletPrefix-$pupletVersion.sfs" ]; then
                error="unable to create the SFS"
              error="unable to create the initramfs"
            error="unable to unmount the ISO"
          error="unable to extract the SFS"

        error="unable to extract the ISO"
      error="unable to mount the ISO"
    if [ "$flag" = 1 ]; then
      echo "Done."
      msgbox "Done! Your remastered ISO is $isoDirectory/$pupletPrefix-$pupletVersion.iso."

      msgbox "Error: $error." "The remastering process is canceled."


  echo "Locating artwork"

  cd "$sfsWorkingDirectory"

  for iconTheme in `ls -1 usr/local/lib/X11/themes`; do

    if [ "`file usr/local/lib/X11/themes/$iconTheme | grep directory`" != "" ]; then
      export iconThemes="$iconThemes<item>$iconTheme</item>"


  for jwmTheme in `ls -1 root/.jwm/themes | grep jwmrc`; do

    export jwmThemes="$jwmThemes<item>${jwmTheme%%-jwmrc*}</item>"


  for wallpaper in `ls -1 usr/share/backgrounds`; do

    export wallpapers="$wallpapers<item>$wallpaper</item>"


  for gtkTheme in `ls -1 usr/share/themes`; do

    if [ "$gtkTheme" != "Default" ]; then
      export gtkThemes="$gtkThemes<item>$gtkTheme</item>"

  export temp=`mktemp -p /tmp`
  export themeChooser='


      <text><label>Icon theme:</label></text>
      <combobox width-request="250">

      <text><label>JWM theme:</label></text>
      <combobox width-request="250">

      <combobox width-request="250">

      <text><label>GTK theme:</label></text>
      <combobox width-request="250">
    <button label="OK" has-focus="true">
      <action>echo $iconTheme > $temp</action>
      <action>echo $jwmTheme >> $temp</action>
      <action>echo $wallpaper >> $temp</action>
      <action>echo $gtkTheme >> $temp</action>


  gtkdialog3 -c -p themeChooser > /dev/null 2>&1

  iconTheme=`cat $temp | head -1`
  jwmTheme=`cat $temp | head -2 | tail -1`
  wallpaper=`cat $temp | head -3 | tail -1`
  gtkTheme=`cat $temp | tail -1`

  rm $temp
  echo "Setting artwork"

  rm usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/*
  cp -a usr/local/lib/X11/themes/$iconTheme/* usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps
  echo $iconTheme > etc/desktop_icon_theme

  cp -f root/.jwm/themes/$jwmTheme-colors root/.jwm/jwm_colors
  cp -f root/.jwm/themes/$jwmTheme-jwmrc root/.jwm/jwmrc-theme

  cp usr/share/backgrounds/$wallpaper usr/share/backgrounds/default.jpg 

include \"/usr/share/themes/$gtkTheme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc\"

include \"/root/.gtkrc.mine\"

# -- THEME AUTO-WRITTEN DO NOT EDIT" > root/.gtkrc-2.0


  for line in "$@"; do
    text="$text<text xalign=\"0\"><label>$line</label></text>"
  export message='
      <button label="OK" has-focus="true">

  gtkdialog3 -c -p message #> /dev/null 2>&1

  unset text


  if [ ! -f "$originalIso" ]; then
    msgbox "Error: the Puppy ISO you chose to remaster does not exist."

    if [ ! -d "$workingDirectory" ]; then
      msgbox "Error: you chose an invalid working directory."
      if [ ! -d "$isoDirectory" ]; then
        msgbox "Error: you chose an invalid output directory for the remastered ISO."

        if [ "$pupletName" = "" ]; then
          msgbox "Error: the puplet name cannot be blank."
          if [[ "$temp" != "3" && "$temp" != "4" ]]; then
            msgbox "Error: the puplet prefix must be either 3 or 4 characters long."
            if [ "${#pupletVersion}" != "3" ]; then
              msgbox "Error: the puplet version must be a 3-digits number."
              if expr $pupletVersion + 1 &> /dev/null ; then
                echo "passed"
                msgbox "Error: the puplet version must be numeric."



  echo "Cleaning up"
  if [ -d "$isoMountPoint" ]; then
    if [ "$(mount | grep "on $isoMountPoint")" != "" ]; then
      umount -d "$isoMountPoint" > /dev/null 2>&1

    rmdir "$isoMountPoint" > /dev/null 2>&1
  if [ -d "$sfsWorkingDirectory" ]; then
    rm -r "$sfsWorkingDirectory"
  if [ -d "$initramfsWorkingDirectory" ]; then
    rm -r "$initramfsWorkingDirectory"
  if [ -d "$isoWorkingDirectory" ]; then
    rm -r "$isoWorkingDirectory"
  if [ -d "$petWorkingDirectory" ]; then
    rm -r "$petWorkingDirectory"

export mainWindow='
<window title="Moo 005" allow-grow="false" width-request="500"> 

    <text><label>Welcome to the Moo remaster tool.</label></text> 
    <frame Technical Stuff>

        <text><label>The Puppy ISO to remaster:</label></text>
        <entry accept="file" tooltip-text="This is the ISO you wish to remaster.">
          <input file icon="gtk-file"></input>
          <action type="fileselect">originalIso</action>


        <text><label>Location for the remastered ISO:</label></text>
        <entry accept="directory" tooltip-text="This is the directory for the remastered ISO.">
          <input file icon="gtk-open"></input>
          <action type="fileselect">isoDirectory</action>

        <text><label>A working directory (at least 512 MB free):</label></text>
        <entry accept="directory" tooltip-text="This is a working directory where Moo prepares the remastered ISO; it must have a Linux file system with plenty of free space. You can use the default of /tmp to do everything in RAM.">
          <input file icon="gtk-open"></input>
          <action type="fileselect">workingDirectory</action>

        <text><label>A directory with PETs to slipstream (optional):</label></text>
        <entry accept="directory" tooltip-text="This is a directory containing PET packages you wish to slipstream into your puplet. It is optional.">
          <input file icon="gtk-open"></input>
          <action type="fileselect">petsDirectory</action>

        <text><label>A directory with extra stuff (optional):</label></text>
        <entry accept="directory" tooltip-text="This is a directory containing files to copy to the file system root of your puplet, /. It is optional.">
          <input file icon="gtk-open"></input>
          <action type="fileselect">stuffDirectory</action>

    <frame The Puplet Information>
          <text><label>The puplet name:</label></text>
          <entry width-request="215" tooltip-text="This is name of your puplet.">
          <text><label>The puplet prefix:</label></text>
          <entry width-request="120" tooltip-text="This is prefix of your puplet.">
          <text><label>The puplet version:</label></text>
          <entry width-request="120" tooltip-text="This is version of your puplet; it must be a 3-digit long, natural number.">


	  <button use-stock="true" label="gtk-quit">
        <action type="exit">EXIT_NOW</action>



gtkdialog3 -p mainWindow

Posted: Wed 30 Jun 2010, 21:33
by smokey01
sc0ttman, It's all gone a bit quiet here.

Have you finished developing woofy or are you just busy?

I have played with moo but have had a few problems.

I noticed you have mention that you can use woofy to delete files/programs from a current distro. I also acknowledge you need to know the file and pathname to do this. Is there some way you could make woofy create a list of installed software to make it easier to uninstall. This would be a great feature but would obviously come with risks.

Posted: Wed 30 Jun 2010, 21:49
by sc0ttman
smokey01 wrote:sc0ttman, It's all gone a bit quiet here.

Have you finished developing woofy or are you just busy?


Is there some way you could make woofy create a list of installed software to make it easier to uninstall. This would be a great feature but would obviously come with risks.
I've been busy.. And will be for a bit..

About deleting stuff, at the moment, I just use pfilesearch to build a list of files to delete...
I just search by app name, and use the list of files returned..

For example, I just search for 'abiword' and copy and paste the returned files and folders into a text file.

I repeat this process for all the apps I want removed and then use this list in Woofy..


I am gonna make the delete feature more user friendly in future.. So..
you just give a list of app names and woofy finds and removes all the matching files for you..

This should mean that to delete (most of) the goffice suite, you would simply supply the following list, in a text file:

Code: Select all

I see no reason to have to find and list all packages in the base iso...
.. as long as the stuff you want to delete is in the list, it will be removed..

Posted: Wed 30 Jun 2010, 22:08
by smokey01
sc0ttman wrote:This should mean that to delete (most of) the goffice suite, you would simply supply the following list, in a text file:

Code: Select all

I see no reason to have to find and list all packages in the base iso...
.. as long as the stuff you want to delete is in the list, it will be removed..
That's great but what about all the associated files and dependencies. Are they left behind or do they get deleted too.


Posted: Thu 01 Jul 2010, 12:57
by sc0ttman
smokey01 wrote:That's great but what about all the associated files and dependencies. Are they left behind or do they get deleted too.
Example: If you search for 'abiword', everything with 'abiword' in the name gets removed - including any files (of any name) that are inside any folders that match 'abiword'.

This removes most stuff, but I was gonna do the same as Moo - add pets to a directory and they get removed..
But this requires users to have the pet files of the stuff they want deleted, and it's a fair bit slower..

Finding these pets, and gettting the correct versions may be a problem..
And it still doesnt solve the dependencies 'issue'..

About this issue - there is no way a user can safely remove the dependencies of any app, without knowing the name of those libs and which other apps share them..

There is no way to automatically and safely remove all libs, if the user doesn't know what can be removed safely..

So, there is no real value in having or building a list of dependencies for apps, because users will still need to know which are safe to remove.

Users cannot escape the need for this knowledge - so putting the libs you want removed in the list is as easy as it can get..

Posted: Thu 01 Jul 2010, 13:30
by Iguleder
The pets are integrated into the main SFS, you can't list them in any way. They don't have their uninstall information available as PETs you install manually.

Taking a pet, extracting it and removing its files from the SFS is the only way to go in this case.

Your only choice is Woof, just go the other way around, build a puplet from scratch and put only what you want :)

Posted: Thu 01 Jul 2010, 19:17
by sc0ttman
Iguleder wrote:Taking a pet, extracting it and removing its files from the SFS is the only way to go in this case.
Of course, this would only remove the dependencies if they were present in the package..

Posted: Thu 01 Jul 2010, 21:13
by smokey01
sc0ttman wrote:
smokey01 wrote:That's great but what about all the associated files and dependencies. Are they left behind or do they get deleted too.
Example: If you search for 'abiword', everything with 'abiword' in the name gets removed - including any files (of any name) that are inside any folders that match 'abiword'.
Smokey01 wrote:This didn't work for me. I tried to remove abiword but it was still there on the remaster
This removes most stuff, but I was gonna do the same as Moo - add pets to a directory and they get removed..
But this requires users to have the pet files of the stuff they want deleted, and it's a fair bit slower..
smokey01 wrote:Yes and means you need a lot of additional pets that you really are not going to use except as a reference to delete original.
Finding these pets, and gettting the correct versions may be a problem..
And it still doesnt solve the dependencies 'issue'..
smokey01 wrote:True
About this issue - there is no way a user can safely remove the dependencies of any app, without knowing the name of those libs and which other apps share them..

There is no way to automatically and safely remove all libs, if the user doesn't know what can be removed safely..
smokey01 wrote:Agree
So, there is no real value in having or building a list of dependencies for apps, because users will still need to know which are safe to remove.

Users cannot escape the need for this knowledge - so putting the libs you want removed in the list is as easy as it can get..
There is a solution. puppy needs a database of installed software that can be safety removed. The database needs to include all files and dependencies. It also needs to be able to identify shared files and dependencies. This should be part of the basic puppy structure. By having something like this it would be very simple to add and remove applications safely. It could be achieved with something as simple as a gui with check boxes. Untick the check box and the package is deleted. Check it and the package is downloaded and installed. Ok, nothing is ever that simple but by having a database or reference file for all removable applications would be very useful.

Posted: Fri 02 Jul 2010, 09:43
by Iguleder
Go ahead and code such a thing ... I know it's impossible to get this perfect.

You can't make lists of all files and what packages they belong to. There are things you still won't be able to remove, like stuff installed with post-installation scripts.

And, you can't make this thing automatic, unless you use a different package/repo format. Go ahead, make your own PPM. :lol:

Posted: Fri 02 Jul 2010, 10:15
by smokey01
Iguleder unfortunately my skills are not that advanced. If they were I would do it and believe me I have tried. Time is my biggest killer. Although I'm getting on a little I still work 10 hour days.

I think the easiest way might be to build a very bare bones pup with woof then add only the packages you want. The problem with this is all the installed packages end up in the save file and not the main sfs file. I guess it would be possible to create a special sfs file which could be loaded with boot manager. Once all the bugs were sorted then use either moo or woofy to consolidate all the files into the one sfs. Would this work?

There are so many different puppy distos and many of them are great. I continually hear people say, If I could just get rid of these few applications that I never use and add these it would be perfect. The adding part is easy and the removing of added applications is also quite easy with PPM. It's getting rid of the original files that is the issue for most people. Woof is great and very useful but beyond the grasp of many.

Keeping the mind active and having these conversations certainly prevents the brain from turning to mush.

Please don't think because I make suggestions I am being critical because that's certainly not my intent. I have worked with many in the forums to solved a great number of problems. Helping people is what I enjoy.



Posted: Fri 02 Jul 2010, 10:35
by Iguleder
It's alright, I understand you and totally agree with you.

I wrote a tool that downloads all PETs used to build a certain Puppy ... it also has Slackware support for spup (let me tell you a secret: I'm trying to build my own Woof-like thing :wink:). I'm currently trying to make a local copy of all 4.3.1 PETs ... I want to try to strip it down with Moo to produce a true barebones 4.3.1.

Regarding the barebones Puppy many people want, it's quite hard to achieve that, dependencies are quite complicated and most of the space in the main SFS is taken by massive amounts libraries and important things like kernel modules.

Posted: Tue 06 Jul 2010, 16:47
by sc0ttman
As I mentioned earlier, I would like to make Woofy automatically add bugfixes to remastered ISOs.

These bugfixes would be added silently, without the user needing to do anything.

So.. I'd like suggestions for which bugfixes and updates should be included in the remastered ISOs..
These bugfixes must work in all official puppy versions, not only Woof built puppies..

Here is my list of possible Woofy auto-bugfixes:
1. Patriots cleaner unmount save file thing
2. shinobars rc.sysinit improved
3. update all puppy wizards (without downloading the whole woof package)
4. make fixmenus run in /etc/rc/rc.update (already done)
5. updated rox/jwm/gtk??
6. rebuild to use distrospecs??
7. updated petget (so it looks for and installs dependencies)??? (is it possible?)
8. updated init script in initrd.gz ????

Any feedback on my list, or more suggestions? Please help! Thanks..

Posted: Tue 06 Jul 2010, 17:54
by tubby
Talking about installed files, have you looked in Barry's latest spup. In the root/.packages there is a folder with all the installed packages and where the dependencies are.
I think this is what you may be looking for.

Posted: Fri 09 Jul 2010, 22:15
by sc0ttman
tubby wrote:Talking about installed files, have you looked in Barry's latest spup. In the root/.packages there is a folder with all the installed packages and where the dependencies are.
I think this is what you may be looking for.
Tried looking around, couldn't find spup :oops:
Where can I get it? I wanna have a look at it..

Posted: Fri 09 Jul 2010, 22:26
by upnorth ... irky/test/

spup-0.4.iso is still uploading, should be done very soon, within an hour perhaps