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Posted: Tue 21 Apr 2009, 18:59
by smartboyathome
puppyluvr wrote::D Hello,
SWEET!!! I`l be looking through that for sure...Thanks, that is the kind of stuff I`m looking for... :D :D
Perhaps you can go through this siteand see which ones you would like to include. :)

Posted: Tue 21 Apr 2009, 20:12
by 01micko
Hey Jay

Take a look at Barry's blog... and No, I'm not being off topc! You'll see...


Posted: Tue 21 Apr 2009, 23:12
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
OMG, I am so speechless...
I mean, wow, if I had known, ...
I`d have made it better.... 8)
And so I shall... :D

It is very hard to find continuous feeds...
I`m thinking about a "single run" menu, like documentaries, movies, ect...
Easier to find them....
BTW..Fox 1 Japan is back up!!!
Thats good, as I made it the default Mplayer screensaver in PAW, and then it died.... :(
I watch it all the time...I`m watching "Bones" right now, in a window on top of this message... :D :D

Please, any continuous network feeds anyone finds, let me know.....

PupTV 04 coming soon...

Posted: Wed 22 Apr 2009, 08:29
by rhadon
Hi puppyluvr,

I came to this thread by a note in Barry's blog, installed your .pet and it works fantastic (with ripple and mplayer) :D .

That's a great job, so Thank You very much :D .

It's hard to wait for PupTV 04, but that's my problem :oops:, not your's :lol:


Bring it on puppyluvr... :)

Posted: Wed 22 Apr 2009, 09:14
by Max Headroom
Bring it on puppyluvr... :)

Posted: Wed 22 Apr 2009, 09:24
by 01micko

Posted: Wed 22 Apr 2009, 12:51
by ttuuxxx
Congrads puppyluvr on the news :)
When I made ttuuxxxTV I always said I would expand it to regular tv viewing and not just faith channels, But I never got around to it, too many projects and not enough time :) So I'm glad you did, you have it set up very similar to the way I made ttuuxxxTV and thats a good thing because it makes it easy to update the channels :)
well congrads once again :wink: great Job

Woof 5 and PupTV

Posted: Thu 23 Apr 2009, 15:10
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Well, D/L and tested the latest upup, with PupTV on board..Cool.. :D
However, it doesnt work... :shock: LOL..
Later today I will post a Woof patch with Mplayer, SDL, and a fix for Gxine...

Re: Woof 5 and PupTV

Posted: Fri 24 Apr 2009, 22:36
by 01micko
puppyluvr wrote::D Hello,
Well, D/L and tested the latest upup, with PupTV on board..Cool.. :D
However, it doesnt work... :shock: LOL..
Later today I will post a Woof patch with Mplayer, SDL, and a fix for Gxine...

Is it mplayers fault? I had big hassles with mplayer in spup I built from woof alpha 3. Nothing would work until Patriot did a compile... and that worked. :wink: . He started a thread in the "additional software" forum somewhere. :)


Posted: Sat 25 Apr 2009, 04:44
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Well, its my fault, I forgot mplayer needed SDL, and didnt include it.And...
:oops: I posted the patch to the wrong thread!!
At my link below is a file..
Mplayer for PupTV..
Installs the needed SDL too...
Compiled from SVN..
No GUI, but runs great for PupTV and with CLI...
Makes my UPup happy...
We can watch TV again..
And the SDL seems to help Gxine too...

Posted: Sat 25 Apr 2009, 14:32
by ravensrest
Used PupTV as included with upup-463. Like it, but would you please have it default to gxine, and windowed screen (rather than full screen w/o controls) with controls? Also, a couple channels had sound only (?) and one had nothing. Could you make it post a warning if the channel was empty or sound only?

Any reason it could not be readily able to handle a webcam?


Edit: I reversed the order of Gxine and Mplayer in <notebook> and eliminated the -fs options in the channel scripts. Now PupTV behaves pretty much as I like it. Just waiting for more channels now.

Thanks again.

Posted: Sun 26 Apr 2009, 18:32
by rjbrewer
Many tv stations listed at this site: mostly mms.

PupTV is

Posted: Sun 26 Apr 2009, 21:28
by friendlybiker
great, thanks so much for putting this pet together. It works great! :D

Posted: Tue 28 Apr 2009, 22:40
by rjbrewer
Here's a way to watch mms streams with firefox or seamonkey.
It works with both xine and gxine; haven't tried others yet.

(1.) Open Firefox, type "about:config" (no quotes) in the address window, and click enter.
(2.) Right click on the window and choose <New>, then <String> from the pop-up menu that appears.
(3.) In the first pop-up box, enter: "" (no quotes, and it might just be easier to cut 'n paste this into the box).
(4.) In the next pop-up box enter the path to Kaffeine (e.g. "/usr/bin/kaffeine").
(5.) Now, click in the main window again but choose <New> <Boolean>
(6.) In the first pop-up box, enter: "network.protocol-handler.external.mms"
(7.) In the second pop-up select <True>.

In step 4. just change path to gxine or xine; whichever you have.

Posted: Fri 01 May 2009, 12:56
by panzerpuppy
trio wrote:What?! No sex channels? :lol:
Why??? ...when you have free sex sites like hXXp://w@@.p***hub.c@@/ ;)

Start your Seamonkey,grab a beer and enjoy the show :D :D :D

Posted: Fri 01 May 2009, 12:59
by Lobster
I was able to use puptv using the gxine
option in Jaunty pup alpha 6
to watch the news, cartoons etc

Well done guys - many thanks :)

Posted: Sat 02 May 2009, 01:44
by puppyluvr
:D I`m really bummed that FoxJapan has been down, I got REALLY attached to it.....
I have lots of "One timers", (some in parts), but full time streams are hard to get..I`m going thru all the ones posted and sent to me, for an update..

P.S. Gxine 5.11 and Firefox 2.0 series with the Gxine plugin work perfectly for these streams....
Here is a great source of stuff, NOVA Science Now:
A lot of the mms addresses are listed on the TV Channels thread...
But with the above configuration, in PAW, they open full screen in the Gxine plugin...

Seriously, if you use Gxine, go to 5.11.....
It works much better for me, and for PupTV...

And remember, the Mplayer-SVN-4.2.2 pet I posted is just for PupTV, and has no GUI..However, it works splendidly from the CLI...

Posted: Sun 10 May 2009, 14:12
by ttuuxxx
I compiled this little stream sniffer, basically run it via the menu, It was original a CLI but I gave it a basic launch/background so that its easly launched.
step one open it --. /Menu/Internet/Online Media Sniffer
next go to a website and play a movie url, etc, it also works on Puptv, if you play a station it will list the url. Doesn't work right for youtube but thats not regular stream, anyways once rxvt opens you'll see the stream location at that point
hold your left click mouse button down and hightlite the stream from start to finish, then push your middle button it will copy and paste it, next open up a text document and middle click again, and it should paste, might take you once or twice. But thats it. Then you can right click and do the proper copy and paste and past it on here.

Posted: Sun 10 May 2009, 15:13
by trapster

Posted: Sun 10 May 2009, 15:26
by ttuuxxx
used the sniffer program for the link, works in gxine :)