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Posted: Sat 21 Feb 2009, 23:13
by mikeb
But I love that hugely descriptive name........

and I moved it to /usr/bin and symlinked it to xmms just to be a tart.

And having sussed the mnt/dev boogie I could drop the -e

and could probably change /mnt/hdc to /dev/hdc in the preferences for sensibility as nothing is actually mounted.

looks good with those winamp skins and no more oss conflicts...I am truly happy... :)



Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 01:06
by lapis
Is this better or the same as audacious player?

They all look the same to me.

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 01:48
by disciple
It later became Audacious, after the original developers started working on BMP-X instead.

Fatdog build 64 Bit

Posted: Tue 16 Apr 2013, 21:39
by paulski
In setting up my Fatdog 64 bit system I found Audacious simply too much when all I really wanted was XMMS and to play playlists of MP3s.
So when no GTK1 is available Beep Media Player was the right thing.
Thanks to this thread I found it.

I built it in Fatdog 510 but it seems stable enough on newer Fatdogs.