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Posted: Sat 05 Dec 2009, 12:53
by Sylvander
Is there a version of BoxPup-4.3.1 that will work with my older hardware?

Puppy-4.3 with the kernel version works fine; doesn't.

ttuuxxx's version 4.31.1 works fine.

Posted: Thu 17 Dec 2009, 05:24
by jemimah
I've remastered BoxPup for the EeePc. Check it out here:

xine firefox plugin, email spelling, mounting pup-save

Posted: Tue 22 Dec 2009, 18:45
by prehistoric
The xine plugin suggested above works with this boxpup 4.3.1 installation on a Dell D610. (frugal installation on an internal SSD shown as sda, and multi-booted with GRUB.)

I'm now experimenting with boxpup 431 as my regular system. While I had no particular trouble moving my Mail (email) and sylpheed 2.0 directories from Puppy 4.3.1, I'm running into some trouble spell checking email.

I notice you are now using Abiword 2.8.0, which uses enchant for spell-checking. Gtkspell now uses enchant also. If I could launch gtkspell from a command line, I could use the hack I've been using to launch aspell in place of the external editor, and get a nicer user interface for spell checking without recompiling sylpheed 2.7.1.

In the interim, I've tried to use aspell with this hack, (external editor defined as "rxvt -e aspell -e -c %s") and run into trouble. Is anyone else able to do this? (Note: aspell and aspell dictionary pets must be installed.) Is there a better way to spell check email?

Finally, while moving files between different pup-save.2fs files I did not see a quick way to mount such file systems under boxpup. I've said that the one-click mounting under stock 431 is convenient for developers, but a source of confusion for newbies. (I regularly get questions about errors on shutdown from people who forgot they had mounted a file system in a file on a device, and can't unmount the device as a result. This happens with ISO images, .2fs files, etc.)

Automatically mounting with a single click may be too simple to be remembered, (people have been known to do this by accident,) but mounting with a dialogue box, like the one which pops up when you click on a drive, would be better. It would also be nice to have mounted and unmounted file icons, like drive icons, to show the status.

Overall, I'm impressed with this puplet, as I have been with NOP. I wouldn't consider moving to this for regular use if it didn't look very solid.



Posted: Mon 28 Dec 2009, 06:26
by Q5sys
T_Hobbit wrote:My favourite puplet is back (or should I say upgraded?)... Yes!!!
How can I erase Firefox and replace it by Seamonkey 2?
My exact thoughts: Fav Puplet has been upgraded.
I've been trying to compile the newest kernel to work with BoxPup based on 4.1.2 and have been running into problems left and right. (learning as I go). Having found that Gray has updated BoxPup... might mean I dont need to fight with my system. I will be testing this out very throughly next week... and hopefully... replacing my old boxpup version with this new one. :)

One question i've had from using your older BoxPups (4.1.2, 4.1.3) and then this one... the quick launch bar you have at the top, what file is it that we edit to add or change the items there? There are a couple programs that I run all the time, that i'd like to be able to manually add, but i dont know what file I need to be editing.

Posted: Mon 28 Dec 2009, 18:06
by magerlab
that file is .wbar in /root directory (open pcmanfm and press CTRL+H to see it :D

Posted: Mon 28 Dec 2009, 22:03
by Q5sys
magerlab wrote:that file is .wbar in /root directory (open pcmanfm and press CTRL+H to see it :D
Appreciate the info! :D
Im sure i'll have some other simple questions like that one, as I start to dig into it.

Posted: Tue 29 Dec 2009, 07:12
by magerlab
ask them here !
boxpup is my fav puplet since 4.0
of course i customise look a bit :)

i attach lxpanel ba ckground what i use
and openbox theme wich matches gtk theme Polished blue

Posted: Tue 29 Dec 2009, 22:31
by Q5sys
Ive run into an odd situation. I'm unable to save my session. Doing an install to a USB flash drive. When shutting down I get go through the process to make a save file. The system creates the save file... but then I get "Session not saved" Upon reboot the system reads the 2fs file and asks for a password, however it will not accept the password as valid so I can only drop out into Bash.

At first I thought maybe I was using a bad usb flash drive. So I tried another. After 2 more drives failed I thought maybe my CD was bad. So I downloaded the ISO again, hash checked it burned it, then hash checked it again. It was fine.
And then I went through my usb drives trying to install and failing.

I've not used 4.3.1 before this, is this a known issue? Or is there something else thats the problem? Any ideas?

Boxpup 431 on a Dell Latitude C800 Laptop

Posted: Wed 30 Dec 2009, 19:26
by chol512
i would like to thank gray for a very nice version of puppy linux. works very well on my desktop pc. a few bugs if you are running it on a dell latitude c800 with the ATI M4 graphics chipset , video files will be distorted/squashed during playback while running in xorg with resolutions below 1360 x 760. h31.5-90v60 LCD panel 1360x768 is the ideal setting for no distorted video playback. 800 x 600 will give you a vertical line in the middle of your screen. vesa mode will give you a desktop that does not completely fill up your LCD panel unless you run it with 1600 x 1200 resolutions. i spent a week installing/running different multimedia players until i worked around the squashed video problem.

Posted: Wed 30 Dec 2009, 19:47
by Roy

Puppy 4.31 (official and all 4.31 derivatives) is the first Puppy to give me consistent failures with USB thumbdrives; I can't get a bootable drive with Gparted, the Universal Installer, or the new USB/Flash drive loader.

Although it would seem that you have somehow succeeded where I have failed (in getting a USB drive to even boot), you might try using a different Puppy version to install-to-USB. That's how I solved my immediate problem, with fingers crossed that I never need the USB-drive version to format anything.....

Note that it is entirely possible that your difficulty is completely unrelated to my woes... I have never encrypted a save file, so have never gone through the password request you mentioned.

Please do not mis-understand; my issues are integral to all 4.31-based Puppies, not just this one. I really love Gray's work and am a great admirer of his versions.


Posted: Thu 31 Dec 2009, 07:36
by dalderton
How does one enter an address in pwget to download this iso ?It has the initial address shown in the first post in the thread ie which does not name the file in question. If I put this in pwget and give a download folder it shows the console with a link up process then this disappears and the download folder appears. If I add the ISO in question ie Then the same thing happens that is ,the console appears then disappears and the download folder appears. Am I missing something. I have downloaded ISO s before when the link has the whole address including the name of the ISO and had no problem.I put it down to premature senility but hope there is a better answer.
Help would be appreciated in particular a link that will work with pwget. or pmirrorget.
Regards Dennis.
PS I have sattelite broadband and it is not totally reliable which results in downloads stalling and not restarting if using the browser downloads D

Posted: Thu 31 Dec 2009, 15:32
by Roy

I do not know about pwget, but if you use the following commands in Puppy's desktop Console, it will work:

Code: Select all

wget -c --user=puppy --password=linux
Should you need to interrupt your download for any reason, simply press Ctrl+C to pause it. Using your keyboard's Up Arrow will bring back the original command shown in the code window above; pressing Enter with your blinking cursor at the end of that command line will resume the file transfer. Using this command line with the '-c' in it will also cause the transfer to restart on its own if the connection is temporarily interupted.


Posted: Thu 31 Dec 2009, 19:15
by dalderton
Roy Thanks for that,it worked perfectly.I dont know why the pwget setup did not work but the CLI system is perfect. Unfortunately to some of us the Console stuff has to be spelt out.I only know enough about this stuff to know what I dont know, Also people who are working in a system that they deeply understand have trouble realising that others in another area havent a clue what they are talking about.
Anyway thanks again ,I guess that this just proves that if you want to know the answer you must ask the question.
Regards Dennis.

Posted: Thu 31 Dec 2009, 22:49
by Q5sys
Roy wrote:Q5sys,

Puppy 4.31 (official and all 4.31 derivatives) is the first Puppy to give me consistent failures with USB thumbdrives; I can't get a bootable drive with Gparted, the Universal Installer, or the new USB/Flash drive loader.

Although it would seem that you have somehow succeeded where I have failed (in getting a USB drive to even boot), you might try using a different Puppy version to install-to-USB. That's how I solved my immediate problem, with fingers crossed that I never need the USB-drive version to format anything.....

Note that it is entirely possible that your difficulty is completely unrelated to my woes... I have never encrypted a save file, so have never gone through the password request you mentioned.

Please do not mis-understand; my issues are integral to all 4.31-based Puppies, not just this one. I really love Gray's work and am a great admirer of his versions.

well I decided to take a shot in the dark and choose not to encrypt the save file and guess what... it works fine. So Im not sure why trying to encrypt it is breaking the save file.
As for your issue, which method of installing are you using? Universal Installer or BootFlash?

Posted: Fri 01 Jan 2010, 15:13
by Roy

You are right; the command line stuff is not what a typical Windows refugee needs to begin using Linux. Personally, I am extremely grateful for these guys who have gone out of their way to create GUI's for guys like us in the past year or two. I only know the wget commands because the GUI stuff was not available when I first started using Puppy.... BTW, you should notice that the wget commands download to your root directory, unless you open the Console from within another directory OR use 'cd /your/target/directory' before inputing the commands I previously provided.


I have tried loading 4.31 onto a USB stick by formatting the stick with Gparted (FAT32 with boot flag properly set) followed by using the Universal Installer (I have always chosen mbr.bin as an option in the past -- everything else is the default values); I have also tried 4.31's BootFlash. In both instances, plugging the USB stick into my target computer gives me a message that the USB drive is not bootable.

Using the BootFlash option in Quirky 2 works without problem, as does using Gparted and the Universal Installer from earlier Puppies. Puppy 4.31 -- or a derivative thereof -- is the single common denominator in all of my failed efforts.


Posted: Fri 01 Jan 2010, 19:14
by dalderton
Roy Unfortunately the wget and pwget seem to fall down on some download sites.I just tried to use it on this site ... 4.43-d.iso and it it downloaded for a couple of seconds and then declared itself finished. I tried a couple of times but am now downloading the file with Opera.I have the manual here so as a last resort I should look at it.
Thanks again Dennis.

Posted: Fri 01 Jan 2010, 19:49
by Roy

That site does not require a username or password, as far as I know. For wget, your command line should look like this:

Code: Select all

wget -c
Note the different web address in my command line, compared to what you were using. To find the correct address, go to the actual download webpage, Right click on the .iso file link, and select Copy Link Location from the drop down menu.

Now when you open your desktop Console, type 'wget -c', add a space with your space bar, and click by pushing down on the center (scroll wheel) of your mouse. This center-click will paste that copied file address into your console.

Hit your Enter key, sit back, and smile....

I think you were trying to download a link that pointed to a web page that contained another link to the file. When you put your mouse pointer over a file name on a web page, look down at the bottom of your Seamonkey screen. If you do not see the actual file name that you are wishing, then it isn't the actual file; it's just another webpage link.


As an afterthought, I think we may be hijacking this thread intended for Boxpup 431. But if you would like more help with wget, dalderton, create a new thread in the Beginner's section of the forum. I will try to make it a point to check there throughout the coming week to answer further questions (providing I have the requested knowledge to share). Gray, et al, my apologies.....

Posted: Sat 02 Jan 2010, 05:10
by dalderton
Roy Thanks again I will see how I go and if further problems I will start another thread.
Regards Dennis

Really Great

Posted: Fri 15 Jan 2010, 04:48
by fuzetsu490
This is the first puplet i've tried since getting into puppy linux and i have to say im really impressed, it looks really good! I've already installed it to a usb and am using it full time (using right now!). I really like the the openbox wm. Thank you!

Edit: Im having a problem with a usb install, ( it takes around 4 minutes to save the changes from ram, this isnt using a pupsave, this is saving to the whole partition of the usb )

Edit (again): I think that the usb problem had something to do with the usb drive i was using, but im not sure...

spell checking email

Posted: Sun 17 Jan 2010, 16:26
by prehistoric
While I haven't succeeded in setting up spell checking via gtkspell, as desired, I've been able to work around this simply by making abiword the external editor for email. It doesn't know to ignore URLs and quoted material, but it is fast enough, and convenient enough, that I have not felt compelled to seek a better solution.

My previous newbie question about mounting sfs files can be ignored. I simply misunderstood the purpose of filemnt.