Page 10 of 15

Posted: Fri 30 Mar 2012, 01:49
by BarryK
bigpup wrote:Here is a post about booting from live CD and not finding save file on SD card.
The fix was to use this boot option:
puppy pmedia=usbflash pdev=mmcblk0p1
Is this a bug to require this option?
Yes, there is a bug. I will investigate this today.

Posted: Fri 30 Mar 2012, 01:51
by BarryK
BarryK wrote:
James C wrote:Following that link I can successfully ping the nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf .

# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.377 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.374 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.988 ms
64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=255 time=0.375 ms
64 bytes from seq=4 ttl=255 time=0.386 ms
64 bytes from seq=5 ttl=255 time=0.278 ms
I am confused. In your previous post you stated that the change to nsswitch.conf did not work. So, what other change did work?
Sorry, I didn't look closely enough, you are only pinging a ip address, not a url, so it is not yet working.

Posted: Fri 30 Mar 2012, 02:34
by James C
BarryK wrote:
James C wrote:
BarryK wrote: That is strange. This is the relevant code:

Code: Select all

 ping -c 1
 if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
  INSERT0="<text use-markup="true"><label>"<b>`gettext "Currently not connected to the Internet. If you wish to connect later, you can run this Video Upgrade Wizard again via the 'setup' icon on the desktop or the 'Setup' category in the menu. Note, to connect to the Internet, click 'connect' icon on left of desktop."`</b>"</label></text>"

Can you do this in a terminal:

# ping -c 1
# echo $?

In terminal.....

Code: Select all

# ping -c 1
ping: bad address ''
# echo $?
May be related or not, in pemasu's latest Exprimo release I've been experiencing wget problems. ... 599#613599


Just tried to use wget to download Flash (as attempted in the linked Exprimo thread) and it fails in Wary as well.

Code: Select all

# wget
--2012-03-23 21:25:35--
Resolving ( failed: Temporary failure in name resolution.
wget: unable to resolve host address `'
Are you connected to the Internet through a proxy server?
No proxy servers.....using all default settings.

Just checked in the latest Precise.... no problems. Video Upgrade works correctly where in Wary it tells me I'm not connected to the internet.
Here is from Precise....

Code: Select all

# ping -c 1 
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=52 time=53.775 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 53.775/53.775/53.775 ms
# echo $? 
And just now from Wary.....

Code: Select all

# ping -c 1 
ping: bad address ''
# echo $? 
But, if I ping Google using the numeric address from the successful attempts in Precise the ping works in Wary....

Code: Select all

# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=52 time=54.773 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=52 time=53.948 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=51 time=54.873 ms
64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=52 time=54.867 ms
64 bytes from seq=4 ttl=52 time=54.821 ms
64 bytes from seq=5 ttl=52 time=54.482 ms

Re: Xdialog

Posted: Fri 30 Mar 2012, 03:07
by radky
L18L wrote:Xdialog - where is yes/no?
You can use the label-substitution option of Xdialog.

Code: Select all

Xdialog --title "Xdialog" --ok-label "Yes" --cancel-label "No" --yesno "The label-substitution option of \n Xdialog will display Yes/No buttons." 0 0

Posted: Fri 30 Mar 2012, 09:41
by BarryK
BarryK wrote:
bigpup wrote:Here is a post about booting from live CD and not finding save file on SD card.
The fix was to use this boot option:
puppy pmedia=usbflash pdev=mmcblk0p1
Is this a bug to require this option?
Yes, there is a bug. I will investigate this today.
Ok, fixed. I posted to my blog:

Re: Puppy-Setup: change to UTF-8 does not get permanent

Posted: Fri 30 Mar 2012, 10:15
by BarryK
L18L wrote:
LaRioja wrote:I have installed Racy 5.2.90 on my AMD LE 1250 box and chose German locale in the Quick Setup but I accidentally did not tick UTF-8 Encoding. I changed this later in Puppy-Setup, but it doesn't get permanent. So on every reboot I have to change to UTF-8 again.
Is there something wrong?
Thanks for a hint.
Yes, there is something wrong, I have been trying to reproduce this in a similiar way.

racy 5.2.90 pfix=ram
chosen LANG: de_DE (without utf8)
saved to a new save file called racysave-de_DE.2fs

then reboot
and chosen racysave-de_DE.2fs

# cat /proc/cmdline
video=640x480 root=/dev/sda3 ro vga=normal pdev1=sda3
# echo $LANG

repeated chooselocale (de_DE) several times

My observation:
change to non-UTF-8 does not get permanent

I donĀ“t think this is specific to German.
Other languages, please test: changing to/from utf-8

Hope this will help locating the bug
I am not having any problem.

Running as a German user, I used quickcountry (symlink to quicksetup) to untick and tick the UTF-8 checkbox. There was no problem.

The problem may occur if you altered the initrd.gz the first time, to say de_DE-UTF-8, then that will be used at a reboot. QuickCountry/QuickSetup will offer to change the initrd.gz if you change the UTF-8 checkbox.


Posted: Fri 30 Mar 2012, 12:45
by L18L
gettexted and changed
Input values from 1 to 100 (not 199)

Code: Select all

#Written by PANZERKOPF
#100215 hacked by BK
#120329 i18n
#120330 10.0 = 100 using bc now because: Gamma values must be between 0.100 and 10.000 L18L

export TEXTDOMAIN=xgamma-gui

TITLE="$(gettext 'Monitor Gamma calibration')"
BACKTITLE="$(gettext 'Set percentage value for each colour,\nor adjust equally if only want to adjust\nbrightness of screen')"

if [ "`which xgamma`" = "" ]; then
 Xdialog --title "${TITLE}" --msgbox "$(gettext 'xgamma not found.')" 0 0

GAMMA='100/100/100' # percentages
#file contains one line like this: xgamma -rgamma 1.00 -ggamma 1.00 -bgamma 1.00 #100/100/100
#file contains one line like this: xgamma -rgamma 10.00 -ggamma 9.90 -bgamma 10.00 #100/99/100
[ -f $HOME/.xgamma-gamma ] && GAMMA="`cat $HOME/.xgamma-gamma | cut -f 2 -d '#'`"

while [ "${EXCODE}" = "0" ]; do

 if [ ! -z ${xGAMMA} ]; then
  echo ${xGAMMA}
  #xgamma -rgamma ${xGAMMA:0:1}.${xGAMMA:1:2} -ggamma ${xGAMMA:4:1}.${xGAMMA:5:2} -bgamma ${xGAMMA:8:1}.${xGAMMA:9:2}
  rg=`echo ${xGAMMA} | cut -d '/' -f1` ; rgf=`echo "scale=3; $rg / 10" | bc -l`
  gg=`echo ${xGAMMA} | cut -d '/' -f2` ; ggf=`echo "scale=3; $gg / 10" | bc -l`
  bg=`echo ${xGAMMA} | cut -d '/' -f3` ; bgf=`echo "scale=3; $bg / 10" | bc -l`
  xgamma -rgamma $rgf -ggamma $ggf -bgamma $bgf
 else # inclusion of this block is new
  #echo GAMMA=$GAMMA 
  rg=`echo ${GAMMA} | cut -d '/' -f1` ; rgf=`echo "scale=3; $rg / 10" | bc -l`
  gg=`echo ${GAMMA} | cut -d '/' -f2` ; ggf=`echo "scale=3; $gg / 10" | bc -l`
  bg=`echo ${GAMMA} | cut -d '/' -f3` ; bgf=`echo "scale=3; $bg / 10" | bc -l`
# xGAMMA=`Xdialog --screen-center --left --backtitle "${BACKTITLE}" --title "${TITLE}" --stdout --buttons-style "text" --icon "/usr/share/images/xgamma-gui.xpm" --ok-label "$(gettext 'Apply')" --cancel-label "$(gettext 'Exit')" \
#--3spinsbox "" 0 0 "0" "199" "${GAMMA:0:3}" "$(gettext 'Red')" "0" "199" "${GAMMA:4:3}" "$(gettext 'Green')" "0" "199" "${GAMMA:8:3}" "$(gettext 'Blue')"`
 xGAMMA=`Xdialog --screen-center --left --backtitle "${BACKTITLE}" --title "${TITLE}" --stdout --buttons-style "text" --icon "/usr/share/images/xgamma-gui.xpm" --ok-label "$(gettext 'Apply')" --cancel-label "$(gettext 'Exit')" \
--3spinsbox "" 0 0 "0" "100" "${rg}" "$(gettext 'Red')" "0" "100" "${gg}" "$(gettext 'Green')" "0" "100" "${bg}" "$(gettext 'Blue')"`


if [ ! -z ${sGAMMA} ]; then
 #Xdialog --yesno "$(gettext 'Save current configuration?')" 0 0
 Xdialog --ok-label "$(gettext 'Yes')" --cancel-label "$(gettext 'No')" --yesno "$(gettext 'Save current configuration?')" 0 0
  if [ ${?} -eq 0 ]; then
   #echo -n "xgamma -rgamma ${sGAMMA:0:1}.${sGAMMA:1:2} -ggamma ${sGAMMA:4:1}.${sGAMMA:5:2} -bgamma ${sGAMMA:8:1}.${sGAMMA:9:2}"' &' > $HOME/.xgamma-gamma
   #echo -n "xgamma -rgamma $rg -ggamma $gg -bgamma $bg"' &' > $HOME/.xgamma-gamma
   echo -n "xgamma -rgamma $rgf -ggamma $ggf -bgamma $bgf"' &' > $HOME/.xgamma-gamma
   echo " #${sGAMMA}" >> $HOME/.xgamma-gamma
   #...xgamma is executed in /root/.xinitrc
   echo "$(gettext 'Saved')"
   #ummm, but if defaults, don't need xgamma...
   [ "$sGAMMA" = "100/100/100" ] && rm -f $HOME/.xgamma-gamma #saves time in .xinitrc


Posted: Fri 30 Mar 2012, 22:17
by vicmz
BarryK wrote:
vicmz wrote:unable to fix wrong translations in menus

just one example:

the Bcrypt entry should say 'cifrado de archivos' (file encryption), the existing translation says 'encriptado de aplicaciones' (application encryption) -- the word 'encriptar', is so un-Spanish :roll:

langpack_es installs the new translations, but existing fuzzy translations remain
Ok, I have removed the "Name[es]" entry from rootfs-skeleton/usr/share/applications/Bcrypt-file-encryption.desktop in Woof.

I will upload Woof soon.
Thanks. The attached file contains the remaining fixes, you can replace the files in Woof by those in this .tar.gz so that you don't have to open and edit each file individually:

Posted: Fri 30 Mar 2012, 23:09
by BarryK
I have uploaded Wary and Racy 5.2.91 (5.3RC2), see announcement:

The last two posts above got missed out. Sorry, I will look at those soon, thanks for the info.

Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2012, 00:51
by James C
Fresh frugal install of 5.2.91. All basics working on initial boot.
Only problems are those mentioned earlier .... not really that big of a deal.As long as the PPM and browsers work I guess I can live without Wget..... :)

Any chance of a faster place to download Wary/Racy.

Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2012, 01:41
by Pete22
At other download sites for puppies: I can get similar sized puppies in about 4 minutes My brother can download them about as fast as he can click his mouse.

It takes more than 20 minutes to download a standard sized puppy from the ibiblio site, no matter how fast our personal connections are.

Would you consider allowing wary/racy to also be hosted at one of these faster download locations?


flash 11.r202 not working

Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2012, 02:03
by broomdodger
flash 11.r202 not working
frugal manual
automatic flash install
flash 11.r202 not working

delete /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

copy flash 11.r102 from racy5290
flash 11.r102 is working

Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2012, 07:33
by Sage
Extended d/l times from ibiblio this morning?
The momentary left-click on sr0 disappearing icon feature is back!

Re: flash 11.r202 not working

Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2012, 07:34
by Terryphi
broomdodger wrote:flash 11.r202 not working
frugal manual
automatic flash install
flash 11.r202 not working

delete /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

copy flash 11.r102 from racy5290
flash 11.r102 is working
I have upgraded to Flashplayer which works reliably on Wary and Racy.

Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2012, 07:39
by Terryphi
Sage wrote:Extended d/l times from ibiblio this morning?
The momentary left-click on sr0 disappearing icon feature is back!
Morning Sage,

Download from this mirror which is must faster than ibiblio:

Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2012, 07:50
by BarryK
James C wrote:Fresh frugal install of 5.2.91. All basics working on initial boot.
Only problems are those mentioned earlier .... not really that big of a deal.As long as the PPM and browsers work I guess I can live without Wget..... :)
I think that I sent you a pm to try the '-4' option with wget. Have you tried that?

That is, insert '-4' like this:

# wget -4 <url>

Re: Any chance of a faster place to download Wary/Racy.

Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2012, 07:52
by scsijon
Pete22 wrote:At other download sites for puppies: I can get similar sized puppies in about 4 minutes My brother can download them about as fast as he can click his mouse.

It takes more than 20 minutes to download a standard sized puppy from the ibiblio site, no matter how fast our personal connections are.

Would you consider allowing wary/racy to also be hosted at one of these faster download locations?

I sugest that you check with your local university to see if they are mirroring some part of ibiblio, if so it should be easy to get them to add a couple of extra's (puppylinux and quirky) if they are not already doing so. You can also always try M.I.T. or Berkley.

ibiblio has been slow for some time now, I've found that is often much faster than ibiblio when my local, here in australia has had problems.

Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2012, 08:02
by James C
BarryK wrote:
James C wrote:Fresh frugal install of 5.2.91. All basics working on initial boot.
Only problems are those mentioned earlier .... not really that big of a deal.As long as the PPM and browsers work I guess I can live without Wget..... :)
I think that I sent you a pm to try the '-4' option with wget. Have you tried that?

That is, insert '-4' like this:

# wget -4 <url>
Been busy and forgot ....... :)
Let's try to download Flash.....

Code: Select all

# wget -4 
--2012-03-31 03:01:37--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 6746733 (6.4M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: `install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz'

100%[======================================>] 6,746,733    159K/s   in 42s     

2012-03-31 03:02:18 (158 KB/s) - `install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz' saved [6746733/6746733]

Success.Glad you reminded me....

Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2012, 08:03
by BarryK
Find some bugs guys!

I am merrily using this pup, and apart from a couple of little things that I found right off, all is well. :happy:

There is the mysterious wget/ping failure problem, that so far has only affected one person.

I have some updated langpacks that I will upload soon:

fr 20120330 (esmourguit)
pl 20120327 (robwoj44)

I want to freeze everything, essential bug fixes only. Hold over unessential changes to later. Maybe can get the 5.3-final out in a couple of days?

Anyway, please play with the apps, let us know if anything crashes and burns.

Wary/Racy 5.3RC2 (5.2.91)

Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2012, 08:09
by L18L
Found a little thing, too :)