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Posted: Sun 11 Oct 2009, 03:18
by alienjeff


Posted: Sun 25 Oct 2009, 23:45
by sky king
I just downloaded my wife's whole website, very cool. She has a front page that you have to click, so the very first page is all I got on the first try. But the next page URL did the trick. Amazingly easy, haven't checked all the pages of course, it's got more than a thousand. But I'm just thrilled that it is so convenient to do in the latest Puppy.

I'll have to convert her to Puppy use now, she just ended up with malware programs, been agonizing over that.

Posted: Fri 18 Dec 2009, 14:57
by seaside
My friend found out that her blog was about to be taken down and the backup on her harddisk had been lost in a crash. Panic time :D

Well, I thought, Puppy Pmirrorget to the rescue!

I downloaded 90M of blog very nicely into a directory with subdirectories and was feeling very heroic for a bit... until..

Now, the on-line blog is gone, and a very nicely structured directory is in place on a new harddisk with all the internal links pointing back to the former on-line site.

Is there any tool or easy method to change these links, so that it can be used as an off-line viewer.

Thanks for any ideas,
( I can't imagine doing search and replaces for all these links :) )

Posted: Sun 20 Dec 2009, 17:52
by seaside

Discovered what the problem is in downloading a site with PMirrorget.

I looked at the code in "/usr/bin/pmwget" and found it did not use the "--convert-links" option which means the links will be left pointing back to the on-line website.

This can be fixed by adding "-k" switch to this line-

Code: Select all

 rxvt -name PMirrorget -bg "#F3F2DF" -e wget -m -c -r -np -P "$DEST" $SOURCE
so it looks like this-

Code: Select all

 rxvt -name PMirrorget -bg "#F3F2DF" -e wget -m -c -k -r -np -P "$DEST" $SOURCE
(Come to think of it, it should probably be changed to this in the official Puppy, because I can't offhand see why you'd normally want the links to be absolute on downloaded material to be used off-line) :D

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2009, 02:50
by gposil

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2009, 20:54
by seaside

Wow, thanks, that was fast.


Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 08:57
by GustavoYz
If you're running Firefox, check out the Scrap-book add-on...good stuff! 8) .
I made it run on SeaMonkey but i don't know why crashes on the "export" part. :roll:

//Edited : If you add the xSideBar add-on, the 1.37 version (Firefox add-on) will run on SeaMonkey 2xx.