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Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2008, 04:20
by Jim1911
you need to right click on them (once on the dockbar), select 'modify this launcher', then select the container you want it in.
Worked perfectly, however container appears to have a limit of 7 items.

Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2008, 06:17
by dinky
@ Jim1911
Odd, I've definitely had more than 7 launchers in a container before... what happens when you try to add another one? It may also be possible to 'force' them through the config script. Look in /root/.config/cairo-doc/current_theme/launchers for the launcher and container files. They are simple text files, and it's easy to edit them. Just back them up to another directory first. Cheers.

@ Mysticmarks
Truly awesome! almost all of the above are my thoughts exactly. Actually, the network wizard IS in the dock, though you're right about it not being obvious. My plan is to have an html page availabe on bootup with a 'how the heck does this thing work?'. Puppy already has something similar, though I want to edit this so it's more in depth, and of course specifc to Ripple.

Anyway, in the notes on the main post I've pointed it out, that you need to click on stats, right click on the icon, go to wifi, then network admin. the wizard is llinked through there. You're right though, it needs to be more obvious, or at the least having a tutorial guide to point you there. I'm more in favour of a guide, as there are enough other 'tricks' with compiz that will keep you guessing for a long while.

Undeb is already in there, included with Puppy 4.1.1. Also in there is dir2sfs, to make an sfs from a folder. Forum member sunburnt had a very cool program called mksfs he was working on, which I'll likely include. Which other ones can you think of? Also, what's TOR? I'd very much welcome an extension sfs, or more packages, to go with Ripple.

Re the backup window manager, it's always been my plan to use jwm. You're right, it needs to be an easy default option... like automatic when Compiz-fusion won't run. No problem with this, it's just configuring it. This should be able to be done through the cfwizard, and /root/.xinitrc. Are you able to suggest an "else" option to get this running? I'd also like to look at replacing the current start-up line in /root/.xinitrc to launch compiz-fusion. compiz-manager is a wrapper script to start compiz-fusion, and this works in place of what's currently there. I'm not sure how much double handling there might be between this and the cfwizard on bootup, but it might be a good place to test whether compiz-fusion is working or not in the compiz-manager script, then default to jwm if it's not.

I'm glad you like this pupplet. While Ripple will continue to be a project on it's own, rebuilt from unleashed, there's no reason this couldn't be added as an extension to the default puppy in either an sfs or pet package form. All that's needed are the graphics card drivers (still to be implemented in ripple), an edited /root/.xinitrc script, an edited xorgwizard, cfwizard, and a replacement to the functions of jwm. (I'm using cairo-dock for this last one, which could either be used, or left out in place of something else) The end result wouldn't be Ripple, but it wold be something very cool any noob could install for their desktop. I mentioned this idea in the Puppy 4.2 thread, and didn't get any takers. Perhaps this side of the forum would be a better place to develop this.

Re how I built this, I did use devx a little, but as i kept compiling to the utter minimum (not my high point) it wasn't needed much. I'm using puppy 4.1.1 as a base, and rebuilding unleashed from within that. Cairo-dock will likely need recompiling again at some point, but I'm going to focus on other areas first. No support for Rox, but currently very workable.

Anyway, I welcome any help you're able to give. Thanks again for your feedback.

fix for cups

Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2008, 10:49
by dinky
There is a bug in ripple_06-2 with cups. While cups works, cups_shell tries to call netsurf, and then gtkmoz, neither of which exist. This pet fixes that issue, making the default browser firefox for cups. In the next release I'll build this fix in, and have a cups shortut from the firefox browser. Cheers.
~dinky ...

Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2008, 11:19
by LaneLester
dinky wrote:Hi Lane, you're only half way there I'm afraid. Ripple works with Compiz-fusion as the window manager, and if it ain't working, you'll get Ripple with nothing to manage the windows..

What graphics card are you running? It needs to support compiz-fusion.
Thanks for the suggestions, dinky, but I think my situation isn't as bad as you suspect. I have an old nVidia 5500 which has run Compiz-fusion just fine in Ubuntu. The card was recognized and the special driver installed.

And everything seemed to be working fine, except for no way to resize/move the windows. All of the widgets seemed to be working, and I don't think they had any kind of black border. I was able to unlock and move them to new locations. It was just the regular windows that I couldn't manipulate.

I'll experiment some more later today and see if I can provide more data.


Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2008, 15:17
by aarf
dinky wrote: ...
@ Mysticmarks
Also in there is dir2sfs, to make an sfs from a folder. Forum member sunburnt had a very cool program called mksfs he was working on, which I'll likely include. Which other ones can you think of? Also, what's TOR? I'd very much welcome an extension sfs, or more packages, to go with Ripple.
Anyway, I welcome any help you're able to give. Thanks again for your feedback.
Tor: is a ISP masker and encryption for anonymous surfing, can also be used in conjunction with a VPN which puppy4.1.1 allows connection to. Have tried both VPN and Tor in windows but not in puppy as yet.
there is a reasonably new TorPup.iso see
links in that thread, especially this one and this one
have good information and explanations.

Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2008, 16:02
by Jim1911
Odd, I've definitely had more than 7 launchers in a container before... what happens when you try to add another one?
As I recall, I was adding Amsn to the Internet container, and after editing the container name it disappeared. Tried again with the same result, so I removed an application and then it added properly. Tried to add another application, to increase number over 7, and had same result.

Since rebooting, I haven't been able to duplicate the problem. Sorry to bother you with a (non-problem) that I can't duplicate.


Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2008, 16:11
by mysticmarks
@Dinky- The sfs editors are really spread out. Initially pizzasgood had made one called EDIT-SFS.pup. Then i saw that Lighthouse pup has a modified one which prints the process to screen as it works. I read about a a few others, but never bothered as pizzasgood's worked fine for me. Sunburnt, pizzasgood, and (iforgot who made LHP, sorry.) lhp's maker would all be good consults on this topic. I think we may even need to refine and combine to get the best tool yet. Then ripple and all the other pups can have a unified tool for the job.

More later!

Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2008, 17:28
by aarf
xorg goes only as far as the cross then arrow detailed elsewhere.
Xvesa will boot fully but i cant see that fusion is happening and cannot close the file view windows and other things when they are open. Alt+move isnt happening so cant move the open windows. This includes the configuration of fusion so cannot configure fusion because I cant get to the bottom of the open window to select "apply". Widgets are locked over the dock and also over the Usb partition icons and so need to be moved before the hidden icons can function. Wifi and axel downloader function. Desktop icon in dock does not function. Ctl+alt+backspace closes all windows and returns to desktop. F9, AltF9 do nothing at all.
To close file viewing windows:right click>select "window">select "close window". still cant close them though and they cover the default position of the penguin that has the menu.

Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2008, 18:59
by LaneLester
aarf wrote:EeePC/ripple6.2
xorg goes only as far as the cross then arrow detailed elsewhere.
Xvesa will boot fully but i cant see that fusion is happening
Your report is essentially the same as mine: xorg bombs, and xvesa starts fully, but with incomplete window management... the same behavior I see on my big computer.

Firefox is really different with the thumbnails, but I guess that's a feature I haven't run into before.

Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2008, 21:31
by Caneri
I made a a spelling mistake on the Florida link....sorry. I had different spellings on each server...grrr

The new url is


Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2008, 22:07
by dinky
Cairo dock can be a bit tempermental... at some point I'll look into replacing this version with the next release... sometimes you just need to restart it to get it working.

Sounds like you're onto it. Can you find the best sfs maker/editor so we can put it into Ripple? I'm unlikely to be able to focus on that for awhile.

@Lanelester & aarf
Interesting. Firstly, lets try and get xorg working without compiz-fusion on your computer, as compiz-fusion won't run without it. I need to edit the script for Xvesa in xorgwizard... Compiz-fusion won't work with it! Currently Ripple is based on compiz-fusion, and doesn't function properly without it.

Use ctl+alt+bckspc to exit out of X. Type

Code: Select all

e3 /root/.xinitrc
Comment out line 5 & 6, so it looks like this:

Code: Select all

#LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 compiz --replace --indirect-rendering --sm-disable ccp &
#sleep 3
Hit ctrl+k, then hit x. This will save the file and exit. Next type

Code: Select all

Choose xorg, and let compiz-fusion wizard play out, You can choose manual configuration, and jwm, but it shouldn't really mater. What's important is xorg.

Type this next:

Code: Select all

xwin jwm
This should take you into jwm, without cairo dock, widgets, or compiz-fusion.

This is the first step, as I believe xorg is most likely working. Ripple uses compiz-fusion as the windows manager, so if it's not working 1 of two things could happen: Ripple starts with no windows manager, or Ripple won't start at all. This is more likely because Compiz-fusion won't start, than because of xorg bombing out.

Lanelester, Ripple will not currently work on your machine with compiz-fusion... simply because there are no drivers included in Ripple as of yet for Nvidia cards. wNOP, TigerPup, Ubuntu will all most likely work as they have support for Nvidia. It is coming for Ripple, but I haven't had the time to make another test iso with them in. You could look at installing them yourself, and seeing how you go. Use jwm as above, because it's currently functional. In a terminal, type:

Code: Select all

petch nvidia
and install whichever package best suits. I'd suggest the most recent one, or something from puppy 4 series. Then you can re comment the lines above to get Ripple working, and type

Code: Select all

when exited from X to try and reconfigure your card. If we're lucky, the compiz-fusion wizard will recognize your card, and configure everything properly for it. After that, type

Code: Select all

xwin ripple
to start ripple again, hopefully this time with compiz-fusion.

Aarf, which eeepc are you running? Are you booting Ripple into Ram? Does Compiz Fusion wizard run after xorgwizard? It's possible that the 701 (test bed for Rippple) is configured differrently from later models, and the 900 series eeepc, so I might have to look into this. Your signature says you are using the eeepc 701, which is working flawlessly for me. How are you trying to boot Ripple? If you've installed it to a usb, how did you do it, and with what files? What is your config line in grub or extlinux.conf? More information please, and lets get this running! As a last resort we might have to see how to get the standard puppy running compiz-fusion on your eeepc, then port it to Ripple from there. Thanks for sticking wih this.

Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2008, 22:32
by 37fleetwood
ok, I downloaded ripple_06-2.iso from 3 or 4 times and the md5sum never matched once. I'm trying downloading from and will let you know how it goes. if I can get it running you will know it is possible no matter how knowledgeable you are. my plan is simply to install the Nvidia drivers from jwm and get xorg running with the new driver and then switch to ripple from there. we'll see. so far I've been rather inept at even getting a good iso to burn :roll:
Scott 8)

Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2008, 22:57
by dinky
Hi Scott, I'm looking at moving all the downloads to the .ca puppy site... will let you know here soon. Hopefully that will be a bit more stable. Also in the next week or two will try and sort out the other drivers for Ripple so keep checking back. Good luck.

edit: the site will be a mirror, I'm still using my own. Will post up my stuff soon. Cheers.

Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2008, 23:08
by LaneLester
dinky wrote:@Lanelester & aarf
Interesting. Firstly, lets try and get xorg working without compiz-fusion on your computer, as compiz-fusion won't run without it. I need to edit the script for Xvesa in xorgwizard.
Eee PC: I made the edits in .xinitrc and sure enough, Ripple runs just fine without Compiz-fusion.

Now to see what I can do to get nVidia drivers for my big box.

Later: OK, I'm editing this from Ripple in my big box... but not from Compiz-fusion. This is what 'petch nvidia' said:
searching ...

Please type the number of the package you would like to fetch:

It evidently didn't find anything.

However, while Ripple was booting, it reported finding my nVidia card and it wanted to install the nvidia-100.14.19 driver, which I said was OK. It said it was installing it, and then the boot proceeded to completion. But as reported before, no title bar on the windows or other wm functions.


Posted: Wed 19 Nov 2008, 23:17
by mysticmarks ...

It looks like Pizzasgood fixed it up recently and turned into a pet(was a .pup) good work PG.

Posted: Thu 20 Nov 2008, 01:14
by mysticmarks
I think that cairo dock might be best left unhidden as well. why did you pull abiword?

Posted: Thu 20 Nov 2008, 04:14
by 37fleetwood
finally got a good iso and burn!! as suspected it doesn't run well out of the box with my card. I am in ripple but no emerald so no window borders, and no compiz. I had to switch to jwm to get the networking going, I couldn't find the wizard in ripple, and it is hard to navigate with no window borders. then I had to switch back to ripple because jwm doesn't seem to have a menu listing for firefox, or any other browser for that matter. I suppose if I were better at command line calls... all in all though it looks really cool and everything, though it seems very sluggish. maybe when the video acceleration is going that will go away. I'll try getting it going tomorrow, I just wanted to report this small sucess! so far even a dunce like me can get it to go somewhat! :oops:
Scott 8)

Posted: Thu 20 Nov 2008, 05:13
by dinky
@ mysticmarks
I hate abiword. While it's small size is great, it's functionality sucks. It's still available from the repository for people who want it. I need something much more full featured for my work, which is why I'm including Open Office as a pre-configured add-on. I'll consider doing the same with abiword, but I'll need some prompting. I just don't like it enough. To unhide cairo-dock, play with the configuration options under the first menu you come to. From memory, I think Autohide worked best for being seen over maximized windows... it's also possible I just preferred it that

Did you try petch when you were hooked up to the internet? Make sure you have an internet connection, or petch won't work. it also won't tell you it's not working, either. The cfwizard sounds like it's working... except there's no drivers for it to install yet. I'll try and build something that will work in the next few days. For the record, the cfwizard is looking for the driver as a tar file in /tmp. So... if you can download the driver as a pet, run

Code: Select all

pet2tgz drivername
and move it into /tmp, then exit out of X and rerun xorgwizard... there needs to be a simpler way to do all this... will look into this for future releases.

Re your eeepc, which model are you using again? Also, please describe in detail all the steps you've taken to install Ripple... I need to know exactly how you are trying to run it. Cheers.

Hang in there matey, I'm really impressed with your persistence! What video card are you using? What are the specs of your machine you're trying to get Ripple going on? And yes, video acceleration should definitely help your machine. My eeepc701 is only 900 mhz, but is quite fast. To run firefox from the commandline, type

Code: Select all


in a terminal. You're right, I haven't created a menu entry for it yet. Thanks for reminding me.

Posted: Thu 20 Nov 2008, 06:14
by mysticmarks
I ran from cd and was able to config cairodock a bit, but then it completely vanish as mentioned by others. tried exiting and restarting xwin ripple. still no luck. So then i Killed cairodock, and compiz crashed along with it. xwin ripple again, still no dock, although it shows in processes again. Kill it there and compiz crashed again.

Posted: Thu 20 Nov 2008, 08:37
by rhadon

I think, I have the same problem like Lanelester + aarf, maybe my expession is not so good, because I'm not so familiar with english.

If I choose manual configuration with JWM, Ripple starts and seems to work fine, also Wlan.

Compiz doesn't work, no matter which resolution I use.

Will try it next with my Gericom.
At last it looks great, even without Compiz.

Greetings to all
