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and browser

Posted: Sat 03 Feb 2007, 23:08
by raffy
And a small browser on it (say, hv3 or Opera) will make it a wonderful educational software.

EDIT: I added the small browsers - download from here.

Posted: Sun 04 Feb 2007, 01:27
by slvrldy17
Been playing with this pup since you posted it - with mixed results. Am using an IBM T21 Thinkpad - P3 700Mghz, 512MB RAM. Have added a couple of browsers/applications - Iceweasel and Dillo and MT Paint installed/worked successfully. Some others - Firefox, Opera 9.1, and Abiword install OK according to the Pupget pkg manager and show up in the menu but will not open or run. Not sure why. Others like GQview install but there is no menu entry to pick for starting them. Haven't tried adding a media player yet. Don't get me wrong - BarelyPup is what we need as a base for all mannner of custom Pups. In many ways it is like the Barebones Puppy's that Barry put out last year. Version 2.02 if memory serves. One way he saved room was using the Xvesa X server only - Xorg was easily added if wanted from Pupget.

OK - some suggestions - first off when trimming the menu down leave all the catagories (left column) from the standard Puppy menu. And leave the complete list of wizards from the setup catagory intact - some of us will need the dial up wizard, firewall wizard, wireless wizard, etc. One thing to consider as an add on package might be all the standard puppy desktop icons set up to allow only those needed/wanted to be added. I suspect that even with the small changes I've outlined this Puppy will still be well below the 50MB level of a mini distro. Good work Paul!

Don't force obesity on BarelyPup-2.13, PLEASE

Posted: Sun 04 Feb 2007, 01:44
by alienjeff
Alice and others, I reiterate:
Please lets not demand it be made into something it clearly was not meant to be, nor should be.
reference: ... DESC#94546

Posted: Sun 04 Feb 2007, 10:05
by polux
Congrats!! This is a wonderful puppet. :D

Alien you made your point, and let me add: Please lets not demand the others to be quiet and let the other users express themselves. 8)

Freedom of expression in planet Earth.

Posted: Sun 04 Feb 2007, 11:02
by pakt
slvrldy17 wrote:OK - some suggestions - first off when trimming the menu down leave all the catagories (left column) from the standard Puppy menu. And leave the complete list of wizards from the setup catagory intact - some of us will need the dial up wizard, firewall wizard, wireless wizard, etc.
Thanks for the feedback :)

I've already added 'dial up wizard' to my 'to do' list - but I'm leaving out all other wizards not directly needed for adding packages to BarelyPup. I want to keep BarelyPup as empty as possible and yet make it *reasonably* easy to make your own custom Puppy.

You'll find that all menu entries are still present, but that I have simply commented out those not applicable. It is relatively easy to 'uncomment' those you want in '/root/.jwmrc'. The upcoming 'XDG' system for handling the menu should make this easier in the future.

I have put in my 'to do' list to include the original 'PuppyPin' file renamed 'PuppyPin_bk'. That should make it easier to put back any default icons.


Posted: Sun 04 Feb 2007, 17:52
by Reggie
pakt - you the Big Dog!
Thax for the little puppy.
& Mark - thank you for the file hostin'.

- I'll use this as a seed for my own flavor of puppy.
(like Media Puppy - GIMP / Audacity, all the fun stuff for graphics, videos, music.) One key thing I need to add is fan control and the cool and quiet AMD code.
(My AMD laptop loves puppy, but the fan and cpu stay on 'high' - never stepping down to the cool & quiet lower speed settings.)

Maybe the French guys would like to try it for their build too? ... ws_ts_head

Posted: Mon 05 Feb 2007, 18:42
by rcrsn51
When I run BarelyPup from the CD or a pristine savefile, I get the cool blue desktop background. Since Barely doesn't have the JWM configuration tools, I can manually change the background by assigning a new graphic to /usr/share/backgrounds/default.jpg. However, when I run Barely with my updated 2.12 savefile, I just get a plain gray background and no amount of tweaking will change it. Everything else from my old savefile works fine - Firefox, Thunderbird, RealPlayer, etc. Any suggestions?

Posted: Mon 05 Feb 2007, 22:01
by Todd
Rename your preferred background "default.jpg".


Posted: Sat 10 Feb 2007, 10:54
by lvds

First of all this is a good work Paul and i am (like others) really thanksfull !

Next, may you tell us what could be the process to retire jwm and to insert another window manager for exemple (so to save space and not have 2 windows managers) ?

And, perhaps it would be good to have a document explaining differences between barebones, barelypup, emptycrust etc. as i have problem to understand and to choose the right one when having to build a distro and we get lost among all of this software tools. Something like a spreadsheet telling for each distro the puppy-base-version-number, the xvesa or xorg, the window manager, the sizes of sfs, full iso size, etc.

Best regards,

Posted: Sat 10 Feb 2007, 12:26
by pakt
lvds wrote:Next, may you tell us what could be the process to retire jwm and to insert another window manager for exemple (so to save space and not have 2 windows managers) ?
Laurent, I don't have much experience with alternate WMs because, like Barry, I like keeping Puppy as simple as possible without losing basic functionality. I think it would be hard to find a WM that gives you so much functionality using so little code. Eyecandy, which I consider 'bloat', is something I leave to MS ;)

(Just as a side note, have you ever considered how much code it takes to put 'round' corners on rectangular windows? Then ask yourself - why do I need round corners?)
lvds wrote:And, perhaps it would be good to have a document explaining differences between barebones, barelypup, emptycrust etc. as i have problem to understand and to choose the right one when having to build a distro and we get lost among all of this software tools. Something like a spreadsheet telling for each distro the puppy-base-version-number, the xvesa or xorg, the window manager, the sizes of sfs, full iso size, etc.
Yes, I agree that it is sometimes difficult to tell Puppy variations apart.

I was careful with BarelyPup to include the Puppy-base-version-number in the file name. I believe I also mentioned both iso size and the size of the pup_213.sfs file, that it had JWM and included both Xvesa/Xorg (please see my first post).

I also think it would be a good idea for someone (you perhaps? ;)) to start a wiki page comparing the different features of these Puppy variants. :)


Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2007, 06:43
by lvds

...I understand. And can you give any clue for removing web browser opera ? Mine users have need for some firefox extensions and they won't be able to work with opera. So i think even if it does fill a little bit more the memory size we have to change the web browser.

Are there "external" files to remove or is it just removing the Opera directory enough ?

Best regards,

Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2007, 07:08
by pakt
lvds wrote:And can you give any clue for removing web browser opera ?
Huh? Are you sure you are using BarelyPup? Barelypup doesn't contain any browser, not even Dillo.

Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2007, 07:28
by lvds
pakt wrote:Huh? Are you sure you are using BarelyPup? Barelypup doesn't contain any browser, not even Dillo.
yes, sorry :oops: it's early morning here and i was thinking/working on eBox distro. excuse me. It is because it is such a work to correctly remove un-needed software...

Best regards,

Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2007, 07:45
by freke
I am still enjoying using puppy and am still learning. I have loaded barelypup on both cd and dvd but I cannot get it to save, I have tried all my (limited) methods but they do not work. I can only get by with the aid of the forum.

Ted aka thicko

Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2007, 09:06
by pakt
lvds wrote:It is because it is such a work to correctly remove un-needed software...
Exactly why I created BarelyPup. Perhaps you should use that instead ;)


Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2007, 09:10
by pakt
freke wrote:I am still enjoying using puppy and am still learning. I have loaded barelypup on both cd and dvd but I cannot get it to save, I have tried all my (limited) methods but they do not work. I can only get by with the aid of the forum.
Ted, please explain what you mean by "save". Do you mean you cannot create a pup_save.3fs file?

Barely Pup

Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2007, 12:00
by rob2306
I don't know if this is just something I did wrong or if there is something wrong with the script that loads grub for Barely Pup, but when I tried to install to my HD, the process of installing grub to MBR didn't finish/work - just closed the dialogue box. I eventually used the puppy 2.13 live cd and installed grub from the control panel menu -grub config (the grub folder had been created on the HD, but was empty). I was then able to re-boot into Barely Pup.

But hey, it's excellent work and great fun! :)

Thanks Paul.

Re: Barely Pup

Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2007, 15:05
by pakt
rob2306 wrote:I don't know if this is just something I did wrong or if there is something wrong with the script that loads grub for Barely Pup, but when I tried to install to my HD, the process of installing grub to MBR didn't finish/work - just closed the dialogue box.
Glad your enjoying BarelyPup :) and nope, you didn't do anything wrong - I left out the 'grub-0.97' package in BarelyPup 0.1. I've already added it to 0.2 which is in the works. The main change will be the addition of dialup networking.


Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2007, 15:19
by freke
Yes whenever I make a cd or dvd as I do with all other iso, when I try to save I get the message something like (growsoft line 180 missing tme to upgrade to a dvd)
I am still learning.


Pup Naming

Posted: Mon 12 Feb 2007, 17:27
by jam
Great job with this version. I had used Murga's latest "Mean Puppy" as my base but I'm going to try this one instead to build on. Another name I would suggest is BasePup, but BarelyPup is fine with me. There are so many flavors that at some point it's quite a project to track the various versions. These are the ones that come to mind:

- Puppy Linux 1.xx and 2.xx variants
- Hacao LInux
- PizzaPupst
- PuppyLite
- Mean Puppy
- Very Mean Puppy
- Muppy
- Puppy Professional
- Xpuppy Pro
- eBoxPup
- Lan Puppy
- Micro Puppy
- Grafpup
- PuppyCE
- LitePup

...and now BarelyPup. That's quite a list!

I'm sure I missed some on this list too. :)