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Posted: Fri 09 May 2008, 13:41
by panda_watch
thanks mate worked a treat!

Looks good

Posted: Sat 10 May 2008, 08:00
by geneven
I'm trying out Openbox. Looks good so far.

Posted: Sun 11 May 2008, 07:30
by magerlab
2 plinej: is it possible to change menu of openbox and lxpanel( fbpanel) to have entry for exit to prompt?
for example if one decides to change wm how can he do it ?

Posted: Sun 11 May 2008, 08:05
by magerlab
2 plinej: is it possible to change menu of openbox and lxpanel( fbpanel) to have entry for exit to prompt?
for example if one decides to change wm how can he do it ?

Posted: Sun 11 May 2008, 11:26
by plinej
Yeah, I'll work on re-packaging it in the next few days.

Posted: Sun 11 May 2008, 16:04
by Eyes-Only
Thanks Plinej!! (In re: to what we "discussed".) And once again: Keep up the great work. These work flawlessly on my Linux box---so well in fact that I ended up doing a full install of 4.0 to the hard drive and making OB/LX/ROX-filer the default desktop instead of JWM and now I rarely ever use anything else (except Muppy 083 now n' then). It's just such a "comfortable desktop" from which to work and the speed is out of this world.

Getting another box here in about a month. I can't wait to try out this desktop on the new unit I'll be getting then as well! :)

Thanks mate for everything.



Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 01:45
by disciple
One thing that kind of bothers me, when I download something in Seamonkey, the normal window opens up asking what you want to do with the file. If I click save it to disk, the file selection window opens under the previous window instead of on top of it.
I get this too, but I suspect it is actually a GTK bug - file select dialogues in the Gimp are shown below the utility windows, so I think maybe the GTK file select dialogs need to be hinted as utility windows. It would be interesting to see if upgrading GTK fixed this.

One other odd thing is that the double-click-on-titlebar feature doesn't work :(

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 02:23
by disciple
No, actually that is different isn't it, because the Seamonkey file selector dialogues just come up under the previous window, but it doesn't stay on top if you click them. Similar though - maybe these are Openbox bugs.

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:52
by Eyes-Only
I think you're correct Disciple because I haven't been in my usual Openbox/LXPanel desktop for quite some time now, ever since Playdayz put out the minimalistic Blackbox desktop (I love it!! :) ). Then the "other day" I was doing a hack which involved transparency work and I wanted to see if it would carry over into OB/LX... make a long story short, I'd forgotten just how nice this particular combo is. Then when I downloaded a .pet file from PuppyLover this all came back, what's being discussed here. LOL.

So yeah... I'd sooner say it's an Openbox bug than a gtk one. If it were gtk then it would be consistently happening across the board regardless the desktop. Ditto if a SM bug. (My powers of observation sometimes amaze even me! :P <---That's for ME and nobody else. LOL)

So hopefully my chiming in has helped in some feeble way?



Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2008, 18:39
by ttuuxxx
any screen shots?

Posted: Fri 14 Nov 2008, 16:04
by Eyes-Only
Of which Ttuuxxx? The Openbox/LXpanel? The super-cool Blackbox 8) that I've tend to favour so much lately that I've even installed Playdayz's version onto my VectorLinux Light (LOL!), or a screenie of the bug being discussed here?

Sorry mate, but I'm an easily confuzzled bloke. :oops:

By the way Jeff... since I've got you here? Have you tried out the new SeaMonkey 2.0 pet? I wasn't able to get it working so I grabbed a nightly from Mozilla's FTP and installed that. WHOA! :shock: I'm talking NICE! And the way it installs, it goes to it's own directory under "~/.mozilla" so you don't have to worry about it overwriting your current SM settings. What I did was to make a "SM-2.0" directory and then an absolute-link to the starter file inside so it wouldn't confuse with the "other SM". (I've removed my MozStart files for the most part...)

Well, if you try all this I'm sure you'll figure it all out. ;)



Posted: Fri 14 Nov 2008, 16:23
by magerlab
you can even run seamonkey 2 from outside your save2fs

Posted: Fri 14 Nov 2008, 21:11
by ttuuxxx
Hi well when I asked for a screenshot, I was talking about the orginal release "" . I always give a screenshot when I release somehing on here so people have an idea of what they are getting.

Seamonkey 2 I did download, But what I did do is convert the default the new 2.0 theme to work on seamonkey 1 series, :)
heres a pet package for it :)


Posted: Fri 05 Dec 2008, 13:22
by shand
it is fine on my OS-puppy linux4.1.1.......
Many thanks! plinej

Posted: Sat 07 Mar 2009, 21:46
by wkr
Ultra-stable, great work. Bravo Plinej