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Posted: Mon 17 Jun 2013, 07:06
by amigo
Yes, we need not just a talking interface -it should be able to sing us to sleep...

"full patch between 1,1 and my present source"

This would be helpful to make sure nothing gets missed. I'm pretty sure that I have downloaded all the patches you have posted, but yesterday I wanted to make sure I had all of them. But, the two patch sets from October 2012 are no longer available(from earlier in this thread) Can you repost them -or maybe they are too large for the new forum size limits. In that case, you can email them to me directly.

Posted: Mon 17 Jun 2013, 12:11
by amigo
I'm definitely gonna need a diff or full sources of where you are right now. The patches applied cleanly up through 033*.diff but then there were problems with the last three patches.
I'm gonna create a 1.2 version which covers up to patch 33*. Then, a full diff of your present sources against 1.1 will let me roll the last three patches together. Thanks for keeping things orderly.

Posted: Sun 07 Jul 2013, 09:22
by goingnuts
New release, GtkDialog1-1.3, ready.

View main post here

Posted: Wed 10 Jul 2013, 04:51
by jpeps
goingnuts wrote:New release, GtkDialog1-1.3, ready.

View main post here
Indulge yourself in a layout with real time listeners, scrollable everything (like horizontal scrolling of selected rows, clickable lists, etc, etc, and it's REAL hard to get excited about old cutback versions of gtkDialog.

Posted: Wed 10 Jul 2013, 08:14
by amigo
"cutback versions of gtkDialog" Hmmm, I think that a fleshed-out(read bloated) newer version defeats the purpose of the tool. Anyone who needs access to every widget and attribute available in gtk should simply write their program in C. The whole purpose of the tool was to make the most useful features available to script languages.

Looking at the implementations written for later GtkDialog versions gives me a royal headache -I find it much easier to read the C code for those features.

Posted: Wed 10 Jul 2013, 14:26
by jpeps
amigo wrote:"cutback versions of gtkDialog" Hmmm, I think that a fleshed-out(read bloated) newer version defeats the purpose of the tool.
I haven't heard any complaints about how long it takes to load an app on a cell phone lately. Exactly what world are you living in?

Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 17:10
by goingnuts
I think we need renaming this thing...

I was thinking about "guish" - it contains elements of gtk, gui and sh.

Also is the last part of distinguish.

guish might even satisfy conusers.

What you say?

Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 17:40
by Keef
The explanation makes sense, but it sounds.... sticky.

Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 18:04
by goingnuts
Quite difficult naming things when words have so many that a bad word? I think we have some sticky post here...
Anyway - is "guish" a common bad & well know word? English is obviously not my native language.

Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 18:20
by Keef
Yes it can be a problem knowing how things are pronounced in other languages.
Guish to me could be either 'goo-ish' or 'gwish'.
Gwish has no meaning, goo is just sticky stuff, as in World of Goo' etc.
Not knowing any better, and for years only ever read the word without hearing it spoken, I'm one of those poor noobs who say 'lie-nux' rather than linn-ux' for Linux. But I prefer my pronounciation and the only people I say it to are none the wiser.
Anyway, it should cause no offence to English speakers, but I can't guarantee it is not an Albanian word for 'scrotum'.

Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 18:22
by jpeps
goingnuts wrote:I think we need renaming this thing...

I was thinking about "guish" - it contains elements of gtk, gui and sh.

Also is the last part of distinguish.

guish might even satisfy conusers.

What you say?
nice choice

"diarrhea, loose stool
I ate chili hotdogs, and later found guish in my pants."

Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 18:42
by goingnuts
Keef: Thanks! I like the gwish too!

Posted: Fri 12 Jul 2013, 00:01
by technosaurus
Gwish looks like it would be a fork of gnocl.

Phone apps do take too long to actually start.

Gtk+xml ... Its not really a shell and actually useful from c,perl,tcl,lua,sh...

Posted: Fri 12 Jul 2013, 00:08
by 01micko
gnutsdialog (g can be silent, or pronounced like in g-nome)

Posted: Fri 12 Jul 2013, 01:13
by jpeps
technosaurus wrote:
Phone apps do take too long to actually start.
Everything snaps on my LG, but if so, it certainly wouldn't be caused by the layout GUI. Without adequate tools, you just have to write more code trying to work around what isn't there.

Posted: Fri 12 Jul 2013, 17:47
by amigo
I don't understand how phones got int here.

@GN -Using 'guish' would definitely show that you have the appropriate sense of humor for an open-source developer...
I'm kinda with techonosaurus in that one would expect guish to *be* a shell instead of a shell-driven utility -although the dialog equivalent for tcl is called 'wish'.

I was just DuckDuckGo-ing for guish and found this on first page:
so, someone has beat you to it anyway.

I'm afraid I can't think of anything useful to suggest, right now, but be assured that I'll be thinking about it... 'dialogtk', 'gtk4shell'

Xdialog deservedly used the *dialog* part since the syntax used is compatible with (c)dialog. And, there used to be a tool called gtkdialog -long before the tool recognized here as 'gtkdialog' The original gtkdialog was more like gmessage. For reference, here's a link to the 'orginal' gtkdialog: ... 04.tar.bz2 Get that while it is still hot, because it is no longer available anywhere else.

Posted: Fri 12 Jul 2013, 19:00
by jpeps
amigo wrote:I don't understand how phones got int here.
..expected standard for current user interface on efficient hardware (a desktop/laptop generally has more resources), which are far more advanced than even our current gtkdialog much less old versions. Why not just use dsl?
I recall RS removing gtkdialog altogether, since like you, he felt it added too much "bloat". Developers tend to like features like file filters, etc., and will most likely find some other language to write with if it isn't there.

Posted: Fri 12 Jul 2013, 19:34
by goingnuts
technosaurus: I get the point - the xml part opens up new possibilities.
01micko:Not bad at all :) reminds me of an explanation of the use of strip in the old pupngo thread...
amigo:Thanks for the research. Might be that the names with build in meaning might turn up already used.

So guish is out - but we got some nice quoting possibilities.

Its more difficult than I many ways...

Posted: Mon 14 Apr 2014, 14:18
by Iguleder
Trying to get GtkDialog 1.3 to work under x86_64.

So far, I got it to work with GTK2, but with a static build with musl, tinyxlib, glib1 and GTK1 it enters a deadlock in malloc(), when called by gtk_new_window(). Both Valgrind and GDB fail to reveal why this happens, so I'm still investigating the code.

Posted: Mon 14 Apr 2014, 14:52
by amigo
Thanks for reporting. Hope you find the problem so we can include the fix in a new release.