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Midori 0.3.2

Posted: Mon 21 Nov 2011, 16:26
by edoc
There are four files for Midori 0.3.2 to run correctly in Fluppy 013.

They are now located at:

Can someone let Smokey know so that he may copy them to his Fluppy 013 repository?

I am not sure how long they will remain available where I have placed them.

Posted: Mon 21 Nov 2011, 20:03
by aarf
and also
and also ... puppeee13/
these are the md5sums that i got down. check please.

Code: Select all

# md5sum *
5c46f5ded8eeeb8d890ec9af03107fc4  glib-2.28.2-i486.gz
99687deb437b5a9c523e48b7cde8c654  glib-networking-2.28.0-i486.gz
8c3221c356a3545ec5b35aedb1c742cd  libsoup-2.33.90-i486.gz
93b463deb30340fa769236a7c357b88e  midori-0.3.2-i486.gz

best version of Fluppy

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 01:29
by don570
I just bought an old IBM M52 Thinkcentre computer
and I discovered that it has an Intel integrated graphics chip.

I found it very difficult to boot up with Puppy.

I found an old CD with Puppy3 would boot it
and the most recent version of Racy 5.2.2 would at least boot
it from the CD, but I found lots of buggy behaviour.

So far the best Puppies that I have found to use with
this computer are Lighthouse 5.03 and Fluppy012
(but NOT Fluppy013 !!! which wouldn't boot at all)

Fortunately Fluppy012 is still available


Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 01:36
by edoc
Have you tried Squeeze 5X9?

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 01:41
by don570
Wouldn't boot up!!!!

Close though. I got to Xorgwizard. then black.

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 02:06
by edoc
Did you try the xvesa alternative?

Pwidgets 2.4

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 11:34
by tlchost
No answer in the Pwidgets thread....can anyone shed some light on this?

When I install pwidgets in Fluppy13 I can not access the program from the icon in the desktop area. Entering pwidgets from the command line gives me:

/usr/local/pwidgets/pwidgets: line 26: type: gtkdialog4: not found
/usr/local/pwidgets/pwidgets: line 209: gtkdialog: command not found

When I remove pwidigts 2.40 I see this:

pwidgits 2.38



Posted: Thu 08 Dec 2011, 21:09
by don570
Fluppy has gtkdialog3, not gtkdialog4

I haven't tested gtkdialog4 myself,
but there is a thread by Barry Kauler to install
gtkdialog4. ... but that probably won't be enough to install pwidgets :cry: . ... b7ab5dfc77

If you need a fancy clock, you should read the following thread ... 46&t=73441

I made a crude transparent floating clock but it only works with some
window managers. For instance with JWM it's not transparent.
Instructions: You must set it by right clicking it
and floating it above the other windows.
If there isn't a menu entry then type 'oclock' in console.


install pwidgets in Fluppy

Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2011, 16:30
by don570
I installed Barry Kauler's pet for gtk4dialog
and was able to install pwidgets properly!! :lol:

Re: install pwidgets in Fluppy

Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2011, 21:18
by tlchost
don570 wrote:I installed Barry Kauler's pet for gtk4dialog
and was able to install pwidgets properly!! :lol:
Works for Fluppy 13 on a USB...thanks

LibreOffice 3.4.4

Posted: Sun 11 Dec 2011, 17:57
by tlchost
Found mention of LibreOffice 3.4.4 pet for quirky Works witrh Fluppy 013 bootable USB Drive. ... -3.4.4.sfs

Posted: Mon 30 Jan 2012, 17:46
by starhawk
Sorry to bring this back up (I know it's an old thread) but how does one enable the desktop interface in screen2.jpg of the original post? The one with what appears to be a tab-bar interface on the left side of the screen?

That looks really cool and I have an idea for that...

Posted: Mon 30 Jan 2012, 19:18
by Aitch

I think that's Favourites?

Aitch :)

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 00:15
by starhawk
Favorites :? I'm confused.

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 00:48
by Aitch

screen2 on p1 which you asked about shows Fluppy menu, with Favourites folder open, I believe...what are you confused about?

Have you tried Fluppy?

Jemimah, the developer created a favourites file similar to that other OS's favourites folder, OK?

Aitch :)

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 00:55
by starhawk
I've used Fluppy -- it's great stuff. I thought that was a different WM/DE/UI/whatever that had navigation by the tabs on the side. I guess I was just confused :(

What? I like the xPUD-style layout... (xPUD[dot]org ;) )

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 01:46
by Puppyt
@starhawk, try Menu>System>Control Panel>Desktop>Change Desktop Environment>Netbook Launcher;
to get what jemimah was illustrating in screen2. I'm not sure whether it makes much additional difference changing the Windows Manager (Flwm, Icewm and OpenBox included as standard) - but certainly plenty of options are there to play with. Absolutely fangs on my '99 vintage Portege 3480ct with 196Mb RAM, but a new 7200rpm 160GB HD certainly helps.

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 01:51
by starhawk
I'll take a look in a little bit.

BTW, I wish you were in the States -- I've been looking for a Portege of that model or similar, and I can't find one here. Unfortunately, shipping from Australia is likely to be a little outside my price range (I also suspect that you wouldn't want to part with it, either!).

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 02:32
by Puppyt
:D you don't know how many people have seen it working with Puppy and made me an offer for it, on the spot!

No, I'm afraid it's now something of a family heirloom, as it was my stepmums business machine and went around the world twice with her, back in the day. Ironically for you- it was custom-built in Canada! Semi-ruggardised, magnesium alloy case etc etc it literally cost only AU$15 for the cards to enable wifi and USB2+firewire. (A little cumbersome, but portable steampunk is the new black, apparently.) It also has proved useful as an emergency entertainment system for the kids. Jemimah's careful selection of non-violent, puzzle-type games in Fluppy is especially appreciated (by us parents)!

I really should get around to you-tubing it - gotta install Catdude's graphical boot to really show it off with bootup times etc. Broad mix of puplets to showcase Puppy Linux/Windows managers... At the moment, it runs MIJINpup511, ZenPup5 (an early dpup - I think it was cagwait's project), TEENpup2010mini, MacPup520, QuirkNOP-120, Simplicity10:10 (based on stu90's 5x D-lite), and of course, Fluppy 013. You can bet I'll be trying to shoe-horn Saluki into it!

EDIT: Breaks my heart ... 256b113809; ... 19c5c75a79
If I was to replace it though, I'd probably go with a used Toughbook or an Opentec 'Openfire' or industrial-grade RPC (Australian manufacturer). The latter is now an obsession for me since I squeeked out of winning an auction for 2 together for less than $160 :evil:

Posted: Fri 03 Feb 2012, 00:48
by don570
I stumbled across a way to get fluppy 013 to run on my
IBM thinkcenter M52 computer which has an intel graphics chip.

I previously reported that Fluppy 012 will work on this model but
Fluppy 013 won't.

By accident I booted up the computer with a CD with
Fluppy 013 burnt on it. To my amazement it worked!!

The reason is simple. I had previously installed Fluppy 012
on the computer so a pupsave file was available for Fluppy 013
to find. This pupsave file has the 'intel' driver inside it.
It took a couple of minutes to load the pupsave file
because it has installed applications in it,
but it was successful and that's what counts. :lol:
