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#21 Post by Dougal »

BarryK wrote:Dougal has suggested that 'dmidecode' be used to identify the Classmate and the eeePC.

However, Intel have used a standard BIOS without any product or vendor information, so dmidecode does not return anything that can be used to identify it as a Classmate.
What about biosdecode? nothing from that either?
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#22 Post by Lobster »

If thinking of adding another set of icons for Dingo Beta . . .
Warren has reminded me of the stylish and background independent
glass icons . . .
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#23 Post by JustGreg »

Here is the bios decode text file from the ASUS Eee PC running Puppy 2.14R 1.01 for anyone use. It has been gzipped for posting to the forum.
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#24 Post by BarryK »

Lobster, excellent! I've been stingy, only putting in X servers that I have tested, now also the 'nv' driver. So, /usr/X11R7/lib/xorg/modules/drivers now has these (in the xorg_xorg_servers PET package):

i740, intel, neomagic, nv, sis, trident, vesa.

Anyone else want their Xorg server included for the next Dingo release?

Note, if Xorg cannot find a specific server for the video hardware, it falls back to 'vesa', but that lacks hardware-acceleration, meaning your display will be a bit sluggish -- which you might not notice on a fast CPU.

Dougal, no, I don't see anything from biosdecode that is helpful either.

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#25 Post by pakt »

BarryK wrote:Anyone else want their Xorg server included for the next Dingo release?
Please add 'nsc' and 'amd' (if available) for the StarBox thin clients.
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#26 Post by nic2109 »

BarryK wrote:Anyone else want their Xorg server included for the next Dingo release?
I think that vesa is sufficient for those of us "blessed" (!) with an ATi card that needs their propriety driver. But is there a solution to this screen resolution conundrum?

Before installing fglrx (via MU's 3DCC) all Puppies I have tried behave the same: the video probe detects that the correct resolution is 1440x900, it buils xorg.conf correctly but then displays at 1024x768!

Is this inevitable? Or is there something that might improve it?

The fact that things are bigger than they should be isn't as big an issue as the impact that the wrong aspect ratio has. I appreciate that until the correct driver is used that there'll be no acceleration, but looking right out of the box would be a real winner.

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#27 Post by linuxcbon »

Can you also add driver "ati" ?

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#28 Post by BarryK »

Okay, I've added 'nsc' and 'ati' and 'atimisc' -- I don't know what that last one is for, but it seems something to do with ati.

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help page that works with and without javascript

#29 Post by zygo »

In the help page I have converted all the selection items to link anchors so that when javascript is not available they can be seen. When js is avaialble then it converts the anchors into a selection control as the original help page had. It works in opera, seamonkey, netsurf, dillo, elinks.

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#30 Post by mcewanw »

BarryK wrote: So, /usr/X11R7/lib/xorg/modules/drivers now has these (in the xorg_xorg_servers PET package):

i740, intel, neomagic, nv, sis, trident, vesa.

Anyone else want their Xorg server included for the next Dingo release?
I don't know anything about video driver/needs really, but from your list of included drivers I might be lucky already! I'm hoping to download Dingo soon in order to test some software I'm developing.

The three pretty much ancient laptops my family use for everything (DVD playing, program development, whatever...) are:

Compaq Armada 110 with Trident Cyberblade il / AGP 2x
Dell Latitude CPx and CPt with NeoMagic 256ZX
IBM Thinkpad 240 with (I think) NeoMagic 128XD

So I guess the neomagic and trident Dingo inclusions should work?

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#31 Post by Dougal »

BarryK wrote:Okay, I've added 'nsc' and 'ati' and 'atimisc' -- I don't know what that last one is for, but it seems something to do with ati.
the "ati" driver is not actually a driver: Xorg uses it to find out which of the different ATI driver should be used -- radeon, atimisc, r200 (or whatever) etc.
You should probably add all the ATI related drivers if you add "ati".
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#32 Post by BarryK »

Okay, I've added 'r128' and 'radeon' drivers, so the complete list so far is:

ati, atimisc, i740, intel, neomagic, nv, r128, radeon, sis, trident, vesa.

I know this is still being too stingy.

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