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Posted: Fri 19 Jun 2020, 13:12
by xenial.
Unless the chinese plan to change their attitude towars animal welfare and consumption then it will only be a matter of time before another contagion is let loose on the world.

Posted: Fri 19 Jun 2020, 16:18
by Flash
The Chinese aren't the only ones who eat 'bush meat.'

Posted: Sun 21 Jun 2020, 14:33
by Moose On The Loose
xenial. wrote:Unless the chinese plan to change their attitude towars animal welfare and consumption then it will only be a matter of time before another contagion is let loose on the world.
Africa has the same problem that may be how ebola gets loose.

1) The US needs to do away with using antibiotics in feedlots
2) China also needs to stop raising pigs and birds together
3) More effort against the antivax folks needs to happen
4) "bush meat" should not be eaten

Posted: Sun 21 Jun 2020, 20:29
by xenial.
Only be a matter of time before another outbreak.

Posted: Mon 22 Jun 2020, 18:25
by musher0
Moose On The Loose wrote:
xenial. wrote:Unless the chinese plan to change their attitude towars animal welfare and consumption then it will only be a matter of time before another contagion is let loose on the world.
Africa has the same problem that may be how ebola gets loose.

1) The US needs to do away with using antibiotics in feedlots
2) China also needs to stop raising pigs and birds together
3) More effort against the antivax folks needs to happen
4) "bush meat" should not be eaten
Well, I'd say hare (IOW wild rabbit) is ok, but not moose, ;)
so you're sure you won't eat a fellow forum member. :twisted:


Posted: Mon 22 Jun 2020, 20:32
by mikeslr
xenial. wrote:Only be a matter of time before another outbreak.
Ebola, Aids, zika, sars of recent memory. The last pandemic we recognize as such was 'The Spanish Flu'. It got that name because reports of it virulence first came out of Spain. The evidence now suggests that it originated in the slaughter houses in Kansas. It wasn't reported in the US because we were about to enter WWI. "Uncle Sam" wanted you and knowing that you were far more likely to die ingloriously in a hospital than perform heroically on the battle field might have interfered with the National effort.

Then, of course, there was the Black Death which wiped out about 1/3 of Europe's population. IIRC, that was also one of the bi-products of International Trade. That European Wisdom had recently slaughtered (as agents of the Devil) much of the feral cat population didn't help much.

There's bitter irony that not so long ago Europe struggled with fear that women wearing burka's and face-masks somehow posed a thread. Having half your population always with its face covered in public (even for the wrong reason) is a pre-adaption for combating air-born diseases. Too bad we opted for cowboy jeans rather than bandanas.

[With US beaches now opening, I've suggested to a cousin, who manufactures T-Shirts, that he re-direct his efforts to producing bikinis with matching face-masks].

Perhaps the worst pandemic of which we now have knowledge is that which spread through the Native Americans shortly after Columbus's discovery. It is now estimated in the next two generations the population of North America was reduced by at least 80%. One wonders how successful the Conquistadors might have been had they not been preceded by illness.

And, of course, there was the great die-off of the mega-fauna some 14,000 +/- years ago; just slightly after the time it is estimated that some immigrants --with their domesticated dogs-- crossed over what was then the Bering Straights Ice Bridge; and other humans, following seal-herds, may have circumnavigated the North Atlantic Ice-cap from Europe to Eastern North America.

We now live in a global village where several players jostle for dominance. Information is power; and concealing information about a weakness is to be expected. It's the reason we have spies, and make efforts to debrief visitors to and from strange places. In a democracy, controlling the flow of accurate information is difficult.

We can bury out heads in the sand; think wishfully; play word-games; use 'blue-screens', photo-shop and re-writes. These are reasonable short-term solutions. Long-term solutions will be those the survivors adopted.