Latest Java jre1.6.0_11

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#21 Post by edoc »

I went ahead and loaded it and it worked perfectly, thanks!

I thought I had posted that to this thread but I must have posted it to another one instead ... ooops! :oops:

Thanks again for the updated jre PET!
[b]Thanks! David[/b]
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#22 Post by Shep »

ttuuxxx started this thread on Wed 03 Dec 2008:
Subject: Latest Java jre1.6.0_11
Hi here's the latest Java Just released ...
That site,, is now (May '09) demanding a password, so I point out
that anyone needing this file should download it from one of the
mirrors (as suggested by MU):
e.g., this link works ...

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#23 Post by ttuuxxx »

User name and passwords were added to fight SPAM :wink:
ttuuxxx <-- excellent site <-- Codec Test Files <-- excellent HTML5 games :)

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#24 Post by playdayz »

Never mind ttuuxxx, I now have a simple solution for java woes. It's called Opera. I can download the offline installer, and install to /mnt/home say. And then all I have to do in Opera is Tools -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Content, Enable Java and then Java Options to locate the directory with the Java libs (say, mnt/home/jre-6u13/lib/i386) and then Opera is good to go with Java. Plus it is more stable running Java than any of the other browsers I tried, and I tried them all.

OK, now for the rant. Hey ttuuxxx, I hate Java! I think the browser crashes that are not caused by Flash are probably all caused by Java. Maybe I just hate poorly written programs, like a small text editor that takes 45 seconds to open on a Phenom 9850. It takes longer to open than Puppy does to boot! Java doesn't even work right on Windows, which gets all the money and attention; even on windows java often fails to close and either crashes or prevents a browser from reopening. I looked for an alternative; does anybody know of one?


#25 Post by dawnsboy »

It is sometimes necessary when installing certain applications to set environmental variables, ie MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME which is pointed at /usr/lib/seamonkey (in recent Puppy releases). In the case of the java package located at this address ... the program installs to /usr/lib/jre1.6.0_11. Some programs that rely on Java look for the environmental variable JAVA_HOME and will not open if it is not found. Environmental variables are located in /etc/profile. Adding the JAVA_HOME environmental variable to /etc/profile will permit applications to "find" the java installation.


export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jre1.6.0_11

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/jre1.6.0_11/bin

This worked for me when I installed J-Sword 1.6. It would not open without adding the environmental variable for JAVA_HOME.

Seamonkey 1.1.16 is able to use Java from this package as well and I have not had problems with it as yet.
Last edited by dawnsboy on Sun 31 May 2009, 01:24, edited 1 time in total.

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#26 Post by playdayz »

Thanks dawnsboy. That was well-explained. ttuuxxx's pet works for me but I always try to install the latest myself--with java I got frustrated ;-) Opera made it easiest. This might be the occasion of my shifting to Opera.


#27 Post by dawnsboy »

I keep trying to like Opera. I am impressed with the progress that they have made since the 7.23 release. However, I find that Opera has an annoying tendency to lock up on me at critical moments. This pattern of behavior has continued right through the 10.0 alpha series. This is usually related to the use of plugins with Opera.

I cannot prove that it is faster on my Eeepc 701 4G (overclocked to 990MHz with 1 gig of ram) than Seamonkey or Firefox so I continue to use Mozilla products for the time being.

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#28 Post by capoverde »

Hi all,

playing around with upup alpha 9, I've just installed Ttuuxxx's java-realtime .pet and a Java-based MIDI sequencer, MidiSwing 0.3.5 by Pascal Naidon.

This is possibly the simplest MIDI sequencer installation for Linux: maybe that isn't even necessary, but for sure I just typed Dawnsboy's lines into a terminal; then I set <java -jar "$@"> as the run action for .jar files.
Clicking on the MidiSwing.0.3.5b.jar file icon, the sequencer pops up ready to play MIDIs through its own sound synth - *nothing else required (Jack, jackctl, fluidsynth etc.)!!!*

OK, the sounds aren't tops... but then maybe just adding Timidity with half a dozen soundfonts can be OK to listen how a freshly-made MIDIfile sounds. And sure, very possibly there's a way to use soundfonts straight from MidiSwing - haven't even read a line of docs... So nice to get playing and editing of MIDIs in just about one minute, thanks once more Ttuxxx :D :D :D

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package manager says not enough space...

#29 Post by Tweenman »

>The package has been downloaded to /root/.packages,
>however there is not enough room to uncompress and install it.
>The free space is 5031 blocks but it is estimated you will
>need 52224 blocks temporarily for the expansion and install.
>Note: If you are using a pup_save.3fs personal storage file,
>it can be made bigger -- see Utilities menu.
>This script will now delete the package and exit...

I'm not using a storage file, I'm using a 4G flash key, partitioned 3G Linux/1G W32. The freememapplet says 2.3G free. How do I correct this? Thanks in advance.

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Java on Linux Puppy

#30 Post by handy1957 »

Hello, I am a newbe to linux and have been running around in circles trying to get java to run on SeaMonkey. I just downloaded the Puppy packet manager and it says it does not have a menu option. Not sure what that means. I'm am now downloading open office 2.4.1.sfs as I used it alot in windows. But I need Java to run first from what I understand. I had read somewhere that after installing Java which I did that I needed to copy a relative link to usr/local/bin something. But the file it asked me to copy I have no idea where it is. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

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