bug fixes Puppy 2.10

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#21 Post by GuestToo »

well, we all have to make choices every day of our lives. When you write even simple programs, you have to make choices concerning how your program is structured and how it will work

I could have use tar.gz as the container for dotpup packages, but i knew that servers often are misconfigured and treat gz files as text files (when you click a gz file in your browser your screen files up with gibberish text), but zip files usually work properly (click a zip file and it downloads) ... so i chose to use zip rather than tar.gz for dotpup packages ... i think that was a good choice

and no, i have never considered setting out on a crusade to reconfigure the hundreds of servers so they will work properly with gz files ... what i did was recognize that in the real world, zip files work better with server than gz files, and chose the dotpup format accordingly

the geany situation is similar ... i have little or no control over what the geany developer(s) and with what the Jwm developer(s) do with geany and Jwm, but i have total control over whether i write a simple workaround script, and what is in the script

when Firefox 1.0 was released, it had a new bug ... if you tried to open a file with an absolute path, it would not add file:// to the name of the file ... it did work properly if the file had a relative path ... this was a simple and obvious logic error in the script that started Firefox ... i found the problem immediately, and posted a fix ... Barry went to the trouble of registering on Firefox's Bugzilla and reporting the bug ... of course, months went by, and nothing was done, so eventually i posted a bugfix for the problem on Bugzilla (using Bugmenot), in fact i posted 2 solutions ... and of course, nothing was done

Firefox 1.0 had the bug and 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 and 1.0.5 and 1.0.6 and 1.0.7 ... the only reason the bug eventually got fixed was that they switched to a newer version of Firefox based on Deer Park, which has a slightly different start script

Firefox has a well deserved reputation for being Open Source that is not very open

in the meantime, i made some dotpup packages that downloaded and installed Firefox ... and all my dotpup packages had my bugfix so you could set Rox to open html files in Firefox, and it would work properly

as for the geany bug being in Puppy for a while, that is probably true, but i did not have geany installed, and i was not really using those versions ... i have been looking for bugs in 2.10 lately, and this is really the first time i have personally been affected by the geany problem ... in particular, i updated my Icewm package, and tried it in Puppy 2.10, and found that restarting X to start Icewm caused the named pipe problem ... and i further found that there seemed to be no way to kill geany gracefully from a script ... so i reported the geany bug in Puppy 2.10 and wrote a simple workaround for the problem, and put the workaround in my SP210a.pup package

and that is all i'm going to do ... i can't work on every software problem in the world ... i wrote a simple workaround for a simple problem that seems to be fairly effective, and you are welcome to use it if you like, or not use it if you like ... i see no reason to choose to handle the problem differently from the way i did

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