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Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2018, 01:59
by rockedge
the --maxtextlength feature is working well. I have the same settings

Code: Select all

--maxtextlength 18 --column 8
I modified the taskbar so "Places" is now "Apps" and opens up xlunch. as seen in Screenshot(9). This gives me the regular "Menu" and next to it "Apps" so I can open xlunch in a window and have the apps menu remain open.

Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2018, 02:29
by musher0
Hi guys.

I hate to ask you this, and take it any way you wish, but I need to know:

Do you guys really find this invasion of your desktop attractive, or are you
under the spell of some Pied Piper? (And 2 weeks from now you will have
forgotten all about it...)


Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2018, 05:02
by rockedge
why? does it bother you? if it does, then go mind your own business
I don't want to get into with you musher0.

yes probably I will stop experimenting with it in a week...or not.....trying some different concepts and for now it is fun and it is teaching me something. have you heard one criticism from me on anything you have ever done?

This about the 5th time you've disrespected me frenchy...what is your problem?

Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2018, 06:03
by musher0
No disrespect is intended -- to you or anybody else.

BTW, you, rockedge, are one of the people I respect the most here, because
of your twin cultures and because you knew to exercize judgment in a
certain business a few weeks ago.

I asked out of curiosity. My own esthetics for a desktop is for it to be as
clean as possible. I was wondering what the fascination was with Xlunch.

That's it. I thought it was a simple question. Sorry I asked. I sincerely
apologize if the style I used to ask it offended anyone.

Best regards.

PS. For the record, I'm not a "frenchy", I'm a "canuck".

Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2018, 12:39
by fredx181
Hi I've been playing some more with my little xlunch toy. :lol:

What I wanted to avoid is overlapping text when on smaller resolution and using --maxtextlength
Found that it works best without setting --columns:

Code: Select all

xlunch --scroll --dontquit -W --border 6% --sideborder 6% --borderratio 50 --sideborderratio 50 \
         --background /usr/share/wallpapers/xlunch.jpg \
         --iconpadding 1  --leastmargin 80 --leastvmargin 1 --maxtextlength 18 \
         --paddingswap --iconsize 48 --textpadding 1 \
         --highlight /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/highlight.png
(setting --leastmargin 80 does most of the trick)

With resolution 1200x800 it will show automatically 8 columns and 7 rows:

With resolution 1024x768 it will show 6 columns and no overlapping text.


Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2018, 16:05
by rockedge
Nice find Fred! I am going to follow your lead and try it out

musher0 I am going to try to remove all the desktop icons except for the drives and modify "Menu" on the taskbar to start xlunch. This is to see an alternative to the menus system jwm has. Just to see a really uncluttered desktop and if this is at all a working scenario. I like "canuck" a lot more than "frenchy" anyway....much more "Big Country" in a way.

Posted: Tue 04 Sep 2018, 07:48
by fredx181
@sc0ttman, suggestion:
Add some more font paths in xlunch.c, around line 2363:

Code: Select all

I found that xlunch doesn't run on x-tahr (default font not found), making it as above fixes it for me.


Posted: Tue 04 Sep 2018, 22:19
by rufwoof
musher0 wrote:I asked out of curiosity. My own esthetics for a desktop is for it to be as clean as possible. I was wondering what the fascination was with Xlunch.
I'm running Fatdog with cwm, so the default desktop is nothing but a mouse pointer (+ whatever wallpaper you might like to add). More often my 'wallpaper' is a video (music) i.e. maximised window - cwm adds no window decorations). Can't get much cleaner than that :) Exec key + first few letters of a program name usually filters down to a single program.

Code: Select all

# Retreive screen height
SCREEN_HEIGHT=`xwininfo -root|sed '/Height/!d;s/.* //'`
# subtract 1 as 0..899 for 900 xwininfo height screen
while : ;do
CURRENT_MOUSE_POSITION=`xdotool getmouselocation | sed 's/ sc.*//; s/.://g; s/ /x/'`
    if [ "$CURRENT_MOUSE_POSITION" = "$TOP_LEFT" ]; then
	# Assumes bind-key M-w "~/" ... is set in .cwmrc
	xdotool mousemove 120 160  # move mouse away from corner so doesn't retrigger
	xdotool key alt+w space    # key combination to launch xlunch	
sleep 0.2
I've added a hot corner script as above, that I launch in the background in .xinitrc just before running cwm, so when I mouse into the bottom left it launches skippy-xd, that shows all windows arranged around the screen where you can maximise, close, switch to any one by clicking on it. Mouse into top left launches a menu of programs that I've defined (most popular) however I'm considering swapping that hot corner to launch xlunch instead as I leave a 2 pixel gap at the top of screen in cwm where I can click to present that menu anyway.

Code: Select all

~/xlunch --input /root/.config/xlunch/entries.dsv --scroll --columns 5 --font /usr/share/fonts/X11/TTF/DejaVuSerif.ttf/14
Odd thing, when I run it via a script it loads the page with programs fine, when invoked via a hotkey however it just shows the run prompt alone. Had to add the --input parameter to point to where the entries.dsv file actually sits (despite being in the default ~/.config/xlunch folder). I've edited the content of that down to a more limited set and in the order I prefer as fatdog already has a quickapps that shows all .desktop files (or rox of /usr/share/applications serves just as well).

Code: Select all

# .cwmrc
gap                             2 0 0 0
ignore                          xclock
ignore                          xload
color inactiveborder            Black
color activeborder              "#494949"
color groupborder               "#01a252"
color urgencyborder             "#3d9751"
color selfont                   "#0034A9"
color font                      "#FFFFFF"
color menufg                    "#49F6F6"
color menubg                    "#333333"
#fontname                       "DejaVu Sans:size=11:antialias=true"
fontname                        "News10:size=11:antialias=true"
bind-key CM-comma               "mixerctl outputs.master=-5"
bind-key CM-period              "mixerctl outputs.master=+5"
#bind-key M-w 			menu-cmd
bind-key M-w			"/root/"
bind-key M-s			"skippy-xd"

command " xkill "		"xkill"
command " xterm "		"xterm"
command " seamonkey-spot "	"seamonkey-spot"
command " seamonkey-root "	"seamonkey"
command " geany "		"geany"
command " rox "			"rox"
command " mc "			"xterm mc"
command " mtpaint "		"mtpaint"
command " htop "		"xterm htop"
command " galculator "		"galculator"
command " scalc "		"soffice --calc"
command " writer "		"soffice --writer"
command " control panel "	""
command " isomaster "		"isomaster"
command " pburn "		"pburn"
command " peasy disc "		"peasydisc"
command " mount sr0 "		"/bin/mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/sr0"
command " umount sr0 "		"/bin/umount /mnt/sr0"
command " exit "		"pkill cwm"

Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2018, 00:25
by rufwoof

Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2018, 02:04
by musher0
Thanks for your reports, rufwoof.

I'll have a look at cwm.
Maybe try your XLunch, too.


Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2018, 06:17
by musher0
Ok... Where did I go wrong?!

I compiled from scottman's github depot and get this:
Could not load icon /mnt/ram1/Xlunch-scottman/usr/share/xlunch/svgicons//package_compressed.png, Imlib failed with: IMLIB_LOAD_ERROR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST
Could not load icon /mnt/ram1/Xlunch-scottman/usr/share/xlunch/svgicons//file_compare.png, Imlib failed with: IMLIB_LOAD_ERROR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST
Could not load icon /mnt/ram1/Xlunch-scottman/usr/share/xlunch/svgicons//xkill.png, Imlib failed with: IMLIB_LOAD_ERROR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST
Could not load icon /mnt/ram1/Xlunch-scottman/usr/share/xlunch/svgicons//screen_lock.png, Imlib failed with: IMLIB_LOAD_ERROR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST
Could not load icon /mnt/ram1/Xlunch-scottman/usr/share/xlunch/svgicons//graphics.png, Imlib failed with: IMLIB_LOAD_ERROR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST
Could not load icon /mnt/ram1/Xlunch-scottman/usr/share/xlunch/svgicons//xpdf.png, Imlib failed with: IMLIB_LOAD_ERROR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST
Running command:
It sort of works except I get a dark grey background and lots of ghost
icons. And i do not get the full 220 *.desktop entries in my
/usr/share/applications directory. TIA.

About the ghost icons:
How do I get the Xlunch program to fetch the icons from
/usr/share/xlunch/svgicons ? They are there, BTW:

Code: Select all

[~]>ls /usr/share/xlunch/svgicons/
book_dictionary.png    firewall.png              pgprs.png
book.png               floppy.png                photocamera.png
card_pci.png           font.png                  power.png
cd_burn.png            go.png                    preferences.png
cd_rip.png             graphics.png              print.png
cdrom.png              harddisk.png              puppy_config.png
clipit-trayicon.png    install.png               puppy_increase.png
clock_countdown.png    internet_connect.png      puppy_remaster.png
clock_interval.png     internet_connect_yes.png  screen_lock.png
copy_disk.png          listdd.png                screen_resolution.png
country_language.png   menu.png                  sound_mixer.png
country_timezone.png   mouse_keyboard.png        sound.png
date_time.png          network.png               speaker_2.png
dialog_stop.png        open.png                  startup_app.png
directory_execute.png  package_add.png           startup.png
execute_inspect.png    package_compressed.png    terminal.png
execute.png            package_inspect.png       touchpad.png
file_compare.png       package_remove.png        user_login.png
file_lock.png          partition.png             xkill.png
find.png               pdf.png                   xpdf.png
But as you can see, there are only 60 of them, not the full 220 I have.

Also, is it supposed to work like dmenu: you type a letter and a sub-set of
entries appear?

@rufwoof: this xlunch was run with echinus as the WM; the line on top is
the ourico panel/bar, which is part of echinus. (As shown in screen cap.)
And xlunch has a title bar in echinus (it should not, right?).

Again, TIA for any lead.

Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2018, 09:21
by rufwoof
musher0 wrote:@rufwoof: this xlunch was run with echinus as the WM; the line on top is the ourico panel/bar, which is part of echinus. (As shown in screen cap.)/ And xlunch has a title bar in echinus (it should not, right?).
Sounds like xlunch isn't filling the screen in your case (I have no panel or other desktop items, so have no reference in my case). I see that the xlunch web site does have some text about screens
Multi monitor setup

xlunch does not know how to detect your output monitors, it sees your monitors as a big single screen. If you run it, your window manager positions the window and makes it fullscreen, so it is up to your window manager to decide what monitor xlunch runs on. If you, however configure your WM to make xlunch floating, start xlunch in Desktop mode (which bypasses your window manager) or if you do not have any WM at all, you can customize the size and position of the window manually by providing the top/left coordinates and width/height of your monitor screen, which effectively positions xlunch on the desired place/monitor. Use the following

-x, --xposition The x coordinate of the launcher window
-y, --yposition The y coordinate of the launcher window
-w, --width The width of the launcher window
-h, --height The height of the launcher window

For example, if you have two 800x600 monitors side by side, xlunch sees it as 1600x800. You can put it to first monitor by: -x 0 -y 0 -w 800 -h 600, or to second monitor by using -x 800 -y 0 -w 800 -h 600. Remember that all these settings might be overridden by your window manager unless you start xlunch in Desktop mode. Another thing that is helpful is that xlunch sets three distinct WM_CLASS values, "xlunch-fullscreen" for it's default mode, "xlunch-desktop" for the desktop mode, and "xlunch-windowed" for it's windowed mode. This makes it easy to tell your window manager to treat each of the different kinds properly. Alternatively you can use the --name option or the environment variable RESOURCE_NAME to set the first part of WM_CLASS, note however that this value is also the program called by :recur.