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Posted: Mon 24 May 2010, 11:03
by Bert
I installed Quickpet 2.1.5 yesterday, to check my Dutch translation, but I wasn't able to change Quickpet from English to Dutch, no matter what I tried. :oops:

It would be great if some Dutch-speaking good soul would be willing to proofread and check if things work properly in Dutch.

Micko, I noticed a different notation for the three languages in Quickpet:


Doesn't the Dutch one need to be changed to:

Any suggestions regarding improving or polishing the Dutch translation are very welcome!

Posted: Mon 24 May 2010, 11:29
by 01micko
Thanks Bert,
You found a bug. I'm a bit new to this, but I'll figure it out. :wink:

I had to set utf8 for the Hebrew translation, so now my code for detecting the language bugs out.

I can fix it, but for now if you want to check just change the name of your file to "nl_NL.utf8"


Posted: Mon 24 May 2010, 11:57
by 01micko
Bugfixed version 217 is up in the main post. You can name locale correctly now whether utf8 is enabled or not.

Thanks Bert


Posted: Mon 24 May 2010, 12:02
by Bert
Wow..that was fast!

Thank you, micko!

Posted: Mon 24 May 2010, 13:27
by Bert
Hi again micko,

Quickpet 2.1.7 is up and running fine in Dutch.

At first it too refused to change to Dutch. Then I realized the cause was simple; this file nl_NL is for Dutch spoken in the Netherlands, while my Puppy country selection is nl_BE for Dutch spoken in Belgium!

Probably easiest for users would be to offer both a nl_NL and a nl_BE version, to avoid conflicts with Puppy locale stettings.

Something else:

The main toolbar cannot be fully translated. "File" and "More Programs" are missing from en-US.

The Tabs are too narrow. Two letters were chopped off. I could solve this by renaming the Dutch tabs: "Popular", "Internet", Useful". (without "Pets")
Would you agree with such change?

Thanks for your great work!

Posted: Mon 24 May 2010, 18:42
by Iguleder
01micko wrote: Although, would it be better if I kept the size of the pets just in English? eg "15MB". Then only the description needs translation.
It should be alright, but I translated from "MB" to "megabytes" in Hebrew because the text is all messed up because of the English, no BiDi.

Try to change to English sizes, I'll try to fix it as much as possible.

Posted: Mon 24 May 2010, 21:37
by 01micko
Something else:

The main toolbar cannot be fully translated. "File" and "More Programs" are missing from en-US.

The Tabs are too narrow. Two letters were chopped off. I could solve this by renaming the Dutch tabs: "Popular", "Internet", Useful". (without "Pets")
Would you agree with such change?
Yes, I will change that, Iguleder had the same problem.

I will add "File" and "More Programs" and a couple of other things.

No rush to get things fixed. The response has been great so far.

I'm just wondering if a symlink will fix the nl_NL/nl_BE issue you discovered. I had actually thought of that. For instance, lots of nations speak Spanish. I will see if a symlink does the trick.


At first it too refused to change to Dutch. Then I realized the cause was simple; this file nl_NL is for Dutch spoken in the Netherlands, while my Puppy country selection is nl_BE for Dutch spoken in Belgium!
Aha! Making a symlink in /usr/loca/quickpet/locals from nl_NL to nl_BE works!

Posted: Mon 24 May 2010, 23:29
by 01micko
New version 218 is up in first post.

There are few more things to translate, no hurry here.. :)

Code: Select all

export LOC_FILE="File"
export LOC_350="More Pets"
export LOC_351="Download Directory"
export LOC_352="Clear Downloaded Packages"
Also removed "pets" from notetabs

Note that the program behaviour has changed slightly, reverted to older behaviour of the user choice to save installed packages or delete, in the file menu.


Posted: Tue 25 May 2010, 17:17
by Iguleder
Another suggestion here, remove the "Puppy's" from the title ... we all know it's Puppy's ... well, if it runs on Puppy ... common sense :)

Also, some strings contain double spaces or capital letters in weird places, like "Operating System". That's bad. :oops:

Posted: Tue 25 May 2010, 17:26
by 01micko
Ok :)

Remove "Puppy" from title and do some cleaning up,


Posted: Tue 25 May 2010, 23:08
by Tasgarth
Quickpet 2.1.8 and 2.1.9 are running fine in French but Puppy's icon is on the middle not on the left and the word 'dans' (bienvenue dans Puppy's Quickpet ) is missing....

Posted: Wed 26 May 2010, 00:48
by 01micko


(Sorry but that is my French vocabulary)

I have fixed the formatting problem, It should be ok for all locales. I also made symlinks to fr_BE, fr_CH, fr_CA . I added "dans", so now it looks like "Bienvenue dans Puppy's Quickpet", although I might remove "Puppy's" in Iguleder's advice as there is a bidi problem. And true, we all know it's Puppy, er BIG logo right there reminding us! So it will be "Bienvenue dans Quickpet". Does that still make sense? (Not done for screeny)

Ok, 2.1.10 is up. Iguleder, feel free to correct any stupid things I have done, like double spaces, silly capital letters. You can use lisense.



Posted: Wed 26 May 2010, 10:06
by Bert
Dutch translation of "en_US-2" .
Also cleaned up the Dutch text a bit.
Testers and proofreaders still welcome!

Great idea micko to use symlinks for the language variants!

I think Iguleder is right about removing "Puppy's" from the title.

Looking forward to Quickpet 3.0 :lol:

Posted: Wed 26 May 2010, 16:29
by Iguleder
Here it is, the Hebrew localization. Now it's perfect. :D

Another thing I still need to do are some cleaning to the en_US locale. I'll handle that this weekend maybe.

Also, I've noticed the help menu has "SFS" appended in the first entry. And ... if you enlarge the window, you get some blank space on the bottom ... mmm ... not very elegant. Maybe it's a gtkdialog limitation or something ... I think you should disable window resize, if it's possible.

By the way: the "Puppy's" should be removed not for BiDi problems ... just because it's weird to show a huge logo and state it's Puppy ... I think it's safe to assume the user has a minimal amount of intelligence :D

EDIT: 01micko, I have a great idea. Is it possible to put the sizes (X MB/Y KB) in separate labels and align them to the right, near the icons? This can save lots of problems when new versions of Quickpet come out, no need to localize sizes. And a big plus, it solves the BiDi issues. And saves size.

ANOTHER EDIT: and the names in separate labels on the left.

Posted: Wed 26 May 2010, 16:57
by Iguleder
By the way, add detection of missing /root/.quickpet/Downloads, noticed this just now :wink:


The cleaning code deletes the directory with its contents - line 456:

Code: Select all

           <action>rm -rf /root/.quickpet/Downloads</action>
Change to:

Code: Select all

           <action>rm -rf /root/.quickpet/Downloads/*</action>
I think it would be nice to add some message after the deletion.

Posted: Wed 26 May 2010, 18:00
by Tasgarth
01micko :
Quickpets v2.1.10 (fr_FR): OK

About text :
1) Are they missing two $LOC_xxx ? See :
Fichier > 'répertoire de télechargement'
and Fichier > 'Effacer les logiciels'
It's in English language.
Perhaps it would be better delete their english texts ?

2) Menu >> Drivers
menu >> More pets >> Readme
(Menu >> Plus de Pets >> Avant Propos)
The texts are on the right or on the 'center'. Is it possible to get them on the left (justify=3) ?

3) → I Also rectified my 2 typing errors. => fr_FR-2.tar.gz

4) It would be better nice put 'quitter' ('quit') at the end ?
Menu : Fichier / Préférences :/ Répertoire du téléchargement / Effacer les logiciels téléchargés / Quitter
(Menu : File/Download Directory/Clear downloaded Packages/Quit )

Again Thanks for your work.

gtkdialog-splash - maybe an easy replacement for yaf-splash

Posted: Fri 28 May 2010, 09:58
by mave
Updated with thanks to 01micko,

now killing/erasing the splash in a later calling of gtkdialog-splash -kill PID.

And: different splash screens (for security, maybe more applications using it at the same time) are managed, see syntax and example.



here is a small script gtkdialog-splash for me using with a symlink named as yaf-splash. Seems to run like the original called within the Puppy scripts (no warranty!), ignoring most of its original options.

In Lucid (not 4.x) international characters seems to be working. Additional: -icon gtk.-xxx shows one of the gtk-stock-objects.

Maybe helpful for somebody ;-)


Code: Select all

./gtkdialog-splash -timeout 4 -fg red -icon gtk-info -fontsize large -text "Hallo: öäüÄÖÜß...

Code: Select all

usage: gtkdialog-splash [OPTIONS] [-timeout SEC] -text TEXT | -kill PID 
 - timeout COUNT (in sec, default: 3)
 - icon GTK-XXX (for example: gtk-info all gtk-stock-symbols, default: none)
 - bg COLOR (background color red, blue, yellow..., default: grey)
 - fg COLOR (font color, default: black)
 - fontsize SIZE (small, medium, large, x-large, default: large)

 - kill PID (process ID called before: 	PID=0 auto-search fo the last one,
 					                PID=xxxxx kill the last one read by PID=$!)

Posted: Fri 28 May 2010, 12:04
by 01micko

Thanks for the update. I will rectify the missing LOC_xxx files. There are obviously some I missed :oops: :lol: .


Interesting work with the splash there. I will look at your code.


The next version will be out over the weekend.

Thank you all for your support.

Cheers :)

Posted: Fri 28 May 2010, 12:23
by Bert
Hi Mick and translators,

2.1.10 is looking good.

A couple of things today;

1. I removed the unneeded capitals from the pets lists, added a comma between the Pet names and the descriptions, to improve readability.
Better would be to make the names bold or "header" and separate them to the left like Iguleder proposed. If at all possible of course :wink:

2. I can confirm what Tasgarth found: the pop-up above "clear downloaded packages" is not in the localization file (en_US).

3. Thinking about Quickpet, it suddenly dawned on me that we're creating a funny situation, by localizing a tool that only points to English-only pets...
I do realize this is unavoidable at the moment and that this is a transition period for Puppy in general.
But what about the near future? It is highly probable Petmakers will arise in many countries, offering localized pets. To what repos will these Pets be uploaded and how will Quickpet be able to find the correct one for the user's locale?

Have a nice weekend!

EDIT: Mick, you posted while I was typing. Forget about point two!

Posted: Fri 28 May 2010, 12:43
by 01micko
Hello Bert
3. Thinking about Quickpet, it suddenly dawned on me that we're creating a funny situation, by localizing a tool that only points to English-only pets...
I do realize this is unavoidable at the moment and that this is a transition period for Puppy in general.
But what about the near future? It is highly probable Petmakers will arise in many countries, offering localized pets. To what repos will these Pets be uploaded and how will Quickpet be able to find the correct one for the user's locale?

I think the Gimp package is the full one. I'm not 100% sure but it is big enough. It should include Locales.

Zigbert has many localisations for Pwidgets. I will put in a link for those.

Chromium and Opera include locale files, I know because I have been switching to check up on things. :wink:

There are locale files available for Firefox and Seamonkey. Links are needed to those.

I will need to check up on the other packages for the availability of locale files.


Anyone who compiles stuff, I urge you to post the NLS files too. I'm sure we can host them somewhere. :)

