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Posted: Thu 02 Aug 2007, 11:34
by GeoffS
Mmmm! Lots of comments.
I really can't say which I dislike most, Homebank or Grisbi :(
Out of the programs I've commented on above they are the only ones I would now consider, with Grisbi maybe just a tiny bit ahead although Latex would have to be available for the printing.
There is Gnucash Version 2 still out there and if they have fixed the floating point bug and have otherwise left it as good as the original version it would have to be the best.

You have certainly found many programs. Are these all open and free?
I've used KMyMoney and quite liked it but it does require KDE. Adding KDE to Puppy for just one program is (to my mind) ridiculous. I never got it to work in that environment anyway. Always booted PCLinuxOS - just to run KMyMoney - :?

I know Quicken is a commercial product and has in recent versions become rather bloated offering gimicks that few, if any, people would use. However, it has set a standard and on a scale of 1 to 10, if Quicken is given 10 then KMyMoney might get 5 and the other programs mentioned here would fall in the 1 to 3 range. If GnuCash didn't have its floating point bug I might give it 5+ :D .

Dave, if I get the time I might have a look at some of those other programs but I can't promise. I'm running a bit short of time these days, working as a volunteer at a recycling centre, recycling old PCs and putting Puppy on them. Good fun!


Posted: Thu 02 Aug 2007, 13:00
by TonshA
I am shocked to have found a few more:

Well now. All these links aren't very helpful are they? :oops: I wish I could provide some kind of reviews of the various packages, or even .PETs for people to try. Unfortunately, I've never tried any of them, and I don't know how to compile/package applications (but I suppose I could learn - if anybody fancies pointing me in the right direction..?)

For the time being, I will continue refining my YNAB/GNAB (Gnumeric Needs A Budget) spreadsheet.


Posted: Thu 02 Aug 2007, 13:21
by TonshA
Hi Geoff

I've got be careful how I answer you here because my interest is purely from curiosity's sake! :) I have no intention of using any Accounting software for myself, so the decisions as to what is best for Puppy should be left to yourself (as the person providing most of the input) and those other users who are going to use the apps!
GeoffS wrote:Dave
You have certainly found many programs. Are these all open and free?
I've tried to whittle the list down to only include the ones that are free. But I've only given the websites a cursory look. There may be hidden licensing restrictions... :cry:
I've used KMyMoney and quite liked it but it does require KDE. Adding KDE to Puppy for just one program is (to my mind) ridiculous. I never got it to work in that environment anyway. Always booted PCLinuxOS - just to run KMyMoney - :?
Yeah, a few of the links are for apps that are KDE based or that are QT/Java based apps. It's a bit of a pain, I know. Everything else seems to be very simplistic (CBB) or uses other languages not available with standard Puppy (Checkbook Tracker uses Python for example).
Dave, if I get the time I might have a look at some of those other programs but I can't promise.
No worries, mate! Your time is your own, and (as I said before) since I won't be using any of these, I won't be holding my breath! For some reason this thread sparked a bit of interest in me, and I decided to have a rummage around.
I'm running a bit short of time these days, working as a volunteer at a recycling centre, recycling old PCs and putting Puppy on them. Good fun!

Fantastic! What great job! I wish you good luck and success! Puppy is the absolute greatest Linux distro going - without any doubt!


Posted: Thu 02 Aug 2007, 13:27
by BarryK
Wow, that's a lot of linksto checkout, but I too have a time problem. I'll leave HomeBank in 2.17.1, even though it's not very satisfactory -- although we must always remember that it's version 3.2.1 not the latest -- for pup 2.18 I intend to upgrade to GTK 2.10.x and then will be able to test the latest HomeBank -- then maybe it will redeem itself.

Also, before 2.18 arrives, we can checkout some of these links.

Posted: Thu 02 Aug 2007, 16:35
by muggins

Posted: Fri 03 Aug 2007, 09:15
by TonshA
muggins wrote:hi TonshA,

i added cbtracker & cbb to the addtitional pups section:
That's quick work - well done! I'll maybe give them a try over the weekend. :wink:



Posted: Sat 11 Aug 2007, 18:40
by mellowraith2010
HI Geoff,I read in your post that Kmymoney works,Did you use it personally? I would be interested in how to get it installed. I used muppy w kde and couldnt get it to work,any hints on getting it in there would be apreciated. thanks,glenn

Posted: Sat 11 Aug 2007, 21:36
by GeoffS
Sorry to disappoint but I never got it to work properly under Puppy. I had it installed in PCLinuxOS. Tried various schemes from Puppy but they never worked properly.
It is not too bad as a bookkeeping program - faint praise I know :(
I would be using it if I had been able to get it to work un Puppy.


Posted: Sat 11 Aug 2007, 21:47
by mellowraith2010
Thanks for the response Geoff,I think Pclinuxos was the first time I ran into kmymoney2. I have been using it about two years now,and I find that it works great for simple bank accounts/credit cards. I love the interface,but wish that I could get it to go in puppy because I love puppy alot,and the only thing lacking (for me anyway) is kmymoney. I guess I could try out another app that is similiar like I have seen on the forums here,but starting from scratch would be really tough,and a big time-effort investment. I will keep using puppy because it is too cool! and use ubuntu or pclos or whatever ,just for the kmymoney app. Take care,glenn

Re: Kmymoney2

Posted: Sun 12 Aug 2007, 00:29
by SimplyFlower
mellowraith2010 wrote:HI Geoff,I read in your post that Kmymoney works,Did you use it personally? I would be interested in how to get it installed. I used muppy w kde and couldnt get it to work,any hints on getting it in there would be apreciated. thanks,glenn
I use Kmymoney2 all the time in Puppy Linux 2.15CE. It works great. The only glitch I've found is in the backup to floppy. The backup feature works, but just not to a floppy drive (it could be just the way I have Puppy setup with a lot of extra programs). I can't use MUT and Rox to copy files to floppy. I have to use the terminal to mount manually and use Midnight Commander to copy/delete, otherwise, Rox Pinboard crashes.

To get Kmymoney2 to work, use MU's KDE355mini_215.sfs. You will also need the following:


These may be installed using Gslapt or if you already have the files they may be changed into .pet packages by using the command 'tgz2pet' in a terminal.

The final step is to install MU's KDE-3.5.5.pup.

There is one missing library located in /lib. I can't remember if it's (which is a symlink to or (which is a symlink to If you type in the terminal '/opt/kde/bin/kmymoney2', it will list the missing library.

Hope this info is useful for anybody wanting to try to get Kmymoney2 to work in Puppy. BTW, I have all the packages and files if there is any interest. Also, it wouldn't be difficult to make a new KDE squashfs that would include Kmymoney2. :wink:

Quickbooks, and WINE, really, what am I doing wrong

Posted: Thu 16 Aug 2007, 01:56
by hankyknot
I love Puppy, its great, its quick its reliable and it does everything I used to be able to do under Windows (between security updates, forced hardware upgrades and regular reboots) except accounting.

If I could get proper business accounting I could bin windows forever. Alas I'm not having a lot of luck. I have Quickbooks Pro 2007 and no matter what I do I cant seem to get it to work.

I currently have Puppy 2.17 running of a USB key. Is there a specific combination of WINE versions etc that I need?

Re: Quickbooks, and WINE, really, what am I doing wrong

Posted: Thu 16 Aug 2007, 10:53
by Dougal
hankyknot wrote:Is there a specific combination of WINE versions etc that I need?
Have you tried googling for it? I think this will be more wine-related than Puppy-related, so people who meddlt with wine will probably be in a better positio to help...

Hadn't thought of that

Posted: Thu 16 Aug 2007, 12:20
by hankyknot
Must admit because of ever growing but currently small level of Linux knowledge I was trying to stay within the puppy package manager framework.

I guess as long as I back my key up before I do anything too far outside my comfort zone I can always reinstall.

Here goes.....

.... but just before that

Posted: Thu 16 Aug 2007, 12:22
by hankyknot
Ok I googled and as always a million answers came up.

Most of them ask about the type of linux its being installed on, ubuntu fedora etc. Puppy is never listed but what is the closest association or doesnt it really matter?

Quickbooks OE

Posted: Thu 16 Aug 2007, 12:57
by hankyknot
While looking for a solution I came accross this page ... opic=21054

The thing that caught my attention was the Online Edition, some makes the comment that IE6 is rock solid in WINE. Im off to try and install IE6 under WINE now to see if this really is the case. It may be one solution worth investigating

Ok so installing IE 6 is proving impossible (by that I mean way above my ability level) so will shelve this for now and continue to try and find an alternative.

Posted: Thu 16 Aug 2007, 22:23
by GeoffS
What are the problems you are having with QuickBooks under Wine. I run Version 8 under Wine all the time and have been doing so for over 12 months. I have to install version 7 to get V8 going, V8 being an upgrade.
I have not found any free bookkeeping software that was satisfactory. Most of them are based around a simple cashbook type system and many do not conform to any proper bookkeeping principles. As you will note from the previous discussion Gnucash was the best but it was eventually a disaster. I'm waiting to try version 2.
I currently have 1 problem with QuickBooks. I can not create an invoice and include disbursements (expenses). The window that should display the expenses opens empty. I had never tried to do this before. I normally charge disbursements directly to the client. I actually had to go back to Windows to check that it did work under Windows :D I'm not sure that I'm going to chase this bug, I don't really need the feature.
Let me know what your problems are and I'll try to help.

Problems with Quickbooks start with install

Posted: Fri 17 Aug 2007, 00:48
by hankyknot
No matter what I do I cant even install it, I get the window telling me that I need to install Flash 7 but cant get beyond it. Flash 7 doesnt install and it seems to ignore the fact I have the Flash9 package installed.

Posted: Fri 17 Aug 2007, 10:14
by GeoffS
As far as I know, I don't have Flash installed and never have :?
I don't use the internet option in QBooks but that can't be related as you can't even install, have to think about that!!!!!
Don't really see how Flash gets into it.

Gnucash from scratch a better alternative to transferring?

Posted: Wed 29 Aug 2007, 10:06
by hankyknot
Still cant get past Qbooks 2007 need for flash sadly.

Was curious whether the problems with GnuCash were just the result of the dataload from Qbooks and whether its something that would work ok from scratch rather than using files transferred from an Intuit product?

Posted: Wed 29 Aug 2007, 10:39
by GeoffS
I'd forgotten about this one :(
A question re QBooks - are you installing a Version 6 to 7 upgrade or a straight Version 7. Oh! yes, I do have Flash installed - I don't know why, maybe that's why I've not had your problem.
Re GnuCash - no the problem with Gnucash is very well documented. For some strange reason the developers used floating point arithmetic. :? Then they have not trapped all their floating point errors. Eventually you get a floating point error. :( Even if that didn't happen you would eventually notice one cent errors occurring. The original version of Gnucash is effectively dead due to that problem.