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Posted: Mon 30 Apr 2007, 20:59
by bostonvaulter
Okay so I tried the xorgwizard and it seemed to go okay until I tested it . Then it gave this series of errors

Code: Select all

Error: cannot open display: :0
dc: stack underflow
dc: stack underflow
dc: stack underflow
Error: cannot open display: :0
so then i tried to run the regular xorgwizard, but it seemed to be finding the 'new' xorgwizard, because when i tried 'which xorgwizard' it just gave me 'xorgwizard'. So I renamed the new one to xorgwizard_BETA and then 'which' gave me the right path. Not that I could tell a difference in how it looked anyway.

Here's part of my xerrors.log file

Code: Select all

(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf
	At least one Device section is required.
(EE) Problem parsing the config file
(EE) Error parsing the config file

Fatal server error:
no screens found

XIO:  fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"

      after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
once i replaced xorg.conf with a good file it worked (but i didn't run xorgwizard again)

strangely it seemed to do something to my rc.local file.

Code: Select all

#this file called from rc.local0

mkdir /mnt/hda3
mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda3 -t ext2modprobe evdev                                
modprobe evdev
modprobe evdev
I also saw errors somewhere about there being no device section in xorg.conf

I'm glad you're improving this, I want to see if it'll work setting up my synaptics touchpad


Posted: Mon 30 Apr 2007, 21:11
by Leon
I tested xorgwizard from Sat Apr 28, 2007 in Puppy 2.16a and I'm glad to confirm that my problem with unable to get high enough resolution for my ATI SAPPHIRE RADEON 9200SE ATLANTIS 128 MB graphics card and Sony SDM-M51, LCD, 15" monitor is finally solved.
I really like and hope that this fixed xorgwizard will be in next Puppy.
Thank you, Dougal.

Posted: Tue 01 May 2007, 07:26
by lvds
Dougal wrote:
Gn2 wrote:Sorry to hear that - and Plse excuse the O.T erratta on subject
Well, at least you bothered to reply... I don't see anyone here volunteering to test the latest version I posted...
Hi Dougal,

I have hard times at testing your xorgwizard. Main problem is when working in xvesa mode and with more than one window manager. I am working on a distro that will use XFCE as main window manager and JWM as second choice window manager.

Taking things from the start, i boot a fresh cdrom and i choose xvesa, i have jwm running ok with video-wizard. I shutdown X and rerun xorgwizard,
when looking in /tmp the videomode file exists and :

- if i run 'xwin jwm' i get jwm + the video-wizard running
- if i run 'xwin xfce' i get xfce in 320x200 and no video-wizard

I tested a lot of tweaks, creating by myself /tmp/videomode, or remastering a lot, i read the code a lot, I worked the 3 days on this and it is driving me nuts... I finally ended here:

I think the best choice would me to have a text mode box for choosing video mode BEFORE entering the graphical interface, just like Xorg.

When i choose Xorg, i can choose the video mode, then the window manager is ran in the mode i have choosen ; this is perfect. I think the simplest and best for everybody would be to have exactly the same for Xvesa.

Best regards,

Posted: Tue 01 May 2007, 13:07
by Dougal
bostonvaulter wrote:Here's part of my xerrors.log file

Code: Select all

(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf
	At least one Device section is required.
(EE) Problem parsing the config file
(EE) Error parsing the config file

Fatal server error:
no screens found

XIO:  fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"

      after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
once i replaced xorg.conf with a good file it worked (but i didn't run xorgwizard again)
Any chance you have the "bad" xorg.conf? Maybe I can find out what went wrong...

The addition of "modprobe evdev" to rc.local is part of Kirk's code for getting the touchpad to work...

Posted: Tue 01 May 2007, 13:15
by Dougal
lvds wrote: - if i run 'xwin jwm' i get jwm + the video-wizard running
- if i run 'xwin xfce' i get xfce in 320x200 and no video-wizard
XFCE has a problem with Xvesa... it doesn't really work with it.

I played with this in the past, even starting the Xvesa wizard when I'm in XFCE -- so I could press a button -- didn't help.

n the end I managed to change the resolution with the Xorg(!) resolution changer, that's since been removed from the Xorgwizard menu.

Try running "xrandrshell" from a terminal, when you're in XFCE.

Posted: Tue 01 May 2007, 14:24
by lvds

Well here XFCE runs fine with Xvesa once i have told it to run at the correct videomode. If i run JWM i got video-wizard asking for a video mode, i select 1024x768x24 and then i switch to XFCE => it's OK.

But if, direct from boot, i choose Xvesa (from xorgwizard) and load XFCE it starts in 320x200 and i have no video-wizard asking. I open a terminal, i run video-wizard and i choose 1024x768x24 and it's OK.

So, i think i am really close to a perfect tool. In fact it is all because of you as i am using your XFCE 4232 package ;-) (Many thanks. I was not able to have another most recent version running)

That's why i think, when a user choose Xvesa mode, it would be best while we are in text mode to ask him also if he prefers a resolution and let him choose one ; if he does not care, let's starts at the lower resolution as usual...

By the way, perhaps you could tell me, i wonder if it is possible to have a program loaded when xfce starts, so i could have video-wizard loaded this way ? do you know ? but the above would be far better, because when a user starts in Xorg he does not need video-wizard...

what do you think about it ? would it be possible for you to do it ?

Best regards,
Laurent (having hard time at building a pretty-in-pink girls distro)

Posted: Tue 01 May 2007, 18:03
by bostonvaulter
You could try making sure your session is saved. I use that in XFCE to have conky run when i start xfce.

Well my xorg.conf worked okay before this. And I removed it and tried running the wizard again but it didn't work. Maybe I should have replaced it with the xorg.conf.original file?

Posted: Tue 01 May 2007, 20:56
by Dougal
I wrote a simple textual Xvesa wizard.

There's info on how to add it inside.

It seems more sensible to me to have it like this (maybe even inside the xorgwizard -- rename it xwizard or something?) than the way it is now...

Posted: Thu 03 May 2007, 05:54
by lvds

thanks for your replies

yes, a text xvesa-wizard inside xorgwizard would be best i think, but anyway the result is to have the user choose a graphic mode before he enters into graphic ; i think that is the simplest method and less confusing the user...

another idea i have come to also is when there are multiple window managers,
let the user choose (still in text mode) which window manager he want to run.
this simple method would allow one to boot choose xorg then 1024x768 then xfce ... and at next boot he can choose another thing like xvesa 1440x900 jwm ... being able to have this slections direct inside the text mode before entering graphic are very flexible and very useful.

best regards,
Laurent (in hurry...)

Posted: Thu 03 May 2007, 17:33
by lvds
Dougal wrote:I wrote a simple textual Xvesa wizard.
Hi Dougal,

You are doing great job, thank you very much for your help.
Though, may i ask you a favor, please number your releases because i am lost at testing twice or more the same release instead of the new one :oops:

Thanks again :-)

Best regards,

Posted: Sun 06 May 2007, 23:49
by BarryK
Dougal, the 28th April version does not work for me -- I lost the automatic monitor detection. My laptop only "properly" supports 1280x800, and the monitor probe detects that and only offers 1280x800x16 and 1280x800x24. The 28th version came up with a list of all modes, seemingly having failed the auto-probe.

I have made a small mod to the 24th April version, mentioned it in today's blog. Um, should post it here too...

Posted: Mon 07 May 2007, 11:08
by Dougal
lvds wrote:Though, may i ask you a favor, please number your releases because i am lost at testing twice or more the same release instead of the new one
I usually have at the top of the script a last-update date.

Posted: Mon 07 May 2007, 11:19
by Dougal
BarryK wrote:Dougal, the 28th April version does not work for me -- I lost the automatic monitor detection.
It's not lost -- that the solution to Leon's problem of not getting high resolutions: if you have less than 4 resolutions detected, then I force it to give you the full list.
I also thought of maybe modifying the way that "if" works, so it always gives the ones that were detected + the ones from the list (with the appropriate warnings about being detected or not).

Note that the April 28th version was not attached to the first post, as it's just a "testing" version -- I want people to test changing to the vesa driver before testing X.

Posted: Mon 07 May 2007, 18:40
by bostonvaulter
perhaps instead of displaying all the options, you could only give one option of "showing all resolutions" incase the resolution they need isn't listed? And only make it more prominent if they have under 4 listed.

Posted: Mon 07 May 2007, 19:53
by Dougal
bostonvaulter wrote:perhaps instead of displaying all the options, you could only give one option of "showing all resolutions" incase the resolution they need isn't listed? And only make it more prominent if they have under 4 listed.
That might be complicated, as you are given the options further down the script.

Posted: Mon 07 May 2007, 19:55
by Dougal
Barry: you asked a while ago that I add the 915 code to the video-wizard.
I am not completely clear about this, so will need some help.
Here's what I figured this far:

1) Check ddcprobe output for Intel card. If we are using one, then:
2) Find card resolutions from ddcprobe utput.
3) Check each of those: if it isn't listed in the Xvesa modes, add it to list offered to user.
4) If user has selected one of these modes, use 915resolution to set mode 38 to requested resolution.

What now? What do I put into /etc/videomode?
You mention "38" as being 1024x768, which would mean 0x0117 or 0x0118 (I assume the second). So do I put '0x0118 1024x768x24' into /etc/videomode?
(BTW, I also get 0x011A and 0x011B (1280x1024))

And what about the colour-depth? Is that constant?

Or does the code in /etc/resolutionfix do all the work for me, so it doesn't matter what's in /etc/videomode?

Posted: Tue 08 May 2007, 01:00
by BarryK
Dougal, I'm not sure if I'm answering your question properly, and I have to try and remember what I did back then.... yes, I think if you execute what is in /etc/resolutionfix, then the 1280x800 or whatever becomes a standard VESA mode, number 38, and running 'Xvesa -listmodes' will show it. 915resolution replaces whatever was the previous VESA mode for 38 with the new one.

But, you would have to go through ddcprobe first to probe the monitor. In the case of my laptop, only 1280x800 is returned as a valid mode by the monitor probe. Though, other VESA modes do work.
Basically, LCD displays have jst the one mode that is native and is what they should run at, particularly laptops. Color depth can be changed though.

My /etc/resolutionfix is this:
915resolution 38 1280 800

Running 'Xvesa -listmodes' (after running 915resolution):
VBE version 3.0 (Intel(r) 82945GM Chipset Family Graphics Chip Accelerated VGA BIOS)
DAC is fixed, controller is VGA compatible, RAMDAC causes snow
Total memory: 12288 kilobytes
0x0006: 640x200x1 (monochrome) Planar (1 planes)
0x000D: 320x200x4 Planar (4 planes) (no linear framebuffer)
0x000E: 640x200x4 Planar (4 planes) (no linear framebuffer)
0x0010: 640x350x4 Planar (4 planes) (no linear framebuffer)
0x0011: 640x480x1 (monochrome) Planar (1 planes)
0x0012: 640x480x4 Planar (4 planes) (no linear framebuffer)
0x0013: 320x200x8 PseudoColor
0x0107: 1280x800x8 PseudoColor
0x011A: 1280x800x16 TrueColor [5:6:5:0]
0x011B: 1280x800x24 TrueColor [8:8:8:8]
0x0105: 1024x768x8 PseudoColor
0x0117: 1024x768x16 TrueColor [5:6:5:0]
0x0118: 1024x768x24 TrueColor [8:8:8:8]
0x0112: 640x480x24 TrueColor [8:8:8:8]
0x0114: 800x600x16 TrueColor [5:6:5:0]
0x0115: 800x600x24 TrueColor [8:8:8:8]
0x0101: 640x480x8 PseudoColor
0x0103: 800x600x8 PseudoColor
0x0111: 640x480x16 TrueColor [5:6:5:0]

Posted: Tue 08 May 2007, 19:38
by Dougal
BarryK wrote:Dougal, I'm not sure if I'm answering your question properly
You did, pretty much.

Just to make sure, though: should I only offer the user only the native resolutions of his screen? If your lcd is wide-screen, it doesn't really make any sense giving the "normal" resolutions...

Posted: Tue 08 May 2007, 21:29
by BarryK
Dougal, yes, native resolutions only -- that's why I got confused with the 28th April version. But you would still have to cater for failed probing that doesn't return enough modes -- maybe, as was suggested, another button "Show more modes" -- but too many buttons can become confusing, also 'dialog' is limited to three buttons.

Note, in the version I attached earlier, I removed 'root=/dev/ram0' -- perhaps you could make this a variable, read /etc/puppyversion, if you want the script to work with 2.16 and earlier pups.
Although, it seems root=/dev/ram0 just gets ignored anyway in 2.16.

Posted: Wed 09 May 2007, 13:19
by Dougal
BarryK wrote:Note, in the version I attached earlier, I removed 'root=/dev/ram0' -- perhaps you could make this a variable, read /etc/puppyversion, if you want the script to work with 2.16 and earlier pups.
Although, it seems root=/dev/ram0 just gets ignored anyway in 2.16.
I assume you are referrign to the installer... Yes I've been meaning to do it, but haven't got around to it yet. Maybe today.

I've updated my Xvesawizard and the video-wizard to work with 915, see the first post.

Here's also a modified xorgwizard (based on the last "stable" one) that uses the Xvesawizard (note that the video-wizard is still used, when changing resolution from within X (when you're already using xvesa).