Why Puppy

Promote Puppy !
Posts: 3
Joined: Mon 10 Aug 2009, 16:11

#21 Post by bearcub »

Barry, please don't be swayed by insensitive comments. Like so many other people, I'm awestruck by Puppy. I've booted my computer using 4.2.1 installed on a little pink USB drive this morning. I may yet install Ubuntu's latest version, but frankly I keep coming back to Puppy because it's small, quick and lots of fun!

Posts: 353
Joined: Sun 06 Sep 2009, 11:30

#22 Post by PupGeek »

bearcub why bother with ubuntu when you will only return to puppy just for the speed advantage alone? I used to have Dreamlinux which is based on debian and faster than any ubuntu and i switched to puppy because it was faster by far.

Posts: 2
Joined: Fri 09 Feb 2007, 07:19

#23 Post by janrocks »

I carry puppy on a businesscard cd in my purse.. never leave home without it.

It has saved mine and others skins more times than I can count on my fingers, toes and dead braincells..

Thanks Barry .. you lifesaver you *hugs*

about AJ .. just give it back to him, you know he's doing what he does to provoke a response, when he gets it he will probably be satisfied and move on to annoying people about something else ;)

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